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Reversing Arrow Optical Illusion

MichaelL says...

From Wikipedia:
An optical illusion (also called a visual illusion) is characterized by visually perceived images that differ from objective reality.

That means when you stare at an object DIRECTLY, you are tricked into believing that it has different qualities than it does.

In this example, you aren't starting at the arrows... you are staring at a diffracted image of the arrows. The diffracted arrows REALLY do point in the opposite direction. There's no illusion here.

Consider this...

If I put a rose-tinted pane of glass in front of the arrows, would you consider that an optical illusion?

Would you think "Hey, those arrows were on white paper before, NOW the paper is pink! Mind blown! Optical illusion!'?

No, you understand that you are seeing the colour pink because that's the property of the pane of glass IN FRONT OF the white sheet.

If you put a white sheet in front of the arrows, would you think: "Hey, the arrows have disappeared? Optical illusion!"?

No, that's the property of the sheet in front of the arrows.

And so on...

Hopefully, that clarifies it for you...

Payback said:

And just to back up Chingy...

Gibson guitars now tune themselves robotically

MilkmanDan says...

It looks to me like it has to be activated before it attempts to auto-tune or alters the tuning in any way, so that kinda mitigates both the bad and the good (OK, mostly just the bad).

I've never had a Floyd-Rose guitar myself, but my friends have. Where I have to re-tune only sporadically, sometimes those damn things are a nightmare. On the other hand, some people seem to get them to be pretty stable.

I think this is a good idea for an option -- and very interesting tech -- but not something that I would personally want on a guitar. The other thing that I thought of is, how does it handle standard tunings that aren't in A440? What if I want standard E in A444?

Gibson guitars now tune themselves robotically

Baristan says...

Ibenez RG 5?0.

It has a Floyd Rose style trem.

chingalera said:

What kind of guitar is it? The problem may lie in a cheap-as-hell, made in (insert Asian country here) by shitty manufacturers using crap-ass parts for the machine head.
I would hasten to guess that the floater you have is on a sub-standard axe??

Is the Universe an Accident?

shinyblurry says...


Could you please address the heart of my argument, that the principle of parsimony (occams razor) states that we should consider the theory of a Creator over the multiverse theory? Thanks.

To address some of your points:

Regarding your "fine tuner" argument; Such is the fine tuning of your "creator" that 98% of all life that has existed, is extinct. Which, apart from being incredibly incompetent and wasteful, points logically to random

It also points to a global flood which wiped out nearly all life on Earth around 4400 years ago. The speciation which occurred up until that time was lost, but new species have been created since then. The mass extinctions going on today have everything to do with human development and bad stewardship rather than any design flaw.

Also, your "a painting therefore a painter" point is a non-sequitur for if there were a "fine tuner," there would, by your own argument, have to be a creator of the fine tuner and so an inevitable regression.

We as Christians do not believe in created gods which are a delusion by definition; we believe in an eternal God who was not created. The infinite regression stops at the feet of the eternal God who has always existed. This line of reasoning is a problem not for Christians but for those who believe in the multiverse theory, because whatever the mechanism is which generates all of these Universes would be yet another Goldilocks zone, and so precisely finetuned as to be statistically impossible. You may as well posit a Creator at that point. I mean just ask yourself the same questions; what created the multiverse, what created it, etc.

No, Science has thrown off the shackles of myths and gods. Had they not, our lives would be controlled by theocratic dictators and we would still believe earth was the centre of the universe.

Interesting you would say this considering that in its infancy, pretty much all of the important discoveries were made by professing Christians. It was actually the environment of Christian Europe which nurtured science into what it is today.

Another point is, Christians don't believe in myths; Jesus Christ is not a myth, He is a real person who died for our sins and rose from the dead. He told us about who God is, because He was with God and He is God.

We no longer use the god of the gaps argument. We may never know all the answers but, just because we don't, we no longer lazily, ignorantly, insist that; "Hallelujah, God must have done it."

It is not a God of the gaps argument when the theory has greater explanatory power than what is being proposed. When even apparent fine tuning as been observed, which it has, the principle of parsimony would prefer the theory of a Creator to multiple unobserved universes.

A10anis said:

Actually, the number of Planets discovered currently stands at

Most Shocking Second a Day Video

JAPR says...

Amusing, as many people who have spent any real time examining economic issues and social justice would call your dismissive attitude the naive one. Try actually arguing on a point by point basis against the economic exploitation that lies at the basis of current capitalist systems where jobs = survival and the whole system's been carved up into little feudal kingdoms instead of just accepting claims on their face simply because you've been told your whole life how wonderful our way of living is for all of us.

If you approach the task with any sincerity, you'll first realize that there's a metric fuck ton of awful things that we have done in the name of economic domination to preserve our power over others (as a nation, as a collection of businesses, as a herd of lazy people buying products made by child labor simply because it's convenient), and you'll likely then also realize that your history book was just as rose-tinted as the Japanese governments' when they refuse to talk about Japan's war crimes.

Edumacate yourself and then see if you can still just throw out trite dismissals like that.

A10anis said:

Lol, without looking I just knew there had to be a tired, anti-capitalist, naive, rant by chin.

28 Reasons To Hug A Black Guy Today - SNL

bobknight33 says...


My friend you are looking through rose color glasses. You and many more at this site.

From you left leaning perspective everything that a conservative says is looked at from is racist point of view.

And that is just wrong. But I can't make a fools take off their glasses.

From your point of view.
The 1% are racist because they are 1%
Whites are racist because they are white.
Men are sexist because they are men.
Capitalist are evil because they make money.
Republicans are evil because they believe is self empowerment.
GOD does not exist
Muslims are nice people.

Take off you glasses and look again.

VoodooV said:


That's pretty hilarious that you're trying to deny your racist past when anyone can read your post history and see that you've been reprimanded for racist posts. I know you have a difficulty with reading and writing, but other people don't and they can see first hand your post history and how you've gotten trouble in the past for blatant racist remarks. 2nd and 3rd pages of your profile page, right there in black and white.

Greatest Classical Music Joke EVER told (Family Guy)

The scariest talk about the NSA as of yet - it's bad, people

Asmo says...

I'm not sure why anyone is surprised...

The US has a long storied history of destroying freedom. The prohibition, the Cold War years, post 911 etc. The fact that a lot of people still buy in to the comfortable lie that they live in the "land of the free" is because admitting they are meat puppets for a corrupt government is too bitter a pill too swallow + the US national sense of superiority to places like China because they do things better than those totalitarians...

This will not change. There is no analogous period in history to compare to. The participants of the French revolution or the American war of independance didn't have facebook or twitter to sit around whining on and feeling like they were making a difference. They got off their asses and rose up because the only alternative was to be ploughed under.

Online slacktivism is an acceptable panacea for the discontented masses, they have an outlet to complain while easily identifying themselves as 'persons of interest'.

The 4 Most Insulting TV Ads you see Every Christmas

SFOGuy says...

You know, one thing. I watched it all the way to the end---and I have to say, I have personally known of some spectacularly bad Christmas presents given by men to the women in their lives:
to wit (and I am NOT making this up)
---A limo ride with champagne in a bucket, a red rose and (drum roll) a wrapped bondage outfit with a whip in the back seat (she was not into that and NOT amused)
---A washer and dryer (oops)
---Most spectacularly: a dirt bike. And no, she was in no way, no manner, even mildly interested in getting one. Friend's dad, and he was in the dog house a long, long time.

Sy Hersh: Obama Cherry Picked Intel on Syrian Chemical Attac

vaire2ube says...

only the syrian govt had the power to stop the violence.

assad lent the military to the militias. the militias did what the govt allowed them to do.

the people rose in protest and were slaughtered. we now call these people terrorists.

wake up.

The Problem with Civil Obedience

kevingrr says...

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."

-A. Huxley

We are all very impressed by all the authors you've read...

Then you pull a quote from Larken Rose? What a joke.

The Problem with Civil Obedience

Trancecoach says...

You're way off, and you clearly haven't read or understood any of the authors named in my comment. Had you developed an informed opinion before spouting off on the basis of the Kool-Aid you've drank, you'd understand that, without government, there'd be no "big guys" to exploit the subsidies and cronyism that are implicit in the original monopoly that is "government."
If you think that some how government (i.e., kleptocrats) are "overseeing things," then you've got some learning to do. The corruption and co-optation of the market is not a "problem" to be "fixed" by the government. It is a direct effect of government. To think otherwise is a fatal conceit, one whose costs get higher by the day.

But, you can believe whatever you want to believe.

"The politicians are real, the soldiers and police who enforce the politicians’ will are real, the buildings they inhabit are real, the weapons they wield are very real, but their supposed “authority” is not. And without that “authority,” without the right to do what they do, they are nothing but a gang of thugs. The term “government” implies legitimacy– it means the exercise of “authority” over a certain people or place. The way people speak of those in power, calling their commands “laws,” referring to disobedience to them as a “crime,” and so on, implies the right of” government” to rule, and a corresponding obligation on the part of its subjects to obey. Without the right to rule (”authority”), there is no reason to call the entity “government,” and all of the politicians and their mercenaries become utterly indistinguishable from a giant organized crime syndicate, their “laws” no more valid than the threats of muggers and carjackers. And that, in reality, is what every “government” is: an illegitimate gang of thugs, thieves and murderers, masquerading as a rightful ruling body." -Larken Rose

Stormsinger said:

Free Market Anarchism...what an oxymoron. You cannot have a free market, without laws to prevent (or authorize) the use of force. Without laws, too many of the big guys would just take what they want, and screw everyone else. At least with a government overseeing things, they have to take the extra step and effort of corrupting/co-opting the mechanisms of government.

Then we can have a bloody revolution, execute the perps, and start a new organization, that can, if we're lucky, last a few decades before the next crop takes over. It's beginning to look like that cycle is about the best we can hope for.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Always am.

And I already had a sore throat from yelling at my screen when I read the parts about expanding patents on "diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical methods for the treatment of humans or animals".

Then I saw this picture of our beloved Dave who rose from his golden throne to declare to the peasants that austerity will be made permanent, since it's such a wonderful sight to see hundreds of thousands of people at food banks.

What a day...

eric3579 said:

Wikileaks TPP agreement leaked. Thought you might be interested.

Cops tazed father trying to save son?

artician says...

The police are not in the right any time they prevent another consenting adult from making a decision about his life, or the life of a dependent.
I can't believe the kid died. I would visit that precinct with the biggest bouquet of roses after I was released. And by roses I mean artillery. Many people live solely for their children, and this was entirely unacceptable.

EDIT: the one thing that does bug me about this, though I'm sure the story can't convey all the circumstances, why would any responsible parent vacate their home before thinking of the safety of their child?

Anyway, yay life!

I have such a boner for Magnus Scheving

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