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The Walk.

Drachen_Jager says...

It's not really about the ramp. He's an old rickety man, naturally he has trouble.

The problem is that he forces doctors to lie about his health, then things like this make the truth obvious.

Then he compounds lies upon lies. His skin is so thin he just can't let it go, he rambles for 10 minutes about how unfair everything is.

Remember, this is a guy born to incredible wealth, never worked a day in his life, thinks that knowing a fucking rhinoceros from a drawing is an impressive achievement, is cruel and demeaning whenever he has a chance, treats the world, and women's genitalia as his own personal playground with few repercussions, no matter how egregiously he's broken the law, rips off investors, contractors, the very country he now pretends to serve, lost billions of dollars in personal wealth while bragging about how good he is with money, had to turn to Russian lenders because US and European banks wouldn't touch him anymore, yet somehow fell ass backwards into the presidency of the US. Now he uses that position to line his own pockets, without the slightest care for those he hurts or kills in the process.

And yet... he finds life doesn't treat him fairly. He whines and complains.

You know the only time he's seemed truly sad and upset while President?

Was it when 100,000 Americans died while he made things worse?


Was it when police started ramming innocent protestors and media with their vehicles, tear gassing, beating, and maiming with rubber bullets?


What about when mass shootings happened on his watch, or school shootings, like Obama?


He got truly publicly upset for the first time in his presidency when a disappointing number of adoring fans came to a rally.

He is so pathetic and useless, so self-serving and evil that pain, death, suffering on a scale that really hasn't been seen in the US in a very long time means nothing.

The only thing that matters is him.

Now, what were you saying about Biden?

Do you still want to do that side-by-side comparison?

Do you really think this is about a ramp?

harlequinn said:

It's an 11 degree ramp, not 3, which is over 2 times the gradient allowed (as per the ADA). And the ADA requires ramps of this sort to have handrails.

Where's the comparison video? I.e., Biden coming down the ramp.

Truck attempting to go across a very thin wooden bridge

jmd says...

wow, as much as the wood gave under the truck, those rickety looking anchors weren't budging. Not his first time over it for sure. Of course I would have cursed him a million deaths if he did wreck the bridge. Things like those in third worlds can take months to rebuild, and whole towns rely on them.


eric3579 says...

It be feelin' like the life that I’m livin' man, I don't control
Like every day I’m in a fight for my soul
Could it be that my medicine’s the evidence
For pigs to stop and frisk me when they rollin' round on patrol?
And ask “why you’re here?”
I just tell 'em cause it is what it is
I live here and that’s what it is
He chimed “you got a dime?
I said “Man, I’m tryin' to smoke and chill
Please don’t lock me up in front of my kid
And in front of my wife
Man, I ain’t got a gun or a knife
You do this and you ruin my life
And I apologize if it seems like I got out of line, sir
Cause I respect the badge and the gun
And I pray today ain't the day that you drag me away
Right in front of my beautiful son”
And he still put my hands in cuffs, put me in the truck
When my woman screamed, said “shut up”
Witness with the camera phone on
Saw the copper pull a gun and
Put it on my gorgeous queen
As I peered out the window
I could see my other kinfolk and
Hear my little boy as he screamed
As he ran toward the copper begged him not to hurt his momma
Cause he had her face down on the ground
And I’d be much too weak to ever speak what I seen
But my life changed with that sound

Get out, get out, get out, get out
Feeling this, feeling this too early
Get out, get out, get out, get out
Feeling this way, feeling this way
Feeling this, feeling this too early
Feeling this, feeling this early

It be feelin' like the life that I’m living man, I don’t control
Cause every day I’m in a fight for my soul
All hands below, high seas in a rickety boat
Smoke o’s, so the kid might cope
You want cash or hope, no clash, matter fact get both
Go without get turnt to ghosts
You know that's the law, deal done by the shake of claws
It ain't a game if the shit don’t pause
And I find you odd, so convinced in the truth of y’all
That the true truth’s truly gone
And yes there's a they, any time a man say there's not
Then you know that he lost the plot, what can I say?
Truth’s truth when denied or not, like its true crews ride the cock
Fair enough, the way that the beat bump do sound tough
I made it in the dark like Civil War surgery
Woke up in the same air you huff, early
By twelve o’clock the whole Earth felt dirty
Street Lamps stare when you walk watch the birdie
They’ll watch you walk to the store they’re recording
But didn’t record cop when he shot, no warning
Heard it go pop, might have been two blocks
Heard a kid plus pops watched, cop make girl bleed
Go to home, go to sleep, up again, early

"Kerbal" - a Kerbal Space Program movie

AeroMechanical says...

I'm fairly certain, that once it's completed, Kerbal Space Program will easily rank among the greatest computer games ever created.

Neat video too. That's one of the great things about KSP. Not only do you get to create, learn something about engineering, but it also conveys the thrill, tragedy and triumph of exploration.

I still sometimes weep for Jebediah Kerbal. He had too much of the Right Stuff. He should never have boarded that rickety rocket, but he did anyways, that brave bastard. Now he's out there, somewhere. Forever exploring, with no way home.

Unless, of course, the Kraken got him.

Do You Think Sarah Palin Gives A Damn About Poor People?

choggie says...

..if you ignore (allof you) sarah palin, she'll go away-and i wish she would-Ya self-avowed liberals spend way too much time editorializing a boring,graceless, cunt and the so-called conservatives act just like them YOU'RE THE SAME ALREADY!!....never seen so many of the same types from two sides of a fence....a rickety diversion ready to fall,acting like schoolyard kiddies-

How do you keep the ISS stable in orbit?

dannym3141 says...

>> ^jbaber:
Cecil Adams' take on it.

That is an incredibly small minded, limited view of things. It's virtually quoting exactly what suntzu said - if we're not getting a jam banana why are we there?

God i despair of people that argue that we SHOULDN'T expand, shouldn't reach out, shouldn't shoot, quite literally, for the fucking stars. The one thing that marks our generation to make it stand out above all other generations is our fucking apathy towards everything. Depression levels soar. We're all content to be working 40 hours a week in an officeblock as another faceless tool lining someone's pocket - who, we will never know. I feel like we insult our evolutionary forefathers with our lack of desire to try, to excell and to strive.

This cunt says "It will take 5000 years to reach other solar systems with next generation propulsion systems due to the limitations of the universe." And then he says "But never say never, we may find a way to circumvent them - but not in a rickety space bucket."

It's a self defeating idea. Don't go into space until we can conquer all of space. And then how will we learn how to conquer space? AGAIN historically, if we had said "Well i've made a boat, but it'd take me a year to sail around the world in it, so forget it, destroy the boat and don't bother with it anymore until we have a cruise liner that can carry millions of tonnes around the planet in days."

How does this douche milkshake think we get from something that is inadequate to something that exceeds all expectations? By sitting there with our thumbs up our arses? Or is it by trial, error, experimentation, understanding, observation, refinement, followed by a brilliant idea on how to improve it?

Putting faith in its place

dbarry3 says...

>> ^IAmTheBlurr:
>> ^enoch:
i was having a great discussion with IamtheBlurr about this very subject.
i am a man of faith,but i keep my faith personal.
i have no interest in making people believe my faith is valid or justified.
i do not need peoples acceptance of my faith to validate either myself, or my faith.
and arguing about faith is just silly in my opinion,so i dont engage in debates about is an exercise in futility.

Hehe, Hows it going yo?
I watched this video just earlier and thought of you actually.
I remember when you initially wrote to me the concept of not having an interest in making people believe what you believe and I came to this thought; just something to chew on...
If proving what you believe to other people is not a priority to you, do you also not make a priority of proving it to yourself? If you do make a priority of proving your beliefs to yourself, what is the difference between yourself and others?
Just a thought.

Cats made of airport is a rather funny image.

Enoch and IAmTheBlurr, you raise some very good questions.

I actually did not find much that was disagreeable with this video. His analysis on the practice of faith in general had some validity. The whole nature of faith is that we put our trust in an object when not knowing for certain all we can know about that object. Empirically it is not perfect. But what is? When I walk down my rickety apartment stairs to take the trash out I am expressing a whole lot of faith that the old floor boards will support me and prevent me from falling two stories and breaking my leg. So far the stairs have proven (fairly) trustworthy so I continue to use them.

The video seems to be directed more so against people who make annoying claims about their religion based upon faith, and since faith is not exact their arguments are invalid and they have no right to force their religion upon others.

Fair enough.

Enoch suggests that faith can be personal, and that it does not need to be validated by others to remain significant in one's own life (Enoch, correct me if I have misinterpreted).

IamTheBlur raises a very excellent question: (I want to paraphrase, and please correct me if I phrase it poorly)If one's faith is not expressed outwardly for validation, what good is it?

I'm not going to answer for Enoch, but I will speak for myself that I believe that faith must be coupled with works. If I proclaimed to have faith in my rickety apartment stairs, yet do not walk on them, what sort of faith would that be? No substantial faith. What's worse is that if I were to proclaim faith in my rickety apartment stairs yet did not walk on them but forced my neighbor to go down them then I would be a hypocrite.

The object of faith is what ultimately is at the heart of issue. When discussing faith and religion an honest and unfortunate reality is many people put their faith in religion itself rather than any deity, meaning that many people expect salvation and justification to come from involvement in and obedience to the accepted cultus and rituals of a specific religion and not a god (ex. If I attend church every Sunday, if I abstain from premarital sex, if I tithe 10% I'll earn salvation). This is ultimately faulty because all one is doing is placing their hope in a system and certainly not any divine being.

When considering Christianity (which seemed to be highlighted in the video) an honest analysis of the teachings of Jesus Christ reveals that he too revolted against this slavish obedience to religion. The people he most disputed against, and ultimately the people who put him to death were the religious elite. Yes, today Christianity is rightly defined as a religion in a classical sense (as it includes a set of beliefs and rituals), but what makes it unique is what is known as the Gospel message, being that Jesus brought hope that far exceeds our best attempts at righteousness. In fact, I believe that it is perfect hope, and yes, this requires faith.

Faith in Jesus is to be outwardly expressed through loving others. "Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world" James 1:27. So if my faith leads me to do something along the lines of what is just stated I would guess that most people would validate my actions (unless they hated orphans and found widows to be a waste of space).

Is this faith in action done perfectly by anybody proclaiming to be a Christian (me included)? No. But what strikes me as most unfortunate is that Christianity is identified with people who "attack, condemn, or blackmail people who don't believe" (quoted from the video) more than what Jesus Christ taught.

And I still think that "cats made of airports" is pretty funny.

Do You Remember The BoardGame MouseTrap? - AVGN Does!

Arg says...

Maybe our household wasn't normal but my three siblings and I would play this game properly. And, yes, when the first two players get to the final-loop part of the game it can take a few turns before someone lands on the cheese whilst the other player lands on the crank. But that gives the other players a chance to catch up. There are only six squares in that final-loop part of the game, so by the time three or four players get there you get to set off the trap quite often.

Part of the appeal was the fact that the trap wouldn't always work. Sometimes the ball would get stuck at the bottom of the rickety stairs, or the spring-loaded "helping hand" wouldn't fire when the ball hit it, or the man on the diving board would jump into the pool only for the cage to stubbornly sway at the top of the pole without dropping. If the trap fails to work then you gain a reprieve, the trap is reset, and the next player takes their turn.

So when you finally get to turn the crank to set off the trap there's a sense of anticipation with one player rooting for the trap to work and the other hoping that it jams up somewhere. And then there's all the oohs and aahs and cheers in reaction depending on who you're rooting for.

Great game, I loved it.

Burglars Vs Door - Door 1, Burglars 0

Japan's scariest suspension bridge.

Instruction Manual For Life

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

You are justifying intolerance because you are sympathetic to it's message. It is a normal response. But in the end this vid (and others like it) berates people for how they think, talk, believe, and act while at the same time trying to say people should be able to think, talk, believe, and act as they wish. It tries to have its rhetorical cake and eat it too.

Reverse the situation. Now the video was about a pair of Atheist parents who told thier kid, "All shelves are good". The kid looks at thier shelves and says, "These are rickety, and won't hold up over time. Hey - wow - these Jesus-shelves are GREAT! Can I use them instead?" Atheist parents tell thier kid, "No, Jesus shelves are based on stories." But the kid says, "I like them and they make me happy." Now the camera pans out on the poor kid with a sad face and the parents with MEAN faces saying, "People that use Jesus shelves are self-deluded and hurt people. You can't have them."

You might say to yourself, "What an inaccurate and biased way to present Atheists!" <big knowing smile> Mmmmmmyeeeees! That's what I'm trying to tell you. If the only way to convey the message is to be stilted, biased, and unfair then what does it say about the messenger?

So while you didn't say that you have an issue with Atheists standing up for science you apparently do because that's what the vast majority of said videos are.

You thought wrong. Stand up for science all you want. No skin off my nose. Science is great. It makes cool stuff for my room.

This one is one of the few that is attacking the other problem with religious folk, that being their self righteousness and hatred of those who don't believe as they do.

It is rather unfortunate that it's central message was undermined by the fact that the author is doing the exact same thing - just the other way around. As I said before, if that was the only message he wanted to convey then he should have just used the last 30 seconds of the vid. Everything else is a biased bloviation no better than an O'Rielly rant.

then while you may have chosen to believe that things are way X, damn well let others chose to believe that things are way Y.

I do. Believe how, where, or what you may. I really don't see how any theist is preventing you from 'damn well believing' anything you want unless you live in Iran or something.

Countries and laws and how we treat each other should be based on mutual respect, common understanding, caring for all and embracing differences. If religion could keep its hands off such things, then no-one would have an issue with it.

Human morality and the resulting secular laws based on those moralities are based are deeply rooted in religious belief. You wish to wave a wand and change that, but it is how it is. What people perceive as right and wrong structures how they govern behavior, and how they reward or punish it. Unless your intent is to ban religion entirely, you are just going to have to accept the reality that Theists (the bulk of the planet's population) are going to hold positions of power, authority, and governance. You'll also have to accept that thier concept of what is and isn't 'good' is going to come with them.

Papa Jim's Rap Contest - Get down wit da rap bro.

Plane takes off verticly from under the ocean

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