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TeaParty Congressman Blames Park Ranger for Shutdown

Ohmmade says...

The reasons you listed have nothing to do with how the administration sees things. Rather, how the republicans see things.

And you cannot honestly tell me the republicans have any other reason, other than putting this as an issue for 2014 mid-terms, to want to delay the mandate.

The Forbes article you posted is an opinion article from a right-wing thinktank hack. AEI wants nothing other than destruction of any social safety net this country has. You may as well link to a breitbart or Glenn Beck diatribe.

It's fine if you feel so bad about the veterans not getting to have their gathering. But what about all the head start kids who're locked out of school because of the bagger hostage-taking?

The Democrats have already given two enourmous gifts to republicans.

1- CR at sequestration levels
2- The Paul Ryan Budget

There is absolutely no way in hell that our economy needs to suffer more.

The baggers need to be destroyed. Period.

silvercord said:

I can think of several scenarios why our President may decide to delay the individual mandate. One: The employer mandate won't be in effect this year. Some of those dollars will be lost. Two: The sign-ups from the youngest eligible group is suspect. While the program may have been successfully sold to them, the outcome is in doubt. If that group decides for a bit of civil disobedience - trouble. Three: There is this real possibility:

While I wish this were running more smoothly, there are other reasons outside of the Tea Party, to think that more trouble is coming.

I remember when the government tried to get this country to go on the metric system. I see something similar in play here right now. Hopefully it will get straightened out. It needs to.

EDIT: Reuters had an article on this as well:

Why Violent Video Games Don't Cause Violence | Today's Topic

LiquidDrift says...

I think a lot of the concern over the impact of violent games is coming from non-gamers who just don't understand what is going on in a gamer's head while playing.

That and it's easy for politicians to score points with the "family values" crowd when they know there will be no backlash from it.

Philosophical discussion about what games and VR will be like in the future is all fine and good too, but let's not use holodeck arguments to limit the free speech of game developers today. We're a looooong damn way off from games having the fidelity to be confused with reality, even with the Occulus Rift.

I've played a lot of violent games, but I've been nowhere near as affected from playing them as from scenes in movies. Not even horror movies, I think Saving Private Ryan is both disturbing an important representation of how horrible war can be and a very good reason why artists rights need to be protected

Don't even get me started about showing a bare breast in a game, god forbid!

Can a slingshot hit harder than handguns? The Shootout.

MilkmanDan says...

I thought you might be overestimating the force of a thrown baseball as compared to the steel ball bearing, so I tried to do some research and run numbers to compare.

Some googling says a baseball should weigh 5-5.25 ounces (about 1/3 of a pound).

Another page and some quick calculations that I might have screwed up[ (4*pi*.5*.5*.5)/3*.283 ] say that the ball bearing might weigh about .15 pounds -- a bit under half of the baseball.

On the other hand, the fastest pitch ever recorded in MLB (by Nolan Ryan) was 108.1 MPH or 158.5 feet per second. Harder to find data on "muzzle" velocity of a slingshot, but this page suggests that some people claim some slingshot projectiles can travel at 300 feet per second, but he argues that 180 to 200 fps is probably a more realistic high end for a .50 caliber lead ball (which would probably/possibly? be heavier than the 1" steel ball since lead is more dense). Anyway, there is at the very least a slight advantage to the slingshot here as compared to the fastest pitch ever recorded in MLB. Considering the draw length and pull strength of the slingshot in the video, I'd say it is probably actually much faster than the conservative 180-200 fps number from that page.

So then you've got @cosmovitelli 's formula (mass times velocity squared). The mass of the baseball is probably double that of the steel ball, but the velocity is probably 25-90% faster (or even more) and then squared. That probably overcomes the disadvantage in mass and then some.

Then again, this is all fairly academic as you suggested because the lethality of the bullets/projectiles is dependent on them being small enough to puncture, tear flesh, break/shatter bones, etc. Apply that kinetic energy to a very small impact site. However, in spite of its large size, I bet that steel ball could do a lot of damage given its kinetic energy -- which is what I would take away from their claims of it "hitting harder". I wouldn't want to stand in front of a Nolan Ryan fastball either, but given the choice between that and the slung steel ball... I'd take the plunk and have somebody take my base for me.

artician said:

If I threw a baseball at that target, it would probably beat them all out. It's not so much about the velocity of the object as it is about the mass.


Whose Line It Is Anyways Videos and Its U.S. Returns to T.V. (Comedy Talk Post)

Ryan's First Whose Line Scene With Colin

Ryan's First Whose Line Scene With Colin

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'whose line is it anyway, ryan stiles, colin mochrie' to 'whose line is it anyway, ryan stiles, colin mochrie, clive anderson' - edited by lucky760

New "Whose Line is it Anyway?" Preview Clip with Maggie Q

brycewi19 says...

The singing improv never worked for me. Because of the rhyming schemes the jokes became predictable and drawn out.
Now, if you want to get me interested in a preview of this, then show me some Ryan Stiles and Colin Mocherie doing their thing with very little direction from the host.

The Veronica Mars Movie Project

The Veronica Mars Movie Project

Candidate Obama vs President Obama on Government Surveillanc

dystopianfuturetoday says...


We are great at throwing tomatoes from the mezzanine, but what would we do if we found ourselves on stage when the lights come up. Who knows? Who cares? Let's throw more tomatoes! ....and I say this as one who has thrown many a tomato at Bush, Hillary, McCain and Mitt Romney.

If the way we do national security is a problem, then it's systemic, because the NSA pretty much done nothing else but collect intelligence 24-7 for the last 60 years.. They've used the system as it was intended to be used, yes, but they've also abused the system.

I'm sure there will be much caterwauling in 2016 about invasion of privacy, but once the dust settles, the crown will still weigh heavy with the burden of national security, and President Hillary, or Ryan, or Rubio, or Paul will find themselves backsliding into old way out of sheer necessity.

Same as it ever was.

If there is a problem with the way we do national security, we aren't going to fix it by calling people cunts and dramatically intoning high school level literary allusions. If we are going to fix it, it will require thought, discussion and hard choices.

Let the rest of them throw tomatoes while you and I fix this fucking system. What do you say, old sport?

President Choggie, how would you restructure the NSA in such a way that it can remain effective at it's job whilst minimizing potential for abuse?

Epic Internet Powered Birthday Invite

Cracked Chiropractor Commercial: Is This For Real?

New Whose Line Is It Anyway: Greatest Hits 90210 - A Preview

Why the News Isn't Really the News

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