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there is a new party in town called the justice democrats

bobknight33 says...

Lets see ....grass roots movement or TYT making you believe it is a grass roots movement.

We have a " fan" who sent in this video and I love it... It is his own organization.

The Justice Democrats are a political action committee[1] founded on January 23, 2017, by Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks,

Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk, and

former leadership from the 2016 Bernie Sanders presidential campaign.

Its stated goal of reforming the Democratic Party by running "a unified campaign to replace every corporate-backed member of Congress and rebuild the [Democratic] party from scratch" starting in the 2018 Congressional midterm elections.[2][3]

The Justice Democrats have been described as attempting to create a left-wing populist movement analogous to the right-wing Tea Party movement.[4]

Have I been Trumped by Google? (Sift Talk Post)

ant says...

For those with Chrome issues, how about a new OS account and retrying Chrome from scratch to see if it is related the old Chrome and OS' datas?

How to Make a Microscope From Scratch

bamdrew says...

I want to like these, as I enjoy the concept, but find the guy's presentations are always both deceptive and entirely superficial.

'Microscope from Scratch! Watch as I stumble through making a glass-like substance again in a way that is so incredibly ass-backwards its surprising I don't burn down my garage, then watch me copy a paper microscope with paper I technically made using a bunch of equipment other people let me use, then finally watch me use glass (which I purchased and nearly failed at making into simple beads) in that microscope to eventually show you a ridiculously fuzzy image of a stained microscope slide I also purchased. Thanks patreons!'

Woman Struck by lightning speaks!

Scratching many capybaras.

ant (Member Profile)

Hoverbike Scorpion-3

noims says...

At first I thought the helmet was in case of a crash.

Then I thought it was because of the low steel ceiling beams.

Then I thought no. It's to protect the rider's ears from the noise that thing must give off. Epic music can only do so much.

Still, I wouldn't say no to one, but as they say in Hungary "I will not buy this hoverbike, it is scratched."

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Rufus says...

scratch that... looks like the talk post finally went through... not sure what's up with the rest.

btw... don't know if you remember me, I'm jonny - the broken faced kid

Avatar Style Mech

SFOGuy says...

Yup; here is the Live Science take---in brief--it's a conceptual artist's thing (Vitaly Bulgarov) who has faked a website and even the Korea development company...

"New video clips purporting to show a 13-foot-tall (4 meters) humanoid robot piloted by a person in its torso look like something straight out of "Avatar" or "Transformers," but a Live Science investigation has revealed reasons to believe some skepticism might be in order.

The robot clips have been picked up by a variety of online news and technology outlets, including Kotaku and Wired UK. But the South Korean company that is supposedly developing the robot has virtually no online presence and was unfamiliar to robotics researchers contacted by Live Science.

Furthermore, the only source for the videos or any information about them is the Facebook and Instagram pages of a designer whose website mentions a conceptual art project about a "fictional robotics corporation that develops its products in a not-so-distant future."

The designer, Vitaly Bulgarov, told Live Science that the robot is real. However, he declined to share the names of scientists or engineers working on the project, and messages to the purported CEO of the company went unreturned. [Gallery: See Images of the Giant Humanoid Robot]

Mystery business

According to Bulgarov's Facebook page, the videos were taken in South Korea at a company called Korea Future Technology. Almost all references to this company online appear to be associated with Bulgarov's posts and the subsequent news pieces on the robot. Bulgarov said the company has been operating for several years."

""Robots are messy business," said Christian Hubicki, a postdoctoral robotics researcher at Georgia Tech who worked on the DURUS robot. "They get torn apart and put back together over and over, and transmission grease gets all over the place. Even the nice white floor is beautifully unscuffed [in these videos]. Never once during likely hundreds of hours of debugging the giant robot did it kick in a way that scratched it up?"

The people around the robot also appear to be too close for safety and are not following the standard practice of wearing safety goggles, Hubicki said.

Bulgarov said the company's CEO required that the lab be clean, and that the videos had been brightened in postproduction. Fearing said robotics labs in Asia can be relatively neat.

However, there's another problem: Hubicki told Live Science that the robot's leg joints look unusually smooth given the force that the step of a 1.5-ton robot would exert on the motors. [5 Reasons to Fear Robots]"

Nebosuke said:

It really does look completely fake. The perfect lighting on the upper body is unrealistic.

Self Defense?

newtboy says...

Ahhh, that's what you meant.
I submit that because you might not fear in one situation doesn't mean that, for someone less able or more cautious, fear isn't justified.
There are many legal justifications for homicide. Self defense is the most often used, but is far from the only justification. Enforcing a proper citizen's arrest for instance may use any force needed, including deadly force, to affect the arrest...but you better be ready to prove it was needed.

In this case, he used force to effectively stop a continuous attack and stopped the instant the attack was neutralized, and not even deadly force. I don't see why that's wrong, one hit for two, he just hits harder, a chance you take when hitting much larger strangers, no? Had she scratched his eye with her next attack, she may have ended his career.

Granted, with no audio, it's one person's word against another's as to what may have been said, but didn't she claim he attacked her unprovoked before the video surfaced? That's why I used the qualifier "allegedly", I can't tell for myself. It's pretty clear to me that she was instigating while he was walking away, though.

Buttle said:

@newtboy I have tried to explain that I like living at home, not in prison, so yes, in a situation in which I did not genuinely fear grave bodily harm I would try to avoid a disproportionately violent response. That's what the law requires. It would not matter whether the irritant in question were male, female, or indeterminate.

No one is ever "legally justified in killing" someone else, unless perhaps they are an executioner. Deadly force in self defense is sometimes allowed in order to stop an attack, but must cease as soon as the threat is neutralized.

Racist taunts have been alleged, so have homophobic taunts on the other side. It's hard to say if anyone is telling the truth.

Self Defense?

newtboy says...

So, a woman or weaker man can just punch and scratch you in the face all day, and you'll do nothing and never fear for your safety?
I doubt it.
Get repeatedly physically attacked by a crazy, violent, race baiting, but smaller woman (or smaller man) then judge.
If it were a man exactly her size that hit him twice and hurled racial slurs, would you still think his reaction wrong? If not, you're just being sexist, if so, please explain.

Payback said:

I do have to say, after viewing the video, I'd have kicked his ass so hard he'd have to stand on his head to take a shit.

Unless she had a weapon, he was never in any danger. He just belted her because he was pissed off.

John Wick: Chapter 2 - Official Trailer – Wick Goes Off

Bill Maher Explains the Real Reason Donald Trump is Popular

notarobot says...

Asshole Trump may be, but Maher doesn't quite get to the nugget of why the asshole is so popular.

He starts to scratch the surface a bit by addressing the failures in the education system, but he doesn't quite go far enough.

(Before I go further and people start arguing with me, let me be clear: I. Do. Not. Like. Trump. Okay? Okay. Lets continue.)

In spite of his many flaws, Trump is doing a few things right in his campaign: He is addressing many of the problems that a large number of Americans are being pressured by. His solutions range from dumb to crazy, but the problems he talks about, economic pressures, stagnant wages, vanishing middle class inability to 'get ahead,' etc. are real. This socio-economic group people who have been increasingly left behind since the late 70’s/early 80’s the adoption of trickle-down economics.

For this group of people, in spite of all the other ridiculous stuff Trump says, blaming problems on “those people,” and other crap—-and as flawed as his is, at least he’s addressing some of their troubles.


I'm sure Maher is smart enough to recognize that income and wealth inequality has played a roll in Trump's rise in popularity. I guess he didn't have time to talk about that in this short clip...

Building a primitive wattle and daub hut from scratch

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Building, hut, wattle and daub, from scratch' to 'Building, hut, wattle and daub, from scratch, Primitive Technology' - edited by eric3579

Homer Simpson: An economic analysis

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