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White House Chief of Staff Admits Quid Quo Pro in Ukraine

newtboy says...

They're still planning the G7 for Trump's club during it's off season (filling the otherwise empty rooms).
Just gonna leave this here for @bobknight33 before he tries to defend and excuse yet another blatant violation of the constitution....

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Emolument: a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office.

Any fee of any kind no, claiming he's renting the resort "at cost" means nothing....less than nothing when you understand that he claims his subcontractors can make any profit they wish as long as the property doesn't profit, and he uses Trump subcontractors that can set their own price with no negotiations. That's exactly how he bankrupted his casinos.

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Mother and Son Witness Tornado Touching Down

bremnet says...

I've been in every type of winter storm you can name (from Canada eh!), sandstorms in Saudi, monsoons in Thailand, typhoons in the Philippines, several wet seasons in northern Australia, and a fair few hurricanes here in Texas. But tornadoes - the tricky unpredictable bastards that you can't predict, plan for or gear up for, Mother Nature's switch blade, are the only things out there that freak me out.

"Holy shit, this is crazy" is the right response.

ant (Member Profile)

Game of Thrones Season 8 Pitch Meeting

Digitalfiend says...

This video really does sum up my feelings about Season 8.

I was mostly okay with the first half of Season 8 and could even give the writers a pass for only spending one episode on the battle of Winterfell and the Night King's destruction but...everything after that? Complete shit. I mean, Rhaegal getting shot not once, but twice, by scorpions from the "hidden" Iron Fleet, from what looked like a million miles away, was utter nonsense and only done for shock value. Unlike when the Night King killed Viserion, which was actually moving, Rhaegal's death was pointless and made no sense. For one, how could Dany not see all those ships from up there? Furthermore, it'd be ridiculously hard to hit a fly target, twice in a row, from that distance. Ugh.

The biggest misstep in my opinion was turning Dany into a villain. Her character was one of the more interesting of the series as she went from being a naïve slave, to a fighter, a mother, and ultimately became a champion of the people. She was a strong female character with mostly good, if somewhat flawed, intentions. While her drive to claim the Iron Throne and unite Westeros could be seen as warmongering, she certainly didn't deserve to be portrayed as a mad tyrant. That just seemed forced.

Then we have: Bran the Broken and Jon's banishment to the Night's Watch. What the hell? Everything in the finale seemed so forced and discarded a lot character development established in previous seasons. The last two episodes of season 8 were just really disappointing.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Pitch Meeting

MonkeySpank says...

I truly believe D&D rehearsed their future Star Wars project techniques for Disney while finishing Season 8 - Story be damned!

What we got is medieval storm trooper fights and minimalist conversation full of non-sequitur in what once was a wonderful tapestry of political backstabbing and intrigue.

God damn it!

Magicpants (Member Profile)

StukaFox (Member Profile)

Tormund Giantsbane Demonstrates How to Shave Off A Beard

Sesame Street: Respect is Coming

newtboy says...

Well...I tried to like it, and watched the first 4 episodes this kid pushed off a building was the extent of the violence I recall. After Vikings, I was expecting more.
I told my wife to find me an episode with action, not just drama...she tried starting at season 7, which started well with a mass poisoning (quickly ruined for me with a Mission Impossible style mask removal...WHAT?!), but nothing else. Maybe she just chose poorly, but I still wasn't impressed. I want some blood eagles or better with a minimum of two protracted gruesome deaths or a medium to enormous bloody battle per episode to feel I've gotten satisfactory ultra violence, I wasn't overly impressed with the few sex scenes I've seen either.

I never watched House Of Cards, just wasn't interested in a political drama, I see far more of that than I ever wanted in real life now.
So yeah, I don't think it's for me....that's fine, most popular shows aren't. What I've seen so far was fantasy soap opera more than action. If basic cable can give me semi-historical brutal live organ removals, hundreds of bloody deaths, and three ways, I expect the same or better from premium cable.

ChaosEngine said:

So I’ll grant you the fantasy monsters and soft core porn, but the violence is definitely a hard R.

Besides, there’s a lot more to the show than that. GoT at its best is medieval House of Cards. It has great characters and a pretty intricate plot.

It’s not perfect, and of course, you don’t have to like it, but dismissing it as tits and dragons just isn’t fair.

C-note (Member Profile)

spawnflagger (Member Profile)

Lawrence Dai binge watches 67 Episodes of GoT

ant (Member Profile)

Feed a Bee

newtboy says...

*quality timing to *doublepromote since it's nearing planting season. Online you can get free seeds for wildflowers that feed bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds from any number of organizations, and they add color to your yard too.

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