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School Board cuts off parent

moonsammy says...

Oh no! WORDS! These children are too fucking weak to possibly stand up to the mind-twisting power of WORDS! PUT THEM ALL IN A PADDED ROOM UNTIL THEY CAN GO TO WAR! NERF THE WORLD!

Meanwhile, active shooter drills. Meanwhile, parents buying basic classroom supplies so the teachers don't have to cover them with their meagre salaries. Meanwhile, schools share a single nurse between them, while having no funding for mental health specialists.

Liberals tend to focus on issues that actually impact kids. Conservatives seem obsessed with policing morality, while ignoring actual harms being done. I don't much care if my kid reads a book that has some sex in it. I do care a LOT if their classmates are being passed through the system without actual basic skills competency, because the school lacks the budget for remedial classes and tutors.

Is Glass a Liquid?

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

In reply to this comment by Fusionaut:
First of all, it's not special status that they are seeking; it's equal status. This will fit in nicely with the whole "I just don't see homosexuals are being seperate or different than anyone else, because they're not" thing.

Second, the rules that you are referring to come from the old testament. All of the stupid rules of the old testament, like cutting off your hand if it causes you to sin, were kind of like, you know, made fun of by this dude that began preaching around 30 C.E. He had some craaaaaazy ideas like loving your enemy, helping the poor, serving others, respecting women, paying taxes, and just generally being kind to every one even if they are mean to you. He also enjoyed just chilling with sinners. It was like, his favourite thing to do. His ideas were so radical that he was executed (to death) by close minded, selfish people, that thought that it was better to oppress people than treat them nice. "That Jesus dude will cause an uprising against us! Let's kill him!"

I find it incredibly ironic that it is the atheists that I know who actually live humble and caring lives that are closer to Jesus' teachings than the so called Christians who are only selfish beings, interested in what Jesus can do for them, i.e. granting them eternal life.

So, if you're going to call yourself a Christian, please, start treating others with kindness and actually ask your self "what would Jesus do?" I'm pretty sure that if Jesus met Dan Savage they would probably go for a beer together and chill out. Maybe they would even get high? After that Dan would give Jesus some sex tips. Jesus certainly wouldn't condemn someone for who they love.

Happy Easter.>> ^shinyblurry:

Sorry, it isn't bigotry. I just don't see homosexuals are being seperate or different than anyone else, because they're not. They're sinners, and what they do is sin. It doesn't make them special, it actually makes them quite common. If someone is going to lead a sinful lifestyle, no one should support it.
God gave us rules to live by and one of them is to refrain from homosexual relations. It's only recently that earth has become so corrupt and fallen so far that anyone would actually consider giving these sodomites special status in society. if it wasn't so sad it would be amusing.

I Want to Lose My Virginity, But I'm Scared...

Fusionaut says...

First of all, it's not special status that they are seeking; it's equal status. This will fit in nicely with the whole "I just don't see homosexuals are being seperate or different than anyone else, because they're not" thing.

Second, the rules that you are referring to come from the old testament. All of the stupid rules of the old testament, like cutting off your hand if it causes you to sin, were kind of like, you know, made fun of by this dude that began preaching around 30 C.E. He had some craaaaaazy ideas like loving your enemy, helping the poor, serving others, respecting women, paying taxes, and just generally being kind to every one even if they are mean to you. He also enjoyed just chilling with sinners. It was like, his favourite thing to do. His ideas were so radical that he was executed (to death) by close minded, selfish people, that thought that it was better to oppress people than treat them nice. "That Jesus dude will cause an uprising against us! Let's kill him!"

I find it incredibly ironic that it is the atheists that I know who actually live humble and caring lives that are closer to Jesus' teachings than the so called Christians who are only selfish beings, interested in what Jesus can do for them, i.e. granting them eternal life.

So, if you're going to call yourself a Christian, please, start treating others with kindness and actually ask your self "what would Jesus do?" I'm pretty sure that if Jesus met Dan Savage they would probably go for a beer together and chill out. Maybe they would even get high? After that Dan would give Jesus some sex tips. Jesus certainly wouldn't condemn someone for who they love.

Happy Easter.>> ^shinyblurry:

Sorry, it isn't bigotry. I just don't see homosexuals are being seperate or different than anyone else, because they're not. They're sinners, and what they do is sin. It doesn't make them special, it actually makes them quite common. If someone is going to lead a sinful lifestyle, no one should support it.
God gave us rules to live by and one of them is to refrain from homosexual relations. It's only recently that earth has become so corrupt and fallen so far that anyone would actually consider giving these sodomites special status in society. if it wasn't so sad it would be amusing.

90 Pregnancies in One High School

jwray says...

One statistic that holds true pretty much everywhere is a very very strong anti-correlation between education of women and birth rates. Need more sex ed. My school district had some sex ed in 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 10th grade but down in the bible belt or shitty inner city schools (or both, in this case) they might not have any.

@peggedbea evidence: Roll it up and flush it down the toilet. It'll fit.

BBC Panorama - Secrets of Scientology

KamikazeCricket says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:

I've never understood the appeal of churches, not when there's so much other stuff to be doing.
Here's some; sex, music, art, adrenaline, kites, beaches, family, and a whole host of other things.

Most churches offer all of those things (except sex, maybe) as a ready-to-go package. Think about it. If you join a church, you'll automatically and immediately get a large family to support and help you. Most of the world's greatest art pieces were inspired by or specifically about religious concepts. Many of the great classical composers wrote music for churches, although modern christian music is simply atrocious. Many churches like spending days out as "youth groups" or whatever. they go to beaches, fly kites, go to roller coaster parks, and some even do skydiving, as well as a host of other things...

I'm an atheist but there IS a reason that churches have such powerful draw on people.

BBC Panorama - Secrets of Scientology

NordlichReiter says...

Scil0ns can get fucked by the giant IRS dildo from hell.

I've never understood the appeal of churches, not when there's so much other stuff to be doing.

Here's some; sex, music, art, adrenaline, kites, beaches, family, and a whole host of other things.

A woman with AIDS is filmed once a day for 90 days

FlowersInHisHair says...

>> ^Pprt:

AIDS is extremely preventable. All you need is some sexual restraint and to insist your partner wear a rubber. I have no sympathy unless a person acquired the virus by rape.
It doesn't help that condoms are extremely available in all urban centers and that some of the drugs we give them are ground up and smoked.

AIDS is extremely somewhat preventable. All you need is some sexual restraint education and to insist your partner wear a rubber, access to condoms and reliable blood screening in hospitals. I have no sympathy unless a person acquired the virus by rape. with those who suffer from this disease, as even those who caught it through consensual sex have to suffer its effects.
It doesn't help that condoms are extremely available in all urban centers the developed world, but seldom in rural Africa. and that Regrettably some of the drugs we give that charities donate (and drug companies sell) to them developing nations are ground up and smoked due to poor education on the correct methods to administer the medication.

Charlie Brooker On US television

Drachen_Jager says...

As a Canadian I've always found US television standards bizarre to say the least.

Last night I watched Criminal Minds, twice they showed graphic scenes of bare-handed strangulation.

And yet, it's illegal to show breasts on American TV. Because THAT will corrupt people. Yeah... Better they go off on a killing spree than have some sex? Weird society.

Sex Offender Shuffle

shole says...

i get wary when double negatives are used in connection to sex offenses..
especially when the only meaning i get from it is 'we're here to make some sex offense trouble for you!"

Stop a Row With Your Girlfriend in 30 seconds

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