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Sean Garnier hustles young men in street soccer

Jinx says...

I'm sure the camera men running all over the pitch and the rig for those overhead shots didn't give anybody any hints that somethin might be up.

Dino(saur) Throws Out First Pitch at Padres Game

A First Drive - Google's Self-Driving Car

RedSky says...

Reaction times yes, but I think having a sufficient degree of certainty that the correct decision will be made is hard to conceive.

Imagine the legal liability of a clear software failure. Even if average accident rates were lower for automated cars, a clear incidence of failure would be a huge monetary legal risk. Whereas, if legal exceptions were carved out for the likes of Google, I doubt there would be very good consumer uptake.

I would suspect their automation algorithm are highly based on visual inputs. Pre-available GPS mapping data would get them only so far. These visual inputs are hugely variable. The number of different car makes, times of day, weather and road conditions among other things, would make for a incredible amount of scenarios to envisage.

I think voice recognition is very similar, if anything more constrained. The deciphering of combination of pitch, accent and pronunciation is a far simpler and smaller domain that we haven't mastered. That would seem to me to be demonstrable proof that automated cars to the level of reliability we would expect, are currently inconceivable.

HenningKO said:

But millisecond life or death decisions are what computers excel at. Unraveling the vagaries of human speech is a different problem. And the vagaries of human vision another.

Squarepusher - 1000 + BPM robotic guitarist

RedSky says...

I wonder if it would sound better with some intentional imperfections, say some off timing maybe an off note here and there. Same issue with perfect pitch, Auto-Tune voices.

chingalera said:

Pretty soulless innnit? Musical novelty for the 91st century

Bill Burr Questions Blind Guy In The Audience

shuac says...

I've watched quite a lot of Bill Burr and also listened to his Monday Morning Podcast and there's nothing better than when he laughs for reals: it's that sort of high-pitched giggly machine gun type laugh. Cracks my shit up.

Open Letter to Ellen Degeneres: Don't Promote A Psychic

Sotto_Voce says...

This is supposed to be addressed to someone who isn't already a skeptic. I doubt your 30 second dismissal would be at all effective in that kind of context. Probably Rebecca's pitch wouldn't be effective either, but at least she's presenting evidence and reasons that have a chance of getting through.

Also, if you think Watson's reaction to the whole elevator incident counts as "freaking out", you haven't seen a good freak-out. She mentioned the incident and advised guys not to behave that way (which is pretty good advice, I think). How does that qualify as freaking out? You want to see a good freak-out, check out the ridiculously over-the-top response her one-minute mention of this incident got.

ChaosEngine said:

Jesus, that took 5 minutes to make a point that could have been made in 30 seconds.

"Psychics are con-artists, charlatans and evil scumbags who prey on the grieving using simple illusionist tricks that any 12 year old kid could be taught in a few minutes. Stop giving them air time"

There, done. Now Rebecca can get back to being freaked out when people invite her for a cup of coffee.

Gibson guitars now tune themselves robotically

overdude jokingly says...

Because there is truly nothing to be gained by actually learning how to properly tune a guitar yourself.... No side benefits like, oh I don't know, ear training, relative pitch, proper intonation, or even the ability to recognize that you happen to own a shitty guitar that never stays in tune (how could you when it's always staying in tune).

That's right folks... You saw and heard it first with the oldest instrument in the world, the voice. Now you can have that same lazy approach applied toward your favorite stringed instrument. Introducing Auto-Tune... for your guitar. Now you'll never hear - OR PLAY - music the same way ever again!!!

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

*Retained for....

"violent and outspoken when confronted with blind insanity" must pitch a fight club fit when you pass a mirror.

You really do not have a clue...and cannot have a clue. You ARE an offense...but as easily walked away from without an afterthought as a fart in public.

For all your ranting and posturing, you are a frightened child with a man sounding voice trying to be less alone, less ignorant, and less lost...and yes much of that can be said of us all save your volume...much more the pity of you.

You are not a champion. not a voice from on high, not a beacon of light. Should you really desire or aspire to be, go work on yourself, silently, in silence...and good luck. I'm going to follow my own advice.

chingalera said:

No harm no foul chicco, I took a particular offense at your low-blow, esp. making a public spectacle of me according to your own misunderstanding and hang-ups-I rile against hatred or violence towards children of any kind, but am violent and outspoken when confronted with blind insanity.

Japanese Dolphin Hunt Condemned By World

chingalera says...

Look People.

Quite frankly, that comment from dag with that fucked-up, 'where-in-the-fuck-from-as-far-left-field-as-possible-did-THAT-come-from tone, timbre, pitch, and timing????? IS, in all my infamy here, about as close as it gets to me never coming back here to play again and telling this place to fuck completely off.
Just so all you who know or care and could give a fuck.....RIGHT?!

Someone, ANYONE, tell me why I should even fucking bother?

Because, looky....I KNOW you motherfuckers, all of you that play here nice or otherwise, need people like me, like....ME-

NOW. Everyone say that last sentence above to yourselves aloud, replacing the words 'you' and 'me' with the words "me' or 'you', and you begin to see how fucking insane you are all to you.

Ok now, @SDGundamX (you glorious fucker)

Agreed. You now have the esteemed privilege and honor to hold the leash and take me out for my pee-pees and poo-poos.

I will make no pot-stirring promises as to the emotional viability or culpability of certain users here, especially not of that of my own-self, as I cherish both pot and the stirring of pots.

Best Gift Ever (Priceless Reaction)

MichaelL says...

Nicely done. I spent a year putting together a video for my wife's 40th birthday -- also our 20th anniversary. During our tourist season of the previous year, I approached visitors from all over the world and got them to wish her a Happy Birthday in their native language. I also had a lot of local mascots pitch in too.
That was combined with family video which included our sons as toddlers and pics that I got from her mother's old photo albums, all of it combined with a hand picked soundtrack.
I played it at a surprise party I arranged. She cried, her mom cried, I cried...
Those moments are priceless...


PalmliX says...

Fake how? Like CG bowling pins or something? It's throwing a ball at a relatively hit-able target, not unlike what thousands of people do every day when they pitch baseballs. This guy looks to have some decent form, I just don't really see why this would need to be 'faked', unless you consider NOT showing the times when he wasn't as successful (i.e. editing) to be fake.

Been waking up late for some reason...

ant says...

Ha, I have slept through my dorm(itory)'s loud high pitch fire alarm even if I am partially deaf without my analog bone conduction hearing aid. My room and suite mates didn't even wake me up! If it wasn't a false alarm, then I wouldn't be here.

Sagemind said:

How could he not wake up as soon as it started beeping
I would have been up and across the room by the time the dog turned it off.

Wonder Showzen is made by THE DEVIL!!!

Chairman_woo says...

"I don't like it it when mummy and daddy fight!"

Fair enough I can't disagree with a lot of that (your right to say it was directed at you upon a 2nd reading sorry).

As far as your criticism of Chingy in general your half right, but what I see after lurking on here for a few years reading posts is someone who has bashed his head against the same wall so long it's hurt.

Perhaps I'm projecting (don't we all?) but I see a pitfall I've fallen into myself many times throughout my life and it's the same pitfall we all fall into in our own ways. Love is the most virulent and dangerous of poisons!

Without wishing to delve into a very lengthy essay on the dynamics of dualistic consciousness/reality I strongly suspect that Chingy went through what is ultimately a very similar thought process to the one you just espoused i.e. "I'm sick of people not even trying to understand my heartfelt positions so fuck them".

Long story short: a lack of sympathy and patience on both sides.

Sad but entirely understandable and I have no desire to get on a high horse about it. I'm as bad if not frequently worse myself. This is the great curse of caring; we expose our flanks and allow our opponents blades to drive that bit deeper.

Is it really such a surprise that the more we care the thicker our armour of contempt becomes?

I guess when all is said and done though it's not my business to tell either one of you how to behave. Just from my pov your mutual bitterness here stems from a common source. Both of your arguments make perfect sense to me as does your contempt for each other and that on balance is probably what bummed me out enough to pitch in (futilely) with my own 2cents.

I'd like to ask you both to be a little more understanding with each other but I have no right to do that (nor would it work unless you each wanted it to anyway). So I shall end simply with "Do what thau wilts".

newtboy said:

I disagree, it absolutely was directed at me and he did quote me (he just didn't use the 'quote' button this time), please read it again...
chingalera said:
(a sate of permanent willful ignorance) it's 'state' and maybe, check a fucking mirror??
Totally directed at me in a snide attempt to disrespectfully deride me for a typing mistake he assumed I made and for being permanently willfully ignorant. That's his MO, derision and disrespect peppered with abusive overuse of a thesaurus. His argument style is mindless repetition of insults and complaint and derision of every topic and group and most individuals with no self awareness whatsoever. He repeatedly makes the same mistaken assumptions, even when corrected, because they support his insanity and give him a straw man to fight. He viciously attacks 'A or B' arguments that come from his own mind and not from the one's he attacks. I'm done with it. I can only remind him of the facts and my positions so many times before it's tiring in the extreme and my fault for doing it to myself.
I would say the pastor is an asshat because he made his own insane assumptions based on willful misunderstanding and is convincing others to think the same kind of has little to do with religion in the final analysis for me, it's about making up BS and getting others to believe it as fact, usually to get them to act as one wants them to. The religious don't have a monopoly on this behavior, it is also not reserved for religious goals, but religions and the religious are all too well practiced at it.

I got an iPad!!!

ravioli says...

(From YT desc.) For some background on this video and my uncle - Henry is hearing & speech impaired. He has a heart of gold and everyone who meets Henry absolutely loves him. Henry is also a kid at heart and loves hot wheels, cars, and especially games on his iPhone. Because we appreciate Henry so much and wanted to show him how much he is loved, we all pitched in and got Henry the ultimate gift (as you can see, he was quite happy). That moment was pure joy and excitement. Henry is probably playing games on his new iPad right now

Self Defense Scam Fail - EFO Empty Force

Velocity5 says...

Non-empiricism ruins peoples' lives.

I'm currently watching an extended family member destroy her end-of-life financial planning because she thinks she just needs to meditate/pray harder.

Instead of living below her means before it's too late, she's planning on being able to "manifest" the money needed to continue her needlessly exorbitant lifestyle.

Naturally, she's lost a lot of money to salesmen and con-artists with "high integrity" who pitched her "alternative investments" that were "sure things."

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