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A Vault of Color: Protecting the World's Rarest Pigments

sillma says...

I would say that the poisonous ones are passive killers rather than active, making them akin to every teenager out there.

Payback said:

Might not be able to pick a favorite, but I think you'd be ok NOT choosing the ones actively trying to kill you. Just like children.

Samantha Bee - Delegate Intimidation

newtboy says...

While I agree, the tactics mentioned here may be heavy handed, there's certainly something seriously wrong with the fact that 90% (+-) of 'super delegates' are announcing they will vote for Clinton, but she has less than 55% of the actual VOTE.
It may not be appropriate to accost them outside their homes and hotel rooms, but it certainly IS appropriate to tell them clearly and repeatedly that if they go against the will of the people in this way, they will all be voted out of office.

In Washington, over 70% of the vote went to Sanders....and so far 100% of 'super delegates' have pledged for Clinton. That won't stand, and it is going to cost the Democrats just for trying.

If Sanders was poison to the party in the general election like Trump, this might make sense...but he's NOT. He's BETTER than Clinton in all polls against ALL republican candidates. The only thing that makes sense is they've been paid by Clinton (or her campaign, or the party leaders she's beholding to) to say they're for Clinton to try to make her lead look overwhelming in order to dampen enthusiasm for Sanders. If they actually vote the way they're pledged, the Democratic party will be self destructing just like the Republicans are, because Bernie supporters aren't supporting him because he's a democrat, most support him despite the fact that he's in either party....and those people WILL vote against any of those elected 'super delegates' that vote against the clear will of the people. Those people also mostly won't vote for the whole plan to make her the nominee is doomed to failure from the outset, she absolutely can't win without Sanders' supporters, and she absolutely won't win most of them over.

Bill Maher: New Rule – There's No Shame in Punting

A Super Shit History of Dune - exurb1a

Mordhaus says...


Some shit happens
Sting cameo
Some more shit happens
Sting cameo
Some nuclear shit happens
Sting cameo
Regime Change

Roll credits

Ren & Stimpy: Never The Same Face Twice

Payback says...

Our country reeks of trees
Our yaks are really large
And they smell like rotting beef carcasses
And we have to clean up after them
And our saddle sores are the best
We proudly wear womens' clothing
And searing sand blows up our skirts
And the buzzards, they soar overhead
And poisonous snakes will devour us whole
Our bones will bleach in the sun
And we will probably go to HELL
And that is our great reward
For being the roy-oy-al Canadian Kilted Yaksmen

ACLU Michigan: Here's to Flint 2016

bobknight33 says...

12M for clean water does not seem much.
If there is no money for water they EM should have said so and turn the water off. As suck as that is at least there would not be this poisoning of its people.

But why is the flint river so bad in the first place? Auto industry? Where are the EPA regulators and local government for the last 50 years?

I grew up in Pittsburgh PA, Steel town USA. Our city and rivers were in terrible shape and the local / state / EPA regulations made the rivers clean again. I

1-800-got-junk R.A.T (Rat Advertising Trial)

newtboy says...

Then they can release the meth addicted gorillas to kill the owls.
The poisoned tree snakes we release will make short work of the gorillas, then they die off in winter. It's perfect.

ant said:

They should call owls like you to take care of the rats.

Michigan Republicans Said What-What? Not in the Butt!

newtboy says...

Vote as you like, but I think you missed the important point being made (agreed, made excessively poorly, even disingenuously by Cenk) that this was an intentional squandering of the perfect time to remove the offending, illegal portions of the law, and leaving them in may (I'm no legal scholar, but often if one part is invalid, the entire document is invalid) invalidate the whole thing and require another re-write, taking more time, money, and effort, all of which are in short supply.

Is it a BIG deal, least I hope not. There's always the possibility that they'll actually try to use it again to prosecute homosexuals, forcing them to 'prove' they aren't sodomites in court (an impossibility, btw) or go to prison or at best be forced to publicly re-address and re-litigate it over and over as they appeal up to the supreme court, destroying them professionally and financially, as has been done many times in the past.
Please do note that most 'homosexual behavior' has been illegal in the South in the past, and those laws have been repeatedly used to destroy people's lives and families, often based on false accusations, and despite their unconstitutionality and immorality. Leaving those laws on the books, even when they've been deemed unenforceable, leaves many people in a legal limbo. They can never feel safe in their own state and there's the reality that every time a new public official is elected they have to wonder if they'll have to fight this fight once again. Many times states have decided to enforce unconstitutional laws, and while in the end they were struck down, those they are applied against in the mean time are often destroyed.
Also, because they can't successfully prosecute someone for this unconstitutional law doesn't mean they can't use it to 'out' them, or investigate them until they find something they can prosecute, as has also happened in the past.
...But I don't think Cenk tried to make any of those points, he was just pointing out this blatant hypocrisy, which is representative of Republicans spending their exceedingly limited legislating time, effort, and money doing ridiculous, illegal, meaningless things, but completely fail at doing anything helpful, meaningful, or even legal like removing the offensive, unconstitutional part of the law when you're already re-writing and re-voting on a law, or maybe finding a way to get Flint non-poisoned water, or finding a way to put those responsible for poisoning an entire community (whether by negligence or out of greed) in prison, and it's representative of their complete hypocrisy about the party platform, which is conveniently completely forgotten when 'out of control government intrusion' is on their side.
I do completely admit he could have been far clearer about what really happened rather than imply they wrote this in as an amendment, bad Cenk.

ChaosEngine said:

Sorry @newtboy, gotta downvote this one on the basis that Cenk is making a big deal out of nothing.

Michigan didn't make sodomy and oral sex illegal, it's ALREADY illegal in Michigan. (Hell, it was illegal to swear in front of women and children until 2002, when they were forced to repeal the law after a man fell out of a canoe, swore, got arrested, and then was represented by the ACLU.)

But here's the thing, the ban is unconstitutional and therefore, unenforceable.

Now, should it be removed? Of course.

However, the idea behind this bill was an amendment to the existing bill to create an animal abuser database, and the guy who proposed the bill (Republican Senator Rick Jones) decided that it simply wasn't worth the effort to fight to get this removed when it's already unconstitutional anyway.

In other words, he took a pragmatic approach to fixing an important issue (animal abuse) by ignoring something that doesn't matter (an unenforceable law).

To his credit, he actually suggested another bill that would automatically strike unconstitutional laws from the state (which kinda seems like something that should be happening anyway).

"The minute I cross that line and I start talking about the other stuff, I won’t even get another hearing. It’ll be done....
Nobody wants to touch it. I would rather not even bring up the topic, because I know what would happen. You’d get both sides screaming and you end up with a big fight that’s not needed because it’s unconstitutional." Rick Jones

Yes, it's fucking stupid, but "fucking stupid" seems to be the defining trait of most of the US system of government (two party system, electoral college, tacking on stupid amendments, etc)

enoch (Member Profile)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Abortion Laws

dannym3141 says...

Bob, you're off your rocker if you think that it's a good thing to make doctors give unsound and incorrect advice to patients. Just take a minute to consider what sort of crackpot dystopia you're promoting with that line of thinking. Government regulations that force a doctor to lie to patients is ok if you need to get your own way. Is it worth poisoning the water with that kind of Orwellian shit just because you can't win the debate about abortion? What comes after legally forcing doctors to lie to patients, if that becomes the norm?

What am i saying, apparently it IS the norm..!?

Civilisation is descending into madness right in front of our eyes, whilst teams of people work day and night on press releases to make it seem perfectly normal. Some of you god-botherers can be real dangerous lunatics when you want to be.

bobknight33 said:

Because murder is murder.

Being a Godless soul that you are I don't expect you to understand.

I do agree these are messed up laws that put roadblocks into a woman's choice to murder their child. But law makers use what is available to them.

The Blackface Democrat

enoch says...

this is offensive on so many levels.
let me guess bob,because a black man posted this,it must,therefore NOT be racist?

this is incredibly racist,because this man is basically saying that black folk are too stupid to make up their own minds.that they are chumps and sell-outs for simply always voting democrat.

because republicans have ALWAYS been a voice of reason and championed the underclass! right bob?

we could use the same logic and apply it to the mind-numbing meth-head hillbillies who get cock hard at the voice of trump.who are convinced that the republicans represent freedom,liberty and the constitution.

while those very same republicans consistently rob these people,of modest means mind you,to pay their buddies in wall street.who pass legislation to poison their water,dumb down their kids,create food deserts,incarcerate them (while giving their CEO buddies a pass and a slap on the wrist).continue to allow tax breaks and subsidies for their donors.passing laws allowing big corporations to send jobs to china and utilizing prison labor (slaves) and then BLAMING the people!

yeah bob,that coin turns both ways.

so the black man who blindly votes democrat can be criticized for his lack of foresight,but so can the aging white racist who consistently votes republican.

because neither the republican nor the democratic party give a flying fuck about either of you.

you both are sell-outs,chumps and uncle toms to a system that threw you both overboard 40 years ago.

fuck this video,and fuck you bob.

Have Some Fear Salad

Could we, should we annihilate Zika mosquitoes?

newtboy says...

Whenever there's a mosquito vectored disease, people talk about eradicating mosquitos, but never consider their role in the food chain, and it is not a small role.
They also never consider the effects of the eradication methods, which are often poison sprayed into the air or onto ponds. Decades ago, a 12 year old boy designed and made a device for eradicating mosquitos in water using sound waves for a science project, and it worked. He tuned his device to resonate at the same frequency as the gas bladder in mosquito larva, popping it and killing the mosquitos without effecting anything else, and leaving no residue. For some reason, I never hear about that method being used, but instead often see people dosing small ponds with poison, oil, or bacteria, all of which harm other organisms.
Targeting single strains of mosquito with genetics may be a good way to deal with disease issues, but will certainly also have unexpected unpredictable consequences. I hope they remember the fiasco caused by creating killer bees and study the issue from all sides thoroughly before releasing them into the wild.

rebel media-greg elliot-twitter harassment case-not guilty

Sepacore says...

I agree.
This type of scenario is why Australia has a defamation law.

To briefly clarify, calling someone fat, dumb, ugly, or mean etc is harassment, but it's NOT defamation.

However to falsely claim someone did or didn't do something, whereby the claim largely affects their life in a negative way (job loss, public &/or family opinion etc) as a direct result, then it IS defamation and has the potential to deteriorate someones life to an unrecoverable extent.. And of all subjects, a pedo-claim is the most poisonous accusation.

newtboy said:

I still can't fathom why the women weren't prosecuted as well....and successfully. They claimed as a group that he was a pedophile, publicly and repeatedly. THAT'S actionable harassment. There's no way this guy didn't feel harassed and like his life/safety were/are in danger.

Loud Neighbor Payback Device

newtboy says...

To whom?
To the neighbors on the other side, above, and below, this guy was inconsiderate first unless they could also hear his neighbors music.

I've certainly wanted to do something like this...I have a neighbor with a pack of up to 18 hunting hounds that bay constantly. I did consider making something exactly like this to blast barking dog noise back at them, but quickly realized that that would make ME the asshole to the rest of the neighborhood, so instead I went to the neighbors and together we called animal control until they were forced to act. He still has far too many dogs, but was forced to get rid of at least 1/2 of them and no longer runs a puppy mill in our neighborhood.
Of course, my hedge and other plants were mysteriously poisoned 3 days later.

He should simply call the building manager and tell them it's a problem, and if they don't solve the problem he won't be paying rent. The noise would stop pretty quickly rather than getting exponentially louder.

Daldain said:

Who was inconsiderate first?

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