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MarineGunrock and NetRunner interviewed in 1992

thinker247 says...

I'm not a doctor, but I think I know the problem. Your gay gene has crept into your brain through the corpus homosum, thus causing you to temporarily lose all sphincter control in your left adrenal VideoSift memory collection unit. A steady diet of prunes and leisurely strolls on the beach with blankfist and rottenseed should cure this problem. Side effects may include vomiting rainbows, sea urchin syndrome, death, flaccid eyeball and watery nipples. If these or other side effects occur, please notify a real doctor, who will probably be freaked the fuck out.

>> ^kronosposeidon:
Is there a doctor in the house?

Highlights of the 1st Presidential Debate

spoco2 says...

My running commentary while watching this

* McCain saying that Obama's voting record is very left, very liberal... um... All that does is make me like Obama more.

* WTF on spending freeze on everything but Military ones... Yeah, let's not spend anything on health, education, infrastructure, social security, ANYTHING... But f*ck it, let's spend on up big on those guns. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK Him.

* Holy crap does McCain calling himself a Maverick of the Senate just shit me up the wall... Giving yourself a title like that is so phony, so hollow, such bullshit.

* Trying to suggest there's some long list of things he's gone again Bush on... I'd like to see the list he has gone WITH him on vs those he's gone against him on, AND weights against them for actually how different they were and how important each decision was.

* OH MAN can you look at and address Obama directly? Obama looks at McCain, addresses McCain, tries to talk directly with him, and McCain refuses to look at, or address him directly. Does this not make people pause to think that the man has issues with confrontation? Issues with speaking directly to others... wouldn't you just LOVE to have him across a negotiating table staring off to the right while address you through a 3rd person.

* I just like Obama when he speaks, I mean look at him on the end, strides over to McCain, 'Good Job', shakes hands... McCain looks like a withered prune who doesn't quite know what he's doing.

Please don't let McCain run your country.


Boy Suspended for Wearing Anti-Obama Shirt

volumptuous says...

>> ^SDGundamX:
>> ^imstellar28:
^volumptuous, freedom of speech refers only to your freedom with respect to the government. colbert and stewart could have been kicked out of the emmys at any point. hell, they could have been forbidden to come because they are white--if that is what the emmys dictated. same thing goes for your house, or any other private property. you could be kicked out of the supermarket and permanently banned for asking "where are the prunes?" if they had some kind of anti-prunes policy.

That was dead-on. Thanks for pointing that out. I wish more people would pay attention to what the constitutional rights actually apply to. People seem to equate freedom of speech with the freedom to say whatever they want whenever they want... I suppose the Internet being a prime example of that kind of behavior.

I didn't say any of the above.

My only point is that this racist asshole used his child to spew his ugly comment, and abused his public school system just so he could do his little "so there!" dance.

This is not about the child, it's about the father. And his father doesn't have "free speech" rights at his kids school.

Boy Suspended for Wearing Anti-Obama Shirt

SDGundamX says...

>> ^imstellar28:
^volumptuous, freedom of speech refers only to your freedom with respect to the government. colbert and stewart could have been kicked out of the emmys at any point. hell, they could have been forbidden to come because they are white--if that is what the emmys dictated. same thing goes for your house, or any other private property. you could be kicked out of the supermarket and permanently banned for asking "where are the prunes?" if they had some kind of anti-prunes policy.

That was dead-on. Thanks for pointing that out. I wish more people would pay attention to what the constitutional rights actually apply to. People seem to equate freedom of speech with the freedom to say whatever they want whenever they want... I suppose the Internet being a prime example of that kind of behavior.

Boy Suspended for Wearing Anti-Obama Shirt

imstellar28 says...

^volumptuous, freedom of speech refers only to your freedom with respect to the government. colbert and stewart could have been kicked out of the emmys at any point. hell, they could have been forbidden to come because they are white--if that is what the emmys dictated. same thing goes for your house, or any other private property. you could be kicked out of the supermarket and permanently banned for asking "where are the prunes?" if they had some kind of anti-prunes policy.

Boy Suspended for Wearing Anti-Obama Shirt

volumptuous says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:But if it would have says MCCAIN is a shriveled up prune you guys would have been OK with it right?

Oh those darn prunes that blow demselfs up at vacation hotels, and disco's, and embassy's, and take aeroplanes and smash em into giant skyscrapers filled with peoples!!!

Yeah! Prunes, terrorists... It's all subjective.

Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart present at the Emmys 2008

Boy Suspended for Wearing Anti-Obama Shirt

rougy says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
But if it would have says MCCAIN is a shriveled up prune you guys would have been OK with it right?

No. That would be just as inflammatory.

Much more accurate, but still inflammatory.

Boy Suspended for Wearing Anti-Obama Shirt

NordlichReiter says...

They asked for it when they said dress patriotically.

They should have expected this.

Simply should have sent him home, now they get a lawsuit.

Its free speech, if you don't like it don't look at it.

Its an idea, it didn't come out and hurt you did it? No.

But if it would have says MCCAIN is a shriveled up prune you guys would have been OK with it right?

This is clearly relative, and subjective.

Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart present at the Emmys 2008

SaNdMaN says...

>> ^rychan:
Would not have guessed that Stephen is taller than Jon.

...why? Jon is 5'6". You can tell he's pretty short when he gets up to greet guests on his show.

McCain: I’m glad I deregulated Wall Street.

honkeytonk73 says...

>> ^bamdrew:
I really hope McCain and Obama have substantive debates... so much to talk about

Substantive debates? Are you kidding me? In this day and age of scripted and vetted questions? No longer do we have true one on one debates. They are horse and pony shows for the entertainment of the mindless masses.

Lest we forget Bush refused to debate Kerry except in a strictly regulated/moderated session. They knew damn well the moron couldn't go toe to toe against a 6 year old in a debate, never mind an expert and proven technical debater like Kerry.

Of course, the general US populace didn't have the cerebral fortitude to be able to understand and analyze the issues in any substantive manner. They just wanted to elect a goon they could 'have a beer with'. Not a skillful executive with something other than air in his head.

Now we have Bush#2/McCain in line of the big chair who use to be a reputable politician. He was then quickly preened/pruned and converted to the NeoCon agenda with promises for funding for an election run. McCain knew darn well that his career was nearly over due to his age/health, that if he didn't bend over and take them up on their offer, he had little to no chance for the presidency. At the next cycle, he'd be 76 years old. That wouldn't fly. Then 80 after that.

As it is at 72 and his current health, he has a rather low percentage chance of living through his entire term. This is where Palin comes in. Do we REALLY want a president speaking to us in Tongues and talking about how she knows so much about international relations... because she looks out her log cabin window and sees Russia from Alaska?

Owning a gun and shooting a moose in a methamphetamine infested backwater town does NOT give you the 'experience' necessary to run a nation. Well.. maybe it does when the president is nothing more than a puppet to the NeoCon agenda.

I'll make this straight. I have NOTHING wrong with Conservatism. In it's TRUE core, it is a GREAT asset to have to counter far left leaning agendas. Between the two it helps moderate this nation into something more livable. Is McCain conservative? Is Bush conservative? NO. Far from it. Pay attention to what they have done and what they are doing. It IS NOT conservative in the least. Bush has and is still trying to enact some of the largest 'big government' operations in history. Conservative? Wake up. McCain only intends to continue on this path which is bankrupting the nation. Oddly, I am suspecting this may just be their intention.

Read up a bit about the great depression... the richest of the rich only got richer after the depression was over. It was the great 'weeder', which weeded out the riffraff rich from the ultra rich. The ultra rich bought up businesses and property hand over fist in massive quantities, and came out the other side more powerful than ever.

When you spend time working and making ends meet. You have little time to pay attention to the criminality being exercised by your government. This is their plan. Keep you barely holding on, keep you working, keep you unable to empower yourself to TAKE PART in ensuring your government stays straight and on the narrow.

Old tactics repeated. History is filled with it. Kings and peasants, kept busy and barely surviving with bad paying jobs, and kept under control through religious dogma.

Huge Marijuana Plant Growth in TimeLapse [1min]

Ray Bradbury advertises The Future!

Personal Queue Amnesty Day(s) (Sift Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

I'm guilty of having a ridiculous pqueue (58 right now), and most have 7-8 votes. I have a 1 vote sift in there, but it was downvoted right after being posted by a, umm, let's say political dissident, and never really recovered.

I generally subscribe to maatc and Doc_M's theory of pqueue usage, but it probably does need some pruning.

I do like the idea of making it easy to sort by most votes, and I'd actually recommend that be the default for others viewing your pqueue.

Ray Bradbury commercial for prunes

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