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Beating of a Lifetime!

Road Rage Victim Gets His Revenge

yonderboy says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:

The man who ran the guy over: Arrestable for Hit and Run, Assault with A Deadly Weapon, and numerous traffic violations.

Add the word "Aggravated" to that. It's a much lesser crime when you nearly kill someone that just beat the living snot out of you than when you do it just for fun or because he cut you off in the intersection.

calvados (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

I think bad rep as far as insurance is concerned, 'cause they were the first real affordable sport bikes. I usually ride year 'round but usually get snotted in with snow a couple of weeks at a time.

In reply to this comment by calvados:
Bad rep, really? Do tell / send links plz.

The last two years I put it away precisely at mid-Nov., but we just got hammered with a minor blizzard last night in our first snow. It oughta melt, though. So we'll see.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Good bike with a bad reputation. Can you still ride up there this time of year?

In reply to this comment by calvados:
It's a Kawasaki Ninja ZX6 (1993). I hadn't expected to have a sport bike, but what the hell, I do and I love her.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
So you ride? Got a bike now? I imagine it's a Triumph based on your Brando-esque avatar.

Lara Logan interviews CEO of Blackwater

Flippy the Cat - Shake Shake Shake

elysse says...

drillcat strikes.

seriously, one of my cats gets the sneezes like that every year when the pollen drops. the other one is a year-round snot-factory and does the head shake like that..flinging her mucosal goodness to the far reaches of the room.

Lützenkirchen - Drei Tage Wach

Eklek says...

The German/English Lyrics:

Lützenkirchen - "3 Tage wach" (Three days awake)

Pille - Palle - Alle Prall
Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff
Verpeilt und verschallert, alle verballert,
Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff

Pills - Balls - Everyone Prall
wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted
wasted and ?, everyone bombed,
wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted

Auf gehts ab gehts, 3 Tage wach
Nächste Party kommt bestimmt, 3 Tage wach
Afterhour vor der Hour, 3 Tage wach
3 Tage wach jetzt wirst du langsam schwach

Come on, let's go, three days awake
Next party comes for sure, three days awake
Afterhour before the hour, three days awake
three days awake, you're slowly getting weak


volle Kanne einwurf, 3 tage wach
paniert und ding dong ding dong, 3 tage wach
bunte Pillen Fete, 3 Tage wach
Puls wie ne Rakete, 3 Tage wach

Popping all the way, three days awake
trashed and ding dong ding dong, three days awake
colourful pills party, three days awake
pulse like a rocket, three days awake


punkt punkt komma klar, 3 Tage wach
du warst gestern auch schon da, 3 Tage wach
spieglein an der Wand wer ist 3 Tage wach
du und deine Oma sind 3 Tage wach

dot dot comma, right, three days awake
yesterday you were here too, three days awake
mirror on the wall, who's there three days awake
you and your grandmother are three days awake

Nase voll, Pimmel schrumpft, 3 Tage wach
Essen doof, Schlafen doof 3 Tage wach
Banane in der Birne, 3 Tage wach
bollerbuden dirndl, 3 Tage wach

nose filled, dick shrinks, three days awake
food sucks, sleep sucks, three days awake
banana in the head, three days awake
bollerbuden drindel (?), three days awake

notfall Apotheke, 3 Tage wach
Rotz auf der Tapete, 3 Tage wach
verplant paniert, 3 Tage wach
völlig ungeniert, 3 Tage wach

emergency pharmacy, three days awake
snot on the wallpaper, three days awake
confused hammered, three days awake
totally unabashed, three days awake


Teller bis zum Unterkiefer, 3 tage wach
in der Hose ungeziefer, 3 tage wach
Flasche leer, Feuerwehr 3 tage wach
laufen geht jetzt auch nicht mehr, 3 tage wach

plates until the lower jaw, three days awake
bugs in your underpants, three days awake
bottle empty, fire department, three days awake
I can no longer stand on my feet, three days awake

Pille - Balls - Alle Prall
Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff -Druff
Verpeilt und verschallert, alle verballert,
Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff

Pille - Balls - Everyone Prall
wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted
wasted and ?, everyone bombed
wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted

edit: i.e. a slightly corrected version of this translation

m15minutes and Schmawy rank up. (Sift Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

I just have a few things to say about these fine sifters:
My15minutes: Stay away from my car you filthy bastard, I don't want it waxed with your snot. Here's a Macdonald's gift card and stop holding the cardboard sign, it just makes you look more pathetic. Oh yeah and congratulations.
Schmway: Stop calling my house at 2am to ask if I can take you to the Emergency room. Your such a baby about that woman that severed your arm, I told you not to get involved with the Hillary Clinton campaign! Oh and way to go on the gold thing.

Wii - Wiindow Curtain Control

Nicest Dad in the World - Prank your 4 Year Old

Fade says...

I hate supposed "comedy" that revels in attacking the defenseless. I suppose that you could post videos of people beating up homeless guys, or making mentally handicapped people eat their own snot, or assholes knocking people over in wheelchairs and it would get eleven votes.

WTF?? Rickegee you are kidding right? There is simply no comparison here. Beating up homeless people and playing a harmless prank on a child are miles apart. Not to mentioned your clear social bias. WHo made you heir to the throne your majesty? And assuming that he is a racist is really reaching.

Snoop Buys a Nail Gun

The Crystal Method ~ Name of the Game

Salt-n-Pepa with En Vogue: What a Man

Thylan says...

That would be:

Yeah, yeah (Oooo)
Uh, hey hey
All right, yeah

What a man, what a man, what a man
What a mighty good man
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a mighty good man
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a mighty good man
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a mighty good man

I wanna take a minute or two, and give much respect due
To the man that's made a difference in my world
And although most men are ho's he flows on the down low
Cuz I never heard about him with another girl
But I don't sweat it because it's just pathetic
To let it get me involved in that he said/she said crowd
I know that ain't nobody perfect, I give props to those who deserve it
And believe me y'all, he's worth it
So here's to the future cuz we got through the past
I finally found somebody that can make me laugh
(Ha ha ha) You so crazy
I think I wanna have your baby


My man is smooth like Barry, and his voice got bass
A body like Arnold with a Denzel face
He's smart like a doctor with a real good rep
And when he comes home he's relaxed with Pep
He always got a gift for me everytime I see him
A lot of snot-nosed ex-flames couldn't be him
He never ran a corny line once to me yet
So I give him stuff that he'll never forget
He keeps me on Cloud Nine just like the Temps
He's not a fake wannabe tryin' to be a pimp
He dresses like a dapper don, but even in jeans
He's a God-sent original, the man of my dreams

Yes, my man says he loves me, never says he loves me not
Tryin' to rush me good and touch me in the right spot
See other guys that I've had, they tried to play all that mac shit
But every time they tried I said, "That's not it"
But not this man, he's got the right potion
Baby, rub it down and make it smooth like lotion
Yeah, the ritual, highway to heaven
From seven to seven he's got me open like Seven Eleven
And yes, it's me that he's always choosin'
With him I'm never losin', and he knows that my name is not Susan
He always has heavy conversation for the mind
Which means a lot to me cuz good men are hard to find


My man gives real loving that's why I call him Killer
He's not a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, he's a thriller
He takes his time and does everything right
Knocks me out with one shot for the rest of the night
He's a real smooth brother, never in a rush
And he gives me goose pimples with every single touch
Spends quality time with his kids when he can
Secure in his manhood cuz he's a real man
A lover and a fighter and he'll knock a knucker out
Don't take him for a sucker cuz that's not what he's about
Every time I need him, he always got my back
Never disrespectful cuz his mama taught him that


Zapp-prank during soccer-match

8668 says...

Meh. So some dick doesn't care for a sport that other people love, and decides to ruin their enjoyment? I hope a mob beats the snot out of this idiot.

John McCain Calls High School Student "Little Jerk"

theo47 says...

Yeah, I'd relax - McCain was joking around, and the question was a pretty snot-nosed one, as these things go.

McCain's fatal flaw turned out to be the same as John Kerry's -- they both hired a ton of campaign consultants who polled and focus-grouped the good sense out of both of them.

Insane Quarter Trick

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