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Ignore Stephen Baldwin, Restore Joss Whedon

Ignore Stephen Baldwin, Restore Joss Whedon

The Other 100 Best Movie Quotes of All Time

joedirt says...

From The Other 100 Best Movie Quotes of All Time

100. “I love my dead gay son. —Heathers
99. “Where was ya, Wang? We was worried.” — Murder by Death
98. “Tell your girlfriend to shut up before I fuckstart her head.” —The Way of the Gun
97. “How am I not myself?” — I Heart Huckabees
96. “Welcome to Debbie Country.” — Singles
95. “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!”- - Zoolander
94. “Well, this piece is called ‘Lick My Love Pump.’” — Spinal Tap
93. “This is the guy behind the guy behind the guy.” — Swingers
92. “I hate you, and I hate your ass face!” — Waiting for Guffman
91. “Back and to the left.” — JFK
90. “No, I said ‘allo,’ but that’s close enough.” — Labyrinth
89. “That’s bee-YOU-tee-ful, what is that, velvet?” — Coming to America
88. “It’s a moral imperative.” —Real Genius
87. “Go do that voodoo that you do so well!” — Blazing Saddles
86. “No dice, soldier.” —Brick
85. “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.” — Conan the Barbarian
84. “Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face! Good day to you, madam.” — Uncle Buck
83. “Do you concur?” “Damnit! Why didn’t I concur?!” — Catch Me If You Can
82. “The place where a U.S. soldier goes to defecate, relieve himself, open his bowel, shit, fart, dump, crap, and unload, is called the latrine. The la-trine, from the French.” — Biloxi Blues
81. “Big bottoms, big bottoms, talk about mudflaps, my girls got ‘em.” — Spinal Tap
80. “My life is as good as an Abba song. It’s as good as Dancing Queen.” — Muriel’s Wedding
79. “Guns are for show. Knives are for pros.” — Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
78. “I shall call him Squishy. And he shall be mine. And he shall be MY Squishy.” — Finding Nemo
77. “I’ll sleep with you for a meatball.” —Victor/Victoria
76. “Follow me, or perish, sweater monkeys.” — Bring it On
75. “What’s a nubian?” — Chasing Amy
74. “Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster by your side, kid.” — Star Wars
73. “You’ve got red on you.” — Shaun of the Dead
72. “I touched the earth, and he loved me back.” — Secretary
71. “Not you, fat Jesus.” — The Hangover
70. “This pile of shit has a thousand eyes.” — Stand By Me
69. “Oh God, not another fucking beautiful day.” —White Mischief
68. “She’s been fucked more times than she’s had a hot meal.” — Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
67. “I can’t believe I just gave my panties to a geek.” — Sixteen Candles
66. “It’s a veg-e-ta-ble.” —My Blue Heaven
65. “Goddammit, I’d piss on a spark plug if I thought it’d do any good! ” — War Games
64. “I killed the president of Paraguay with a fork. How have you been?” — Grosse Pointe Blank
63. “Now, you’ve got a corpse in a car, minus a head, in a garage. Take me to it.” — Pulp Fiction
62. “Ever since I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster.” — Goodfellas
61. “Wolfman has nards!” — Monster Squad
60. “He’s an angel. He’s an angel straight from heaven!” — Raising Arizona
59. “Those who are tardy do not get fruit cup.” — High Anxiety
58. “Somebody’s got to go back and get a shitload of dimes.” — Blazing Saddles
57. “You idiots! These are not them! You’ve captured their stunt doubles!” — Spaceballs
56. “Bratwurst? Aren’t we the optimist?” —10 Things I Hate About You
55. “Sabrina, don’t just stare at it, eat it.” — American Psycho
54. “I take your fucking bullets!” - -Scarface
53. “I’m kind of a big deal.” — Anchorman
52. “Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes it rains.” — Bull Durham
51. “We deal in lead, friend.” — The Magnificent Seven
50. “I don’t know, I mostly just hurt people.” —Alien Resurrection
49. “Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn.” — Better Off Dead
48. “All every woman really wants, be it mother, senator, nun, is some serious deep-dickin’.” — Chasing Amy
47. “Let’s shag ass.” —The Royal Tenenbaums
46. “That’s atomized colloidal silver. It’s being pumped through the building’s air conditioning system, you cock-juggling thundercunt!” — Blade: Trinity
45. “I don’t understand. All my life I’ve been waiting for someone and when I find her, she’s … she’s a fish.” — Splash
44. “Demented and sad, but social.” — The Breakfast Club
43. “This is so bad it’s gone past good and back to bad again.” — Ghost World
42. “GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE!” — The Goonies
41. “Beautiful, naked, big-titted women just don’t fall out of the sky, you know.” — Dogma
40. “They’ve done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.” — Anchorman
39. “Richie, would you do me a favor and eat my pussy for me… please?” — From Dusk til Dawn
38. “I’m hungry. Let’s get a taco.” — Reservoir Dogs
37. “They’re coming to get you, Barbara!” — Night of the Living Dead
36. “Maybe you’re the plucky comic relief.” — Galaxy Quest
35. “We were frightened of being left alone for the rest of our lives. Only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at the age of 26…we were of that disposition.” — High Fidelity
34. “I used to fuck guys like you in prison” — Roadhouse
33. “Are you crazy? The fall will probably kill you.” — Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
32. “Strikeouts are boring. Besides that, they’re fascist.” — Bull Durham
31. “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room! — Dr. Strangelove
30. “Shut the fuck up, Donny.” — The Big Lebowski
29. “If God did not want them shorn, he would not have made them sheep.” — The Magnificent Seven
28. “He was always a rather stupidly optimistic man. I mean, I’m afraid it came as a great shock to him when he died.” — Clue
27. “Nobody fucks with the Jesus.” — The Big Lebowski
26. “Meet me in Montauk.” — Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
25. “Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?” — Heathers
24. “That’s just the way it crumbles … cookie wise.” - The Apartment
23. “Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.” — The Rock
22. “Why didn’t somebody tell me my ass was so big? — Spaceballs
21. “I aim to misbehave.” — Serenity
20. “People are so stupid I can’t bear to be around them anymore.” —Imaginary Heroes
19. “Fuck my cock!” — Wet Hot American Summer
18. “I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.” — The Big Lebowski
17. “The swan ate my baby!” — Drop Dead Gorgeous
16. “I’m gonna punch you in the ovary, that’s what I’m gonna do. A straight shot, right to the babymaker.” — Anchorman
15. “My grammy never gave gifts. She was too busy getting raped by Cossacks.” — Annie Hall
14. “The Hammer is my penis.” — Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
13. “The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you’re uncool.” — Almost Famous
12. “SQUIRREL!” — Up
11. “Excuse me stewardess, I speak jive.” — Airplane
10. “Inconceivable!” — The Princess Bride
9. “I’ve been listening to my gut since I was 14 years old, and frankly speaking, I’ve come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains.” — High Fidelity
8. “My God. I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school.” — Fight Club
7. “You’re killin’ me Smalls!” — The Sandlot
6. “I was born a poor black child.” — The Jerk
5. “Ray, next time someone asks you if you’re a god, you say YES!” — Ghostbusters
4. “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” — The Shawshank Redemption
3. “I want my two dollars!” — Better Off Dead
2. “Son, you got a panty on your head.” — Raising Arizona
1. “It ain’t white boy day is it?” — True Romance

Seinfeld Trailer

Scuba Diving in Flooded Meadow - Breathtaking Scenery

nancyth says...

Now this is amazingly beautiful. The music fits it perfectly. Its almost like one of those things that you see and its see i don’t know so simple and different that it just makes you stop and think. It’s so strange yet just simply tranquil and serene. Sharm El Sheikh Sightseeing *sigh* I love it probably could say it is one of my all time favorite videos if not my favorite. Its as if for a time you get to fly over what would normally be dry land.

Nathan Fillion is a nerd

juliovega914 says...

>> ^HugeJerk:

Fox aired the episodes out of order, starting it off with what I thought was the worst episode of the series "Train Job". I think this did more damage than any theme song.
>> ^ButterflyKisses:
>> ^KnivesOut:
Firefly was such a good show. If it wasn't for that crappy intro song, I bet it could've made it!

I liked the intro song. It was a really good show and I never understood why it was cancelled.

Fox saw the need to have the brilliant 2 hour pilot "Serenity" snuffed in exchange for 'train job' which I by all means loved, but agree that it wasn't as good as the original pilot. Seems character introductions are a thing of the past.

Murray Hill, Inc. Runs for Congress

KILLER whale trainer KILLED by KILLER whale at Sea World

Don't Slap Romanian Cops

Zyrxil says...

Here's a translation from here. It's actually for the lo
nger news video
which is this video with a few extra minutes.

N - newscaster
T - teacher
P - police officer

The scene opens up, with the teacher's hand on the cop's torso.

T: Why do you want to put your hands on me?
P: I don't want to ma'am. (unsure of this) What have I done to you? [he walks out of the doorway to get some distance, not taking his eyes off her]
T: You put your hands on me a few times
P: Don't pull me. Be careful... [as they walk out and, I'm assuming she pulls his jacket/arm (view is blocked by his torso). He deflects her arm by grabbing it and pushing it to the left.]
T: [with her now free arm, she backhands the cop and says] Get the hell out of here or I'll slap the shit out of you! (Note: she doesn't curse, but that's about the closest translation I can come up with that conveys in English the true sentiment behind the words. The literal translation is "Go away from here because I will give you such a slap that you will not see yourself." See, it's just not the same Smile)
P: Ioooooooi. (A Romanian exclamation that conveys, in this case, "Oh no she didn't!") [Cop puts his glasses on. Queue Won't Get Fooled Again by The Who.]
T: Why are you putting your hands on me repeatedly? Why? (Or "a hundred times" to quote her exactly") [Teacher stands her ground, looking furious and aggrieved.]
P: [slaps the teacher]
T: [gasps! Puts her hand on her face, looking shocked. Starts a fake (at least to me it sounds fake) cry.]
T: [walks away crying, raises her arm slightly]
P: [flinches at the threat of another possible slap. Grabs the teacher's arm.]
T: [wails something intelligibly, possibly about gypsies]
[old batiked woman woman opens door of another classroom and says something about this having to stop]

N: The protagonists of this fight are a teacher and a police officer, and the scene is the school in Sanpaul from the county Mures. The two representatives of the state institutions started quarreling and exchanging slaps in front of cameras and in a place with children. (Oh noes, think of the children!!) The police officer had been called to settle a conflict in which the teacher was implicated, after several parents [cue scene of angry-looking parents in a wintry scene] from the town of Sanpaul had accused the teacher of being aggressive towards the other teaching staff. The angered professor also lunged at the reporter from Antena 3 (the channel broadcasting this). [Cue scene with teacher pushing jacketed and scarfed man]

Reporter: We have it on camera.
T: Good. (something intelligible) [Angrily] So I'll push you as he's pushing me!!

N: The parents of some children are unhappy that the teacher is violent in school.

[cue angry parents shouting angrily, not at aaaaaall angry like the teacher]

Woman in white, shouting: What kind of example is this for children, tell me!

[cut to head of police in the area]

Head: Madam teacher was here at the police precinct. She said that she was slapped by another teacher. She will go to the forensic expert and she will file a complaint.

N: The teacher is defending herself and maintains that she is the one who is being aggressed by her colleagues.

T: [very serene and nonchalant] It was about discrimination. I'm very sorry for the incident, but I didn't aggress any teacher. Everything was planned. (As in, this was done to make her look bad.)

N: The Education Minister has started an administrative inquisition in the case of the teacher, and sanctions can be as grave as excluding her from teaching. And as far as the police man who slapped her is concerned, authorities have declined to respond.

There's no question she's nuts. Whether the cop should've done what he is is the only debatable point, though he did stun her enough to get her to stop her crap without any kind of tasering or true physical force. In another vid, she gets called up by a TV show for an interview and basically denies hitting anyone even though it was caught on camera, and then starts yelling at the host for not letting her talk. That vid is here, but nothing to see since it's just a video of a phone call. Translation for it is a good read though, which is here.

Little Boots - What is Love? (Haddaway Cover)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'cover song, wonderful, bedroom music, serene, haunting' to 'cover song, wonderful, bedroom music, serene, haunting, little boots, haddaway, synth' - edited by Eklek

The RFID Microchip TV Ad - It's Here!

enoch says...

the sign of the BEAST!
the apocalypse is nigh,the great satan has begun the march to armageddon.
i shall now sell everything and await the rapture upon a serene rock.
the messiah is coming! the messiah is coming!

Serenity Battle + Pirates Music = Epic Win

GAINING PERSPECTIVE Zen Evolution TVtm Commercial 2009

MV Steve Irwin Slams Against Japanese Whaling Ship

Yogi says...

Wow a clip from the Whaler Boat that's pretty cool. I like the Sea Sheppard peeps, reminds me of the old west, and they're like Sheriffs.

Or maybe the crew of the Serenity in the movie Serenity...yeah that fits better.

Colbert treadmill heads into space

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