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Grinch is gonna get you!

Russian Unicorn - Bad Lip Reading

spoco2 says...

A catchy song indeed, and wonderfully nonsensical lyrics.

Could have done without the fart/pooh humour, thought it brought it down a few notches from where it was flying... but very good. (Of course, just watching Buble's response, those are his favourite parts... so what do I know. )

And I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy the original.

Movies I've Walked Out of Because they're Really, Really Bad: a List (Blog Entry by dag)

spoco2 says...

I have never walked out of a movie, although I've felt many were crap.

I don't subscribe to the 'all hollywood blockbusters are terrible' though.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first two Pirates movies, and I think I even thought the third one was ok (I can't really remember, but have it on DVD to watch again at some stage... I buy the dvds sometimes for the making of features moreso than the movies ), I thought the first Transformers movie (not the cartoon) was great fun, while the second one was a steaming pile of putrescent weevil pooh.

But it really is all subjective, I see above someone fell asleep during Inglorious Basterds, whereas I thought that was a brilliant movie, just wonderfully paced and beautifully shot.

Also, it can be very much as to your 'time of life' when you see a film, or just mindset at the time.

But a person's overall taste in movies can be a good indicator of how easily you may get along as people

To say that Hollywood isn't making any real films is a bit of fallacy though. Pretty much any Pixar film is great, and that's Disney, can't get much more mainstream than that. The Social Network, that was a very entertaining flick, also pretty mainstream. Inception, great flick, in fact most of Nolan's work. It's fair to say that there's an awful lot of dross out of Hollywood, but there's also a huge amount of independent dross too. Self involved, arty for arty's sake, navel gazing drivle. So both sides make shit, both sides make great stuff.

vaporlock (Member Profile)

Woody Allen Boxes a Kangaroo, 1966

dapper says...

sorry to pooh pooh this, but this stuff is cruel. The animal is distressed. That leaning back is not relaxing but getting ready to spring off its tail and kick Woody in the guts (and hopefully tear his innards out). Thank god we now have UFC which involves 2 humans with enough smarts to know what the situations is about...

Casey Heynes' Bully Richard Gale says HE was bullied first

blankfist says...

If I had to speculate on what happened, I'd say Casey was probably what people in my old neighborhood called a "pooh boy". That's someone afraid to stand up for himself in nearly every situation so he's always the target for bullying.

This boy, Richard, is probably someone who's also bullied due to his size, and probably picks on others that won't fight back to help his image. Hence he picked on an easy target: Casey. But in this moment, Casey probably realized he was bigger than Richard; not to mention something about him seems unthreatening compared to most "bullies" I encountered growing up, which I was convinced would cut my balls off and feed them to me. In short, Richard doesn't seem as dangerous as the worst bullies.

I think that fueled Casey to retaliate in that instance when he normally wouldn't do so in most cases. It's kind of sad if this is all true, because we really want to see the big, asshole bullies get their due.

Mini-Amélie Spins A Yarn

French girl tells a thrilling rendition of Winnie The Pooh

Tea Party: Only Property Owners Should Be Allowed To Vote

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

It's not "you're racist", it's "you didn't think".

It’s actually quite the opposite. I’ve thought about this topic about 10 levels deeper than everyone else. They just don’t like it because I’m daring to bring up politically incorrect, uncomfortable truth.

You went on about how responsible home ownership says something about a person...implying it qualifies you as good.

Responsible home ownership does say good things about a person. It does not mean you are a good person, but it does generally show a person is good at managing their finances.

Taking away someone's right to vote because they did something society doesn't like is a different issue, and you're confusing the two, IMO.

No I’m not. I’m applying the idea fairly, and that disturbs some people. Is it not logical to say that the people who took out subprime loans they knew they could not afford did “something to society” far more harmful than the collective actions of U.S. mass murderers? So, why are people mentally comfortable with limiting the voting rights of murderers (who do comparatively little damage to overall society) but are uncomfortable limiting the voting rights of bad borrowers who cause far more societal damage?

IMO it's a bad idea to give government lots of powers to disqualify people from voting. It's WAY too easy for it to be abused, modified in stupid ways, etc. It's a serious slippery slope without all the normal exaggeration the phrase "slippery slope" usually comes with.

When the full public has unlimited voting rights, the eventual dynamic result is that the primary concern of the voter becomes the claiming & retention of personal benefits. The resulting loose, debt-heavy fiscal policy collapses the government. Is that not a “slippery slope” at least as alarming as the slippery slope of limiting voter rights? Which slippery slope do you choose? Regardless, the left has routinely pooh-poohed the entire ‘slippery slope’ argument. The opposition to Obama’s health care bill was based on ‘slippery slopes’ of death panels and socialism but it was mocked as ridiculous. Why is the ‘slippery slope’ so absurd when it is applied to leftist political philosophy, but so pertinent on voting rights?

Voting needs to be easier, not harder.

Easier? Sure. But more restricted too. A good start would be to require a valid U.S. birth certificate, and current photo ID at the site of voting.

This is abhorant, fascist thinking. Godwin be-damned if I can't call a spade a spade. I normally ignore your comments, but this latest set of talking points needs to be called out for the bull that it is.

I think that your hyperbolic overreaction suggests that your policy of self-recusal should be reinstated, because this entry into the crucible of debate is woefully inadequate. Clearly you are unable to control your emotions when grappling with issues, and therefore you should quit the field to spare both yourself and others from your abecedarian efforts. Or you could just go breathe into a paper bag for a bit and come back and try again. Your call.

What's different is that the left understands that we shouldn't be taking away people's civil rights because people use them in ways we disapprove of instead we think we need to do a better job of getting the facts and our point of view out to people.

When the left loses in the court of the national discourse, they do not just shrug and try to ‘get facts and a point of view out’. They demonize, attack, insult, and slander. When that fails they dictate by fiat against the will of the people. In short, they take away people’s civil rights when those people use their freedom in ways they disapprove. So your statement is patently false. The left is only interested in ‘civil rights’ insofar as it advances their pet agendas.

Liberal electoral reforms are always aimed at making it easier for people to vote, and growing the percentage of the populace who vote.

You need to correct your position, because it ignores a lot. The left always finds a way to make it easier for the people it WANTS to vote, but always seems to oppose easy voting for groups it opposes. Regardless, the whole civil rights argument is a cheap rhetorical dodge. Nations routinely monitor, restrict, and regulate voting rights. Requiring vital documents, proof of citizenship, and basic intellectual capacity is not some sort of crazy, dictatorial power grab. It happens all the time in every civilized country.

Mostly these days that's making sure there are paper trails for electronic voting machines, but it's also making sure the people working the polling places are treating everyone the same. Curiously, the right always finds a reason to oppose every one of the above.

I disagree. The left that is the routine, documented, proven opponent of a rigorous, fair voting process.

The science behind the phrase 'Tight Ass'

spoco2 says...

>> ^choggie:

well issy, can tell you why people here have not voted it up
happens when pompous fucks poo pooh anything that does not fit their modus evidenced by the stick-in-ass crowd on this site, who see my persona here as anything but beneficial
I could name names but hey..... d' rather remove the stick than shove it up there farther....

OR... it's just because we don't find it funny.

I mean, really, that was boring as shit, not humorous at all. It's nothing to do with "poo pooh[ing] anything that does not fit their modus operadi.", it's just that it's NOT FUNNY TO US. You seem to pooh pooh anyone that does not fit into your way of thinking far more than anyone else does the other way around. You can't go and get shitty at everyone who doesn't see the world as you do. I'm hardly going to come on here and say 'You're a shithead for finding this funny', and yet that's effectively what you do to anyone who doesn't like what you do.

Pot... kettle... some dark shade of gray.

The science behind the phrase 'Tight Ass'

choggie says...

well issy, can tell you why people here have not voted it up


happens when pompous fucks poo pooh anything that does not fit their modus evidenced by the stick-in-ass crowd on this site, who see my persona here as anything but beneficial

I could name names but hey..... d' rather remove the stick than shove it up there farther....

Hey Earthlings....Open Yer Noggins (Blog Entry by choggie)

choggie says...

Thy connection with the universe, all beings, all matter, all non-matter is a fact. Everything is part of one thing-The whole-As all addicted to science should become more fully aware of as the next 20-50 years begin to re-write the history of a symbol-addicted world of infants. GOD, as most twits still fumble about with the concept, is a symbol for this mystery that only now, quantum physics is beginning to unravel. Two things to log into the data base forfuture reference are
A. The technology to construct much of what we have not seen as civilians (the applications being highly classified), is a mixed bag that may or may not be of our own design.
B. The dark aspects of our government would like nothing more than for people to be as predictableas insects,and pooh-pooh the facts before them, as bullshit.

According to some on the inside (and like enoch says correctly,many many people from the intelligence community, high ranking military officials,civilians employed with security clearances in the N2K/above top realm, and others of note and with a background that can't be denied), the sightings many have seen have been terrestrial applications whose technology came from off-planet.

We have free-energy, it has been witheld from humanity. Period. The political and corporate structure of the prison the pouppeteers have create3d for humanity is apalling. Sickens me to the core that still, with the data available to so many, that so-called and self-labled, intelligent people continue to play the game created by a pathetic,dying few. The pardigm is in retrograde and the next will scare the shit outof those sop ill-prepared to face the truth. Weaklings,mental, spiritual,self deluded weaklings.

Future generations will look back on the 20th-21st century with anger nad joy. The fact that most of the people on tis site have their heads so firmly planted in their asses regrding the true nature of the world around them is testimony to such a future sentiment and to our current dilemma-

I suggest you catch up with the world around you,and get your heads out of the televison,and out of the box-Here's a good start

Should We Bring back the Siftquisition? (redux) (User Poll by dag)

Frynge says...

>> ^choggie:
^some can't live without it...others, can stand no confrontation whatsoever- still others, would like to see unicorns and rainbows fly out of their asses instead of the pooh gas-....When I was in Burma, there was a man stealing rubies.....

unicorns flying out of someone's ass would probably be pretty painful, given those horns... ;

Should We Bring back the Siftquisition? (redux) (User Poll by dag)

choggie says...

^some can't live without it...others, can stand no confrontation whatsoever- still others, would like to see unicorns and rainbows fly out of their asses instead of the pooh gas-....When I was in Burma, there was a man stealing rubies.....

Sarah Palin Book Signing - Meet The Fans

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

You're republican, I get it.

No - you don't because I'm not. Haven't voted 'Republican' in the last 5 elections.

You're most likely well off, middle to upperclass, and want to keep it that way.

Partly. I don't want to 'keep it that way'. I'd like to move to the upper-upper class some day.

Working class problems don't concern you.

As a working professional I beg to differ. I'm not 'blue collar' if that's what you mean by 'working class', but I am a salaried employee and thus subject to the same issues that effect the bulk of Americans.

The healthcare reform was redundant in your eyes

Redundant? The Obama version of health care reform, yes. Reform of the health care system should take place at a regulatory level - not a 'government involvement' level. In that sense, yes, 'Democrat defined' health care reform very much is redundant (and a whole lot of other negative adjectives).

Given her local and national mishaps, the burden of proof is on people like you to prove she is not stupid.

Given that she had a rather successful gubernatorial term, I'd propose that as evidence that she is not 'stupid' as the neolib left wants to define her. Her roster of actual accomplishments is more robust than Barak Obama's was when he began his presidential run. I'm not saying she's a Rhode scholar, but there is no evidence that she's the brain-dead idiot the hard left wing likes to portray her as. As far as 'papers'? She's not in academia that I know of. She's had a think piece she published on health care in the NY Times. She's written a book. I know that liberals will just pooh-pooh and say that someone wrote them for her - so why even bother talking about them?

Again - I'm not a Palin booster or anything. I just find that the radical left wing is exhibiting a rather large degree of 'Derangement Syndrome' regarding her and those who like her. I also find that such hyperbolic claims are devoid of any substantive evidence and oozing with opinion and misinformation.

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