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Bush and Clinton - A Bad Lip Reading Soundbite

Adam Curtis - Murdoch's Revolution (2011)

chingalera says...

Cold-clock crackin' it'
greenback-stackin' it;
CrrrRashin', an hackin', an tabloid trashin' it it-

Mr. Kieth won't stop! // Cause he's the KIng-at-th' muck-rack TOP!!

(drop fat bass line here) Boooosh, D-booosh, D-boooosh, D-BOOOOSH!

deathcow (Member Profile)

Amazing close up footage of a tornado that destroyed a farm

mizila says...

@ 0:20 -
I hear tornadoes can put forks through trees and such.
I wonder what a tornado can do with a rack of steel pipes.
NOT where I would be standing.

Arrested for Fake Peeing

How to check testicle(s) for cancer

BoneRemake says...

Lets rack it up to date:
3 people care about peoples knowledge about testicular cancer

10 people think everyone should die from testicular cancer.


Ryan Reynolds:"I'm a Horrible Driver".. but he is very funny

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Quboid:

I don't mind most Americanisms, I see them as the evolution of language. However, in the case of proper nouns, it does bug me; if it's a British word, they are as objectively wrong as language can be.
Jag-u-ar. Ir-aq. Ir-an. Al-u-min-i-um. Car-i-bbe-an.
Edit: Oh yes, spelt is valid English. Only US English does away with it in favour of "spelled".

Except aluminium was called aluminum by the chemist who discovered it, Humphry Davy, in his 1812 book which publicized the metal. It was some anonymous jackass writing a review of Davy's book who decided to change it to aluminium because he didn't like the sound of Davy's choice.

Jaguar is a Portuguese word and I believe their pronunciation is closer to "jag-war" than "jag-you-are".

But generally, I agree with you. I still say catch myself saying "eye-rack" and "eye-ran" instead of "ee-rock" and "ee-ron". I go back and forth on the emphasis on Caribbean. It's hard to break old habits.

Guy High Fives Unsuspecting Tourists in Pisa

Know what my bulldog can do?

ant jokingly says...

Sure, 1Z$ thouugh.

>> ^rottenseed:

Well ok then...I'll do what I can! Just to let you know, I charge premium for such demands!>> ^ant:
>> ^rottenseed:
Nah...virgins are boring. We need to get you somebody with some miles. Catholic ok with you? Usually they rack up the frequent flyer miles at Catholic summer camp and youth groups.>> ^ant:
>> ^rottenseed:
Everything looks like humping to you. We need to get you laid, buddy-boy...>> ^ant:
Bulldog looks like humping to me.

Sure, find me a single young virgin Christian lady to marry first.

No. Christian, virgin (I am too), and young.

Know what my bulldog can do?

rottenseed says...

Well ok then...I'll do what I can! Just to let you know, I charge premium for such demands!>> ^ant:

>> ^rottenseed:
Nah...virgins are boring. We need to get you somebody with some miles. Catholic ok with you? Usually they rack up the frequent flyer miles at Catholic summer camp and youth groups.>> ^ant:
>> ^rottenseed:
Everything looks like humping to you. We need to get you laid, buddy-boy...>> ^ant:
Bulldog looks like humping to me.

Sure, find me a single young virgin Christian lady to marry first.

No. Christian, virgin (I am too), and young.

Know what my bulldog can do?

ant says...

>> ^rottenseed:

Nah...virgins are boring. We need to get you somebody with some miles. Catholic ok with you? Usually they rack up the frequent flyer miles at Catholic summer camp and youth groups.>> ^ant:
>> ^rottenseed:
Everything looks like humping to you. We need to get you laid, buddy-boy...>> ^ant:
Bulldog looks like humping to me.

Sure, find me a single young virgin Christian lady to marry first.

No. Christian, virgin (I am too), and young.

Know what my bulldog can do?

rottenseed says...

Nah...virgins are boring. We need to get you somebody with some miles. Catholic ok with you? Usually they rack up the frequent flyer miles at Catholic summer camp and youth groups.>> ^ant:

>> ^rottenseed:
Everything looks like humping to you. We need to get you laid, buddy-boy...>> ^ant:
Bulldog looks like humping to me.

Sure, find me a single young virgin Christian lady to marry first.

Dog Guards Owner's Bike

The Frugal Gangsta'

Stupidity at 2500 FPS - Dumt & Farligt Highlights

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