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Stephen Becomes Scientology's Galactic Overlord

Serenity - Bar Fight Rehersal

Serenity - Bar Fight Rehersal

Serenity - Bar Fight Rehersal

Lendl says...

>> ^Linz:
kick ass! Where did you find this?! thank you for posting:)

I was at work (on "Family Day" ) and needed a Serenity fix, so I was surfing youtube and saw it...couldn't believe no one's posted it before...

Serenity - Bar Fight Rehersal

Xax says...

Out-friggin-standing. The scene in the movie was great, but I enjoyed this even more. I'm curious to know how much of the scene in Serenity was this double, and how much was Summer Glau.

jonny (Member Profile)

Firefly proves "darn" is more badass than "This is Sparta!"

serosmeg says...

The series is set in the year 2517, after humans have arrived at a new star system, and follows the adventures of the renegade crew of Serenity, a "Firefly-class" spaceship. The ensemble cast portrays the nine characters who live on Serenity. Whedon pitched the show as "nine people looking into the blackness of space and seeing nine different things".

The show explores the lives of people who fought on the losing side of a civil war and now make a living on the outskirts of the society, as well as the pioneer culture that exists on the fringes of their star system. In addition, it is a future where the only two surviving superpowers, the United States and China, fused to form the central federal government, called the Alliance, resulting in the fusion of the two cultures as well. According to Whedon's vision, "nothing will change in the future: technology will advance, but we will still have the same political, moral, and ethical problems as today.

Mal - Latin, for bad.

I found this while searching for the reason firefly was canceled.


To: Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy Television Incorporated
From: Shillton Skankowski, FOX Television Entertainment Network Group
Date: February 19th, 2002

Dear Joss,

After that power brunch we had yesterday I just thought I'd send you a memo and let you know that I've talked with the other executives here at FOX and we've decided to give your little space western idea another chance. However, and I'm sure you'll understand why, we ask for a few simple adjustments to your marvelous show idea before we can continue.

1. We need to have things blow up more often. Something should blow up at least once in between every commercial break. Two or three things blowing up in between each commercial break would be even better.
2. The women on the show should kiss the men on the show more often, and each other just a little less (as in, not at all).
3. The name "Firefly" doesn't seem to properly convey the idea of a space western. We recommend you rename the show "Space Western" so that the viewers don't confuse your show with a PBS documentary about fluorescent beetles.
4. The focus groups who reported to my assistant after viewing one of your episodes said they didn't really understand who the bad guys were. We recommend you have all the good guys on the show wear white hats and all the bad guys wear black hats, so the viewers are better able to keep track at a glance just who they're supposed to be rooting for.
5. We recommend you add a new character to the show. A cute little girl. Focus groups respond best to dark haired girls who are about nine or ten years old. We know this is a science fiction program so we recommend you make her a robot who speaks in a monotone manner and takes anything other characters say very literally, to comical effect.
6. The women on the show are wearing too many clothes.
7. You put the show in outer space but I don't recall there ever being any actual aliens showing up. So we recommend you get some of your makeup guys from the Buffy tv show and have them doctor up some extras to make them look like Little Green Men or something. Also make sure they're wearing black hats.
8. Drop that Ron Glass guy. He's a bore.
9. Focus groups reported that the rooms inside the spaceship looked too much like a poorly furnished studio apartment. We recommend you repaint all the sets to make them look more like those cool sets on that old Star Trek show. Make sure there's a lot of bright flashing lights and "beep beep" noises in the background.
10. The women on the show need to be prettier. Go wherever you got that cute Gellar chick and hire some more who look like that.
11. Get in touch with the Jim Henson Company and add some aliens that are actually muppets. Kids like muppets. You can't go wrong with muppets. Or maybe get that guy who does ALF. He's been doing some phone commercials recently, but I'm sure he's available. Make ALF a guest star every few episodes and maybe we can get the 1-800-COLLECT guys to put a commercial on your show.
12. Make the 'future' of the Earth a little brighter. People wanna believe we're gonna do better. Right now the show's outlook is just a little depressing.

Of course you'll understand that we will not be offering any more money for these changes. In fact in order to broadcast your fine television show on our network, we ask for a simple retainer of $250,000.00 per episode, to defray the costs regarding a lack of interest among advertisers.

We look forward to working with you again.

S. Skankowski


From: Joss Whedon
To: Shillton Skankowski
Date: February 20th, 2002

Dear Skanky,

Get Bent.

As always,

Firefly proves "darn" is more badass than "This is Sparta!"

Firefly proves "darn" is more badass than "This is Sparta!"

Your music favourites for the year (Rocknroll Talk Post)

RedSky says...

EDIT - Actually, instead of just listing it, I'll copy out my descriptions of them too since I already wrote this up for another forum:

1. The Flashbulb - Soundtrack to a Vacant Life | Instrumental | 4.5/5

Simply put, a seamless, sweeping epic of genres that dabbles in everything from sombre piano ballads, to upbeat flamenco, caustic electronica, serene ambience, rhythmic percussive tribal drum sections and haunting string sections, imposing every possible emotion on the listener. If anything, the sole weakness is that the rough 2-3 minute length of each of the 31 songs means they don't work so effectively as standalone compositions but as verses in a protracted poem, making the idea of listening to the entirety of it a tad daunting.

2. Protest The Hero - Fortress | Progressive Metal | 4.5/5

Metal that while relatively intricate yet melodic enough and hell, catchy enough to avoid divulging into incomprehensible technical wankery. Lyrics abound with references to goddesses and dethroned kings but it's decidedly tongue in cheek. Perhaps the biggest weaknesses resides in a lack of coherence, a tendency for the album to mesh together as a string of riffs, with little sense of a recurring chorus or verses within songs, but then you can take that as a plus depending on how you look at it. Besides that and a couple of immensely obnoxious vocal lines it's a pretty solid effort all around.

3. Blue Sky Black Death - Late Night Cinema | Instrumental Trip-hop | 4.5/5

One of the least expected surprises this year for me, partly because I generally despise anything that relates in any way to hip-hop or remixes yet I was sold on first listen. It’s just such a supremely chilled out but simultaneously melodically multilayered album which weaves hip-hop/trip-hop styling with a fairly significant utilisation of violins, trumpets, keyboards and an organ, capping it off with a distinct jazz tinge.

4. In Mourning - Shrowded Divine | Melodic Death Metal | 4/5

Genre-wise they’re probably best described as melodic death metal based but with progressive and doom influenced sections, reminiscent of Opeth, but not exactly the same. I initially junked this when I first picked it up but it’s grown on me immensely since then. There’s nothing immediately about them that sticks out as particularly impressive, the riffs aren’t all too complex, the melody isn’t overly diverse. If anything the drumming is quite good and both the harsh and clean vocals are solid. Nevertheless they clearly have a knack for creating memorable melody lines, and many minor touches such as the use juxtaposed clean and harsh vocals of essentially the same lines, coupled with a number of sexy breakdowns and a consistently bleak and permeating tone really make this album memorable in some indescribable way.

5. Transcending Bizarre? - The Serpent's Manifolds | Avant-Garde Black Metal | 4/5

Typical black metal brain mashing, but nicely broken up by violin sections to prevent migraines! Again it really feels like this band just clicks, but that not to say they can’t put out some impressively melodic riffs, and solos or bring it intensity-wise. In terms of criticism, there’s probably too much reliance on violin for a metal album, but that’s a very subjective disparagement, also a select few sections drag a bit ... oh and the intro is obnoxious and highly skipable. Oh and keyboards, oh the humanity! Run for the hills!

6. Thrice - The Alchemy Index - Vol.3 & 4 Air & Earth | Experimental Rock | 4/5

Partially successful but suffers from issues strangely distinct from the first two volumes. Whereas the first two could perhaps be argued to have taken the element concepts too literally both melodically and lyric-wise, this time around there are fairly tentative connections to the elements. With Air there’s simply a heavy use of reverb and echo to create the impression of an expansive soundscape, among a number of other tricks; whereas Earth is merely embodied by heavy use of stripped back and stark acoustic guitar with an American folk grounding. In all, neither really captures the concept as effectively as the haphazard, chaotic, distorting Fire; and if anything the biggest weakness of Air is it doesn’t distance it enough from the seeping smoothness that characterised Water to offer anything particularly distinctive. All in all it still remains an intriguing unconventional attempt with a number of standout songs, particularly the sonnets that outro each of the volumes oddly enough, led by consistently strong vocals.

7. Bar Kokhba Sextet - Lucifer The Book of Angels - Vol. 10 | Jazz | 4/5

I'm not really qualified to comment on or critique jazz as I'm very much a neophyte to it, but this is some excellent stuff.

8. Lights Out Asia - Eyes Like Brontide | Post Rock | 4/5

To me the main element any post rock effort needs to really be effective is a pervasive, consistent atmosphere, which this album abounds with. It doesn't fall into clichés such as blasting you into submission by badgering you with volume changes, or an over reliance on monotonous arpeggios, but builds upon subtle layers of sound to create a vast, rich soundscape of echoing guitars, staccato electronica beats and fleeting vocals.

9. Opeth - Watershed | Progressive Death Metal | 4/5

Disappointingly inconsistent by their standards, but still a pretty solid album all around. Some songs definitely drag massively, and certain parts sound technically overindulging and tiresome particularly the outro to Burden. On the other hand in my humble opinion it also has some of the best songs they have written, the way the progressive acoustic guitar section fades in and out in Porcelain Heart for example is seamlessly mesmerising, Hessian Peel is almost equally memorable. Regardless this is no Blackwater Park unfortunately.

10. Mutyumu - Ilya | Post Rock | 4/5

Post rock doesn't really give this band justice. It's like an odd mix of opera and hardcore Japanese vocals, with heavily piano reliant post rock grounding. Awesome? Somewhat. Half the time its carried by stirring complex but seemingly effortless piano and string sections unfolding at a blistering pace coupled with occasional strangely effective hushed murmurs, yet the other half of the time it cascades into almost unbearable droning repetition. Now given that, Prayer is damn well one of the best post rock songs I have ever heard and it really is a pity that the rest of the album wasn’t equally brilliant. I probably overrate this a tad too but well ... goshdarnit it’s all gotta be about job creation and shoring up our economy.

Possible change in the channel section? (Woohoo Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Obviously it should be alphabetized like so:
*1sttube - 1stTube: the best clips of television
*80s - 80s High School Reunion
*actionpack -Ball-Flexin'
*animation - Animation
*art - Arts
*asia - From Asia with Love
*books - Books: Printed Glory
*brain - Mind and Brain
*bravo - Bravo! Classical music and more
*british - British Invasion
*canada - Canadian World Domination
*catsanddogs - Cats and Dogs + others
*cinema - Cinema
*comedy - Comedy
*commercial - Commercial Sift
*cooking - Good Eats
*cult - CultSift
*cute - Cute
*dark - Dark
*documentaries - Documentary Channel
*downunder - Australia, NZ and Oceania
*drugs - Drugs
*eco - Sustainability
*eia - Evolution In Action
*election08 - Election 2008
*engineering - The agony and the ecstacy of engineering
*fear - What you FEAR most!
*femme - FemmeSift
*future - The Future
*gay - Gay
*geek - Everything geek
*grindhouse - Grindhouse Cinema
*happy - Happy
*hiphop - Hip Hop Culture
*history - Spanning Time
*horrorshow - All Night Horrorshow
*howto - How To Do Anything, Anywhere, Anytime
*humanitarian - Humanitarian Sift
*islam - Islamica
*jazz - Jazz & Blues
*kids - Kid Sift
*latenight - Late Night
*lies - One Nation Under Truthiness
*livemusic - Live Music
*love - Love and relationships
*meme - The internet's best hits
*military - Army, Navy And The Air Force
*music - Music
*mystery - 221b Baker Street
*nature - The Serenity of Nature video collection
*news - What's Fit to Sift
*obscure - Obscure
*parody - A Bit of Parody
*philosophy - Philosophical Society
*politics - Politics
*religion - Religion... It's the Opium of the People
*rocknroll - Rock & Roll
*schortfilms - Short Films
*science - Science
*scifi - Sci-Fi Fandom
*sexuality - Human Sexuality
*spacy - The Clouds and Beyond
*sports - Sports Sift
*standup - Standup Comedy
*teens - (oh sh*t, hormones)
*terrible - Terrible! Who gave thatt a green light?
*timeshift - Altered Time
*travel - Travel
*videogames - Video (game) Sift
*vintage - VideoSift's Archive of Vintage Classics
*viral - Viral Ads
*waronterror - Global War on Terror
*wheels - Wheels Channel
*wildwestshow - Wild West Show
*wings - Wings!
*woohoo - Matt Groening & Friends Appreciation
*worldaffairs - Domestic Policy & Foreign Affairs
*wtf - What the F*ck Just Happened?

Possible change in the channel section? (Woohoo Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

I'm going to go ahead and make an exhaustive list of suggestions in the order they are now:
*teens - (oh sh*t, hormones)
*parody - A Bit of Parody
*horrorshow - All Night Horrorshow

*timeshift - Altered Time
*animation - Animation
*military - Army, Navy And The Air Force
*art - Arts
*downunder - Australia, NZ and Oceania
*actionpack -Ball-Flexin'
*books - Books: Printed Glory
*bravo - Bravo! Classical music and more
*british - British Invasion

*comedy - Comedy
*cute - Cute
*canada - Canadian World Domination
*catsanddogs - Cats and Dogs + others
*cinema - Cinema
*commercial - Commercial Sift
*cult - CultSift

*dark - Dark
*documentaries - Documentary Channel
*worldaffairs - Domestic Policy & Foreign Affairs
*drugs - Drugs

*election08 - Election 2008
*geek - Everything geek
*eia - Evolution In Action

*femme - FemmeSift
*asia - From Asia with Love

*gay - Gay
*waronterror - Global War on Terror
*cooking - Good Eats
*grindhouse - Grindhouse Cinema

*happy - Happy
*hiphop - Hip Hop Culture
*howto - How To Do Anything, Anywhere, Anytime
*sexuality - Human Sexuality
*humanitarian - Humanitarian Sift

*islam - Islamica

*jazz - Jazz & Blues

*kids - Kid Sift

*latenight - Late Night
*livemusic - Live Music
*love - Love and relationships

*music - Music
*woohoo - Matt Groening & Friends Appreciation
*brain - Mind and Brain

*obscure - Obscure
*lies - One Nation Under Truthiness

*politics - Politics
*philosophy - Philosophical Society

*religion - Religion... It's the Opium of the People
*rocknroll - Rock & Roll

*scifi - Sci-Fi Fandom
*science - Science
*schortfilms - Short Films
*timeshift - Spanning Time
*sports - Sports Sift
*standup - Standup Comedy
*eco - Sustainability

*terrible - Terrible! Who gave thatt a green light?
*engineering - The agony and the ecstacy of engineering
*spacy - The Clouds and Beyond
*future - The Future
*meme - The internet's best hits
*nature - The Serenity of Nature video collection
*travel - Travel

*videogames - Video (game) Sift
*vintage - VideoSift's Archive of Vintage Classics
*viral - Viral Ads

*wtf - What the F*ck Just Happened?
*fear - What you FEAR most!
*news - What's Fit to Sift
*wheels - Wheels Channel
*wildwestshow - Wild West Show
*wings - Wings!

*1sttube - 1stTube: the best clips of television

*mystery - 221b Baker Street

*80s - 80s High School Reunion

Countdown 11/11/08 - Worst Persons

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