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Dag and Persephone Perform Stairway to Heaven

Street Harassment Of Women In New York - An Art Project

Lann says...

This video was touching on much more than smiling. That being said, it can be annoying when people TELL you to smile. It is a bit rude and sometimes embarrassing to single someone out like that especially if you don't know them or what they are going though.

Edit: Also, it doesn't take a large city like New York for constant cat calls to happen. Since the age of 11 I found it awkward to walk or ride a bike to the mall or any other crowded area as I would get honked or yelled and that's coming from a medium/small city in Montana. I'm glad to now live in a place where people typically respect each other's privacy in public.

Sagemind said:

Well, If they'd just smile, we wouldn't need this.
I don't live in a big city like New York so obviously I just don't understand...

But, what's wrong with Smiling? Saying, "Smile" is like saying, "Cheer up"
I say it to both guys and women alike. I don't feel like being friendly and nice to strangers is a negative thing. My point is, I'd hate for something like this to stop people from trying to share some cheer. It's sort of a catch all reaction to something specific.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

Preservation managed:

...are you really so deluded that you think everyone is as stupid as you evidently...hiatus...RIGHT.

Integrity...again...RIGHT...I have enumerated but a few of your lies and your misdeeds plainly, publically, and repeatedly but not answered by you.

For your convenience, again, here:

And neither can you or will you. YOU DARE NOT...CANNOT...but impotently deny and deflect. You have made much many times at others not answering point after point. Why not me.

You have not taken me up on or put to me to prove them as I have given you opportunity to repeatedly...why not? I know do you. I have only spoken in verifiable facts. Your actions...facts about you and your actions. And...they are all available to everyone here as they were to me. I reiterate, derivable from your own actions and words here.

And deserve the same as you have given and give to others on this site or rather have not.

chingalera said:

AAAAAaand the award for preserving his self-promulgated fossilized manure in the vainest of attempts to create meaning from his unilaterally abstract and confabulate mentations goes too...CHI-CHO Spam-banna-Cop, for his stalwart, discriminate and extremely mundane dedication to hearing himself masturbate publicly.

Hip hip, HARANGUE!!

(tell ya to look that word up but for someone who chooses which definitions of words derives whatever meaning chosen appropriate for himself well, context being the whore that she is for you it might simply confuse.)

Thanks for the smiley-face today btw, on my profile-page, it was a welcome and refreshing change-of-pace from your recent graffiti on my personal space during my (insert duration and specific intent here which suits) 'hiatus.'

(Coprolite Preservation Managed)

chingalera says...(Chingalera Profile Page)
Below is an example of 'baiting'. I made the public announcement that I would be taking a hiatus from the site to draw-out the quarry: A person who would use his time spraying graffiti on a user's private personal area with a view to no resolution or truth, no self-awareness with the hope of a mutual understanding, rather than engaging in a civil and private discussion about his particular beef with me, chicco now comes with Krylon in-hand.

Unable to defend the indefensible, he degrades into personal-attacks and provocation with a single goal in mind-To attempt to compromise my integrity and provoke some public outburst.

Ain't gonna happen this time sir. I call bullshit when I see it, always have, always will.
5 hours 24 minutes ago up0downflag spam (0)ignore

chingalera says...
As I have asked civilly of you many times chicco, I would appreciate you not making comments to my profile page anything but a private matter. Again, and as have others I have asked (as I extend the courtesy to all, up-front) you simply ignore my requests of decorum because you understand that it is perhaps a type of balm for your self-injury this pestering me and poking at me personally. You rudely disregard this civil request made several times.

Ok, if you think it's a clever trap then that's what it is...a simpler explanation may very well be that once again one or a team of sophomoric pricks have a personal hard-on to see someone burn so they come to shit all over their profile page in that user's absence. This has been perpetrated before by other pricks with the same m.o. and those all tend to remain long-gone, but the flavor after the waft of their of shit continues to linger.

Again, no respect for my privacy.

(To the community-at-large, I continually ask chichorrea whom I have rubbed the wrong way by exposing his unilateral weakness to having his lying and cruelty exposed to remain private in spewing bile upon my profile page an in my absence, he instead litters it like some billboard advertisement announcing 'horseshit for sale')

If you are bound and determined with your unilateral project chicco and you know I'll bite to defend my integrity, why not wait until I come back to participate on this site with the community in-mind before throwing pebbles at my back door?

Who is actually displaying the cowardice here? Really?!

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

(Coprolite Preservation Managed)

chingalera says...(Chingalera Profile Page)
Below is an example of 'baiting'. I made the public announcement that I would be taking a hiatus from the site to draw-out the quarry: A person who would use his time spraying graffiti on a user's private personal area with a view to no resolution or truth, no self-awareness with the hope of a mutual understanding, rather than engaging in a civil and private discussion about his particular beef with me, chicco now comes with Krylon in-hand.

Unable to defend the indefensible, he degrades into personal-attacks and provocation with a single goal in mind-To attempt to compromise my integrity and provoke some public outburst.

Ain't gonna happen this time sir. I call bullshit when I see it, always have, always will.
5 hours 24 minutes ago up0downflag spam (0)ignore

chingalera says...
As I have asked civilly of you many times chicco, I would appreciate you not making comments to my profile page anything but a private matter. Again, and as have others I have asked (as I extend the courtesy to all, up-front) you simply ignore my requests of decorum because you understand that it is perhaps a type of balm for your self-injury this pestering me and poking at me personally. You rudely disregard this civil request made several times.

Ok, if you think it's a clever trap then that's what it is...a simpler explanation may very well be that once again one or a team of sophomoric pricks have a personal hard-on to see someone burn so they come to shit all over their profile page in that user's absence. This has been perpetrated before by other pricks with the same m.o. and those all tend to remain long-gone, but the flavor after the waft of their of shit continues to linger.

Again, no respect for my privacy.

(To the community-at-large, I continually ask chichorrea whom I have rubbed the wrong way by exposing his unilateral weakness to having his lying and cruelty exposed to remain private in spewing bile upon my profile page an in my absence, he instead litters it like some billboard advertisement announcing 'horseshit for sale')

If you are bound and determined with your unilateral project chicco and you know I'll bite to defend my integrity, why not wait until I come back to participate on this site with the community in-mind before throwing pebbles at my back door?

Who is actually displaying the cowardice here? Really?!

chicchorea said:
...oh, and here too....

There have been a number of posts whereby your conspicuous and transparent absence of response amply confirms all of my, and others' long before me, assertions about your dishonesty and cowardice. Further, your uncharacteristic cleaning house via deleting your profile pages of comments and most notably mine but retaining those of Newtboy whom you think you have bettered is telling as well.

...jailbaited you with this rat trap and you were all over it though. Weak minded and predictable you are.

You cannot refute that which I have repeatedly and amply purported and you dare not challenge me to evidentially support what I have lain down so you run and hide just occasionally sticking your head up to spew your drivel only to duck and cover again.

Run,,,run 'little...thing"

I will be waiting. As you said where you should have not, "ain't done bruhh..."
6 hours 42 minutes ago up0downflag spam (0)ignore

OLeary's Perspective on OXFAM and the World's Impoverished

chingalera says...

And why in the FUCK trancecoach, would there have to be examples cited, when it's glaringly obvious the system is flawed and fucked in favor of those who have perpetrated the ruse that IS, the completely fucked government scenario of what we have? Tell us all this please, in just how many ways is it NOT fucked, from prisons, to infrastructure, to bogus bureaucracy, to the nightmare of surveillance and privacy violations that make the Stasi in East Germany and the Soviet Union KGB look like fucking children's birthday parties?? The system worldwide is as inefficient as any goddamn circa 1840's battleship, and I will be fucked if I have to listen to this kind of trite brain-dead soliloquy of justifications as to what the fuck any news-hound's sources are or what the fuck she says, who gives a fuck if she has any examples cited?? Are you fucking asleep or simply that goddamn naive??

As far as I know this hot bitch is working for the cunt Putin, whose sucking Obama's dick and they're both licking his wife's asshole.

Goddamn. The issue at hand is this smug fuck laughing in the faces of every human on planet earth while fucking them and lying his ass off.

"Outrage get's a lotta shit done right."

Trancecoach said:

Abby would be well served by watching some of her fellow RT hosts' shows, like say "Boom & Bust" so that, in addition to complaining about the widening wealth gap, she actually has some clue as to why it happens.
Sure, she does say down with crony-capitalism (and good for her), but she has yet to come out with an accurate reporting on the issue about how the government monopoly benefits cronies.
And focusing on the reasons behind poverty does much more good than focusing on how much the 1% owns. As far as I know, she doesn't bother with those. "Boom & Bust" does more.

"Outrage is not a method of inquiry."

Japanese Dolphin Hunt Condemned By World

enoch says...

you guys should just make out and get it over with.

im with gundam on this.
its the definition of hypocrisy.

in fact i will even take it a step further.
did you guys know its a federal offense to take snapshots or video the giant corporate owned slaughter farms?

now companies like IBP like to site reasons such as "privacy" and "ownership" but the real reason isnt too hard to put together.if the american public ever saw how their cheeseburger came into existence the sales of beef and pork would plummet.

so while it may be disturbing to watch flipper getting corralled and mass executed,lets be at least honest with ourselves.

we view dolphins much like we view or cats and dogs.they are considered a "pet" class and not a "dinner" class.

the japanese do them the dolphin is meat for dinner.

we would react the same to country fried lassie steaks and garfield goulosh.

now if we were talking how asia destroys the shark population JUST for their fins,then i think there would be a valid argument to be had.

but this is about dinner and our perspectives on certain animals.

what do you guys think?

*promote the discussion.

G. Greenwald's testimony and Q&A before European Parliament

CreamK says...

Install HTTPS everywhere (was hesitant at first but it works really fine now). It makes NSA SIGINT hate you cause they got most likely harmless, useless info in encrypted form stored in their vault.. We can never fill up their space individually. Encryption is the only tool to at least cause resistance at individual level. So far, in the next 5 years the issue needs to be addressed globally (creating even better encryption methods is one answer, endless cat&mouse game played in mathematics) or nations will start to separate and control their own net...which is a huge step backwards, wiping 20 years of internet freedom in it's wake and doesn't address the issue in personal level.. Most likely such intranets are very very heavily controlled and monitored.. goodbye freedom.

Encryption is the first step and one that offers some personal privacy, next is to contact to every page you visit daily to request https if it isn't available (or works poorly).

Basically, using end-to-end encryption everywhere you can is the only thing the majority of us can do who don't live in US. Even then the major hubs (google, facebook etc) are not safe but at least lets make them go physically to each and every server farm to install signal splitters and backdoors. And Google and Facebook store your data anyway by default, that's how they work. But FB won't come knocking on your door in the middle of the night.

Those can vote in US, we are looking at you, why do we need to even think about this? Use your vote wisely. Rebel if needed. If this does not change, rest of the world WILL take measures to stop traffic going in thru US unnecessarily.

Bill Maher interviews Glenn Greenwald

artician says...

I'm relieved Greenwald shared my opinion of Snowden's "they basically have freedom of access over your entire life" (paraphrasing) comment, because Mahar's labeling of that perspective as crazy was really unexpected. I don't see how you can't see that as the present and definite-future on our current path, when you look at the history of humans and power. You have to have a lot of (misplaced) trust to think any of the people in charge running that show are capable of showing restraint.
We need to understand that we're pretty far behind the curve for making a change to this. It doesn't matter what "laws" get passed or (false) changes are made to their system. Individuals are basically fucked for privacy from here on out, end of story. It's going to take a war to stop it at this point. I am so glad I don't have children.

Kim Dotcom: The Man Behind Megaupload

RedSky says...

I can just imagine his train of thought.

"Okay, serious unlawful detention, privacy intrusion, hard hitting reporter time. Game face time."

"Oh look a segway!"

Diane Feinstein's Signature Party-Line Diatribe in True Form

chingalera says...

It's a set-up for what's going to be ubiquitous in less than 20 years A10anis, cameras on every pole (wi-fi, infrared, audio, facial recognition software) and a cop's nose up every corner of your ass at the great cost of having ended the 'great experiment' -

Feinstein is only a shill for power-brokers and a miniature version of someone whose mentality of "I, Me, Mine" let's a few people dictate the their will over of every person on the planet who is not in their small circle.

Mind you, they believe that the bulk of humanity are not suited to dictate the course of the planet but hey; The same people who have chosen to guide the course of humanity's burst off the planet would keep us rhesus monkeys in small, manageable boxes while they romp freely around the globe with the bulk of our assets and the maximum amount of power to dictate further every aspect of our lives.

The real power they will not wield is to provide for the basic needs and education of the throw-backs of humanity who would rather perpetrate violence and promulgate fear to maintain arcane sensibilities and uncivilized backward ideologies which are anti-evolutionary and savage, using anti-evolutionary and savage people to enforce what looks like order, which is in actuality, the same barbaric practice of subjugation, imprisonment, and fear.

The solution is to limit expansion of population until these ideologies are stamped-out like the insectoid disease that they are, that of a limited perspective based on arcane patterns of thought. We could do this through compassion and education but the established powers see a different solution that will protect their interests-

People like Diane Feinstein and her ilk see the rest of humanity as dogs and cattle. Unprivileged, unworthy flesh with which to extort from them their labor, their minds and souls to their utopian ends, at the cost of our unique humanity.

The same virulence that atheist's have against the western Christan diaspora, these elites have for anyone not aligned with their totalitarian ends.

That they justify their courses of action with propaganda like this, fear-induced surrender to force and control, is against all that is humane and righteous.

Bombs in subways?? Solution: No one has privacy or freedom of expression or thought beyond that which exist behind their eyes and between their ears-Greeeeeat. Your world, not mine.

Next will come thought crimes, cordoned neighborhoods, etc.

Start now by getting some of the comparatively neanderthal segments of humanity into those boxes, limit THEIR freedoms through educating them to at LEAST the level of 17th-century socialization before turning the entire world into a forced labor-camp.

Bread and circuses only work for so long before the emperor's clothes are set alight by those less inclined to hear shit as well as being forced to eat it.

Anarchy would solve some of the discord in civilized countries.

Fucking China-Get those insects to stop cranking-out useless consumption items at an exponentially toxic pace as well-Their version of the world makes Orwell's look like a clam bake. How? Stop using it. Create artisans and craftsman again and develop in every human an appreciation for THAT WHICH LASTS, rather than I WANT NOW, FIRST!

Americans, Europeans drunk on technology, disposable clothing, instant gratification and entertainment are a herd of disposable mental midgets to the Diane Feinsteins of the world.

Sick dance we're learning....I just hope we can stand the dervish without blacking-out.

Skybox Imaging Captures First High-Res HD Vid of Earth

WTF Happened to Movie Posters?

G. Greenwald's testimony and Q&A before European Parliament

BicycleRepairMan says...

Also, not gonna go all live-commenting here, but Greenwald notes the difference in reaction to surveillance of Merkel and to politicians vs the german public, there is an obvious difference: it goes without saying that the NSA is not actually listening to every german personally, but that this sort of thing is done to snap up conversations of interest. But targeting politicians is a completely different form of surveillance, where the privacy of the individual is being mapped and all their communication noted (probably) iow, theres a difference between having parts of your communications (among millions of individuals and billions of messages) potentially being snapped up, and being under constant surveillance, as in a specific target. And when that target is a democratically elected leader, the problem is even bigger.

Cell Phone Crashing At The Airport!

newtboy says...

I like to do this but I don't have a cell phone so I act like they don't either and just answer them like they are talking to me. When they get upset (as almost always happens) I explain that I was certain they were talking to me, since I wouldn't simply assume they were being rude and talking loudly on a cell phone in public while expecting some kind of privacy at the same time. If they can't understand that, then I call them Eric Cartman and move on (when possible).

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