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6Months in Jail For Disagreeing With Feminists on on Twitter

Imagoamin says...

If you read nothing but the tweets, sure: just seems like a guy who didn't agree with this woman and kept tweeting at her for months after she blocked him and asked him to stop... Part of that is because a lot of the most offending tweets have been deleted from his account by him. The deletion of the comments is mentioned here:

But that also leaves out the fact that, after he soured and continually tweeted at her calling her awful/misandrist/ etc, he also started showing up at events she was at, photographing her place of work, and stalking her. A friend of hers said as such:

Is Climate Change Just A Lot Of Hot Air?

newtboy says...

Yes, you did say all that, but you also said none of that is a problem, at least not one to be really worried about. To me, that sounds a lot like climate change denial 3.0, where 1.0 was 'it's not happening at all, don't panic', 2.0 was 'it's happening, but it's natural and normal, don't panic' and 3.0 is 'it's human caused, but no problem, don't panic'. All of those are arguments designed to stall, not to be correct. If I'm reading you wrong, I apologize, but I've heard that argument before from those definitely in that camp.

If the IPCC says it won't be disastrous, yes, we would disagree, because I say it already is, and so have they in their summaries of their last few reports. Just abnormal drought alone is disastrous in many places worldwide already, as is increased flooding in some areas. I did not read the entire PDF's, only what you quoted because they were only linked as downloads/files, and I don't download files from sites I don't recognize.

I linked the first google search pages that came up with water/glacial data, not the other dozen that said the same, or near the same thing, not the NOVA on glacial retreat that said the same thing, not the movie on the same topic with photographic proof of the retreats-Chasing Ice. You ignored that they did list their source for the 2/3 of Chinese cities low on water and the 50% loss of glacial mass per decade as the Chinese military and claimed they were source less so easily dismissed.
As for the diatoms and shellfish, I've seen numerous studies on them, and again just grabbed the first one that came up in a search with data. You seemed to dismiss it as well, but it's not alone. In one snail study I saw, the woman said the last few years it had become nearly impossible to get measurements because the snail shells literally turn to paste in her fingers and weighed nearly nothing! I'm glad to read now that you don't disagree that it's an issue, you only think it's not severe?

I'm not holding my breath on fusion or fission, we've heard the 'we're only 5 years away from fission/fusion' line before about as often as 'Iran is only 2 years away from having a nuclear bomb', but we can agree on wind and solar, except I say it is great for base load, you just need to pair it with micro hydro storage (pump water uphill with surplus solar/wind, then run micro hydro at night). Small solar/wind also decentralizes production, safeguarding from terrorism, and is quite cost effective. Mine paid for itself in well under 10 years.

My issue with your position is that what we do today just with CO2 production reduction won't really effect the atmosphere for 20-200 years (the accepted lifespan of 65-85% of atmospheric CO2, the remaining 15-35% takes thousands of years to be trapped) and that's only IF the ocean CO2 sink continues functioning, so we're already well past the point of avoiding moderate climate change. Without quick action, feedback loops like methane and/or ice sheets melting make the problem exponentially larger and difficult/impossible to manage at all. It may already be too late even if we cut to zero CO2 tomorrow, but it's certainly too late to avoid more, massive, unsolvable global issues if we don't even mitigate them before 2050.

Let's not get into the quagmire of global dimming from sulfur in coal actually mitigating a large part of expected global warming by reflecting sunlight. I've yet to hear a plan or study involving that variable.

Santa Ana Cops Behaving Badly

radx says...

Help an ignorant European brother out, will you...

This shop operated without a business permit. Would the appropriate procedure not be:
- official delivers notification that shop will be closed down if operator doesn't acquire permit within a week
- official returns after week if owner failed to acquire and present permit, cites owner for operating without a permit and gives another 48h deadline
- official returns after 48h and, if the owner still cannot produce a permit, notification is given that shop will be closed down
- police calmly evacuate the building, take photographic evidence of current state, close shop until end of legal proceedings

Instead, what I saw on the video might pass as an instructional video for the ‛Ndrangheta but not for a police force in a civilized country. These people strike me as unfit for duty and the brazen nonchalance with which they consumed the drugs themselves in front of other officers might be a reasonable argument to put the entire department under investigation.

GeorgeHammock (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

is this
your video on youtube, or are you somehow affiliated with the company? Linking to your own video/company is not allowed on Videosift, as per the rules listed at

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Hubble Space Telescope fly-through of the Gum Nebula

HenningKO says...

Well THIS one is obviously a CG interpretation, perhaps arranging real photographs in a 3D program and then moving a virtual camera through them...
But the spectacular Hubble still photographs are REAL in the sense that they are graphs of real photons coming off real stuff out there. Just filtered for different spectra and then composited back together, packing more information into a single image.
I know what you mean though. There are no "natural light" cameras on the Hubble. That would be a waste of space.

ameliakelly75491 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Welcome to the sift.
I have a question for you....are you affiliated with the company or video you posted?
It seems an odd video to post if you aren't marketing this item, and that is expressly forbidden on explained in the terms and conditions (link at bottom of any page).... if this is not a self link, you might actually post that in a comment on the video so others don't just assume it is and ban you...that does happen here.

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Zawash (Member Profile)

Uh oh! Llyod's figured out modern art

Sagemind says...

I have been saying this for years.
I remember at my grad exhibition in Art School, I did this one painting, which took my about 150 hours to create, (

And this other classmate, made wax molds of toast, laid a few in the center of the floor in a room, and called it an "Installation.

Now, I was supposed to "OOOO" and "AHHH" over her work, but her and her friends, were rallying against my painting, calling it trash and no point. If had wanted to make something realistic, then I should have been a photographer..., I was wasting my time.

Moral of the story: My piece sold, hers didn't.

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

entr0py says...

I like how he points out that the color "illusions" are not actually a brain failure, but an amazing visual processing feature honed by evolution. If the rubix cube were a real object photographed in yellow light and then in blue light, those tiles would have to be yellow and blue (not grey). It's like our brains calculate the true color under white light, and that's what we see.

Just think about how useful that is, without that feature we could never build up knowledge about what color different plants and animals are, because their color would seem to change drastically with the lighting conditions.

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No good reason. I started with this picture of my dog being barked at, and just never changed it. Seeing the thumbnail of your video did make me think twice about changing it though. I just need to go find a good newt to photograph.

ant said:

How come you're not using a newt avatar on VS?

First Ever Photograph of Light as Both a Particle and Wave

billpayer (Member Profile)

Leonard Nimoy, Spock of ‘Star Trek,’ Dies at 83

PlayhousePals says...

"What I'm exploring right now is the subject of my own mortality. It's an area that I'm curious about, and I'm researching it to see if there's a photographic essay in it for me. If images don't start to come, I'll go to something else." - Leonard Nimoy

Free The Nipple - An Awesome Rant For Boobs

AeroMechanical says...

I'm definitely not seeing any actual legitimate censorship issue and no legitimate point or argument--and certainly no censorship "rule." There is no rule or law against showing nipples on the internet. The decision to blur the photograph was made entirely by this V Magazine at their own discretion for their own reasons.

Compared to many western countries, the United States is relatively light on censorship precisely because of the codification of the first amendment. There are very few circumstances in which the federal government uses criminal law to enforce censorship, and using civil law to do likewise (such as in cases of libel) is relatively hard. Naturally, the truth on the ground is always more complex, because of all of the ways you can sneak sort-of-censorship into local and state laws such school boards determining public school curriculums, shady contracts, and discriminatory public decency laws. That last, which is really more what this guy is arguing about in a ham-fisted way.

I certainly don't believe there should be different laws for men and for women. If a bare-chested man in public is acceptable, I believe a bare-chested woman should be just as acceptable. In this case, I'd go so far as to say I believe that should be federal law, but that can likewise backfire in ways I don't agree with (eg, I believe wether to allow concealed handguns should be a local decision), so I'm not quick to make blanket statements.

Certainly the US is socially and psychologically backward in many, many ways, but it's also better in that respect now on balance than it has ever been in the past.

Raw Video: The President Takes a Surprise Walk

jmd says...

Its raw in that there is no commentary, it was a spontaneous event that the photographer was there to document. I'm sure this isn't "new" to the security detail, and im sure they pucker up every time he decides to do it.

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