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Jimmy Kimmel: Have You Ever Smoked Pot?

Do They or Don't They Use Marijuana?

The History of VideoSift Part I (Blog Entry by dag)

chingalera says...


I must have showed up here after about 4-6 months in (choggie)and I recall being scrutinized by a senior member(farhad2000) through e-mail as to my politics, spirituality, etc. Soon realizing my opinions on most pop-culture, spiritual/religious views, and (A)political sensibilities were center to right of most children here, I set out not for laud or praise from the developmentally-disabled, but for infamy whether I wanted it or not....and that by accident.

Thank you all for your patience and willingness to grow together with folks much more talented and hipper than themselves, while maintaining a healthy sense of humor and hopefully, using that interaction to cultivate themselves.

Thanks to all, we have gotten many years out of this cheap trolling motor purchased used with very few hours of previous operation by one owner.

On Seniority for Power Point Accrual (Sift Talk Post)

bareboards2 says...


Max power points were limited to the number of years you were on the Sift, with Sift 5.

So the max power points anyone could have was 6, since the Sift has been around for only 6 years. So if you already had 6 PPs, if you hit #1 to earn 2 PPs, you got nothing.

I could have lived with that.

But the serious problem, in my eyes, was what happened to newbies. Unless they paid to be charter, they would have to be on the Sift for more than 1 year, 364 days before they would be able to "earn" 2 PPs.

So someone like Punkin, who comes in here with videos ablazing, figuring out the Sift in no time flat, would not be able to have the success she has had. Can never promote her own stuff, doesn't "earn" her rewards which she has been generously sharing (not trading, but sharing).... someone like Punkin would never happen again on the Sift under these limitations. I think the Sift would be a less rich place for her absence, and others like her.

So that is the stripped down backstory. With my opinion slathered all over it. Tis best if you can be careful to separate the bare bones of the situation from my editorial content. All opinions are just mine, after all.

I had thought if they wanted to limit PPs, to avoid hoarding, they should have had everyone be limited to six PPs. That is enough to have time to spend some before the next ones are earned. Then you have a level playing field that doesn't reward seniority at the cost of stellar Sifting.

And then each year, it would go up one PP. As a Sift birthday present to everyone.

But they went with just going back to the old system, with its old pitfalls still in place. That is fine, too. In my opinion.

On Seniority for Power Point Accrual (Sift Talk Post)

One Pissed Off Democrat in Michigan Speaks Up

Fletch says...

^ I've been in a union for near twenty years now. I'm sorry the company you worked for was so lax towards their employees and what they expected of them. Mine isn't, and people are hired and fired if they can't cut it. We get excellent medical and dental and earn more than non-union shops in the same industry.

You really like unions, but you support this bill? That's like talking out your mouth and your ass at the same time. You have a problem with lazy people, huh? And your solution is to get rid of unions? There's a guy like you in every shop. Doesn't have the seniority for a choice bid, so he hates all the "lazy" fucks he has to work with that have already put in their time (years) working the shitty bid you're stuck with. The problem isn't unions. It's companies who treat their employees like inmates, and hero co-workers like yourself who nobody wants to work with anyway. You really like unions? You have no fucking clue what they are and what they have done for you and the middle class in this country. You should be thankful they earn enough disposable income to cross the bridge and spend their money up there.

TYT - Talks about "Right to Work"

Enzoblue says...

Gotta jump in here, being a card carrying union member. They've been steadily raising our union dues over the 10+ years I've been working at my current job, (close to $700 a year now), and have yet to fight for a pay scale increase since I've been a member.

A year ago, the union submitted a grievance over the fact that our company was hiring too many temps. They went to arbitration and won a hefty amount, then turned around and only gave the award money to the top 5% of the union members by seniority. In our company that meant about 6 guys, (4 of them union reps), got an extra 500+ in their checks, and the rest got zip.

Also, saying you have the freedom not to join the union is a joke. You have three choices, (in PA at least). Join the union, pay dues: Don't join the union, pay dues; Don't join the union, don't pay dues but pay the equivalent of the dues to a charity of the union's choice and in the unions name. Freedom eh? It's a lawyered way around the closed shop.

Unions are scumbags just like the rest. We do get a slightly better smelling lump of shit than we do without them, but only slightly. There has got to be a better way.

Senior Tech #2: Mastering Twitter and Social Media

Senior Tech #1: How To Master Texting

Senior Tech Lesson #3: Google Plus

It's always better to give than receive.

xxovercastxx says...

Spoken like the senior you are; apparently unaware that "hipster" and "hippie" are not the same thing. I've seen pictures of people wearing hats like this at Woodstock. Nothing that happened at Woodstock can be considered a new thing at this point.

I agree, however, that it doesn't appear to be hat weather in the video.

bareboards2 said:

@xxovercastxx, ah, dear over.... spoken like the youngster you are.

Believe me, this hat and the style of wearing it is a modern invention.

Perhaps this is here to stay, and may even now be a "normal knit hat" and I am behind the times. But it will be a decade before I believe that.

Since I saw a "fashionable" young person wearing a hat like this on a HOT DAY just this last summer.... well, for me it is still affectation and not "normal."

Senior Tech #2: Mastering Twitter and Social Media

Senior Tech #1: How To Master Texting

Senior Tech #2: Mastering Twitter and Social Media

Senior Tech #1: How To Master Texting

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