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New Rule: Trump Is Above the Law

newtboy says...

A possible quote, what he could say, is not fake. That word doesn't mean "reflecting poorly on Trump" like the right seems to think it does.

YOU just assigned a fake quote to you're saying you're a sad racist bigot? ;-)

Child molester is hardly reaching, the Republicans nominated a blatant one and supported him until the day he lost, saying even he was better than any Democrat. Democrats booted senators hour air honking boobs once, so as a metaphor, snow isn't pure enough to be accurate.

Yes, too many idiots believe Fox news is news, it's just not.

bobknight33 said:

You are assigning a Fake Quote of racist nature-- So this makes you the bigot and racist. Sad.

The rest of your dribble is just that dribble .
Christians DON"T hate Democrats .. Nice fake news.

child molester ??? wow you are reaching .. Claiming What Democrats are pure as snow? You kidding me. You are a joke.
I do agree with you lack of education statement However If is from the Democrat control to dumb down/ liberalise our Nation.

Too many idiots believe Fox news? really? How many idiots watch CNN, MSNBC. CBS,ABC and late night? Way way way more. My guess is that you are one of those.

New Rule: Trump Is Above the Law

bobknight33 says...

You are assigning a Fake Quote of racist nature-- So this makes you the bigot and racist. Sad.

The rest of your dribble is just that dribble .
Christians DON"T hate Democrats .. Nice fake news.

child molester ??? wow you are reaching .. Claiming What Democrats are pure as snow? You kidding me. You are a joke.
I do agree with you lack of education statement However If is from the Democrat control to dumb down/ liberalise our Nation.

Too many idiots believe Fox news? really? How many idiots watch CNN, MSNBC. CBS,ABC and late night? Way way way more. My guess is that you are one of those.

newtboy said:

Bob...learn to read better.
He COULD say, not he DID no actual quote to where it came from, my guess, his actions and obvious thought process that both say exactly that quite clearly.

Huge avalanche in Tignes, France

Russian Avalanche Destroys Carpark

Russian Avalanche Destroys Carpark

bremnet says...

Learned something new today... never knew that heavy (wet?) snow could move so slowly, like a viscous fluid. Had always figured on the more violent, rapid cascades down hillsides and mountain slopes. Thanks for the post.

Russian Avalanche Destroys Carpark

Russian Avalanche Destroys Carpark

Lost in Space - Official Full Netflix Trailer

jmd says...

I'm a little more interested after the trailer. I like the idea of the robot being an alien, you can go so many ways with that. Also I was wondering when the doctor would show up. My only beef is MOST of this trailer consist of the Robinsons dealing with nothing but events that deal with getting their ship unstuck from nature, in a world or worlds that very much resemble earth. It is just trope after trope with the ship stick in a cliff. Very little alien life present or much of an alien world.

In fact it is pretty ridiculous for a family who says they are "lost", they seem to have landed on a perfectly good M class planet which are near impossible odds.

Meanwhile, in Russia

newtboy says...

Disappointed...I was looking for a goldilocks moment.
This Russian is too tough, and this Russian is too mushy soft, but this Russian is the perfect tender consistency....nom nom nom.
Sure seems like a *terrible idea to me. What happens when they get 3' of snow tonight and wake up to a bear in the kitchen?

eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Wow. We're getting more snow right now. Last week it stuck all night and almost all it's not sticking at all, but the clumps coming down are huge. Weird.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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Dogs playing in the snow

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Dogs playing in the snow

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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