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Iron Man 2 - Official Trailer

Wrecking ball accidentally takes out a van

mxxcon says...

They were filming a movie
It was filmed on the corner of Park Ave and 24th ST,-73.985922&sspn=0.006487,0.013937&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=&ll=40.740705,-73.98587
The following day they also had a car accident filmed in the exactly the same spot and also shoved that same van into a building on the left. On the day of this wrecking ball Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne Johnson were on the set.

My office windows are right above that intersection and i saw it live

Quentin Tarantino on The Moral Choices in Pulp Fiction

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'bruce willis, john travolta, samuel f jackson, director' to 'bruce willis, john travolta, samuel f jackson, director, quentin tarantino' - edited by demon_ix

Wow. Facial Mo-Cap like you've never seen before

Sarzy (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

It may well be that he wears his influences on his sleeve but on the whole they seem a bit capricious. His film is, I will agree with you, unique. But that doesn't salvage it from the un-polished feel and the stilted overused Tarantino movie regularities like the nicknames. Nearly every fucking character in the movie had a little 'what they call him' intro where Samuel L Jackson voiced over background info on this new person the audience was meeting. I'd be impressed if he grew a little as a writer and didnt need to side track the story just to intro a character. As it stands, it's still a so-so movie and his originality was undeniably lacking.

In reply to this comment by Sarzy:
I think that's become such a trite criticism for Tarantino, something that people pull out by default when they want to put the man down because it's easy and so many other people have done it. I mean, Tarantino has certainly said how influenced he was by "man on a mission" films when making Inglouious Basterds, but in the end, does it feel like any "man on a mission" film you've ever seen? What film, in particular, does it seem like he's ripping off here? Or director? Tarantino wears his influences on his sleeve, sure, but he generally ends up using those influences to come up with something fairly unique (with the possible exception of Kill Bill Vol. 1, which was still about a million times better than most of the schlocky kung-fu films that inspired him).

Im sure Inglourious Basterds will receive rave reviews but... (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

JiggaJonson says...

It may well be that he wears his influences on his sleeve but on the whole they seem a bit capricious. His film is, I will agree with you, unique. But that doesn't salvage it from the un-polished feel and the stilted overused Tarantino movie regularities like the nicknames. Nearly every fucking character in the movie had a little 'what they call him' intro where Samuel L Jackson voiced over background info on this new person the audience was meeting. I'd be impressed if he grew a little as a writer and didnt need to side track the story just to intro a character. As it stands, it's still a so-so movie and his originality was undeniably lacking.

evil_disco_man (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by evil_disco_man:
Cool. I did recognize the song - not sure where from, because I haven't seen True Romance, but 'tis good stuff! Boobies are always a plus, too. Nice post!

In reply to this comment by enoch:
dont know if this qualifies as evil disco music,but its too awesome not to share.

you havent seen true romance? of my top ten.
quentin tarrentino wrote the screenplay.stars:walken,hopper,slater,kilmer,arquette,samuel l jackson,gary oldman.
it did horrible in the theatres but it was AWESOME!
here is the scene i referenced in my video:
while not a spoiler,it does give away some of the plot.

Bitches Love Bluetooth - Samuel L. Jackson & Charlie Murphy

my15minutes (Member Profile)

Windu vs Palpatine - The way it should've been (8secs)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'star wars, palpatine, windu, duel, lightsaber, samuel l jackson' to 'jules, star wars, palpatine, windu, duel, lightsaber, samuel l jackson' - edited by swampgirl

Windu vs Palpatine - The way it should've been (8secs)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'star, wars, palpatine, windu, duel, lightsaber' to 'star wars, palpatine, windu, duel, lightsaber, samuel l jackson' - edited by kronosposeidon

Samuel L. Jackson says NO to Prop 8!

Samuel L. Jackson says NO to Prop 8!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'samuel jackson, discrimination, prop 8' to 'samuel l jackson, discrimination, prop 8, proposition 8, same sex marriage, marriage' - edited by nibiyabi

Raigen (Member Profile)

Tron 2 Teaser Trailer (Cammed from Comic-Con 2008)

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