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14 yr old girl Tasered in the Head by Police Chief

ponceleon says...

Since when can a tazer penetrate a skull? I'm kind of confused by that part of the story; aren't the little projectiles kinda small and relatively short-ranged? I didn't think they had that kind of power...

What bored defense contractors do for fun

flechette says...

Seriously, wtf was the point of them doing this? How does someone just have 100 TONS of explosives sitting around waiting to be blown up? If we're talking Short ton's here (US measurement, 2000 pounds) that's ~200000 pounds of explosives. Doesn't look like just tnt, since there's obviously round or projectiles screaming off from the site. Googling leads me to believe a 100 ton detonation of TNT would cost about 200000 bucks, which doesn't seem like a lot of money where defense is concerned, but if they're wasting it like this ... I have a huge problem with it, no matter how cool the explosion is. (And yes, I think fireworks for the 4th are pretty silly as well when tax funds are used to put on a show)

Sculpting in Solid Mercury, with Liquid Nitrogen

Doc_M says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
I've always wondered what it would be like to be in an environment where you could fire a Mercury bullet. Since the stuff is denser than lead, it should make a fantastic projectile if you can get around the temperature issues.

It'd immediately melt from friction as soon as you fired. It would however make an interesting, and rather destructive, splash when it hit something.

Also, I've seen mercury spills in the lab... back when we used mercury thermometers... big ones. The cleanup took about 10 minutes and probably about $50 worth of a product made to clean it up... plus whatever it cost to send it off to hazardous waste disposal people (not much). You basically sprinkle this stuff on the mercury and it sort of absorbs it like a paper towel on water. Then you sweep it up and there ya go.

Sculpting in Solid Mercury, with Liquid Nitrogen

EndAll says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
I've always wondered what it would be like to be in an environment where you could fire a Mercury bullet. Since the stuff is denser than lead, it should make a fantastic projectile if you can get around the temperature issues.

I hear Mercury bullets are the only way to kill aliens.

Sculpting in Solid Mercury, with Liquid Nitrogen

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I've always wondered what it would be like to be in an environment where you could fire a Mercury bullet. Since the stuff is denser than lead, it should make a fantastic projectile if you can get around the temperature issues.

Arma 2 Huge Battle 1000 AI

ShakyJake says...

>> ^EDD:
The red and green laser-like effects for projectiles kind of subtract from the realism, no?
Audio is very nice - graphics not so much, though.

You've never seen green tracers, before? The US and NATO in general uses phosphorous in its tracer element, which tends to burn orange/red. Soviet ammunition has always used barium, even back to WW2, which instead burns green.

This game looks really good. Two more weeks till it's released here.

Arma 2 Huge Battle 1000 AI

EDD says...

The red and green laser-like effects for projectiles kind of subtract from the realism, no?
Audio is very nice - graphics not so much, though.

You picked the wrong arm to land: Bye Bye Fly!

Efflixi (Member Profile)

Un-f***ing-believable Japanese Waterslide Trick

schmawy (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

Huge Phosphorous Explosion

ReverendTed says...

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
As opposed to all the humane grenades we normally use?

The frag grenades we normally use are primarily designed to incapacitate, though they are certainly lethal within a considerable radius. (Approximately 5m lethal, 15m wounding, according to Yes, being killed by a frag grenade is a terrible thing, but being wounded by a white phosphorous grenade is a much worse fate.
Being wounded by a frag grenade is like being shot with a (jagged) projectile. Being wounded by a white phosphorous grenade is like being shot and then scalded at 5000 deg F, and if one is unfortunate enough to survive the burns, an exceedingly unpleasant death from phosphorous poisoning.

The goal of combat is not strictly to kill your opponent. The objective is to reduce or eliminate your opponent's will or ability to fight.
Incapacitation is equally effective as killing at achieving this goal on an individual level. Persuasion even more so. Unfortunately, we've come to the (questionably-valid) conclusion that killing is more efficient and economical.

EDD (Member Profile)

EDD (Member Profile)

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