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The Cheshire Cat - Alice in Wonderland

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'tim burton, cheshire cat, evaporation skills, purrrr, pur' to 'tim burton, cheshire cat, evaporation skills, purrrr, pur, stephen fry' - edited by rasch187

You wouldn't expect a dog fight to be this funny

westy says...

So much fail .

like people who dont find chriss moris funny because of his pedophile specail.

Interlectualy dammaged ,

allso all you people getting so emotoinal over this , i bet a good number of you eat meat and probably dont bother to check where its come from , for all you know your sat here complaining about dogs bing miss treated for no real resoin and at the same time suporting an industry that porely looks after animals miss treets them and then kills them for you to eat them. (granted growing cretures for meet is difrent from growing them for fighting and entertainment , but in our socity of surpluss food meat is often used in food that is purely intended for entertainment rather than sustinence)

I can almost garentee that people that are affended by this and fail to see or evan admit there is a funny side to it , are likely to have laffed at or made a joke about something that is equaly as deprvied or from a far more distubing context.

I hazerd to bet that a good number of you are emotoinaly invested in this purly because its dogs and in your socity dogs are dispropotoinatly respected
and loved.

enoch (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

I couldn't really follow it. I guess I'm kind of simple but the poem with the Mazzy (and all the words and imagery and memories that are inherent to that song for me) and the visuals prevented me from being able to focus on your words. I thought maybe I'd go back and try it again with it muted.

In reply to this comment by enoch:
my newest work turned video.
i await your scalding criticism...or heart melting purring..
in any case.let me know what you think.

schmawy (Member Profile)

The New Video Game "UsesProzac" has gone gold, ships (Femme Talk Post)

Drax says...

Drax says - "massage me 4 chynese gold! LOW RAYTS!! $149.00 pur gold sttar! Use cupon code: Vydeosyft and get 2 powre points fREE! Fast and dyscreet dilevory."

Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist

Drax says...

>> ^Jesus_Freak:
To everyone else. Can you honestly take in the astounding sights, sounds, and wonders of the world around us and not at least consider the possibility that this was not all the result of ridiculously improbable chaos? The order and certainty, which I thank Science for demonstrating, in the laws of physics and can honestly say "gee, neat that it all just came together like that?" Our planet alone would have had to have been to result of 10,000,000 lottery odds occurrences all happening in concert. Nothing was behind that?

Id just like to point out that those sights, sounds and wonders you speak of which you find amazing, and yes there are many in this world, are the result of your brain's chemical reactions to those three things. Like when you buy something really nice and shiny you've been saving up for and wanting for so long, that giddy rush you get while walking out of the store? Same thing (and be careful, it's addictive... mmm.. WoW Expansion Collector's Editions... =0~~ )

I know that sounds dry and soulless, but it's not. Something that is amazing IS amazing (to you).. but we're just creatures reacting to these things in the same way a cat purrs when you pet it.

And about the other thing.. the odds argument. What are the odds that we could live in a place with so many intricate and amazing systems, like the tides, and the sun rising and setting, and the seasons.. etc, etc...??

Because.. Where Ever That System Develops in this Humongous Universe We Live In.. THAT Is Where Life Is Going to -Form- (us). We are a -part- of that system, just like the purring cat, or the sand on the beach. We are a component of the universe, and we're at a really amazing stage where we're self aware of all of this. Id like to think we're going to continue to evolve further into aspects of the universe we're unable to understand at all currently.

What exists outside the realm of what our current senses cover? After all, we're currently adapted to this planet.. not the whole universe itself... hopefully.

*puts bong down*

Wait... what was I just talking about?

Penn and Teller BullShit!-Bottled Water

burdturgler says...

I worked in a water treatment facility when I was younger. After seeing all the shit that was tolerated and allowed to pass through, I definitely filter my water at home.

Where I live now, the water may be perfectly safe but it does have a slight chlorine smell. I use a Pur Ultimate faucet mount and it completely removes the odor. The filters are cheap when you buy them in 6 packs at amazon and they last a lonnng time.

Even in areas where the water is great, it doesn't mean every drop is the same level of purity. Things are allowed to fluctuate between certain levels and sometimes they go on the high end.
That's my 2 cents.

Sweet Lamborghini R2

BMW and its beautiful engine sound

Prairie Cat

Kittens' first experience of the Great Outdoors

The Cutest Scottish Fold Kitten You'll Ever See

Steven Hawkings Universe - Religion vs Science

Aniatario says...

According to legend, upon Galileo's trial when he was forced to renounce the blasphemous theory that the Earth was not stationary and not the center of the universe. Galileo muttered "E pur si muove" meaning, "And yet it moves" before leaving the courtoom. Afterwards the man spent the remainder of his life under house arrest.

the Official Videosift Catcount (Pets Talk Post)

campionidelmondo says...

1. Two
2. Bianca (aka Miss Piggy, because of the piggish noises she makes) & Macchiata
3. Animal shelter, they were rescued from a lab that did tests on them. They seem to ok tho, no apparent physical or mental damage, guess they got lucky
4. About 4 years old now.
5. Here you go:
6. They hunt every insect no matter how small. When in reach, they will lick your fingers and toes as if they were made of cat food (no clue what that's about). Bianca will start purring as soon as she sees you.
7. I grew up with cats who got really old and were part of the world as I knew it.
8. Probably the one with the Raccoon stealing food from a cat, but there are too many cat vids to be certain.

the Official Videosift Catcount (Pets Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Isobel (4 y/o) and Frankenbutt (7 m/o). Isobel is named after the Bjork song, and Frankie because a Raccoon attacked him as sa stray two week old kitten. We got him to the vet and they shaved him, amputated his nerve damaged tail, and stitched him up. His butt resembled Frankenstein, so that became his name. Issy was from an adoption service and Frankie was a stray.

My avatar is Frankie, Issy's avatar is... well... Issy.

Issy is an independent, fastidious, immaculate, cat, of discerning taste. She loves to play fetch and horde huge amounts of bottle caps in secret nooks and crannies around the house. She will also topple any empty plastic bottle she encounters.

Frankie is a cuddler and tireless rascal, constantly pouncing on Issy, whether she is in the mood or not. He is very skiddish of strangers and certain types of noises. He is also a bit of a slob, leaving a trail of cat food and kitty litter wherever he goes. He loves to be picked up and will stay on your lap for quite a long time purring, and giving generous amounts of kitty kisses. and are my favorite cat vids.

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