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Donkervoort D8 GTO-JD70 // The First 2G Super Sports Car

newtboy says...

Basically a souped up and slammed caterham.
Top of the line caterham starts at around $65,000, so my guess would be double that? Let's see.....nope, I'm WAY off.
What was your guess @bjornenlinda ?

Anderson Cooper Struggles With Las Vegas Mayor's Logic

bobknight33 says...

Democrats want to keep most everything shut down and destroy the economy.

That's good for the party so they can hang this on Trump and get Biden in 2020..

Don't see any slam piece of the Colorado governor( Democrat) who wants to open up his state also.

Truth is Damn if you do Damn if you don't. People need to work and pay bills. Business need to open or else bankruptcy.

People by now all know the risks and the need to work. Let the be the year of the mask and go back to work.

Deputy Body-Slamming Child To Ground Twice At Middle School

JiggaJonson says...

Don't blame the union. Unions have ways of sidestepping that process and contracts have provisions for people to be fired for blatant and flagrant violations of the law.

He wouldn't be on administrative leave if he drove his cruiser through a crowd full of kids while he was drunk. Similarly, there's no investigation to be done here.

He attacked a child - and if there was a reason to justify the first assault, I'm assuming it's the usual "police presumed to be acting in good faith" would be thrown up because that's fair ^eye-roll^; even that doesn't hold up to the second slam. The second slam is an individualized version of a squad-car running through a crowd. It's blatant, flagrant, and criminal.

We need to stop treating COPs (citizens on patrol) like a class of citizens that can get away with this shit or receive any special treatment. If that man was a custodian, he'd be fired on the spot and arrested. Then if he was black it wouldn't matter if his hands were laid flat on the ground and he was spread eagle screaming "I AM NOT RESISTING ARREST AND AM UNARMED" someone would shout

Payback said:

He's on paid administrative leave because that's what the union contract stipulates. The reason being he shouldn't be penalised because he's waiting for the outcome of the investigation.

He's been removed from the situation.

The process is to protect the unjustly accused, not benefit the guilty.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker | Final Trailer

Digitalfiend says...

I still have a hard time getting into these new movies with Rey as the protagonist. The first movie started off promising but the Last Jedi really killed it for me. Rey will probably end up choke-slamming the Emperor back down the nearest reactor shaft without breaking a sweat, so, I'm just going to see it for the space battles...

Why Don't Birds Lay Square Eggs?

lurgee (Member Profile)

YouTubers honest review of a sponsors bad product

Star Wars: Episode IX – Teaser

RFlagg says...

Beat me by over 34 minutes. *promote Kylo slamming a Knight of Ren. Raises lots of questions. The laugh at the end is perhaps the least exciting part.

Beyond The Crash - The Worst News Of Your Life

BSR says...

About 2 years ago I was in NJ to help take care of Dad who was in his final days. While there I was able to help my brother who has his own funeral home. He also had a contract doing body removals for the medical examiner.

Got a call about 2 am for a fatal wreck on Interstate 80 which involved a single vehicle with 3 females. When we got to the scene investigators were just finishing up and we were ready to remove the bodies.

The vehicle was estimated to be traveling 70 to 80 mph when it left the Interstate and went into the median and slammed straight on into a tree impacting on the passenger side.

The driver was airlifted to the hospital. We had to remove the front passenger and rear passenger side body.

The front passenger side dash of the car was pushed up to the front seat. The passenger in the back seat was probably 250+ lbs. and apparently wasn't wearing a seatbelt. She was thrown forward and broke the front seat from the floor thus impacting the front passenger from behind.

At this point the scene was about 3 hours old. As we were removing the last body we heard one of the girls cell phone start to ring. It kept ringing off and on until we left 20 minutes later.

The police told us they found a sonogram picture in the wallet belonging to one of the girls. It was 3 weeks old.

When we arrived at the M.E. which is at the same hospital the driver was flown to, they were just bringing the driver to the morgue also. All 4 were back together.

When that phone rang that night all I could do is think that whoever it was, they only had a few more minutes of peace left before their life would be changed forever.

The heaven they were living in was about to turn into hell.

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell -Pink Floyd

What did you dream?
It's alright we told you what to dream" -Pink Floyd

The gates to heaven are not pearly. " got to go through hell
before you get to heaven" -Steve Miller Band

They will discover they are "not alone in being alone." -The Police

"Let the music be your master." -Led Zeppelin

Snarky Puppy - Lingus

Sagemind says...

Also This:

"Initially the band hat contacted me way back in 2014 to produce and record their live debut album. They had a monthly residency at the well known domicil jazz club in Dortmund at the time. Titled “Filou presents…” the band hosted a show with a guest band every third Wednesday of the month, often sharing the stage altogether for one massive jam at the end of the night. The guest bands included well-known German jazz acts but often bands that push the boundaries of jazz in some way or another (Sommerplatte, Cosmo Klein, Xaver Fischer, among others). The monthly residence gave Filou the chance to experiment with unusual stage concepts. As a result, they came up with the idea to dissolve the barrier between stage and audience for the live show.

So instead of going to the studio to create a regular album, Filou wanted to create a live recording capturing all their energy and live show experience as their debut record. The concept of making the audience become part of the stage setting also sparked the idea of abandoning a PA system and providing headphones for the audience instead. It’s a very unique experience for the concert goer and obviously turned out to be a slam dunk for me to ensure the best possible audio quality without the usual PA and monitor trash in the mics

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

Mordhaus says...

I'm sure they will gain more overall customers because they are owned by Proctor & Gamble. As I mentioned originally, there will be plenty of women and white knights who jump at the chance to support a company who decided to tag along onto the #metoo movement.

To me, that is part of the reason why I dislike this commercial so much. Not just because of it's huge and sweeping generalizations (practically every scene has one), but because their ad department had to know that an edgy commercial would do the same thing for them as it did for Nike. Does anyone think that the majority of actual corporate level people at Gillette/P&G give two fucks about #metoo? I know I don't.

It's just an ad targeted at a huge group of people that are easy to take potshots at currently. I find it little different than attack ads run by fucktards that want to condemn all Muslims for the act of terrorists or fundamentalist jihadists. The most screwed up thing about that analogy is that, realistically, there are largish groups of Islamic people that actually will cheer and throw celebrations when there is a terrorist attack. Yet you would be hard put to find large swaths of men out in the streets cheering on the effects of so called Toxic Masculinity.

Yes, we as men need to speak out. We need to support the evolution of mankind away from barbarism. But we don't need to succumb to propaganda that tries to purport that a man seeing a pretty lady walk past shouldn't attempt to say hi or introduce himself to her because that is bad. This ad, with one of the sweeping generalizations I mentioned earlier, would have you think that it is HORRIBLE for a man to do that and that a 'responsible' man would body check that guy. Because men should never try to meet women, only remain passive and allow the woman to come to them. I say fuck that, it is wrong to catcall women, but there is nothing wrong with going up and saying hi. This ad (and some other internet videos) would have you think it's the equivalent of throwing the lady down in the middle of a crowded walkway and having your way with her.

The ad could have been better, there were moments like the Terry Crews scene that I agree with, but they took the easy way out and just slammed men in general.

newtboy said:

Gillette is betting on the theory that they will gain far more new customers than they lose over this.....just like Nike using Kaepernick. It worked for Nike despite the over the top vocal outrage and videos of burning $500 sneakers, I think Gillette expects similar results.

We explain "Nordic Socialism" to Trump

Mordhaus says...

I can't speak for Deathcow, but in my own opinion if you have a significantly smaller population, it is far more likely that people will share a similar outlook on life and how people should live it. In a larger nation with a massive population you begin to notice regional and economical differences (unless the nation is an island, that has a dramatic effect of it's own).

It's obviously not a slam dunk, but it does present a likely reason as to why a nation with a smaller population that has cultural and social ideals shared by most will be able to adhere to standards others would find difficult.

Ickster said:

I know all that; I was specifically wondering why Deathcow thought our population size difference was important.

We explain "Nordic Socialism" to Trump

Mordhaus says...

This attitude is prevalent in Nordic countries. As the article states, there has been some slight movement away from Janteloven, but not very much. It is precisely this attitude that allows for people to accept drastically higher taxes, not just for the 1%, but across the board. The social culture is dramatically different in the USA, possibly to our detriment.

Per capita means nothing. All NATO states are supposed to be spending at least 2% of their GDP towards defense. As I said, Norway spends around 1.2% of their GDP, if the USA did the same, we would have a massive amount of money for social programs. Again, I must stress that I am not slamming Norway or other Nordic countries for not reaching the 2%, I am simply pointing out additional reasons why they have more money available for social programs than we do.

I don't see what developmental aid has to do with anything. I am sure Norway spends money in other places as well. I am pointing out why socialism works in Nordic countries and why it would be a hard sell in the USA.

I understand that you are happy with your situation. In a perfect world, we could all follow a similar rule. Unfortunately to fit into that type of situation you need a population that is of relatively the same mind. In most larger nations that is impossible, there are too many different groups that have competing ideals.

ant (Member Profile)

New Rule: The Fault in Our Stars | Real Time with Bill Maher

MilkmanDan says...

Warren could be good. I'm not 100% sold that she can play the political game particularly well -- the "Pocahontas" thing should have been pretty gracefully manageable, but she kinda fumbled there a bit. Still, if the Democrat primary system can avoid being the train wreck it was leading up to 2016, I think she could go through that and prove that she's got what it takes. So, maybe.

I love Sanders, but he's divisive because of the "Socialist" thing, which is still quite a scary word for Cold War-era people. I think that is surmountable by calmly explaining exactly what his brand of Democratic Socialism means, but there's always going to be that easy Fox News narrative against him. So between that, age, and other factors, he's not a slam dunk.

Obama? I'm assuming you mean Michelle? Name recognition yes. Firsthand political experience, not so much. I don't think I've ever heard her say anything about wanting to get into politics directly.

I concur about Avenatti.

I hope the D's don't screw this up. All of these celebrity / political celebrity candidates seem risky and hit or miss to me. Might be better to go with a relative unknown -- somebody who's been through a hairy campaign or two (because we know Trump will attack and try to rattle) and knows how to walk the line between giving those attacks legitimacy by responding to them and seeming too milquetoasty by ignoring them. (Barack) Obama was quite good at having that calm outer demeanor while also having a quick wit and knowing when to get counter-jabs in. Seems like someone with those kinds of skills could really lure Trump into a bunch of pitfalls.

newtboy said:

What about a celebrity politician like Warren, Sanders, or even Obama? They all have name recognition and experience.
Abonetti is like nominating Clinton, not exciting and a bit scary for many Democrats and independents, totally divisive, and a reason to go vote for Republicans. Please let's not make that mistake again.

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