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Bernie Convinces Republicans He’s Right

newtboy says...

$3.3 trillion collected in 2018, so well under 20% of taxes, and they made over 20% of gdp and control over 35% of all wealth/assets according to google.

In that 40 years, over $50 TRILLION has been transferred from the bottom 90% to the top 1%.

That equates to a person who now earns $35k earning $61k EVERY YEAR SINCE 75 (an extra $26k per year) had wealth inequality remained at levels we saw after ww2 until the mid 70’s…college educated professionals who make $70k are handing billionaires an average of $56k every year in lost earnings.

luxintenebris said:

just a thought...$616 billion is what percentage of the amount taxed?

40 years ago the rate was higher. now it's much lower. could the amount be so large that a slight slice of that pie topples the amount collected in decades passed?

Stand By For An Important Announcement

newtboy says...


Why? There was no damage done, and they exposed potential weaknesses in a school system’s security. (Imagine a school shooter using it to tell everyone to assemble in the gym or something, they needed to know their security sucked).

Sr pranks I saw in person included covering the hallways in liquid dish soap. That caused the school to close, and cost thousands to clean up, yet no charges were pressed (I think the entire sr class got an hour of detention or something weak). I’ve seen others where teacher’s/principal’s car was put on the roof, or disassembled then reassembled in the teacher’s lounge with no way to drive it out.
As Sr pranks go, this seemed innocuous, almost pleasant.
I suppose a hard nosed principal and DA could bring charges, but both would lose all public support from their community and possibly their jobs.

spawnflagger said:

certainly they could get expelled for this prank. arrested too, but might not get on their permanent record if they are under 18.

This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

As usual, you are just wrong…build back better is not an inflation plan you twit.

Step 1, fill the office that handles inflation, not keep it so understaffed that it can’t legally hold a functioning meeting to do anything like Republicans did all through Trump’s tenure and continue to do.

Without a functioning fed, Biden can only add bandaids. If you took civics, or cared to know what you are talking about, or just read what you are told when you ask these ignorant questions, you would know this.

Trump spent more than Obama without starting in a recession he crawled out of but instead starting with a healthy economy causing a recession, spent way more if you count all the extra money he had “printed”. That causes inflation…but not instantly. He spent the most by far in 2020, anyone with 1/2 a brain saw inflation would be the result, we all told you then. You still refuse to or are incapable of understanding.

Biden is a Democrat, so you ignore the one to blame and blame him. I notice you NEVER blamed the last figurehead…the one who knew nothing, had no experience, and led us into a near depression/pandemic then tried to overthrow democracy in America. Idiot.

You are so full of shit with that last. Give me 3 examples when Democrats voted against a plan they created to stop a win, 3 examples when democrats voted against something they said was good for their constituents simply to deny Republicans a win, because I can point to 3 instances when McConnel actually went out publicly and said that’s the Republican plan….and dozens of instances when he implemented that plan.

He now says if Republicans get control, there will be no more hearings to fill any vacancies in government by Biden, just let the country fall apart for 2-6 more years until they get to force someone in. Who cares that it destroys the economy, infrastructure, and the union…no win for dems is all that counts.

bobknight33 said:

And what is Biden plan to stop inflation?

Spend more money via Build back better. That's his plan.
The Fed reserve manages inflation. They don't cause it.
This all started at least a decade ago when government spending really went off the rails and has yet to be controlled.

Biden is the figure head and hence gets the blame.

If a bill truly helps Americans, Democrats would stop a Republican win just as much as Republican would stop a Democrat win.

This man is POTUS

robdot says...

Hannity: If you're president, what would you do?
Trump: So what you're saying sounds all very easy and sounds very simple, not actually that simple, but I will tell you that this is like the biggest tax increase in history. If you look at what inflation is doing, and I saw a number today that wages can go up, but they're nowhere near what's being taken out of families by pure inflation. Just the cost of bread, the cost of gas, the cost of gasoline, the cost of everything. Everything is up."

Squid changing color - not just for octopuses!

newtboy says...

What do they mean “ Recently, scientists in Japan were surprised to find a species of oval squid raised in captivity could change its coat, depending on whether its tank was clean or covered in algae.”…are they students, because I saw this described and demonstrated in 88 in my marine biology class in Hawaii….then we dissected it….then we cooked and ate it as a class. Interesting teacher.

Absolutely not the first time they’ve been “caught” doing this…maybe the first time with high definition cameras, in one specific laboratory condition, with that specific species, raised in captivity, but this is every day behavior for many cephalopods, including squid, and absolutely not a new discovery.

Let’s see them decipher the intense flashings, strobing, color waves, slow fades, etc that they use to communicate and hunt. That might be a first….but I doubt it. Others have studied their insane chromatophores and their amazingly mailable mantles and how they use them for decades if not longer.

This is a neat bit of biology, but to pretend they just discovered this is outrageously dishonest. Get real, people knew squid camouflaged themselves amazingly well long before that guy named Jesus was fathered by a forced pedophilic inception. Almost like saying scientists just discovered newts like it moist, or that water is wet.

We WILL Fix Climate Change!

newtboy says...

What’s he mean “young people”? I’m 50, I’ve felt that way since 1990 because I pay attention. We are addicts, addicts use until they die, they don’t quit because their health suffers.

At 3 degrees some developing countries won’t be able to feed their population!?! WTF?! That was the case before any climate changes, dummy. It’s bad now. It will be apocalyptic relatively soon…like decades, not centuries.

WILL cause trillions in damage!?….guess again, already happened. It WILL cause tens of trillions in damage per year, eventually outpacing global gdp.

What scientists are he counting when he says “most agree” we won’t see this kind of future? Certainly not climate scientists, they agree it’s happening, and none see it even slowing, much less getting better. From what I saw, they just went on strike because they’re sick of being ignored.

Leveled off, eh? Look at your own graph to see that China’s coal consumption went up by 5000 twh equivalents since 2010, and is insanely massive…it went up by more than the US used at its highest levels (in his timeline). But he calls that “leveled off”. Who is this guy? He’s insane or lying through his teeth.

Solar and wind have been better than coal economically for decades, but we haven’t switched over, have we?

Where does he get his statistics, because every time I see real numbers we’ve only slowed our increased emissions by 4%, we have not actually reduced them….like saying Obama reduced the military budget because he didn’t increase it as much as previous administrations. It’s asinine.

India isn’t building trillions in solar, they’re building fossil fuel power plants and hydro electric, also disastrous for the environment….and useless after their glaciers fail.

The CO2 in the atmosphere will be there for 300-1000 years, carbon capture is a ridiculous pipe dream that completely ignores the scope of the problem. Methalhydrate is already destabilized, and it’s 25 times as potent as CO2. The total global amount of methane carbon bound up in these hydrate deposits is in the order of 1000 to 5000 gigatonnes – i.e. about 100 to 500 times more carbon than is released annually into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas). It’s melting now faster every day, and will surpass human carbon emissions.

None of his “requirements” are happening. What we need is less people….like 90% less.

Progress is being made, minor progress in small amounts on tiny scales…so are increases in emissions but on massive scales and unfathomable amounts….emissions that needed to be at zero decades ago to save civilization as we know it. Climate refugees exist today in huge numbers, think how difficult 1 million Syrians were for Europe to absorb, now multiply by 2000 or more when all equatorial nations become uninhabitable. Where will we grow food with refugees covering every bit of land? Get real.

He admits that stopping warming below 1.5 degrees is impossible, and 3 degrees before 2021 likely (many say by 2050). Did he forget that 1.5 degrees warming is where we lose control and feedback loops make our emissions moot?

Do you even science, dude?

He gave me zero hope, because I know most of his pie in the sky “hope” is utterly ridiculous and runs contrary to reality and human nature. I wanted some good news, I got pablum.
Booo Kurzgesagt. Try being honest and not ignoring the facts, please. BOOOOO!

Spelling bee word gets this kid cracking up,Sardoodledom

Will Smith Making Bald Jokes Doesn’t Age Well

luxintenebris says...

probably a small segment of the viewing populace understood 'g.i. jane' reference. even smaller knowing the hair loss issue. being hollywood - the joke was mild by ricky jarvis' standards - and having come out w/her problem, was it any worst than...
- richard pryor addressing his first audience after he blazed himself, "y'all did some nasty ass jokes on my ass - oh yeah y'all didn't think i saw some of these mfers..." then did the lit match joke.
- paul reubens' "Heard any good jokes lately?"
- and the numerous running jokes about letterman's marriage/relationship after the extortion revelation
...they humbled themselves and rode it out.

but whada i know about it? wouldn't likely to be hired on as a variety reporter but thought jim carrey's take was the best

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

cloudballoon says...

I'm not particularly concerned what immediately happened to the slap at the Oscars. The confusion around whether it was scripted or not is understandable. And there were, are, and will have plenty of over-entitled actors/actresses acting irresponsible to the 90% of us (or maybe 50% of us, while the other 40% is just "signaling") at the Oscars, always.

Could Jada have stopped Will just by saying "it's not worth it?" Would this whole scandal happened if she didn't do the side-eyes that Will saw AFTER he laughed at the joke?
Is she partly to blame (of course not)? Who knows what headspace Will was at? It's Hollywood - where 99% of the people live 2, 3, 4 different lives behind & in front of the cameras. Not wise to judge anyone at that moment.

But what happened AFTER is more interesting. The lack of apology directly to Rock and the non-sense justification of his acceptance speech. Will & co partying the night away. Those speaks volumes to what one can make of his speech and tears.

One thing's for sure, as newtboy wrote, Smith just handed white supremacists the biggest gift one person possibly could.

Scrap Metal Impales Windshield From Other side of Highway

jimnms says...

I had something similar happen, except the piece of metal came through the windshield and impaled itself in the center console. If I didn't swerve left when I saw it coming...

Ohio GOP Primary Debate

luxintenebris says...

have to say, that's spot-on.

"adults in the room"?

best curse could imagine would be to cast a spell that these candidates can only argue with reason and logic (turn campaigns into debates on ideas and solutions).

then this show would resemble cctv of a laundry mat's lounge area. nothing being said, and most folk would find themselves watching the dryers than the canidates.

saw this and might be the under-lying reason why these little men are so testy.

BSR said:

They both need to go stand in the corner with their hands behind their back until mom tells them it's ok to come out.

Biblically Accurate Angels

cloudballoon says...

Hey it's White, so you shouldn't be feared. Just like W. Bush looked into Putin's eyes and saw his pure, pure caucasian soul and tell us he shouldn't be feared, right? Right?

Dark joke aside, any Christians who'd take all the mythical/fantastical aspects of the Bible in a literal sense are pretty brain-head and gullible to begin with. Better to figure out the symbolic or allegorical meaning of those verses.

Centuries/millenniums ago people - from the West to the East - would claim they saw dragons but instead were just seeing tornadoes instead. They couldn't process what they saw with the science we now know so they wrote those fantastical stuff in the Bible. It's their "truth" not ours.

Just like the far right is living a different kind of fantastical, wholly imagined fear-mongered "reality," or like many people in Russia honestly brainwashed into believing Putin is currently liberating Ukraine.

Buttle said:

Angels approaching humans almost always say "fear not". There has to be a reason for that.

'You know who I am?': Martin Hyde threatens cop's career

newtboy says...

This is a question of Martin Hyde clearly thinking himself above the law.
This is a question of how many times has he done this and not been caught on camera?
This was clearly not the first time he tried to use his connections to threaten and bully his way out of responsibility for his own actions, just the first time it was made public. It’s not so much about this one instance, it’s about this being the man’s personality, and people with that personality should never have any authority….not one whit. If you don’t think he would abuse his power as a congressman, there’s something wrong with you.

That “apology” was extremely weak and much more of an excuse than an apology. It was him trying to say “I helped them, they owed me” and “they should have known who I was and let me go” and “it wasn’t that bad” and “see, my son is a cop, so I love and respect cops despite all evidence to the contrary”. Anyone accepting that apology never saw a problem to begin with.

BSR said:

Candidate Martin Hyde apologizes for 'belligerent and rude' behavior toward officer who pulled him over.

I wonder if he was cited for expired registration.

Redline (2009) has amazing animation

newtboy says...

Kind of a Speed Racer meets Pod Racing vibe.
I think I saw this on Adult Swim or Netflix a few years back.
*quality Japanamation

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

newtboy says...

I read it, nowhere did it give an estimate of what those protests cost, and it indicated there were multiple other routes for the oil to travel so didn’t even disrupt oil transportation completely, much less ALL commerce.
And it was about pipelines crossing their (or protected) land it seems, a far cry from the truckers. Yes, the validity and severity of your cause matters, just like the damage you do and to whom.

Billions worth of goods stuck temporarily…but no actual estimated cost for their delay, this cost billions in lost production and salaries that won’t be recovered.

That protest was targeted against the offending entity, not the populace. I have no issue with natives blockading their own land and preserves that feed those reservations against permanent destruction for some private profits. That’s a far cry from the truckers blockading the main border crossing for industry and tourism because they’re afraid to get a poke.

The numbers I saw were special. Hundreds of millions-billions lost (your billions in goods delayed doesn’t have a price tag). That was before the bridge was reopened. These protesters weren’t satisfied with that damage and continued to close your capitol with ever shifting demands. Since regular measures had failed, I support emergency measures, seizure, even forfeiture after trial, of any funds or tools used.

Perhaps they became only as localized (but certainly not as targeted, and localized in a city not the unpopulated country), but they had already done exponentially more damage and showed no sign of end or even demands.

Let’s ignore someone personally supporting a grass roots movement outside their country and control, please. I find it a red herring totally unconnected to how he governs.

Yes, some Floyd protests were more violent than the truckers, some weren’t, remember how they were all violently smashed, tear gassed, rubber bullets galore, run through with police trucks, unmarked vans pulling up and grabbing people crossing the streets, unmarked vans driving through towns full of police shooting tear gas at any moving body, etc? Don’t pretend the response is similar.
Also, the Floyd protests lasted a weekend in most cases (occupy Portland really wasn’t about Floyd) and went elsewhere the next march. They weren’t closing down one area for weeks intent on staying. Most lasted hours and were peaceful until police became violent, despite right wing media’s fear-mongering.

I think you’re stretching, putting on blinders, and doing insane mental gymnastics to pretend you believe that. From the actual damage caused, the idiotic reasoning behind it (quickly abandoned), the extremely uncanadianness of the self centered far right rally masquerading as protest, the international damage, the foreign involvement from planning to funding, these are unique “protests” in numerous ways.

Their idiotic beliefs are only one of many distinctions I’ve pointed out, and as I mentioned only color public opinion and the amount of patience they’re given by the public, not how the government treats them. It’s not at all honest for you to pretend that’s the entirety of my position…it’s very Bob of you, and has lost some of my respect.

Pipelines crossing sovereign territory or preserves = bad so blockading those areas to force pipeline movement = good….oil companies didn’t truck the oil out, they increased shipments from other areas by rail. Read the article you linked.

Native cultures and governments are different. Pretending an elected board for a reservation works for the people is naive in the extreme. Read about politics on reservations, who funds the people that get elected in most cases, what happens to opposing candidates…saying the board signed off while so many showed up to fight against it seems a bit at odds, no? Like maybe the board members were bribed, had ties with the oil industry, or other conflicts….just maybe?

And again, those protests didn’t cost a fraction what the truckers did from my research. Delaying delivery of a billion in goods isn’t the same as costing a billion in losses. Neither is delaying or cancelling a billion dollar project. Be adult please….don’t make such specious arguments ….please. They don’t slip by, and they make me think you are being disingenuous.

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