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People Depressed That Avatar Isn't Real

rfigley says...

All should listen to James Cameron interviewed by NPR.

Too much talk here about what and what is not depression. The bigger picture is our ability to become one with our environment. This is not a new concept, in fact it's ancient, but one that has been forgotten and in some cases supressed by those that wish to contol others.
The link above could help people understand that the movie was inspired by what we can be as humans. So the idea is to inspire us to pursue making Earth a Pandora. The beauty of Pandora was inspired by what is real here on earth. The communication between the Na'vi and the environment is also possible by humans. Just a matter of looking within and blocking out the urban clutter we're all bombarded with every day. Read Celestine Prophecy, look into Reiki and various forms of meditation.

CANNIBAL CORPSE-hammer-smashed-face (LIVE)

Sagemind says...

Let's Sing Along...

There's something inside me
It's, it's coming out
I feel like killing you
Let loose of the anger, held back too long
My blood runs cold

Through my anatomy, dwells another being
Rooted in my cortex, a servant to its bidding
Brutality now becomes my appetite
Violence is now a way of life
The sledge's my tool to torture
As it pounds down on your forehead

Eyes bulging from their sockets
With every swing of my mallet
I smash your fucking head in, until brains seep in
through the cracks, blood does leak
distorted beauty, catastrophe
Steaming slop, splattered all over me

Lifeless body, slouching dead
Lecherous abcess, where you once had a head

Avoiding the prophecy of my new found lust
You will never live again, soon your life will end
I'll see you die at my feet, eternally I smash your face
facial bones collapse as I crack your skull in half

Crushing, cranial, contents

Draining the snot, I rip out the eyes
Squeezing them in my hands nerves are incised
Peeling the flesh off the bottom of my weapon
Involuntarily pulpifying facial regions

Suffer, and then you die
Torture, pulverized

At one with my sixth sense, I feel free
To kill as I please, no one can stop me

Created to kill, the carnage continues
Violently reshaping human facial tissue

Brutality becomes my appetite
Violence is now a way of life
The sledge's my tool to torture
As it pounds down on your forehead

"By 2029, we will have reverse-engineered the human brain."

Raaagh says...

>> ^mentality:
This is also the guy who predicted in 1999 that by 2009, we'd have hundreds of 3d computer chips in our house, wearable computers embedded into our clothing, keyboards replaced by speech recognition software, glasses that projected HUDs directly onto our retina, and all our wars will be fought with robots.
Keep that in mind when listening to his prophecies. I feel that reverse-engineering of the human brain by 2029 is like HAL and manned missions to Jupiter by 2001.

A worthy addendum.

"By 2029, we will have reverse-engineered the human brain."

mentality says...

This is also the guy who predicted in 1999 that by 2009, we'd have hundreds of 3d computer chips in our house, wearable computers embedded into our clothing, keyboards replaced by speech recognition software, glasses that projected HUDs directly onto our retina, and all our wars will be fought with robots.

Keep that in mind when listening to his prophecies. I feel that reverse-engineering of the human brain by 2029 is like HAL and manned missions to Jupiter by 2001.

"All Along the Watchtower" Live w/Katee Sackhoff (June 2009)

Xax says...

I'm with dag for once. By Ron Moore's own admission, the writers painted themselves into a corner without a game plan, which I might be fine with if it wasn't so painfully obvious. I loved the mystery behind various things (head-Six's existence, Kara's apparent death and reappearance, the dreams and prophecies, etc.), but I expected an answer that made sense and wasn't completely out of place and so unsatisfying.

I don't resent them for a supernatural explanation, but I do for abandoning everything that was so good about the writing and settling on a pathetic and hollow deus ex machina. If you're going to write a show like this, for fuck's sakes, come up with a game plan. Ron Moore said the show was envisioned with a beginning, middle, and end, but I'll eat my liver if this was the ending he had in mind.

"All Along the Watchtower" Live w/Katee Sackhoff (June 2009)

gwiz665 says...

There was plenty of supernatural hints, but they kept it ambiguous enough that it made sense. The end betrays that completely. The constant involvement of prophecies, Baltar as Jesus was nicely tied up to be a massive hoax, and that would have made sense, instead it doesn't!

Raaaaaage! *smacks head on the table*

>> ^EDD:
>> ^dag:
Makes me miss BSG- but then makes me remember the betrayal of the creators at the ending. Deus ex machina FTL.
(no, this nerd has not forgiven)

dag, if the ending was the first time you noticed there was a teensy bit of supernatural and the 'divine' involved in the story, you might as well have not been watching at all. This nerd is at a loss as to why all the numerous allusions about the constant involvement of a god or gods in human and cylon plights were OK for you and others (gwiz among them, prominently) until the time came for the story to end. Then it's deus ex machina all of a sudden.

Student to Obama: Legalize Drugs and Prostitution

Amazing Bible Prophecies about President Obama

Otter Snow Fun!

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^nomino:
Why is the narrator talking to me like I'm retarded?

Because you have to be retarded to watch "NatGeo." Sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy, actually. Treat your audience like morons and eventually you'll only have morons in your audience.

Cleverbot (Blog Entry by EndAll)

The Complete Guide to the Future

brain says...

>> ^Nithern:
While two idiots in this presentation were clueless then (as this is a 1990's presentation), as they are now, I do not accept this video as 'legit'. There are many places in which the video seems to be dubbed or redone to push a political point. While I dislike what these people have to say, trying to dub it to make it seem even more evil, is just evil in itself. Why not just play the whole video, as it was, and let the two individuals pass or fail on their own merits?

This is a video from Everything Is Terrible. They find old VHS tapes of terrible things and make short internet clips of them. I'm very sure that they don't dub anything. The most they would do is chop up the video to make it look like they're saying something funny. The re-editing is to make it funny and short enough for an internet video. Their only agenda is hilarity. Apparently this guy makes prophecy videos that are 10 solid hours long, so you really don't want all of that context.

Mike Tyson Breaks Down on Oprah over Daughter's Death

EMPIRE says...

And... is Oprah becoming even more of a moron every passing day?

"I actually do believe that when you loved somebody and they've loved you, that you end up with an angel who's name that you know"

First of all, the last part of that sentence doesn't even make sense.

Secondly... WTF is she on? Who told you that Oprah? Was it god? Was it the angels? Was that on the bible? Are you the prophet now? Or was it Tom Cruise who told you that?

Sheesh... I can't stand this kind of stupid. You know what I mean. This new age-spiritual-the-secret-celestine-prophecy-astrology type of fucking utter feces.

Even Mike Tyson went: "I don't know Oprah..."

Glenn Beck calls Government "Lucifer... the Devil".

therealblankman says...

When Beck recently used the term "The Constitution is hanging by a thread" he was referring to the "White Horse" prophecy of Joseph Smith that says when the US Constitution is "...hanging by a thread", a (Mormon) Church Elder from Zion will ride in on a (metaphorical) white horse and save the country. Make no mistake about this, Beck chose his words very carefully.

Gee, I wonder if there's a Mormon/GOP candidate getting ready for the 2012 elections?

Peter Schiff vs Ben Stein and random idiots 8/18/07

Nostradamus 2012 End Time

NordlichReiter says...

Self Fulfilling Prophecy. Negative priming. Stop it now. We require more science, and not conjecture.


Ill see you guys on 2012, December 21st I do not think anything amazing will happen.

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