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TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

enoch says...

were you gonna plagiarize the whole commentary for us?
do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter?
is that your thing?
you come into a thread and regurgitate some obscure comment and pawn it off as your own idea to impress some viewers and embarrass the poster?

see,the sad thing about a guy like you is that in a few years your gonna start to do some thinking on your own and you're gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life:
1.dont do that!
and.. spent 150 grand on a fucking education that you could have gotten for 1.50 in late fees at the public library.

Trancecoach said:

Hmm, so Stewart and Wilmore seem to be saying that the U.S. couldn't have ended slavery in the same way that New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and all of the other Northern states did (not to mention the British empire, the Spanish empire, the French, the Danes, the Dutch, the Swedes, and many many others during the nineteenth century), namely, peacefully. (For reference, see Jim Powell's Greatest Emancipations: How the West Ended Slavery; and Joanne Pope Melish's Disowning Slavery: Gradual Emancipation and Race in New England, 1780-1860).

Rather, Stewart and Wilmore seem to be saying that 750,000 dead Americans (and even more than double that number maimed for life), to say nothing of the total destruction of the voluntary union of the founders, was in fact the only way to end slavery. Southerners (only six percent of whom actually owned slaves) were, according to Stewart and Wilmore, "willing to die to preserve slavery" and so, therefore, the Great Oz (er, I mean, The Great Abe) did what was necessary...

So says this renowned historical sage, Jon Stewart, and his cast of clowns...

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

Yogi says...

Yeah the media is just a big monster that needs more and more food daily. Lantern may have personal issues with it, but I don't care about his personal issues or biases until it actually hurts someone. I think people should be allowed to be as racist or bigoted as they wish as long as they leave others alone. They'll all eventually die off and if enough gay people are nice to their kids it'll all turn out fine.

He seems to be safely corralled inside his own mind and mostly harmless save for the grass of regurgitated thought that covers his paddock...ok I went too far with this metaphor.

You're right though it's a matter of what is the target of derision, which in my thinking the proper target is the media.

VoodooV said:

well we know why the media cares...because their motivations are based on ratings. All they care about is controversy. They probably don't give a shit that Ellen is gay or not, but they know that a lot of people do care (looking at you lantern) Acceptance of homosexuality is over 50 percent, but it's far from universal.

I agree, my very first reaction to hearing about this was "don't care" But there is a significant difference between our "don't care" and lantern's "don't care" one is a supportive indifference, the other is obviously derogatory.

basically, Lantern is lying...he does care. He obviously cares about the lesbian posts on his facebook that he can't be bothered to hide if it upsets him so. He cares so much as to repeatedly register his not caring on the sift.

I think you and I yogi, look forward to a day when this isn't news because it isn't controversial.

By his own admission, he doesn't view gays as legitimate...but if he didn't care...

...he wouldn't care.

noam chomsky-confronted by right wing zombie

SDGundamX says...

Actually, I was the one to ridicule the guy. I've never considered myself a class act. And @enoch specifically said he felt "twat" was too harsh, so I'm not sure why you're targeting him.

If you're referring to the title, though, I think it's pretty accurate. This guy is regurgitating right-wing bullshit media points without any thinking or attempt to validate the statements' truth on his own (hence, he's a zombie--attacking mindlessly, as zombies are wont to do). And because he didn't bother to check those facts for himself, he gets thoroughly (but politely) schooled here.

Yet, despite this schooling, he continues to cling to his completely misinformed beliefs about Chomsky.

He seems not interested in truth so much as clinging to a particular worldview that he's apparently heavily invested in. You know, actually, I've come to agree with you: he shouldn't be ridiculed... he should be pitied.

lantern53 said:

Chomsky is a class act and doesn't ridicule the questioner.

Too bad the poster could not follow suit.

Bohemian Rhapsody: Star Wars Edition

chingalera says...

dzonny n' poolcleaner, here's another vote just for you two and some unsolicited insight as to perhaps why this vid isn't enjoying some stellar erection err..ascension: Star Wars fans as advanced in age as those depicted here well, they're dying-off or have moved-on. The fond childhood memories of epic cinematic outer-space masturbation have given-way to the worries and trials of a civilization saturated with entertainment, regurgitate art and culture, and the concerns of real-world issues like, "My children will never experience the thrill of cinema like I did because all the fucking movie theaters are either closed, or packed with 16 pieces of cinematic crap that costs way too much for a poor-quality product. Oh that and the demise of language and culture, as the world is turned into a single amalgamate of herd-like automatons.

Plus this song has been parodied so many times as to become nauseating.

But I'm just a cynical bitch so give it some time....more SWG's will come out to play after I remind everyone how much the franchise SUCKS DONKEY BALLS!

Evangelicals Build and Burn a Straw Man on the Silver Screen

VoodooV says...

it goes even further than that. Any person truly honest with themselves or has even the least bit a questioning mind at least asks themselves at one point "hey what if I'm wrong" I think pretty much every non-believer ever has asked themselves that question COUNTLESS times. And I think almost every one of them has come up with the answer that even if there is a creator, it's STILL a fucked up system and then you run into Pascal's wager where people are just believing out of fear or to cover their asses, which supposedly God can see right through that anyway so pretty much everyone ever born goes to hell.

It's virtually impossible for some people to question authority. God exists because their parents told them so and that's it. It shocks me to this day how many people don't know how to think critically or don't know what logical fallacies are.

I still remember one of the most important lessons I learned in high school from my calculus teacher. You have to learn how to learn. A teacher can teach you things and you can regurgitate them on command, but at some point you have to move past that and become your own teacher and become a problem solver.

All in all, I don't have a problem with religious people as a whole. There are plenty of religious people out there that are willing to live and let live and think god is based on love and not fear and those who think differently are not a threat. It's those...other people that try to legislate their religion that are a problem.

shuac said:

Many of the pious really do believe that atheists are merely "angry at god." They honestly can't conceive that there are people who are are unbelievers. Shinyblurry said as much to me one time, poor lil fella.

Chairman_woo (Member Profile)

Januari says...

You know i don't even normally reply to this trite and i'm certainly not going to hijack someone else's post to do it, but i'm also not going to let you off the hook.

First off my comment was intended as a VERY obvious joke about a silly video.

Maybe ask yourself why you were SOOOO threatened by such an innocuous comment? Or take your own advice and ignore it...

And because you (and almost EVERYONE else for that matter) regurgitate something you learned in psych 101 on to the forums of a website does not mean anyone is agreeing or disagreeing with YOU. YOU arn't a factor beyond being incredibly overly sensitive. I suspect most if not everyone in that thread is well aware of what you posted but was just having a little fun, as was I for that matter. But either learn to take your own advice... if it be from that quote, which to my mind applies to you far more than you seem to be aware, or to your other little gem of "Fuck You".

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

chingalera says...

The "conspiracy" portion of our show has been brought to you by the framers of the system. The perpetrators either lauded with appointments or hidden, blameless to a large degree due in large part to the somnambulant and intellectually-challenged who are incapable or otherwise unwilling to see beyond the smoke and mirrors of a lifetime of delusional shit-think.

For me it's simple: I see firsthand the casualties of a pathetic education machine in recent university graduates but more-so the idiots pouring-out high-schools in the U.S. like bilge water. The US produces not critical thinkers or civilized humans, but an increasingly larger number of robots who regurgitate shit they've been told or heard (incorrectly) like trivial pursuit card quips and who are best-suited for the "real" world of wage slavery and compliance with authority when they "graduate."

Education/Indoctrination for the masses and rabble provided by the state, for the good of the machine...which is terminally broken.


chingalera says...

A gaggle of eidetic talent spamming the internet with resume-material chumming for a future in corporate advertising....AmericaSchlager.

Just love to see the pop culture of the last 50 years regurgitated, reconstituted, and served on white bread with iceberg lettuce oh, and plenty of American Cheese.

However, love to see folks having a good time on the main deck as the liner sinks slowly into the drink....

11-Year-Old TCU Freshman Interviewed by staff

CIA Admits It Was Behind Iran's Coup in 1953

chingalera says...

Freedom of Information provides a way for peeps to feel warm and cozy about their government acting unilaterally to ends deemed necessary by a small cadre of monkeys, while providing the mechanism for unchecked bullshit to continue unhindered.
OH, it also makes for marginally effective tabloid journalism, creating overnight sensations through banal, pompous delivery seasoned with an over-abundance of narcissistic swagger.

"CIA releases information"......Oxymoronic??! Haven't peeps with the ability to dissect newsspeak and "official statements" known that the CIA orchestrated the Iranian coup for over 30 years?

For the tiny morsels cretins like Cenk use to further distract increasing numbers of folks with regurgitate editorializing, the huge chunks of abuse of power sit rotting on a Nation's dinner plate, served nightly by whores of media everywhere. Cenk, yer a tool.

'Enders Game' Writer's Ridiculous Racist Rant Against Obama

L0cky says...

Well I'm disappointed in TYT.

The original article on the Slate was hack written 'Caveat in Paragraph 19' tabloid junk. The caveat being that they fail to mention they are quoting fiction until the very end of the article.

TYT have taken the bait and regurgitated the story without even mentioning the caveat. The conviction that Cenk has in his furore (which is exactly what tabloid articles aim to cause) makes me doubt TYT's credibility on other stories they report that I haven't happened to have read first.

The article the Slate quoted is "Civilization Watch - Unlikely Events" which you can read directly here.

Cards' political views are about as far removed from my own as you can get; but this essay was about reinterpreting history and the absurdity of predicting the future.

You could argue that Card is protecting his real views behind a shield of fiction, or some weak argument to that effect, but It's obvious TYT didn't even read it

Bradley Manning's apology, reminiscient of Soviet show trial

artician says...

I am really depressed over this (really, this kind of ruined my day).
I wish he would have been defiant to the end, but I can only guess he's had several years of people regurgitating the same message to him in captivity; "you were wrong", etc.
I hope this is just a plea for a lighter sentence, and I hope he knows how right he was in doing what he did. He's sacrificing his life for higher morals.

Jimmy Kimmel Live - Five-Year-Old Presidential Expert

chingalera says...

I don't knooow Yogi, i think the park ranger's kid is able to read-He's regurgitating trivia he's probably consumed since he became literate, he's simply attached himself to the Presidential train. How about a 3 year-old-promise who by the time he was seven knew more about Vucanology (having devoured every printed page on the subject available via his parent's $$) than a university Junior? His second favorite book was an Oxford English Dictionary on CD ROM, so the kid learned some of the most difficult and obscure words in the lexicon as well as their meanings. There's probably 25 million Chinese children on the planet sharper than this kid, same age. Oh, and we're all trained regurgitates of the same clan my friend-

He's got moxie-Love the way he stands up in that school desk, be nice to see more folks' children utilize theirs similarly.....

Jimmy Kimmel Live - Five-Year-Old Presidential Expert

Glenn Greenwald vs. David Gregory

radx says...

If you're not singing the establishment's praises and regurgitating government talking points, then clearly you're not a journalist. Or was that a propagandist? Damn, I always mix those up...

Maybe I should ring up the Minitrue and ask for clarifications.

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