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kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

EDD says...

Thanks for the heads-up & complimenting my English - I remember there being a discussion about "sailor" being the proper term in this context on the sift couple of months ago, so I really should've not made the mistake.

And the expression you're looking for goes somewhat like this: "pimpis ir garshiix" ('i' is always pronounced as in "pimp", and double-'i' is an elongated vowel).

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
For this video I believe the word you're looking for is "sailor" instead of "soldier." In English the word for all service men and women in the Navy of any nation is "sailor." The same applies to anyone who works on a civilian boat or ship too. Since your Latvian you might not have known this. Your English is still better than most non-native speakers, BTW. It's certainly better than my Latvian. I don't even know how to say "cock taste good." (Umm, blankfist was wondering.)

EDD (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

For this video I believe the word you're looking for is "sailor" instead of "soldier." In English the word for all service men and women in the Navy of any nation is "sailor." The same applies to anyone who works on a civilian boat or ship too. Since your Latvian you might not have known this. Your English is still better than most non-native speakers, BTW. It's certainly better than my Latvian. I don't even know how to say "cock taste good." (Umm, blankfist was wondering.)

Post Your Top Ever Vid Here! (Love Talk Post)

Rocket's parachute fails to open, narrowly misses spectators

djsunkid says...

Total flight time was just under 30 seconds, but it was only ballistic for say 23 seconds of that.

I guess that approximately half of the time it spent ballistic was falling, so lets say that it was falling for 12 seconds. (Total guesstimation here, of course)

Accelleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s*s so that's ... 117 m/s which according to google calculator is 421km/h. For the yanks in the audience that is 262mph.

That's assuming that its terminal is higher then that, and that my guesstimation about falling for 12 seconds is right.

... On second thought, I bet it was falling even longer. Maybe 13 seconds. The rocket goes up with the engine on for 6 seconds, but who knows how high it got? It seems to me that without knowing what to put in for propulsion and mass, you can't figure that out. Once the engine cuts out, at 18 seconds into the video, it turns into a normal projectile... with a very high velocity. It now will spend an equal time going UP and coming back down to that unknown height where the engine cuts out.

Hmmm... disregarding air resistance, terminal velocity and all those messy things, I seem to recall that the rocket will now be travelling downwards at the same velocity that it was hurtling towards the sky... Does that mean that we can make a guess as to how many seconds it will take to fall from that height? I bet that a reasonable guess could be made, if we make some assumptions about how much force the propulsion exerted on the rocket.

Hum, I wish my wife was awake right now, she'd whip up a diagram and do the calculations and tell me what kind of assumptions we would have to make, and everything.

Just to have an idea though, if it fell for 13 seconds, the velocity of impact becomes 457kph and at 14 seconds it would have been 493kph.

No wonder it made a screaming sounds. Whoa.

United Steelworkers of Montreal "Shot Tower"

Happy Siftiversary - VideoSift is 3. (Sift Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

I luffs yu guys... *burp* I reeellly luvs you. No, you don' know nothin', you don't know me, you, I, I wanna kiss you, can we kiss, cause I wanna... *burp* kiss. Cause I think that you purty, very purty... I once new a man named Susan... isn't that insane? Cause it's a girly name... *blank stare*

What were we talkin' about? Oh... can we have sex? Cause I think you're... *head droops*

*head snaps to attention*

So... I was telling the guy "You haven't been part of an online community until you've been part of Videoshiff..." I told him good I did... and erm... um...


*projectile vomits*


Can I get another champagne over here please?

What were we talking about?

US Navy's Shiny New Record-Breaking Railgun

US Navy's Shiny New Record-Breaking Railgun

cybrbeast says...

Wow, *promote
"The railgun gets its name from two highly conductive rails, which form a complete electric circuit once the metal projectile and a sliding armature are put in place. When current starts flowing through the device, it creates a powerful electromagnetic field that accelerates the projectile down the barrel at 40,000 gs, launching it in a matter of milliseconds. Aerodynamic drag along with a million amps of current heats the bullet to 1,000 °C, igniting aluminum particles and leaving a trail of flame in its wake. The researchers estimate the muzzle energy based on the mass and velocity of the bullet in the barrel and from precisely timed x-ray snapshots during flight."

Russians Take Their Shots From Across the Room

EDD says...

Ofiget' = crickey? LOL.

I'm fairly certain it's fake though. The trajectories seem off for most shots (0:21 - gravity wtf?) and the first office shot at 0:15 leaves a residual streaking line on the screen for half a second, which indicates video editing software, I guess.

And that's not taking air resistance breaking the uniformity of the water projectile into account, which would make most of these impossible (if you ever saw mythbusters shooting water in slow-mo, you'll know what I'm talking about).

The Memristor Will Replace RAM and the Hard Drive

dgandhi says...

>> ^mrk871:
Err. It does help both of those things. How about a game without limitations on storage /size. Without having to wait for it to load.

I think you are massively overestimating the storage potential of this tech.

Envision a simple FPS using your system with a level which is a 100ft^2 room, with a move granularity of 1", so assuming you can't duck or jump, and your POV dose not move or pan up and down you would need 3 HD bitmaps, at 120degrees view each, to have horizontal panoramic viewing, so that's 1200^2 locations * 3 bitmaps * 2,073,600 (1080i frame) pixels * 4bytes (32 bit color) = ~32TiB data for an empty room.

To get the level of interactivity we are currently used to you would need at least 100(probably 1000) times more points making the movement smother and allowing for vertical movement and panning. So at least 3.2PiB, and you still have an empty room.

To add objects raise that to the power of the number of movable objects/characters (including projectiles) you have in the room, say 50 objects, and we are looking at ~5x10^777 bytes.

Remember the known universe has only about 10^80 atoms. If we assuming that this memristor can store a byte per atom(not possible given the description), you are going to have to deconstruct about 5x10^693 universes in order to find the material to build the memory you require.

The current bottle neck for both porn and video games is bandwidth and latency in transmission, not generation or storage. Storage getting better is good™ but it is not, as a storage/memory medium, groundbreaking.

People have said that we will all soon be using memory for everything since computers stored data on paper tapes, but disks are likely to be much cheaper than RAM until we are at least 3-4 moore cycles beyond the physical disk data density limit. Always take often repeated decades old claims with a grain of salt.

If it allows new models of computation, then I'll buy its potential, but barring such a claim, this tech changes approximately nothing.

Police shoot unarmed man, laying face down, in the back

NordlichReiter says...

acl123 I beg to differ on your last comment - "(and are therefore much less effective). Therefore they are not the same."

I'm not arguing purpose, but effectiveness. All weapons are effective at killing some one the end result is the same. I think the word you are looking for here is convenient, that is why gunpowder and projectile weapons caught on. Yes projectile weapons are more convenient.

My argument against your statement ends here, the rest below is my opinion.

A hammer is arguably just as effective as a gun at killing some one. One because a person is less likely to think you are meaning to kill them. After all it is just a tool, and a weapon. They are one in the same, and the duality is novel.

A ball point pen is just as effective at maiming as a hammer is. Demonstrated in the video below.

At any one moment there are an abundance of weapons, and tools at your disposal and a knowledgeable person does not discern between the two.

On a side note:
The entomology of guns, evolved from spears and sling shots. These killing tools have been around for quite some time. This has nothing to do with whether they are dangerous or not. I think its interesting how long humans have been killing each other.

People will kill each other accidentally or intentionally. That is the way it is, for now. The day that it isn't will be a great day indeed. A day that I look forward to.

Fermi Paradox and Keanu Reeves (Blog Entry by dag)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I'm sure aliens would be plenty interested in studying us, regardless of our inferiority. None of us care too much about bees, but they've been studied extensively by science, and they are very common terrestrial insects. Imagine how exited we'd be if we discovered space bees - perhaps giant space bees with projectile plasma stingers.

Unless - of course - the aliens made us in the first place, and have already moved on to more advanced projects.

Worlds smallest working gun

Crazy Storm Footage From Brisbane

Dog barks, invents projectile water farts in the process

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