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Stop with the Minecraft (Videogames Talk Post)

darkrowan says...

Not to get stuck in my own snark, but byte me. No, I haven't sifted any Minecraft vids myself but it's popular right now (and with the Halloween update around the corner, more so). Just deal with it. Either don't vote, or down vote.

Have a big mug of that German beer I keep hearing about, you know... Kwiturbitchin. </snark>

INCEPTION -- A dream falls apart

Morganth says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^kronosposeidon:
Sorry, but I can't watch this right now. I want to go into this movie with as little information as possible. Too many trailers and sneak-peeks make a movie less enjoyable to me.
But you wanna know what' the worst? Lengthy reviews. Go to Pajiba and try to find a review that doesn't tell you about almost a third of the movie. (Here's a typical review.) It's why I quit hanging out there, though the snark was pretty fun at times.

Me too. Only trailers and posters please. I did see the scores on and RT. Wow, crazy scores! I guess I better go see it in Arclight Dome in a few weeks.

Oh come on guys, do just one. It'll be awesome I promise! It's not like anyone's gonna find out.

INCEPTION -- A dream falls apart

ant says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

Sorry, but I can't watch this right now. I want to go into this movie with as little information as possible. Too many trailers and sneak-peeks make a movie less enjoyable to me.
But you wanna know what' the worst? Lengthy reviews. Go to Pajiba and try to find a review that doesn't tell you about almost a third of the movie. (Here's a typical review.) It's why I quit hanging out there, though the snark was pretty fun at times.

Me too. Only trailers and posters please. I did see the scores on and RT. Wow, crazy scores! I guess I better go see it in Arclight Dome in a few weeks.

INCEPTION -- A dream falls apart

kronosposeidon says...

Sorry, but I can't watch this right now. I want to go into this movie with as little information as possible. Too many trailers and sneak-peeks make a movie less enjoyable to me.

But you wanna know what' the worst? Lengthy reviews. Go to Pajiba and try to find a review that doesn't tell you about almost a third of the movie. (Here's a typical review.) It's why I quit hanging out there, though the snark was pretty fun at times.

Woman Viciously Assaults Police Officer

CyberViperDriver says...

Your right, all those things totally matter. just like my dad having a bad day at the office made it more ok to smack around my mom.

I think its pretty evident from his demeanor and inflection that he intends to be obeyed no matter his command, it wouldn't matter what the command was, she had better damned well obey him right fucking rickey tick. she didn't bow down so she paid the price...most likely with a felony conviction if they did indeed write it up as assaulting an officer.

Oh and FUCK YOU and your nice try bullshit. just cause you do not agree with my premise gives you no right to snark off and imply that my statement was no more than a failed attempt at forming a coherent thought. the criteria for coherent thought of course being a thought that you agree with.

using bubbles being blown in your vicinity is simply a sad excuse to punish someone for whatever reason. whether it was a standard cop-god complex or that he simply was offended (as so many conservatives are) that people have the audacity to gather and protest know, unless your a teabagger.

not saying that I think he is a conservative just pointing out that there could indeed be many reasons for his shitty attitude, and none of them justify his actions.

New Uncensored Video of Bus Driver Beating (graphic)

bananafone says...

Someone blamed this on liberals?

Can we blame it on conservatives since they're all war happy? Also all of my conservative friends are huge fans of wrestling. So obviously, it's the conservatives fault.

/snark off

If Republicans or Tea Baggers Were Smart (Politics Talk Post)

volumptuous says...

Yeah, Blanky.

Baloon-Juice is one of the better political snark blogs out there. I know it's not your cuppa tea-party, and tends to have rational, logical, and truthful discussion about important issue, and they think Randian philosophy and Grover Norquist should be drowned in a bathtub. But it's really a good read.

Fred Figglehorn Get's His Wish


rottenseed says...

>> ^TickleMyElmo:
Reading the comments makes it a little harder to snark. He's autistic, and his sister taped and posted the video for him because he enjoys it so much:
"thank you so much, im trying really hard to support him, he really loves this. and i know he will continue this. "

So if he was just really stupid with no name for the source of his awkward behavior, THEN could we laugh?


TickleMyElmo says...

Reading the comments makes it a little harder to snark. He's autistic, and his sister taped and posted the video for him because he enjoys it so much:

"thank you so much, im trying really hard to support him, he really loves this. and i know he will continue this. "

Where do you stand on HCR without a public option? (Politics Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

Okay, you invoke the phrase "checks and balances" -- at least in my civics education, that was always defined as the interactions between the 3 co-equal branches of government, the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative, aka The President, The Supreme Court, and the Congress, and the various ways they can veto (and override) one another.

The Constitution sets up the Senate as a majority rule house, that's why there are two Senators from every state, and a Vice Presidential tie-breaker. The filibuster itself is more of a bug in the rules of the Senate that has been exploited, and never has been exploited this much at any other time in the history of the United States. The only major legislation that was held up before the 1990's by filibuster was the civil rights act. The period for debate on the Senate health care bill was the second longest in history -- the only one longer was the debate on entering World War I (the debate on de-funding the Vietnam war, Civil Rights, and Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton's impeachment...all shorter).

Now we can't even get Republicans to agree to a vote on confirming Obama's appointee for the TSA (though that one's a hold, not a filibuster, at least not yet).

You say the bill would've been improved by the minority. In what way? I've followed this process closely, and I've heard of no proposal Republicans have made that would have included something they wanted, in return for something Democrats would have wanted. They were all proposals that would've only gutted a core aspect of the legislation, or they were non-controversial and passed on a bipartisan or unanimous basis. Despite the latter amendments (of which there were many in committee), Republicans have demagogued throughout about how they'd been "shut out" of the process. Republicans outside the process (like yourself) have echoed this, loudly, despite the basic reality of it -- they had a seat at the table, they just weren't willing to make any concessions at all.

For example, Obama literally said to Republicans that he's open to incorporating their version of tort reform into the bill, but wanted to know what they'd be willing to give him in return for it. Their answer: nothing.

As far as the mid-terms, I do think Democrats are likely to wind up losing a net of 1-3 Senate seats in 2010, meaning they'll still be at the exceedingly large majority of 57-43, and they'll probably still have a 50+ seat majority in the House. So what then?

What incentive is there for Republicans to work with Democrats if being obstinate pricks gives them electoral success? Their maximum incentive to make deals comes when they're so far in the minority it's the only way to influence legislation -- a 60-40 Democratic majority, say. But the Republican party of today is still refusing to compromise even under those circumstances. If they win elections based on that in 2010, why wouldn't they just double down, and hold Congress hostage from 2011-2013 and force Democrats to either pass nothing, or pass Republican legislation? Then, after that shoot to win the White House on a campaign that says "kick those do-nothing uncompromising socialist Democrats out"?

Personally I think the filibuster needs to go precisely because of that dynamic. A time will come again in my lifetime where the shoe is on the other foot, and I guarantee you that I'm going to be telling Democrats to filibuster everything Republicans do, big or small (unless Republicans transform into a very radically different party). I'd rather see the Republicans and Democrats pass their legislative agendas, and let the American people hold them accountable for the results, without letting our representatives wiggle out of their promises with "but the minority party we crushed in the last election wouldn't let us do it!" I think it would moderate the campaign promises, as well as break us out of this cycle that keeps us perpetually saddled with a status quo that few are happy with.

Also, remember how angry you were that they pushed Bush's tax cuts through via reconciliation rules because it broke down the fundamental checks and balances of our Democracy?</snark>

I wish they would've had the balls to privatize social security that way. We'd have wound up with President Howard Dean in '04.

"Why Bank Of America Fired Me"

enoch says...

good for you winston.
what you looking for? a cookie?
your thinking reveals a myopic view,longde is correct.
it is not a slant,at least not to me is who you are and i would not have you any other way.
you think in two dimensions and there can be great strength in that but the downside to that paradigm is abstract thinking,grey areas,fuzzy logic.

the discussion was pertaining to the morality of this young woman.recognizing she was stepping on her neighbors face to collect a paycheck,so she broke the rules and got fired for it.she didnt appear too bitter to me and i applaud her for her courage.i have made similar choices.does this make me better than others? of course not,but i have to wake up in the morning and look myself in the mirror.a clear conscience is a thing of beauty.

"the man who flipped the switch at aushwitz may have been a great guy and wonderful family man but he still participated in the elimination of thousands"-noam chomsky.

THIS is the integral point i am trying to make and since you are the "smartest man in the room" i would have thought i would not have to write an essay to get you to understand this very salient and important point on the matter of this young lady.

i give historical context you call it "opinion".
i attempt to convey my mistrust of bankers and show historically why and you cherry pick lines from my comment and ignore the over -all context.
we,as a group praise this young lady and you call her a whiner (which is your right) and spout rhetoric on the awesomeness that is you.
what i have gathered from your comments here is that:
a.bankers are a good and noble breed and those who may have had the misfortune of life turning wrong are just stupid and deserve neither comfort nor release but contemptful scorn.
this is the very same logic of "well,she wouldnt have been raped if she hadnt worn that miniskirt" and you get IRKED when longde calls you out on your myopia?...please son....please... is the full responsibility and fault of the politicians who ALLOW themselves to be bought and paid for.banks and other institutions hold no such responsibility. the manipulation of markets by institutions to swindle entire governments and it's people of it's wealth is noble?the engineering of wars by those who would profit most is a good and honorable thing for society?

listen my friend,governments are thing not to be trusted,BIG government is a thing to avoid at all costs and when that government starts to work with financial institutions the death knell has begun to ring for the common citizen.
this is not new,it did not began yesterday and while you noted 30 years ago (correct 1972,gold standard=gone) but it goes even further.1966,1942,1933,1929,1917,1923,1880,1781 in america alone.since you are the smartest man in the room i guess you already knew that though./snark

maybe the difference is between you and us lib/leftie/whiner/cry-babies is that we wont FUCK YOU over for a dollar.WE dont agree with the fact that the very same people who created this financial mess cried like little fucking bitches and had to have average joe taxpayer working two jobs bailing those elitist pricks NO risk to them but all the risk on us while they engage in practices that are at best, bottom feeding tendencies.
so YEAH winston,we LIKE when we see a person stand up for what they believe even if that may mean hardship for themselves.not like those PUSSIES on wall street.

so feel free to cherry pick whichever lines you wish to conflate into your myopic paradigm. are the smartest man in the room.guess what my response will be.

Rachel Maddow - The Nobel Prize & Obama Derangement Syndrome

volumptuous says...

>> ^EndAll:
I at least contributed more than an "Exactly." and offered my opinions and perspective in a respectable manner, while you go the route of mocking me with snarky sarcasm and evade any real response to what I said.

Because I don't generally see any point in debating empty rhetoric with anything other than snark. Otherwise I'd be on LGF all day trying to convince people that Obama isn't a secret muslim, and Soros doesn't control the media.

This flourish of "the worlds wealthiest and most powerful people" is either misinformed, or just empty rhetoric. It's so easy to be willfully ignorant of actual achievements people make when you already hate them.

Here's a few things Obama has done thus far, that I'm not sure how they benefit the "most powerful":

• $19billion for electronic medical records
• Stopped the anti-missile defense plan in Poland
• The Obama administration and Russia announced plans to begin talks on a new START treaty to reduce nuclear arsenals to approximately 1,500.
• Signed an executive order to close CIA secret prisons.
• Signed an executive order to ban torture and subject all interrogations to Army Field Manual Standards that conform to the Geneva Conventions.
• $2,500.00 tax credit for college students
• $2billion for advanced car battery R&D
• $2 billion for Byrne Grants, which funds anti-gang and anti-gun task forces.
• Public Land Management Act of 2009 has put under federal protection more than two million acres of wilderness, thousands of miles of river and a host of national trails and parks. The conservation effort - the largest in the last 15 years - came with the stroke of a pen
• Obama's meetings with Turkish and Armenian officials, Turkey and Armenia announced plans to normalize relations.
• Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attended Gaza aid conference, pledging $900 million in aid in order to "foster conditions in which a Palestinian state can be fully realized."

There's more, but it apparently doesn't matter to a lot of people. Unless he's ended both invasions/occupations of Afgh/Iraq, personally kidnapped and murdered those responsible for the economic clusterfuck, landed Bush/Cheney in the Hague for war crimes, and given everyone a beautiful pony, he hasn't done shit!

Sanchez Destroys Scott Of Conservatives for Patients Rights

enoch says...

rick scott?
THE rick scott?
yeah...this is the guy you want representing health care /snark.
he has been from day one a proponent of profit-driven hospitalization.
christ on a stick!
check out why he was canned by his own board of directors in 1997.
check out who he is affiliated to.
compare what he is saying here and what he ACTUALLY directed his own multi-million hospital corporation to do to save money.
patients rights?
patients rights?
the ONLY thing this man is interested in is keeping his investments solvent.
he could not give two shits about your rights,your mothers,sisters and the goofy kid next door.
why these people allow themselves to become pawns in a game that only benefits people OTHER than themselves is beyond me,it defies logic!
good lord i want to to smack the smug right out of him...sanctimonious,hypocrtitcal PRICK.

and before anybody gets any ideas,my problem is NOT with profit nor self-interest,but when that self-interest defies the charter of your corporation and puts peoples lives,people who entrusted those lives to you,at can just eat a big helping of STFU.
because you have lost the right to ANY trust and should die, in what milton friedman called "the good death".
may he lick the balls of a syphillis infected rhinocerous.

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

>> ^budzos:
^ God knows 100% compliant web rendering helps productivity!

Legions of web developers pulling their hair out over crazy IE6 layout hacks would agree with you completely.

And as for the "Windows for Dummies" snark- I see you have adopted the Microsoft mantra- "let's treat users as idiots, they'll come around to our way eventually".

Bow to your god, windows boy:

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