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Cat in a Box II

The Return of Serious Cat (Happy Talk Post)

Time lapse: man sleeping with cat

cybrbeast says...

Well if you did this with my cat it would be quite boring. If it even does bother to come in and sleep on my bed, it usually lies next to my feet, purring for a while. When I wake up she's usually gone already. I sleep soundly through it all.
I have a nice kitty and I trained her not to bother me for food, if she tries she doesn't get any. I just make sure she always has enough cat feed.

CNN Fact-Slaps McCain/Palin

Annotated/ad-laden/hijacked videos (Commercial Talk Post)

Eklek says...

A broad policy would be too much probably, cf. previous discussions, but it's good siftiquette to allow us users to vote on VIDEOS, not on VIDEOS+PARAPHERNALIA, by posting videos pur sang..

I think allowing a little could lead (slipping slope) to videos clogged with distracting opiniated/brand messages..
Often these extra messages are unethical as they make it look like someone else made/published the video.

Mens 4x100 Relay - Olympic Swimming

westy says...

Lol yah i dont understand suporting your country and all that crap but outside of all the sporting bs this swim was more of a spectical to watch due to the dynamic of the actoin and the fact you canot tell who is going to win till the end. so i was like nice win ,

you do have to recofnise that so manny people are compleat tards and will be natoinalistic and be totaly ignorent to other natoins ore suport the lochal football team religously over another one and actualy deep down realy belive them to be better some how. it would be fantastic if everyone was just arbatreraly suporting people and recognized it as that and esentualy just treated it as gambaling but most people dont.

allso !!! lol if you dont belive in free will then you have to admit that the fact that sumone is compeating in the olimpics is purly sercomstance anny way, evan if you do belive in free will you would have to admit an olimpean is only there because of there genetics and granted thay have to put a shit load of work in but having the motivatoin to do that work is down to genetics and sercomstance so there realy is no resoin to get all bat shit crazy over stuff , just enjoy it as you would a film ore watching a big thunder storm roll in its all just movments of nature whitch in itself is a facinating thing to watch take place.

just because there is a big fire work display around the olimpics and it involves humans dosent make it anny more sugnificant then if i was to roll a dice and prodict which number would come up both are equal in terms of skill and and all outcomes are equaly good/bad/ deserving. olimpics is just the same thing packaged in a way that our febal human minds are more pron to getting emotoinaly wraped up in. its good to get emotoinaly wraped up in it however only if you know the realty of what it is and dont take it to far,

Rusty Ward Interviews at Comic-Con '08

westy says...

Lol how fucking dum are people. how could you honistly think mcain would do good for usa ? like i can see how you might not like obama and think he might not deliver on what he says ore just not like his policies whitch is fair enoughf. obama at a minimum is 100x the diplomat that mcain is and thats what usa needs if you want to reduce the supoosed terror thret then you need sumone who will perfom a semi decent forghen policy (ore at worse apear to be doing so ) .

lol and the economy is totaly fucked purly because of the bush goverment how could annyone vote bush typs in again after sutch a fuck up.

usa is so broken its like the country has 15% cool down to earth resnable people then the rest are totaly fucked.

The VideoSift iTunes Game. (Music Talk Post)

djsunkid says...

Well, I don't have an MP3 player, so I just loaded up my entire collection in winamp and hit randomize playlist. Here's what I came up with:

1. Beatsystem - Endlessly Downward

This is exactly what it sounds like. It is a 3 minute track of a repeating loop of tones that sound like they are going downward, endlessly. It is kind of a auditory version of barbershop pole.

2. Transwave - The Rezwalker (London Live Remix)

The first of several classic goa trance tracks that ended up here. I do have a fair collection of old goa on here, I suppose, but they are unfairly represented in this list, which is just fine. I love this music.

3. Finski Disco - Speaking in Lungs

Now this is really really weird stuff. Finland psytrance is some of the most interesting music I've heard in years.

4. Acrid Abeyance - 303 Delight

Classic, screaming, hard acid techno music. 303 delight, indeed.

5. Pleiadians - Alcyone

Another classic goa track. Alcyone is the name of a star in the pleadian star cluster.

6. Cause 4 Concern - Research

Drum and bass.

7. St. Germain - Montego Bay Spleen

This is the closest thing to an embarassment on my list. OK, it's almost mainstream jazzy house music. It's cool though.

8. Chris Watson - Adult Cheetah resting by the Baobob tree.

An actual recording of a Cheetah, purring as it rests by a tree. If you turn it up loud, it sounds crazy- almost like you're in a cheetah's mouth!

9. Shpongle - Periscopes of Consciousness
10. Infected Mushroom - Semi Nice

These should be self-explanatory.

Wow, did I ever luck in. What a great list!

The sift needs concrete rules on dupes (Sift Talk Post)

ashes2flames says...

We will need to form a more concrete definition of "dupe" for this site. There is so much being sifted lately that this dupe issue is almost like being a victim of your own success. For the goldies and above it might not seem like a problem. They have the ability to deal with it when they see it, or if it affects their submissions. But for the others .. and for those who think dupes dilute the Sift and the concept of "Online Video * Quality Control" .. there's a growing problem here.

What do you want the sift to be? An indexing service for the wide array of video sources it pulls from? Or should it be the place to find the best of the best .. as voted on by the community?

I'm not saying this has to be the highbrow or bravo sift .. there's plenty of room for drooling kittens etc .. I just don't want to see the SAME damn cat shot from a different angle .. or with Beethoven instead of Bach playing while it falls asleep. Or that there was that five seconds extra of it purring. Especially if the first one queued doesn't get sifted.

I think the FAQ is clear, but there's a lot of subjectivity to interpret it. I think we should at least start by finding a definition for "same event" videos. ie it's not an exact dupe but it's the same thing .. sharing same video etc .. windmills .. rocket people .. etc.

Just my thoughts .. trying to be part of the solution. Love the Sift but I do think we need to work on the dupe situation.

Taliban attacked with Artillery Fire.

Fade says...


–noun 1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.

2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.


–noun Rhetoric. 1. obvious and intentional exaggeration.
2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

Clearly you haven't spent much time with a dictionary.

"Pur Sang" Bugatti Veyron in Dubai

Payback says...

It's not actually chrome.

From Wiki-peddy...
"On 10 September 2007 a special version of the Veyron called the Bugatti EB 16.4 Veyron "Pur Sang" was unveiled at the Frankfurt Motor Show. The difference from a standard Veyron is the body finishing: the Pur Sang has none. Instead it reveals the Veyron's pure aluminium-carbon fibre body. Pur Sang is French, meaning thoroughbred or pure blood (literally). Production will be limited to 5 cars. The car will be included with high-gloss aluminum wheels with a diamond cut finish."

Unstable Feline

Unstable Feline

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Ellen DeGeneres' sad lesson: Shelter Dog taken from kids

oxdottir says...

There are a lot of crazy bat shit people out there. I'm one of them.

I had a cat. I'll give him a name for ease of explanation: his name was Tut. He was a very special hybrid cat, a savannah cat. He could open all my doors and drawers, he could open the refridgerator and the meat droor. He was smart, he looked like a miniature cheetah, and he was passionately loyal (he jumped into my arms when I came home at night). He was friendly to most people, but he vehemently hated the vet, and would have slit any of the vet staff bloody if I hadn't been there. While visiting my mom's house, he ate a lily flower petal, and I didn't know it then, but lilies are deathly poisonous to cats. He didn't pee the whole way home in the car (hours) and he was low energy, so I called my vet, and they told me to come in (this was very late at night). They made me leave him and I went home and slept.

Four hours later, they called me and told me Tut was dying because his kidneys were shutting down and he still hadn't peed. I asked if I could come in and be with him. they said it was against policy because he needed to be in the back area with his IV and all, but I said he was always very affected by his people, and eventually they let me. I threw on clothes and went to the vet. They let me into the back area, where Tut was very happy to see me and purred and licked me (he always groomed me constantly). I tricked him by putting some tuna juice on my body where he wanted to groom me, so he got a little nutrition.

Once I was there, they couldn't get me out. At first it was because he was supposed to die any minute, but about 20 hours after I got there, he peed. No one could handle him but me, and he would rip all of his stuff out if I left, and keeping him sedated was even worse for his kidneys, so they let me stay. I was worried that if I left they would put him back in restraints and he would be terrified, so I stayed at the vet for a week solid. I mean, I wore the same underwear for a week. Friends brought me food; colleagues did my work. I force fed Tut, I gave him all his shots, I kept him calm. The vet staff brought people by just to see what he did when I left the room to hit the bathroom and such (he would twist his head and stare behind him at the door I had gone through until I came back). Eventually I convinced him to eat a bit on his own, and he started getting better. He was so beautiful, and so clearly affected by my being there that they let me break the rules. Tut became a local celebrity to them. (I gave them all gift certificates for the local pizza parlor when I left the vet with Tut.)

Anyway, Tut survived. He was the cover story for a vet magazine for surviving after having had such high creatinine levels. And I loved him and it was worth it. So count me as crazy bat shit. (And yeah I know that was too tangential and long for anyone to read to the end of, but I see no reason not to hit submit...)

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