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siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'skiing, night, Nico Vuignier' to 'skiing, night, Nico Vuignier, drone, snow, 2019, 2010s' - edited by Eklek

Snowboarder Gets Caught in Mini Avalanche

It's the perfect texture for running

It's the perfect texture for running

newtboy says...

Shortened, but's a....

mxxcon said:


It's the perfect texture for running

It's the perfect texture for running

It's the perfect texture for running

siftbot says...

Invocations (dupeof= cannot be called by mxxcon because mxxcon is not privileged - sorry.

It's the perfect texture for running

TRRazor says...

To be fair - she didn't slip on the snow, but on that tiny strip of uncovered (probably frozen over) road.

Do I still think, that this is absolutely stupid? I certainly do...

Snow Leopard seriously risks life to get a meal

Snow Leopard seriously risks life to get a meal

How Much Fuel Needed to Idle or Turn OFF / ON

BSR says...

Back in mid 80's I had a '66 Dodge Coronet. I got to work one cold and snowy day just a little early.

I sat in my car with the engine idling while listening to Pink Floyd on the 8-Track.

I went into work and forgot to turn the engine off. 8 hours later I was the only one whose car wasn't covered in snow.

It used just about a half tank of gas in 8 hours.

That's the price I paid to climb into a warm car.

In Japan, Shaved Ice Goes Gourmet

newtboy says...

I've had it in Hawaii....done right it's much softer than an ordinary summer fair snow cone. Incredibly better than pre packaged snow cones.
The flavors depend on the syrup they pour over it, so vary by location. I think the big difference here is texture.

eric3579 said:

I would like to try this as my brain can't seem to wrap my head around this being some kind of delicious treat. Are they playing it up or is shaved ice actually amazing? All i have to go on is snow cones as a child which were not particularly yummy.

In Japan, Shaved Ice Goes Gourmet

eric3579 says...

I would like to try this as my brain can't seem to wrap my head around this being some kind of delicious treat. Are they playing it up or is shaved ice actually amazing? All i have to go on is snow cones as a child which were not particularly yummy.

In Japan, Shaved Ice Goes Gourmet

Battlefield 5: Next-Gen Graphics | No HUD 4K 60fps

jmd says...

does it look nice? sure... does it look next gen? nope. Character lighting seem absent but I think it may have been a gameplay choice to better see players. Building deformation is not new but rare enough that it is always an awesome thing to see. Snow particles are nice, but particles are nothing new. Snow is still just as deformable now as it was the past 5 years. Come back to me when snow banks can be moved. Still to see them while maintaining 60 fps in a shootout is nice.

I kind of had to scoff at how much destruction was afforded a plane cratering in the ground. Plane support seems pointless on a map this small but I imagine the map could become bigger (bigger player modes) later on. In the end though.. looks fun, although more of the same. I am no fan of loot box style power ups hence I havnt played a battlefield in many years, we will see how this one turns out.

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