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Biden, Illegals, detained, fail.

newtboy jokingly says...

"Jesus Hitler,
Adolf Christ.
Is this the second coming,
Or the fourth Reich?"- Peter T Steel/Carnivore

BSR said:

"The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand."

Love is not complete without grief.

"You know you got to go through hell before you get to heaven"

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

No, it wasn't Noahs failing. The scripture says he preached righteousness, so the message was endorsed by God. The reason no one was converted was not due to a failure on Noahs part, or Gods. The message wasn't misunderstood, it was rejected by a wicked generation, which was their free will choice to do so. Because they rejected Gods message they weren't prepared when the flood came. The choice to reject God doesn't eliminate the consequences of rejecting God, in this case being unprepared for the impending global flood which you were warned about for 100 years. In the same sense you are unprepared for the impending second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, which you have been warned about your entire life.

When God withholds or suspends judgment out of mercy, ironically it has the opposite effect on the callous hearts of men:

Ecclesiastes 8:11

Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil

Because you don't see God out and out punishing people when they do evil, you feel free to live how you want regardless. That is how the pre-flood world felt, and that is why they were swept away. In your ongoing effort to put the worst possible spin on everything in scripture, you neglect to understand the fundamental narrative of the story. The reason for that is your stubborn refusal to say God did something good even when it is integral to the narrative which you use to unfairly discredit Him.

newtboy said:

So, because one guy, Noah

Deadpool 2 - The Full Trailer

Racist is what you do, not what you say.

ChaosEngine says...

That is not a fact until you have EVIDENCE for it, until then, it's a claim.

In general, the requirement for evidence is inversely proportional to the probability of the claim. If I say the sky is blue, most people don't need evidence of that because it fits with their world experience. If I say I'm the second coming of Christ, I damn well better start turning water into wine to prove my case.

Your CLAIM is that no white male police officer has ever been convicted of murdering a black male in America's entire history. I'm willing to accept that it's possible, but I'm not willing to take it as a fact until you can provide a reputable source.

And no, it's nothing like big foot or the loch ness monster. Criminal convictions are a matter of public record.

As it happens, I can't find any records of a police officer being convicted of murder (although there are several for manslaughter).

Doesn't make your childish behaviour any better though.

C-note said:

Fact. a thing that is indisputably the case.
Fact. No white male police officer has ever been convicted of murdering a black male in america's entire history.

Claim. state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
Claim. The previous fact is not true.

What DID Happen to the Titanic Crew?

"The Political News Media Lost Its Mind"

heropsycho says...

I'm only critical of this guy because he was part of the media establishment that cried wolf repeatedly and created the hyperbolic partisan swamp we live in today. You keep calling George W. Bush the second coming of Hitler, and guess what? When there's finally a candidate worthy of a Hitler comparison, nobody's going to believe it. The only people who believe that Trump has said strong man dictatorial and racist type statements are Democrats for the most part, even though Trump totally said those things.

No matter how dishonest Hillary Clinton may have been about her email and what not, she's not a racist bigot.

But it doesn't matter. Most of the country is so partisan they can't consider voting for the other candidate that doesn't match their political leanings/party. Whatever moderates are left think both candidates equally suck. They hear about how bad Trump is, and they just think Clinton is right there with him, or they dismiss things too outlandish they don't want to believe a major party's nominee would actually say that.

And that's this election. Despite my misgivings about Clinton, she is by far the obvious choice and desperately needs to be elected because Trump is so jaw droppingly awful.

But good luck convincing people of thinking that if they don't already. And a lot of that is because we the people demand partisan hackery and media hyperbole instead of the truth about the complex world we live in, and the media was oh so eager to give us what we wanted to make a buck.

CGP Grey On The Current Brexit Situation

dannym3141 says...

If the second coming of Jesus happened tomorrow and it turned out it had been David Bowie all along and he was wearing a leprechaun costume I would still not give 45% chance of a unified Ireland.

Great overview, but i think the specifics are a little academic (as in not based on first hand experience).

EvilDeathBee (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine says...

GBH was certainly better than "not bad", but everyone I'd read/talked to spoke about it like it was the second coming. It's certainly the most "Wes Anderson" movie WA has done. I get it... you like symmetry! And why can't I compare it to his other movies? That seems kinda arbitrary since you're comparing Capn Murica to GBH.

And absolutely, Winter Soldier wasn't as good as Avengers or (Guardians for that matter).

But then, I still think my favourite movie of the year was the Lego movie

EvilDeathBee said:

I found Grand Budapest Hotel to be thoroughly brilliant and enjoyable from start to finish, but maybe because I haven't seen Wes Anderson's previous films. Try not to compare it to his other films. which can be hard because of his style, but I think you'll find it a lot more enjoyable and much better than "not bad".

As for Cappin Murica Too, I did like it, but compared to and still coming off the high of The Avengers (as I had watched it again not long before), where the characters, dialogue and action was just so great, especially the action. So well choreographed, so well paced, so well shot (no shaky cam BS) and such interesting stunts and if memory serves me, no stupid slow-mo. After that, CA2 didn't quite compare.

Which is why I want to see it again, where Avengers wasn't so fresh in my mind, and where I hadn't been put in a different state of mind after watching GBH

Sarah Palin Channel

ChaosEngine says...

only 4.3 million? Well, it's a start, but I was kinda hoping we'd get a lot more.

These people are what's wrong with humanity. They are anti-science idiots who cling to their stone age beliefs waiting for the second coming all the while oblivious to the real apocalypse that we're staring down the barrel of.

After these idiots are gone, we can then move on to the WBC, creationists, homeopaths, astrologists, the food babe and finally to the real menace, Justin Bieber and his fans.

Or maybe it was a fucking joke?


Trancecoach said:

That's pretty bigoted and low... especially if you consider the fact that Sarah Palin has 4,298,489 "likes" on Facebook. How many do you have? Who do you think would be more likely to get "euthaized" if that was the (admittedly arbitrary) basis?

I wouldn't go around suggesting that approach if I were you...

Snowden Scolds US Policy

longde says...

He's a traitor because he's given away state secrets to Russia and China in exchange for asylum and celebrity. He's a coward because he doesn't want to adhere to civil disobedience; I don't remember MLK or Ghandi fleeing to Russia. He's a narcissist because he could have easily revealed the misconduct of the NSA to the public anonymously instead of showboating like the second coming.

Fuck him, and I hope he suffers the fate of other Russian defectors:

Game of Thrones Season 3: Inside the Red Wedding

Yogi says...

I know I'm gonna get ripped apart, but I didn't care about the Red Wedding. After the initial shock of watching a pregnant woman get stabbed in the stomach, I was over it. This guy has one move, build up some stuff and then destroy it and watch the ripples. It's not a clever way of destroying something, it's informed by his love of Medieval Times. Also this probably doesn't bother anyone else but the special effects and the fact that a person just sits there while being stabbed instead of at least doubling over in pain is ridiculous. You get more defense out of people in Rwanda from machete strikes, and blood doesn't come out of a neck like that, just watch hockey skate accidents!

I loved Seasons 1 and 2, Season 3 was dragging on and on with me only really caring about the Adventures of Ygritte and Jon Snow, and Aryas little stuff. Actually the pairing of Jamie and that huge woman was pretty cool for a bit but I also got tired of what a sad sack he was.

I have two problems with Game of Thrones though that I think people will agree with, so read this if you already hate everything I wrote.

ONE: There's not enough of it. I'm not talking about Khaleesi wandering the desert, I'm talking about character development. These are HUGE books with tons of scenes, I gotta think that somewhere along the line a character or two is developed with some small things rather than BIG 3 minute scenes. I want the series to be 20 episodes long, 2 hours and episode. I know people want action and every episode has to matter but aren't the books written in POV format? Why not have some POV parts in the show with some personal narrative!

TWO: The fucking praise it receives. I get there's a lot of book readers and it's a very good series, but it's not the second coming. This isn't even the best thing on TV right now, and it certainly isn't better than The Wire. Game of Thrones has a bunch of Emmys, The Wire has only two Nominations...they didn't even WIN ANYTHING! Could that be because Game of Thrones has like One black guy...who's obsessed with raping a white woman by the way, interesting there.

Oh and The Wire is Real, that shit really fucking happens everyday still. Yet this week people are crying like pussies because their favorite characters get got. Even though I'm a huge fan, I'm kind of embarrassed after this episode to be associated with a lot of the internet. I mean I thought it was cool when Buffy died the second time, it wasn't the end of the fucking world though. Also Buffy came back to life, so good reference to use right? Right?! Ahhh shut up.

Louis CK - If God Came Back

shinyblurry says...

I think there is some definite hyperbole in your statement but I agree with what you've said on the main. Christians are called to be good stewards and we have largely ignored that command. As a former hardcore environmentalist I have a first hand understanding of what the tension is on either side. On one hand, the thought process behind the environmental movement is that this is the only Earth we have, and we must zealously protect its treasures because they cannot be replaced. Once they're gone, they are gone forever. On the other hand, the thought process behind more than a few Christians is that this Earth was given to us by God, and we have dominion over it. There is no reason to worry about destroying it because God Himself will be destroying it upon the second coming of Christ. The Earth will then be recreated and it will be overseen by God going into eternity.

These points of view are exactly contrary to one another and can hardly be reconciled. For the Christian, the tension the bible gives us is between steward and subdue. We are not only instructed to be good stewards, but also to subdue the Earth. Environmentalists hate the very thought of that and would prefer that human interference in natural affairs would approach zero. In the extreme of environmentalist thought, human beings are entirely expendable and should be culled until they do not significantly impact the biosphere. This is of course is entirely foreign to the mind of the Christian, who understands that the very point of the Earth is to be a habitation for human kind. Christians on the main are much more interested in the welfare of other human beings rather than animals and see animals as expendable. An animal has no eternal destiny spoken of in the bible, but human beings do.

As to where I stand, I care about animals and the environment. The issue of global warming is irrelevant to me; it's a doomsday scenario with no teeth. Even if it is somewhat true, it is not how the world is going to end. But I do care and so do many Christians. I don't think we should just run roughshod over this world and inflict undue suffering on creatures to exact some kind of profit. Rather, I think we should intelligently manage our resources and distribute them equitably. I think we could probably learn a lot from the Indians who managed to live harmoniously with their environment. On the other hand, I am not against drilling or logging or anything else that environmentalists hate, within reason. Unfortunately, human beings are not reasonable creatures; they are sinful and greedy to exploit anything they can for personal benefit. There is irrational hatred on both sides, and they are both being played by the adversary. I know people on the inside of the environmental movement and the infighting that goes on because of the gigantic egos and hypersensitivity is almost comical. Most seem to be in it for their own glory and they get in the way of anyone who actually wants to make a difference.

Christians should be setting the example but some of what you're dealing with isn't born again, spirit filled people, but apostate, carnal Christianity. Around 80 percent of the country professes to follow the Savior, but when you ask very specific questions like are you born again, justified by grace, etc the number goes down into the 30's. This isn't an excuse but it is the reality.

RFlagg said:

I think part of it must have been cut off. Christians are the most anti-pro-environmental people around, they are the ones most defending the giant corporations fight against the science of climate change.

Honest Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Sarzy says...

I'm really not sure what it is about this movie that inspires such pedantic nitpickery. Any big blockbuster can be nitpicked to death if you really want to. There are just as many plot holes in The Avengers, and everyone treated that like it was the second coming of Jesus.

"Cathy Don't Go!" 666

chingalera says...


Seen a lot o' these fundie, second-coming dramatizations but never one that made me feel more embarrassed at the lack of melanin in my skin....only WHITE PEOPLE could produce something this patently insulting to my consciousness and sensibilities!!

Thanks a lot youdiejoe, ya killlin' us!!

Zero Punctuation: Medal of Honor Warfighter & Doom 3 BFG

Locque says...

I remember when Yahtzee was brand new on the interwebs and I thought he was the second coming. Since then, he's had his ups, a very long and boring down streak, and some in-betweens. He seems to have had a renaissance in quality more recently, and this review is particularly good, but it only affirms my opinion that he shouldn't be a slave to the review format. I think he'd be best employed just being free to rant about whatever gaming or game-related concerns he has from week to week, since a lot of his best ones involve him making a point about a game or the state of gaming anyway, more than they are technical reviews in any sense.

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