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"Psychic" womans life is changed by QI's cropcircle logo

BicycleRepairMan (Member Profile)

"Psychic" womans life is changed by QI's cropcircle logo

lavoll says...

no this woman is for real.. or "real". She is on a norwegian talk show called "the other side" where there's a panel of a "normal" woman, a antroposophic lady, this "psychic" and a hostess. tonights guest was and it was just ridicolous... our psychic here got a feeling that belanger is from another place, maybe the 16th or 17th dimension, so she touched her hand briefly and could confirm "yes, the 17th dimension" and then she started crying because Belanger is such an ancient sould from a far away place that she can't talk about and it is all so beautiful etc.

The Rippin' and The Tearin' (Tearin' my eyes out! AAAAAH!!!)

The Player - Opening Scene

This man has the Music IN him, DANCE BOY, DANCE !

Alabama Tea Partier Ad: "Gather Your Armies"

kronosposeidon says...

Sweet Jesus, there is nothing beyond the pale for these fuckers anymore.

Would one of our psychic sifters please hold a séance with me? I want you to summon the ghosts of the Founding Fathers, so I can yell at them. Forget about asking them what the afterlife is like, I just want them to listen to me bitching about taxes.

Ohio Supreme Court Rules No Radar Needed to Ticket (Wtf Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:

And Democrats aren't corrupt? Someone needs to come down from that tower.

I didn't say that, but there's a matter of degrees. Republican corruption usually involves outright devastation to people's lives for profit (let's "privatize" social security, let's start a war to get oil rights, let's pretend the environment is indestructible), whereas Democratic corruption usually presents itself as siding with Republicans on whatever horrific scheme they're looking to implement, plus they get involved in some of the "traditional" corruption -- funneling public money into private hands in return for campaign contributions -- though they seem to do this to much smaller degrees than Republicans do.

>> ^NordlichReiter:
Netrunner, I can think of one thing. The 1913 Federal Reserve act. Woodrow Wilson member of the Democratic Party.

I did add the qualifier "In my lifetime" for a reason. That said, the Federal Reserve Act was a good thing. Only crazy people are against the idea of having a central bank at this point. I may want more firm oversight to ensure it's not being mismanaged, but that's wholly different from declaring the very idea evil.

Plus, while I'm not going to try to defend Woodrow Wilson against nonspecific charges, I should point out that it's not as if his name evokes the same effect as Richard Nixon, George W. Bush, or even Herbert Hoover in people.

>> ^NordlichReiter:
How about the repealing of the Glass Steagall Act, President Bill Clinton?

...and Majority Leader Trent Lott and House Speaker Newt Gingrich. So Clinton's failing was that he didn't fight the Republicans like the left of his party wanted him to. Still fits my description.

>> ^NordlichReiter:
How about the current president and Habeus Corpus for Bagram Airforce base detainees?

You mean the rights denied them by a 5-4 decision (5 Conservative vs. 4 Liberals) of the Roberts Supreme Court?

>> ^NordlichReiter:
Preservation of extraordinary rendition? Escalation of Afghanistan? Violations of Pakistani sovereignty?

The Afghanistan war was started by Bush, as were the violations of Pakistani sovereignty (though it seems unlikely that we are really operating without Pakistan's approval). Again, the worst you can say here is that Democrat Obama has been insufficiently anti-Republican in his stance, something I would agree with as a general criticism of Obama. He isn't as left as I wish he was.

>> ^NordlichReiter:
You know what don't answer those questions. I don't want to see any more rationalizations for the two parties today. Freedom of choice be damned.

Ahh, so I am to let your eminently answerable questions stand as if I had no answer for them? Talk about limiting freedom of choice...

What's limiting your choice isn't what the two parties are doing, it's your view that there's nothing you can do to a) change how the Democratic or Republican parties do things, or b) form your own party around a platform that would appeal to an untapped coalition of voters.

Family Asks Doctors to Wait for Prayers to Work

chilaxe says...

I used to believe in spiritual stuff. I would read things like scientists associated with the Institute of Noetic Sciences doing a joint study with mainstream scientists around 2004 in which both teams separately used the exact same equipment and procedures, but came up with results that supported their separate paradigms.

The Institute of Noetic Sciences folks thus concluded that reality literally conforms to your paradigm or something, and that we have to re-examine hundreds of years of science.

Now that I have more intellectual experience, I believe more sober-minded scientists will tell you that there are innumerable ways to unknowingly botch your study if you care about the outcome, and that's one of the reasons science is so notoriously difficult to do right.
>> ^Trancecoach:

Grad, Bernard. "Paranormal Healing and Life Energy." American Society for Psychical Research Newsletter 7 (1981).
——. "Some Biological Effects of the 'Laying on of Hands': A Review of Experiments with Animals and Plants." Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 59 (1965).
——. "A Telekinetic Effect on Plant Growth." International Journal of Parapsychology 3 (1961); 5 (1963).
Grad, Bernard, Remi J. Cadoret, and G. I. Paul. "The Influence of an Unorthodox Method of Treatment on Wound Healing in Mice." International Journal of Parapsychology 3, no. 2 (1961).

>> ^hpqp:
>> ^Trancecoach:
So there's actually been some hard data collected on the effects of prayer on healing. The effects are extremely modest (albeit statistically significant).
Dr. Bernard Grad worked with a self-proclaimed healer, Oskar Estabany, and observed that Estebany could "psychically" (i.e., prayer-at-a-distance) inhibit the damage caused by saline to red blood cells, thereby decreasing the healing time of wounds in mice, as compared to a control group of mice for whose healing was not prayed.
That said, I think this family needs to get the hint... unless of course the man's right, and the woman's foot IS all she has (and judging by her family, he might be right).

Link to study, please?

Family Asks Doctors to Wait for Prayers to Work

bamdrew says...

sweet citations... though I was surprized that you didn't cite his 1987 review article in the 'Journal for the North American Society for Bullshitting People'

>> ^Trancecoach:

Grad, Bernard. "Paranormal Healing and Life Energy." American Society for Psychical Research Newsletter 7 (1981).
——. "Some Biological Effects of the 'Laying on of Hands': A Review of Experiments with Animals and Plants." Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 59 (1965).
——. "A Telekinetic Effect on Plant Growth." International Journal of Parapsychology 3 (1961); 5 (1963).
Grad, Bernard, Remi J. Cadoret, and G. I. Paul. "The Influence of an Unorthodox Method of Treatment on Wound Healing in Mice." International Journal of Parapsychology 3, no. 2 (1961).


Family Asks Doctors to Wait for Prayers to Work

LooiXIV says...

You seem to be doing a lot of pretending. Mr. Trancecoach....>> ^Trancecoach:

I'm going to pretend that made sense to me.
>> ^westy:
>> ^Trancecoach:
Placebo effect on mice, Westy?
You must be joking!
>> ^westy:
>> ^Trancecoach:
So there's actually been some hard data collected on the effects of prayer on healing. The effects are extremely modest (albeit statistically significant).
Dr. Bernard Grad worked with a self-proclaimed healer, Oskar Estabany, and observed that Estebany could "psychically" (i.e., prayer-at-a-distance) inhibit the damage caused by saline to red blood cells, thereby decreasing the healing time of wounds in mice, as compared to a control group of mice for whose healing was not prayed.
That said, I think this family needs to get the hint... unless of course the man's right, and the woman's foot IS all she has (and judging by her family, he might be right).

I call bullshit
as sumone said the only time praying helps is when u tell sumone that people are giving a shit about them and u end up with posative phycalogical effects , and placebo effect.
the same thing would happen if u told an ill person that people were thinking about them and wanted them to get better.

as for this video WTF BBQ lol

I stoped talking about mice and the study after i typed "I call Bull shit"
you took what i said out of context , i was restating the realty of things on humans and just highlighting what sumone else had alredy said , the fact that you were talking about mice is not evan relivent.
Fact is there have been so manny studies and its allso the sort of thing that if it worked you would have plenty of evidence evan before you did a study.

Family Asks Doctors to Wait for Prayers to Work

Trancecoach says...

I'm going to pretend that made sense to me.

>> ^westy:

>> ^Trancecoach:
Placebo effect on mice, Westy?
You must be joking!
>> ^westy:
>> ^Trancecoach:
So there's actually been some hard data collected on the effects of prayer on healing. The effects are extremely modest (albeit statistically significant).
Dr. Bernard Grad worked with a self-proclaimed healer, Oskar Estabany, and observed that Estebany could "psychically" (i.e., prayer-at-a-distance) inhibit the damage caused by saline to red blood cells, thereby decreasing the healing time of wounds in mice, as compared to a control group of mice for whose healing was not prayed.
That said, I think this family needs to get the hint... unless of course the man's right, and the woman's foot IS all she has (and judging by her family, he might be right).

I call bullshit
as sumone said the only time praying helps is when u tell sumone that people are giving a shit about them and u end up with posative phycalogical effects , and placebo effect.
the same thing would happen if u told an ill person that people were thinking about them and wanted them to get better.

as for this video WTF BBQ lol

I stoped talking about mice and the study after i typed "I call Bull shit"
you took what i said out of context , i was restating the realty of things on humans and just highlighting what sumone else had alredy said , the fact that you were talking about mice is not evan relivent.
Fact is there have been so manny studies and its allso the sort of thing that if it worked you would have plenty of evidence evan before you did a study.

Family Asks Doctors to Wait for Prayers to Work

westy says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

Placebo effect on mice, Westy?
You must be joking!
>> ^westy:
>> ^Trancecoach:
So there's actually been some hard data collected on the effects of prayer on healing. The effects are extremely modest (albeit statistically significant).
Dr. Bernard Grad worked with a self-proclaimed healer, Oskar Estabany, and observed that Estebany could "psychically" (i.e., prayer-at-a-distance) inhibit the damage caused by saline to red blood cells, thereby decreasing the healing time of wounds in mice, as compared to a control group of mice for whose healing was not prayed.
That said, I think this family needs to get the hint... unless of course the man's right, and the woman's foot IS all she has (and judging by her family, he might be right).

I call bullshit
as sumone said the only time praying helps is when u tell sumone that people are giving a shit about them and u end up with posative phycalogical effects , and placebo effect.
the same thing would happen if u told an ill person that people were thinking about them and wanted them to get better.

as for this video WTF BBQ lol

I stoped talking about mice and the study after i typed "I call Bull shit"

you took what i said out of context , i was restating the realty of things on humans and just highlighting what sumone else had alredy said , the fact that you were talking about mice is not evan relivent.

Fact is there have been so manny studies and its allso the sort of thing that if it worked you would have plenty of evidence evan before you did a study.

Family Asks Doctors to Wait for Prayers to Work

Duckman33 says...

Yeah, if the mice believe that "medicine" is going to help them, then it will work.....

What I want to know is how they convinced the mice they were sick to begin with in order for the placebo affect to work.

>> ^Trancecoach:

Placebo effect on mice, Westy?
You must be joking!
>> ^westy:
>> ^Trancecoach:
So there's actually been some hard data collected on the effects of prayer on healing. The effects are extremely modest (albeit statistically significant).
Dr. Bernard Grad worked with a self-proclaimed healer, Oskar Estabany, and observed that Estebany could "psychically" (i.e., prayer-at-a-distance) inhibit the damage caused by saline to red blood cells, thereby decreasing the healing time of wounds in mice, as compared to a control group of mice for whose healing was not prayed.
That said, I think this family needs to get the hint... unless of course the man's right, and the woman's foot IS all she has (and judging by her family, he might be right).

I call bullshit
as sumone said the only time praying helps is when u tell sumone that people are giving a shit about them and u end up with posative phycalogical effects , and placebo effect.
the same thing would happen if u told an ill person that people were thinking about them and wanted them to get better.

as for this video WTF BBQ lol

Family Asks Doctors to Wait for Prayers to Work

Trancecoach says...

Grad, Bernard. "Paranormal Healing and Life Energy." American Society for Psychical Research Newsletter 7 (1981).

——. "Some Biological Effects of the 'Laying on of Hands': A Review of Experiments with Animals and Plants." Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 59 (1965).

——. "A Telekinetic Effect on Plant Growth." International Journal of Parapsychology 3 (1961); 5 (1963).

Grad, Bernard, Remi J. Cadoret, and G. I. Paul. "The Influence of an Unorthodox Method of Treatment on Wound Healing in Mice." International Journal of Parapsychology 3, no. 2 (1961).

>> ^hpqp:

>> ^Trancecoach:
So there's actually been some hard data collected on the effects of prayer on healing. The effects are extremely modest (albeit statistically significant).
Dr. Bernard Grad worked with a self-proclaimed healer, Oskar Estabany, and observed that Estebany could "psychically" (i.e., prayer-at-a-distance) inhibit the damage caused by saline to red blood cells, thereby decreasing the healing time of wounds in mice, as compared to a control group of mice for whose healing was not prayed.
That said, I think this family needs to get the hint... unless of course the man's right, and the woman's foot IS all she has (and judging by her family, he might be right).

Link to study, please?

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