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Swimming at the Edge of Victoria Falls

Farhad2000 says...

Victoria falls is awesome. I never got the guts to go to the safe pool zone, because frankly am not mental, the Zambezi's river happens to be full of crocodiles who very often fall over the side of the falls. I did white water rafting right below and after the falls and it's one of the best experiences of my life.

Standing on the sides you get a gush of fine misty rain that forms countless rainbows, and is cool to the skin. The locals actually call it Mosi-A-Tunya, which means the cloud that thunders, as you can hear the falls way before you can see it. It is also the name of Zambia's beer, which is piss poor unfortunately

The coolest thing is being right below the falls, you can actually walk up to the edge and see the huge tornado like vortex of falling water that forms below, its astounding, a tour guide said that its possible to fall into it and remain submerged for nearly 2 years as water keeps falling.

Deichkind - Ich Betäube Mich {A big WTF from Germany}

maatc says...

Deichkind rock! They played at the Melt Festival the second time in a row last year opening for "Snap" (yes they still exist) and they put on a wild show in front of 50.000 people that included the band dressed in flourescent space outfits floating across the crowd in a rubber raft and a huge inflated crowd floating trampoline with girls jumping around on it. Madness! All of this at 4 o´clock in the morning!

The year before they told the entire crowd of 50.000 people to come up on stage for a moshpit and about 500 people managed to climb up until the police stopped it because the stage almost collapsed under the weight of people jumping around....

Crazy germans

Guitar Hero featuring "Dueling Banjos"

spoco2 says...

How did they mod it to have that? Cool.

I think a Guitar Hero (I've never played any of them thankyou very much) with a whole raft of humorous songs would do great. A variety of different instruments, like the banjo, the double bass, the violin etc. I think as an expansion pack it would sell buckets. As surely the rights to such songs could be quite cheap.

Out of Balance - Trailer

choggie says...

How bout start with a symbolic blow to the machine. Kill yer television, and stop looking at Walmarts, much less shopping at them. Use their death as a pulpit to launch economic attacks at other death-dealing corporations, work your way up from Walton's crew, to Archer Daniels Midland, and take a fucking farm back for, embrace your mortality, and go for the jugular, the medical industrial complex, the insurance industrial complex, etc.......driving a hybrid car is fine and all, but you have to at the same time, suffer the masters of oil, no more.....why I say, we will never see free energy, until those that keep it locked away, are annihilated.

So Greenpeace??? Next time you plan an ineffectual protest, destroy a supertanker instead of bouncing off it in a raft......and do it in dry dock, ya goddamn hippies, so you won't have to bath seagulls all summer...

Kent Hovind is a fucktard

choggie says...

catchy hook......again, atheist fucktards, how much work for good can be done, by being the obnoxious schoolyard bully??? Yer all fucktards, preachy is the disease you all share.....atheist's most outspoken and memorable examples, I wouldn't be caught dead inna life raft 3 clicks form shore with.....oh and, Madeline Murray O'Hare???...she's in heaven

Abraham Simpson vs. Missouri (Woohoo Talk Post)

firefly says...

the full quote is:
"I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground, before I recognize Missourah!"

It's from the episode were Homer is accused of sexual harassment on the babysitter (Homer Bad Man, Season 6 No. 9), and they were setting up the flag for Homer's rebuttal (The Innocence Report)on a public access show.
There is also another episode where Bart and Nelson are Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, escaping the mob on a raft (Simpsons Tall Tales, Season 12, No. 21). While on the river, you see a sign: "Now Leaving Missouri." and a few seconds later another sign, "Now Entering Missourah."
As for why they do that, no idea!
I'm sure our Woohoo! master Krupo could tell us...!

Neatorama... mmm Blogables (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

Woulda put the little bugger on an ostomy-sac m’self, , and charged admission to the freak petting zoo, maybe get some other booths set up for a proper midway!!!

“See the Human Pin Coushin” (throwing darts at the neighbor’s beer gut)

“She, floats, she wiggles, never before seen by the masses!!”…(his rotund wife on a raft in the pool through a fence knot-hole)

“And the children raised by Dairy Cows!!”..(make the kids earn their keep, on all fours in Bossy’s manger)\

Yep, ol’ Sven missed out on a white-trash extravaganza…

[choggie's comment on Neatorama, on the spider-lamb]

Fox Attacks: The Environment

Fedquip says...

Sounds awesome choggie, I'm actually in the middle of building a raft, all I need is more duck tape. Either way, you for sure are invited onto the raft, I live on an island so I should be one of the first to go, i'll sail to your local and pick you up off your roof, we'll have a couple tall cans and laugh about the time you denied global warming.

'Atomic Piano' Our Time has come

BicycleRepairMan says...

To pharaphrase something Richard Dawkins writes in "The Ancestor's Tale" that I'm currently reading, "Island migration" animals that, by a freak occurrence drifts across the sea to colonize islands, is such a rare event that animals evolve into new species before the next raft arrives, and thus the variation that Darwin discovered and, presumably was inspired by, on the Galapagos islands, as he puts it, such raft journeys of, say a pregnant iguana is so rare that the possibility that it will happen in a year is one to ten thousand or so, but on a million year scale (evolutionary and geological time) its unavoidable. The same applies to nuclear war: it may be statistically improbable , but it only has to happen once.

Will we be able to set aside our petty, insignificant religious and cultural differences and move on to bigger and better things before that time comes?

9/11 Flight 93 Footage-Censored News Coverage

choggie says...

Writing is a construct, much like all me experience here on Earth.
I do not write for the cheap seats, i.e....I don't do simply diagrams or instructions-I don't use "I" much either, tends to muddle shit-(extravagant jargon...I kinda like that)

"intellectual deficiency of his argument." Thank God. Intelligence is overrated, and abused, like a Thai teen these days, I seriously abhor placing that above all else, as a gauge of credibility-
"the one about the construction of the World Trade Center in which you made a rather cryptic comment".....a reference to a child's rhyme, to commemorate and recall, Guy Fawkes wonderful day, when he tried to diss a King, back in 05'.......1605,
how easy to forget history.....which is 2 why the adage of it "Repeating Itself" so appropriate here.

Crazy? when you don't understand how? Crazy, when all data is not available, but one comes to a conclusion anyway??

Yes, we live in a world of crazy people....what else is new.
Knowledge is power, not conjecture,and taking someone's world as law....To me, that is the ultimate insanity....

The fact that 5 years after this event, that the monkeys in th U.S. are not demanding answers like I am tells me that we are truly sheep, cattle, whatever you want to cal it....

a par or a spoco2 on in my life raft, would most likely one or the other be used as chum for some dinner, -a fat, juicy, raw tunie or shark.

What do you do when your friend is passed out? This!

Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe-Zambia)

Farhad2000 says...

One of the best places that I visited when I lived in Africa was these falls. I did white water rafting there for the first time as well. The name Mosi-oa-Tunya in the local language means the smoke that thunders basically, because the actual falls can be heard and seen from quite a distance. The local beer was actually called Mosi as well. Great place to visit, one can bungee jump there as well.

I have to mention that the person taking the video must have visited right after the dry season ended, as the waterfall output in the helicopter overflight shows much more of the falls that I remember. Oh and watch out for the nice rainbow at 1:05.

The Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya are situated on the Zambezi River, on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, (17°55′24.05″S, 25°51′22.32″E) and are roughly 1.7 km (1 mile) wide and 128 m (420 ft) high. They are considered a remarkable spectacle because of the peculiar narrow slot-like chasm into which the water falls, so one can view the falls face-on.

David Livingstone, a Scottish explorer, visited the falls in 1855 and renamed them after Queen Victoria, though they were known locally as Mosi-oa-Tunya, the "smoke that thunders". The falls are part of two national parks, Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park in Zambia and Victoria Falls National Park in Zimbabwe, and are one of Southern Africa's major tourist attractions. They are also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Vastly larger than North America's Niagara Falls, Victoria is only rivalled by South America's Iguazu Falls (excluding large rapid like falls such as Livingston de Chutes). Whilst Iguazu is divided into over 270 (relatively) 'small' falls and cataracts, Victoria is the largest single sheet of water in the world , over 100 metres tall, and over one mile wide.

Creepy (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

Can I *spam this or chuck this viral-garbage nuvo-marketing crap from SiftTalk??!!!


MADRID -- Driving to become one of Spain's most powerful film/TV groups, DeAPlaneta has just moved up a couple of gears with higher-profile acquisitions and a raft of new productions.

The new aggression coincides with the appointment of the energetic Alvaro Zapata, former VP of Buena Vista Intl. in Spain, as DeAPlaneta executive prexy.

DeAPlaneta purchased a controlling stake in Spanish broadcaster Antena 3 in April 2003. The latest expansion confirms it as one of the fastest-growing film and TV companies in Europe.

As a producer of film (DeAPlaneta PC) and TV (TV moviemaker Prodigius Audiovisual), DeAPlaneta's key competitive advantages lie in its distribution reach and -- for Spain -- higher-end muscle.

Launched in 2000 by two big European publishers and long-term partners, Spain's Planeta Group and Italy's DeAgostini Group, DeAPlaneta initially grew cautiously, establishing a theatrical distribution op, (DeAPlaneta Distribucion), a video distrib arm (SAV) and a kids distribution and merchandising division (Planeta Junior).

So you are pointing everyone to some crappy "scary video" crap put out by a Barcelona wanna-be disney! Oooookah..

In case you are wondering, it is a Japanese film re-visioned by Wes Craven..
Pulse (2006)
Directed by Jim Sonzero

Writing credits (WGA)
Wes Craven (screenplay) and
Ray Wright (screenplay)
Kiyoshi Kurosawa (2001 screenplay Kairo)

White-water kayaking by Portland-based group, category V+

2 superflat & superfunny music videos by Groovisions

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