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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Way to drop your latest racist defense attempt for murderous cops like a molten steel potato after I poked it so full of holes there was nothing left. 😂

What are you talking about?
That’s the deal she offered under the first time offender program…cooperate, fulfill your lengthy probation and community service sentence and fines, and the charge is expunged. Until then it’s deferred. Fail to fulfill all the requirements or fail to fully cooperate with the prosecutors, you’re a felon and your probation gets revoked and trial starts, likely with you remanded. That’s how it works.
What do you think this means, bob?
Clearly you think it’s some loss somehow. Please explain yourself….by yourself, not with some internet troll video.
It’s a guilty plea that (legally, not in the court of public opinion or memory) goes away if conditions are met…like the others got. Did you not know or something? 😂
I would agree, they all should serve prison time so in that sense I feel it’s a small loss for justice, but also a bigger win.

They had been offered immunity deals with no fines, no probation, no community service, no guilty plea to felonies that stick if they don’t fulfill every requirement and no referral to the bar and instead went this route with all those repercussions and still are cooperating now. Sure sounds to me like they all lost big for no good reason.

The point is she now admits under oath that there was never any of the evidence she claimed, never a stolen election, and they knew it. She’s going to cooperate prosecuting the big fish, and will likely be disbarred for her lies.
How is that a loss, Bob? What?!? 🤦‍♂️

Not so hollow after all…in fact it’s atomic.

Edit: oh sweet zombie Jeebus…Trumps lawyers just filed in federal court in his Jan 6 trial claiming that he had not been charged with any crime in the case!

He’s charged with 4. 1 count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, 1 count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, 1 count of obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and 1 count of conspiracy against rights.

This is his best defense…pretend he’s on trial for nothing because they have no defense to the charges. It’s not going to work.

How do you put on a defense against no charges? You don’t. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Fani LOSES Again! Jenna Ellis Charges DEFERRED with NO Judgment of GUILT
<iframe width="560" heig

A hollow wedgie at best

The end

BSR says...

To get the full effect of the videos, try punching yourself, poking your eye or touch a hot stove. You'll thank me later. Throwing yourself down a flight of steps is not necessary if you're the shy type.

5 Crises Republicans Made up to Distract You

newtboy says...

You’ve got to be kidding.
Pointing out fake manufactured crises (that are invariably rooted in xenophobic hatred) and educating is the same thing as manufacturing a fake crisis? 🤦‍♂️

Please point to 5 major manufactured crises the left is trying to play off right now…how about 5 the party has floated in let’s say the last 5 years, since you are attempting to “both sides” the issue.

Reminding your base how unserious and infantile the “other” is is perfectly reasonable when there’s no choice but to deal with the dishonest infants making up fake crises chock full of lies daily. Debunking idiotic nonsense is a public service.
Reminding people that, like in the case of “woke”, the right has decided that “being aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)” is the worst thing possible and have intentionally with malice and forethought abused the term to improperly equate it with anything they irrationally hate, which itself is a racist action….that’s a good thing, a positive for society.

Again, since you are both siding this issue, put up or shut up….please list 5 fake crises the left floated to distract from actual crises in the last 5 years, should be a no brainer, right? (Accusations that end in convictions don’t count, those aren’t fake)

It’s really more like the house is on fire, the guy in the red shirt holding a lit flare with singed clothes and eyebrows says throw this gasoline on it, the guy in the blue shirt is trying to offer a hose but the guy in the red shirt is standing on it and poking holes in the hose while shouting “Don’t take that, that hose is full of fire!” You say neither put out the fire, so both are equally as useless. 🤦‍♂️

Republicans are simply not interested in feasible solutions, Democrats are (with a very few notable exceptions, most of whom switched parties like Kristen Senema or Tricia Cotham, or are utterly despised and should be tossed out of the party like Manchin).

The Republican Party platform in the last presidential election simply didn’t exist, they had NONE AT ALL. Verbally it was nothing but “we hate the left unconditionally”, literally, in writing they had nada, nothing, zip.
Conversely, the left actually has consistently had a written public party platform with positive goals for the nation and a roadmap to reach them.

bcglorf said:

I feel like this video is deeply guilty of being exactly what it is warning against. The criticisms are all inarguably valid, but as much as the GOP is particularly egregious right now, they aren't the only ones using cheap distractions.

More importantly, the video itself is very much MSNBC's favorite brand of the exact same distract your base approach. The video itself is focused on how wrong the GOP is for focusing on these none issues. It's still lasering focus on the non-issues.

Reminding your base why you need to hate and fear the 'other' is the bread and butter distraction approach both FOX and MSNBC are using to poison the nation. BOTH of them are happily embracing the narratives on fake crises and attempting to ensure attention is dominated by them. When one side picks up a new outrage for their base to focus on, the other side happily joins in to be outraged by the outrage.

Let's pretend your house is on fire. Your friend with a red shirt thinks you should throw gas on it, and your blue shirt friend points out that diesel is better because it's less flammable. This video is a guy explaining at length why tossing gas on is a bad idea, and don't listen to red shirt guy. It's a waste of time to entertain either of them though, what you really need to do is find people willing to help fight the fire. 99% of politicians(red or blue) are not your allies here.

Ex-CDC Director suddenly kept out of the Covid loop

newtboy says...

Disgraced Trumpist lies about history, science, and his actions/statements.

Morons think this is evidence of something besides Trump’s utterly disastrous covid response, praising China and Xi and completely denying COVID’s dangers, needlessly costing a minimum of 500000 American lives and trillions of dollars wasted according to his own appointees.

What the report she mischaracterized said was genetic studies had PROVEN the virus was not genetically modified or “created” by any known unnatural process, (a conspiracy theory the right tried to float) so the theory that it had been CREATED in a lab was proven false. Banana republicans are too dumb or dishonest to make that clear.

What they also love to ignore is the eradication of our international pandemic response teams that had been stationed in countries world wide including China before Trump closed their offices, and they would have been on scene in September when the first cases were discovered not only to definitively identify the source, but to start efforts to combat it 8 months earlier that the Trump administration did. That could have completely prevented the pandemic, and would have offered the opportunity to properly respond well before it came to America, saving well over a million American lives and up to $16 TRILLION dollars.

Too bad Banana republicans have such selective memories. It make any discussion with them a fight over reality, because they always deny reality and history and think their conspiratorial fantasy holds more weight than scientific facts.

Edit: downvoted into oblivion in under an hour! Good job sift.
This type of history rewriting propaganda has no place anywhere, especially in congress, and should be plucked like a weed and burned with fire every time it pokes itself above ground.
Pedal your silly propaganda on Toth Senchal where it’s not just accepted it’s celebrated.

Trump’s Maralago Home Raided By FBI

newtboy says...

Backfired, eh? How’s that working out now? How many early races Republicans thought were locks have already been lost? How many Trumpian candidates are behind in polls by double digits?

What backfired by poking a hornets nest was the political activist judges reversing 50 years of precedent and settled law based on pure politics…erasing civil rights and threatening to go insanely farther (like making interracial marriage illegal, erasing voting rights, etc) that is driving people to the polls in unprecedented numbers already, and they aren’t voting red.

What also backfired was years of harping on about a few mislabeled low level classified but not secret documents ending up on a server is treason then trying to say over 700 pages of highest level top secret clearly labeled classified paper documents (with no way to trace who has seen it) kept unsecured unlocked unguarded in closets and basements of a home often open to the “public” and repeatedly penetrated by foreign spies after two subpoenas requesting them and multiple false affidavits claiming they didn’t exist is nothing. That’s too much even for some cultists, and WAY too much for non cultists. Sure didn’t drive right wing New Yorkers to the polls. 😂 😂 😂

Going to be even better if someone sues to remove all Republicans from the ballot in Texas since they’re all legally communists now and ineligible for public office in Texas. ROTFLMFAHS!!!

bobknight33 said:

Yet more BS fuckery by deep state to keep Trump from running 2024.

But that did poke the stick at the hornet nest of the republican party.

Boy did this BS back fire

Trump’s Maralago Home Raided By FBI

newtboy says...

Still think it backfired?
Republicans are #runawaying from Trump, Fox is turning on him (again). These protests for Trump, at least those I’ve seen footage of, have under 10 people each.
This is NOT helping your party, it’s just riling up the lunatics that get 100% of their news from far right propaganda outlets….propaganda outlets so unpopular they’re disappearing from the airwaves in droves because they’re totally unprofitable.

It did poke the nest of crazy anti American terrorists who have taken it as a sign they should attack the FBI with AR15s, and made hundreds or thousands of credible death threats against FBI and police agents, judges, families, young children, and many many others. America can handle a few thousand nut jobs. We did on Jan 6…and this time the orders won’t be “handle the attackers with kid gloves”.
So far, those going too far are the same people who went too far for Trump on Jan 6….a bunch of loud nutty Karens throwing tantrums that convinced themselves they represent the majority despite their meager numbers.

bobknight33 said:

Yet more BS fuckery by deep state to keep Trump from running 2024.

But that did poke the stick at the hornet nest of the republican party.

Boy did this BS back fire

Trump’s Maralago Home Raided By FBI

newtboy says...

Lol. You are so delusional.
Trump appointed judge, Trump appointed FBI head that he praised lavishly, red state FBI agents. Do you mean the Trump deep state, because it was done by the people he installed. Derp.
I bet you guys wish Garland was a Supreme Court judge and not the AG about now, don’t you! 😂

Yes, traitors who both attacked America with a violent mob and stole top level classified secrets and kept them unsecured in an unlocked basement, lied about having them repeatedly under oath, then was turned in by a Desantis plant (maybe) because he was still holding these super top secret, to be viewed only in special secured locations by a handful of people (which citizen Trump is not one of)…top secret nuclear information Trump could not declassify BTW….those people SHOULD be made ineligible for office. I say the same thing if it was Biden, AOC, or Sanders….but they don’t expose state secrets publicly on a regular basis like Trump has.

Lol….poked a small nest of nut jobs. Yes, armed thugs are menacing fbi buildings in some places, usually in groups of under 30. Yes, there was a group of Trump supporters rallying at Maralago….about 7 of them.
There are more people turning from Trump and the Republican Party now than there are nuts defending it. The Republicans are now suggesting we just get rid of espionage as a crime, quick before Trump is charged. Think of the heads exploding if Clinton had suggested that right after her email server was discovered!

Backfire?! You do live in a fantasy land. It sent some of you into a tissy fit, throwing tantrums, attacking the fbi (because you’re the law and order party!) making death threats against anyone you think is involved and attempting to follow through (because the right is so rational and non violent). That’s not a backfire. Hundreds of thousands of Republicans have become never Trumpers seeing how loose he is with Americas security at the highest levels. Those supporting him in congress are seeing their poll numbers tank. It’s looking now )knock on wood) like the midterms might be the best Democrats have ever seen, they will certainly be voting, while Republicans are not one bit excited about politics and their representatives now.

Yes,the bs of trying to keep nuclear secrets, maybe to sell, backfired. So did every ploy since the legitimate, legal, by the book, pre announced, kid gloved raid happened, all excuses and deflections fell apart as more info came out…like the warrant and receipt…Republicans wanted that so badly until they got it, now you wish it was still secret because the facts are disasterous for the right. D’oh! Talk about backfiring! ROTFLMFAHS!!! 😂

What’s the next attempted excuse? Aren’t you going to try the “everything he took was automatically declassified because Trump says so” ploy? Or has that already failed you as the ridiculous fantasy it is? Don’t you want to claim it’s all planted by the FBI? Or has that lie been destroyed because both lawyers for Trump and the secret service were present for everything, despite desperate talking heads with no information claiming they weren’t, and everything being on camera. Don’t you want to complain they didn’t give Trump a copy of the warrant or receipt and burst in unannounced at dawn with a small army smashing down doors, or has that lie fallen apart completely since they did provide the warrant and the receipt signed by Trump’s lawyers who witnessed their collection, the deferral until 10am to avoid attention, the warning of the secret service well ahead of time, the plain clothed agents to avoid detection by the press (and embarrassment by the ex president) and the 100% lack of smashed doors?
Are you ready to claim highest level classified nuclear documents being kept illegally and unsecured and being exposed to Russians, Chinese, Saudis, Israelis, etc are a nothing burger? I know it’s coming, get there and prove your anti Americanism idiocy again.

bobknight33 said:

Yet more BS fuckery by deep state to keep Trump from running 2024.

But that did poke the stick at the hornet nest of the republican party.

Boy did this BS back fire

Trump’s Maralago Home Raided By FBI

bobknight33 says...

Yet more BS fuckery by deep state to keep Trump from running 2024.

But that did poke the stick at the hornet nest of the republican party.

Boy did this BS back fire

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

newtboy says...

I read it, nowhere did it give an estimate of what those protests cost, and it indicated there were multiple other routes for the oil to travel so didn’t even disrupt oil transportation completely, much less ALL commerce.
And it was about pipelines crossing their (or protected) land it seems, a far cry from the truckers. Yes, the validity and severity of your cause matters, just like the damage you do and to whom.

Billions worth of goods stuck temporarily…but no actual estimated cost for their delay, this cost billions in lost production and salaries that won’t be recovered.

That protest was targeted against the offending entity, not the populace. I have no issue with natives blockading their own land and preserves that feed those reservations against permanent destruction for some private profits. That’s a far cry from the truckers blockading the main border crossing for industry and tourism because they’re afraid to get a poke.

The numbers I saw were special. Hundreds of millions-billions lost (your billions in goods delayed doesn’t have a price tag). That was before the bridge was reopened. These protesters weren’t satisfied with that damage and continued to close your capitol with ever shifting demands. Since regular measures had failed, I support emergency measures, seizure, even forfeiture after trial, of any funds or tools used.

Perhaps they became only as localized (but certainly not as targeted, and localized in a city not the unpopulated country), but they had already done exponentially more damage and showed no sign of end or even demands.

Let’s ignore someone personally supporting a grass roots movement outside their country and control, please. I find it a red herring totally unconnected to how he governs.

Yes, some Floyd protests were more violent than the truckers, some weren’t, remember how they were all violently smashed, tear gassed, rubber bullets galore, run through with police trucks, unmarked vans pulling up and grabbing people crossing the streets, unmarked vans driving through towns full of police shooting tear gas at any moving body, etc? Don’t pretend the response is similar.
Also, the Floyd protests lasted a weekend in most cases (occupy Portland really wasn’t about Floyd) and went elsewhere the next march. They weren’t closing down one area for weeks intent on staying. Most lasted hours and were peaceful until police became violent, despite right wing media’s fear-mongering.

I think you’re stretching, putting on blinders, and doing insane mental gymnastics to pretend you believe that. From the actual damage caused, the idiotic reasoning behind it (quickly abandoned), the extremely uncanadianness of the self centered far right rally masquerading as protest, the international damage, the foreign involvement from planning to funding, these are unique “protests” in numerous ways.

Their idiotic beliefs are only one of many distinctions I’ve pointed out, and as I mentioned only color public opinion and the amount of patience they’re given by the public, not how the government treats them. It’s not at all honest for you to pretend that’s the entirety of my position…it’s very Bob of you, and has lost some of my respect.

Pipelines crossing sovereign territory or preserves = bad so blockading those areas to force pipeline movement = good….oil companies didn’t truck the oil out, they increased shipments from other areas by rail. Read the article you linked.

Native cultures and governments are different. Pretending an elected board for a reservation works for the people is naive in the extreme. Read about politics on reservations, who funds the people that get elected in most cases, what happens to opposing candidates…saying the board signed off while so many showed up to fight against it seems a bit at odds, no? Like maybe the board members were bribed, had ties with the oil industry, or other conflicts….just maybe?

And again, those protests didn’t cost a fraction what the truckers did from my research. Delaying delivery of a billion in goods isn’t the same as costing a billion in losses. Neither is delaying or cancelling a billion dollar project. Be adult please….don’t make such specious arguments ….please. They don’t slip by, and they make me think you are being disingenuous.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Your party is admitting treason again.
Peter Navarro Had to brag on Bannon’s show that there was a plan, with 100 Republican legislators on board, to obstruct and delay the vote count (a treasonous felony) long enough that terroristic Republican pressure would convince Pence to invalidate multiple states’ electors, send them home, and request that the Republican led legislatures in those cherry picked states discard the vote and hand all electoral votes to Trump despite his losing the election in those states.
That’s treason…subversion of the electoral process, something they’ve been denying for over a year now, but can’t help but brag about in interviews.
At least 3 coup attempts that failed now, and likely many more hidden in Trump’s communications around Jan 6….that’s why he’s so terrified they’ll become public.

Do convicted traitors lose their secret service detail? How about convicted felons in prison? Hope so. I can’t wait to hear Trump hung himself while under suicide watch….happens all the time, right? Happened to his best friend and pedophile partner, prepubescent pussy poking Epstein.

Fox & GOP Freak Out About Door to Door Vaccination Campaign

JiggaJonson says...

You can do the inverse math to calculate the risk of the vaccine as well
(vaccine adverse event reporting system)

You can find more current numbers on the CDC site, but they're difficult to access and link directly to. This is simpler, but feel free to post more updated figures


"Event Category" "Event Category Code" Events Reported
"Death" "DTH" 5378 total reported as of right now.

out of how many vaccinations?
(i took the larger number because they still did get a poke in the arm at least once)



5378 ÷ 186,474,836 = 0.000028840352486

move the decimal

0.0028840352486% of death from the vaccine

Now, Bob, please, consider this.
Is a 2% chance of death MORE? or LESS? than a 0.0028840352486% chance of death?

Lets apply the numbers to the USA population

332,545,571 x 0.02 =
soooo 6.65 million WOW how close to the real number of deaths in the USA this is eh? WEIRRRRRRRRRRD right? durrrrrrrrrr

332,545,571 x 0.000028840352486 = 9590.7
soooo yeah, this is pretty close to the reporting incident report also

You know them liberals, they are so powerful they can manipulate basic multiplication and division.

newtboy said:

That 2% was enough that in the last year, life expectancy dropped ......

MR. BIDEN (Bring My Vaccine) - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Why did you poke the frog?

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