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Moroccan Bow Lathe

Is There A Pimple Cure?

MilkmanDan says...

Interesting. I think I got through puberty with an average or slightly below average level of acne / pimples. But my (rather large) nose is a goddamn pimple factory that refuses to subside with age. Still going strong halfway through my 30's. Not usually large / overly noticeable pimples, but small ones pretty much all the time.

I do have one complaint about the video though -- their discussion of the subject at hand is pretty much precisely 3 minutes long, then immediately followed by 38 seconds worth of shilling for Gates Foundation stuff. That may very well be a good cause, and maybe this isn't a paid advertisement for it, but it definitely falls into the category of bait and switch that is getting WAY too common in YT videos.

A) Make that segue clear, don't rush over it to try to hide it and then pretend like nobody will notice.

B) Announce clearly if you are shilling for it because you think it is a good cause, because you are getting paid or otherwise having your back scratched, or both.

C) It is a *bit* cheeky to have the ratio of content vs "special message" as low as 3 minutes vs 40 seconds.

When WTF Visits Kubrick's ‘The Shining’.

What Would You Do if You Were This Guy?

newtboy says...

I agree with almost everything you said except it being out of line to hit her. She touched/punched/scratched his neck/ear/head in an aggressive manner, then raised her fist at him. Once you touch the other person aggressively, they have a right to any defense they think is necessary so long as it's within reason. One 'don't touch me' pop in the mouth is within reason in my mind. That assumes he didn't touch her first...we don't know.

I listened closer, and I'm thinking maybe it's his laptop that's missing, and probably why he 'touched her shit' ...looking for it, and why he's looking under the seats up and down the train. At 2:10 it sounds like she says "thank you, thank you, I just won a fucking laptop, thank you thank you" and has what looks like one in her hand...but if that's the case, he gave up easy, so I'm not at all sure what's the deal here.

bareboards2 said:

I am confused about what happened. He "touched her shit"? What, her stuff? Yeah, he should walk away.

But did he touch her "shit" -- as in, sexually fondled her without her permission? That was the only thing I could think of that would make someone so angry. And would explain why he didn't skulk away guiltily -- he would be admitting guilt.

Still, getting mad doesn't work. The best thing to do in that situation is to calmly address the entire car and say, "Excuse me, I want everyone to know that this man right here touched me without my permission. This guy. Touched my body without my permission. Take a goooooood long look at this guy."

Or she is just crazy and went off on him for touching her bag. (But why did he stay? I don't understand....)

I can't tell. I just know that if he did something wrong, then she was in the wrong for escalating a bad situation. And if he didn't do anything wrong, then he was a fool for staying there. Hitting her was out of line.

Bernie's New Ad. This is powerful stuff for the Heartland

Angels We Have Heard on High

Kevin Hart In "Kevin Hart Goes Down Under"

MilkmanDan says...

Right there with ya, Kevin.

I held a Koala for a picture at a zoo in Australia when I visited at age 7 or so, and it went all Sabretooth on me and scratched 3 deep cuts right across my forehead.

I think they're hiding plans of world domination behind that cuteness and 23 hours of sleep a day...

Base jumping squirrel is a little nuts

MonkeySpank says...

Back in '88, my admirably stupid cat randomly jumped off the sixth floor window of our apartment into the concrete sidewalk below. There was not even a scratch on him and he didn't look phased by it. Then again, he was really really stupid.

SevenFingers said:

There is no way that is the same squirrel....

Bengal kitty is barely Husky tolerant

poolcleaner says...


I've found it helps to introduce the cat to the dog when it's a kitten; doesn't matter what age the dog is, however, as every dog I've owned usually enjoys the introduction of a new kitten no matter what age it is.

Older cats, on the other hand... yeesh. You never know. They may have permanent grudges that end with a scratched up dog nose.

NirnRoot said:

What we have here is a translation issue: a clear example of how cats and dogs simply do not understand each other's body language.

Selfie from hell

kceaton1 says...

And, as @Payback also mentioned, never, ever, use the record option when taking a selfie.

That's what a Go-Pro is for. Then we can watch you die get some scratches and a few bruises in glorious high definition!

sanderbos said:

Fantastic work, what a great build up of fear in 1 minute 41 seconds.

(and I think the moral of the story is: always have a spotter when you are taking selfies)

Science: Toddler Internally Decapitated is Healed

AeroMechanical says...

I saw a documentary about a similar thing in a 11 or 12 year old boy, hit by a car riding his bike. A year on, he had recovered remarkably well. I figured this would result in a guaranteed quadriplegia, but he could walk and run and use his hands (he could write) and it was pretty amazing. I figure this kid will do better because he's at the age where you're learning to do that stuff from scratch anyways.

Building a $1500 Sandwich from scratch

newtboy says...

To me the chicken looked really bland...he just pan fried it with nothing. I would have slightly salted it, then put rosemary and butter in the pan and slow fried it in that, much more flavor (EDIT:funny enough, that's exactly what I'm having for dinner, but I baked it with tatos and carrots). Between the bland chicken and complete lack of condiments, I could totally understand why he didn't rate it high.
Great concept IMO, but poorly executed. Just a few more easy steps could make all the difference. He probably should have started with a good sandwich, deconstructed it, and then re-recreated it from scratch with help from knowledgeable people (or at least books) telling him how to do each step properly.


ghark said:

He didn't rate the sandwich very high, but it looked delicious.

Building a $1500 Sandwich from scratch

Vexus (Member Profile)

Building a $1500 Sandwich from scratch

lucky760 says...

Fascinating stuff to see every bit of the thing done from scratch. Glad it tasted about as good as I was expecting. It actually seemed to taste better than I thought it would.

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