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SWAT A-Holes Murder Pets In Front Of Kids

kagenin says...

>> ^Hive13:

While I imagine there is more to this story that a misdemeanor marijuana charge, it is still pretty fucking sad, especially to do this in front of his kid.
That being said, I know several cops that have been badly injured serving warrants to people that owned Pit Bulls. They can be, but rarely are, mean, viscous killers. Seems like this cops didn't take a few extra moments to figure out which type of personality this dog had.

It really shouldn't have mattered what kind of personality the dog had.


Seriously. How ball-less does someone have to be to shoot a caged dog?

SWAT A-Holes Murder Pets In Front Of Kids

newtboy says...

>> ^dedstick:
Blah, blah, blah! What the fuck are we gonna do about this shit and when. That is the only topic I'm interested in. And the sad thing is - is that I don't have any good suggestions.

Really? How's this suggestion...Boycott Missouri or at least Columbia Missouri until the officers involved are publicly convicted of at least cruelty to animals, child endangerment, excessive force, and illegal discharge of a firearm and loose their jobs without pension or other benefits. Send an email/letter to the Columbia, Missouri chamber of commerce telling them that's your plan, then follow through.
Columbia Chamber of Commerce
(573) 874-1132
300 South Providence Road
Post Office Box 1016
Columbia, Missouri 65205-1016
Cancel any travel plans you might have had to visit Missouri. If you find yourself on a website of a company based in Missouri, find a different company to purchase from and write the company to tell them why you are not going to do business with them. Guaranteed, if this starts hurting their economy, they'll fix the problem and ensure it doesn't happen again, quickly. That goes for any other state that protects it's agents when they commit violent crimes against citizens or their property instead of prosecuting them.
It seems like a no brainer to me. Hit them where it hurts, the wallet. I don't think Missouri is doing so well economically that they can afford to stop doing business with animal and/or child lovers and rational non-violent citizens nation wide for long. Evil may thrive when good people do nothing to disuade it.
That's my plan anyway...

I keep wondering why no one seems to bring up the point that these officers were in full armor, and so there was no danger of injury from either dog. If the pit bull was caged as reported, there was no danger (other than to their ear drums) and a corgie isn't dangerous to a naked man, much less someone in full kevlar, knife proof armor head to toe. There is no reasonable excuse they can offer for shooting the corgie.

And to answer riewan's last comment, most people of color (black, Mexican, Arab, etc.) with or without bald tires are (unfairly) associated with weapons by many people, especially those in law enforcement. There are certain undisputed facts here, like the shooting of the corgie, that can't be reasonably defended under any circumstances.

SWAT A-Holes Murder Pets In Front Of Kids

Hive13 says...

While I imagine there is more to this story that a misdemeanor marijuana charge, it is still pretty fucking sad, especially to do this in front of his kid.

That being said, I know several cops that have been badly injured serving warrants to people that owned Pit Bulls. They can be, but rarely are, mean, viscous killers. Seems like this cops didn't take a few extra moments to figure out which type of personality this dog had.

SWAT A-Holes Murder Pets In Front Of Kids

NetRunner says...

There's not much more I can add to what John Cole said:

I can’t get over those assholes that shot that man’s pets over a miniscule amount of pot (and more than likely based on faulty information from an informant with whom they cut a deal). I’ve only had Lily 11 months (today!), but I would be out for blood if someone shot her, cop or otherwise. I’d be a helluva lot less rational than that guy was. At the very least there would have been a tasing on that video or another shooting (of me) as I lost my shit all over the place.

And why don’t we get to see pictures of these brave servants to the community? Why aren’t pictures of cops who do this in every newspaper and on every nightly show when it happens? They are obviously tough guys, of course they would want the press! Here’s Butch McCraskin, local member of the SWAT team. He likes football, Nascar, reads Soldier of Fortune, loves no-knock raids, and has tazed a teen-ager and bagged three corgi’s. He drives a big Dodge Ram truck with an NRA sticker to compensate for his tiny penis. Can’t you smell the macho? I wonder what he has cooking?

I’m wondering at what point Americans are finally going to have enough of this shit. They cut pensions slightly to keep the nation from going completely broke in Greece, and they are fire-bombing shit in protest. Here, unless you are a member of the elite you are a third class citizen, subject to any number of abuses to your life, property, and dignity, and no one seems to care or is too preoccupied.

Is Dancing with the Stars on tonight?

*** Update ***

The pit bull these tough guys shot and killed was crated. The corgi they shot survived was loose, but could hardly be considered a threat. This isn’t about law enforcement or safety to officers, this is about terrorizing people.

Not much I can add other than I'd be out for blood if anyone shot either of my dogs too.

I dunno what's broken in America that people feel so resigned about this kind of thing.

I guess it's that whole individualism thing -- it didn't happen to me, just some other poor dumb fuck, why should I care about it? Why should I stick my neck out, he was using illegal drugs! Plus, as we know from Arizona, it's completely okay to violate people's rights if you think they might be doing something illegal, like being here without the right paperwork.

Oh, and Joe Lieberman is talking about stripping citizenship from people who the government thinks might be associated with a terrorist group...

I'm sure this will all be made better when the Republicans take control of congress, because we all know they're serious limited government guys, right?

SWAT A-Holes Murder Pets In Front Of Kids

Payback says...

Well, I can understand shooting the one dog. Those things are terrifying. I would never allow one to be around my children. The potential loss of human life or limb is extreme. A friend of mine has one and every time I go over to visit I am overcome by fear of the hellish beast.

Don't see why they had to shoot the pit bull though.

Clever Dog!

Tigroom says...

>> ^ghark:
Jack Russels are tough as nails, i saw one take a kick direct to the head from a bull that it was helping us move, it just got back on it's feet like nothing had happened. When you watch them play with larger dogs they act like there's no size difference as well, if the Pit bull or Doberman is slightly timid, the Jack Russel will often be the more bossy one, even though a Doberman could tear it's head off.

You're right!

Clever Dog!

ghark says...

Jack Russels are tough as nails, i saw one take a kick direct to the head from a bull that it was helping us move, it just got back on it's feet like nothing had happened. When you watch them play with larger dogs they act like there's no size difference as well, if the Pit bull or Doberman is slightly timid, the Jack Russel will often be the more bossy one, even though a Doberman could tear it's head off.

Beagle Viciously Attacks Rottweiler

spawnflagger says...

one of my relatives had a rottweiler/pit-bull mix, and it was the friendliest dog in the world. I lot of a dogs temperament comes from their environment.

(although some dogs are just through-and-through mean, no matter what. for instance every poodle I've ever seen was a snippy s-o-b)

Beagle Viciously Attacks Rottweiler

drattus says...

>> ^gtjwkq:
What are they doing indoors!?

And what the fuck is wrong with them being indoors?

I've got myself a 115 lb or so Shepherd mix and a 50 or 55 pound Australian Cattle Dog, or Blue Heeler around here. Used to have a 120 lb Black Lab and a 55 or 60 lb Pit Bull/Blue Heeler mix as well. All indoor dogs as much as they wanted to be. They ask when they want in and asked when they want out. If I sit on the floor the Shepard mix sits in front of me then rears up, throws himself back in my arms and expects me to catch him like a baby or something, and so far I always have. He wants to be a lap dog too now that he's seen the smaller one do it.

Why have a dog in the first place if you're just going to leave it out in the weather and never see the thing? They make better pets than lawn ornaments.

Cat Climbs Girl, Seems Comfortable

Cat Climbs Girl, Seems Comfortable

Ashton Kutcher Gives Advice to Republicans

Asmo (Member Profile)

budzos says...

I don't see how your argument runs counter to my assertions at all. Your wife got half her face eaten by a German Shepherd... that does not mean Pitbulls are less likely to snap. It doesn't really have any bearing on what I said, at all.

So, Shove your self-righteousness up YOUR ass.

In reply to this comment by Asmo:
>> ^budzos:
Go pursue an inane cause that doesn't require everyone around you to accept the premise that "don't worry, this bomb I bring everywhere won't go off while your kids are around. I'm a responsible bomb owner.

and my wife, when she was 4 years old, had her face half torn off by an old german sheppard who had been peaceful and friendly all it's life. Totally unexpected, she was playing with it as she had done many times before and it just turned, latched on and proceeded to eat the chunk of her left cheek it had removed.

Animals, like humans, can snap and there doesn't have to be any rhyme or reason to it. So feel free to shove your rhetoric up your ass where your head is already firmly planted.

Pit Bull Viciously Attacks News Anchor With Love and Slobber

nanrod says...

Per the above study over 50% of dog bite related fatalities in the US between 1979 and 1998 were caused by Pit Bulls and Rottweiler type dogs. That being said Dannym is right in that statistics can be skewed by unidentified factors. Its difficult in a study of dog attacks to determine that X% of the owners involved also had meth labs or were training the dogs for fighting or were just simply morons. However, even if you could identify all such factors I think you would find that the type of owner does not have a statistically significant effect on the numbers. We've all seen those news broadcasts where the owners try to defend their dog and in my experience the majority seem to be average people. And what do they all say? "My sweetie-pie has always been a gentle and affectionate dog, I don't understand how this could happen" or "That three year old must have done something to provoke her" Its all bullshit anyways. The only control or regulation that could possibly have any possible effect on the numbers is to ban the breed. Difficult to enforce but a hell of a lot easier than any attempt to control who can or cannot own one.

Pit Bull Viciously Attacks News Anchor With Love and Slobber

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