Im sure Inglourious Basterds will receive rave reviews but...

It really wasn't that great a movie.  There were a few well developed characters, some interesting and unique shots, but on the whole the movie was just one long dialoge after another. 

I'll stay away from the end of the movie to avoid spoilers - fyi

The opening scene between a dairy farmer and a nazi inspector lasted somewhere between 15-20 minutes.  15-20 minutes of talking about what the surrounding families are comprised of and what kind people nazis are and what kind of people jews are and on and on and on.  Being the kind of person who is willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt I justified this long dialoge by telling myself, "well there are jews in the other room and this tension IS pretty rough.  It's kind of cool that he's putting the audience through that"

But as the movie dragged on, it was increasingly apparent that this wasn't about "killin nazis" as the ads suguested.  Instead it was more about "discusin' the relationsheps betwen people in strange states ov vindictive mind cause of the war n such"

The first time we meet "The Apache" (Brad Pitt) he discusses their mission details and requires that each of his men present 100 nazi scalps or die trying.  The audience probably actually only sees about 20 scalpings (or dead nazis) which is kind of paultry considering he has roughly 10-15 men in his platoon. 

Now that isn't to say I'm a fan of action films where it's simply blood and guts, but Brad Pitts name is on the marquee as the star of the film and when you're done watching it you realize he's more of a secondary character and the movie really isn't focused on any one person except the "Jew Killer" character who is introduced in the first scene. 

One final criticism, the use of BJ Novak from The Office and Mike Myers detracted from the story overall.  Even when BJ Novak is in the middle of scalping someone all I could think about was "Hey temp go get me some coffee" and I kept wanting Mike Myers to giggle himself off screen.

On a 1-5 scale? It's worth a watch, but only if you're awake enough to buy into all the pretentious conversations and watch at least 5 solid minutes of milk drinking (with accompanying audio)

JJ final verdict: 3.5

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