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Trump Declares Himself Above the Constitution: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

Sets a bad presidential precedent. Trump is a bad president without anyone's help. ;-)

The Democrats need to accept that and give Warren carte blanche to do anything at all, including a blanket repeal of all Treasonous Trump's legislation and agreements, and thumb their noses at Republican whining.

I say Democrats should, for one term only, use every trick, ploy, and scheme the Republicans have used for Trump to get us back on track, closing every loophole and making it a crime to support obstruction or "refusal to cooperate" as a public official after 3 years and 9 months.
Ignore them. Dismiss them. If they suggest any legislation, crush it, call it unAmerican and stupid, and laugh at their inability to do anything about it. Defund all their pet projects and corporate welfare programs and implement universal health care with the money saved.
Turnabout is fair play. I'm sick to death of Democrats turning the other cheek in the name of civility with an uncivil adversary.

Mystic95Z said:

Unfortunately Republicans of today are not what they once were, they are all just a bunch of hacks that want to cling to power at all costs damn the consequences....

If they don't support throwing the criminal in chief out that sets a very bad president for future POTUS's to push the envelope even farther.

Spot - Launch Commercial

Over dramatic dog faints while a lady tries to cut its nails

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Dog, Faints, Nail Clipping, Pets' to 'Dog, Faints, Nail Clipping, Pets, pitbull, faint, pass out, nailcutter, nails' - edited by lucky760

Temper tantrum

AeroMechanical says...

No (personal) offensive intended to parrot owners, and yes they're pretty, but I just don't understand why you would want to bring a loud, ill-tempered vicious little territorial monster like that into your home.

My theory is that they are just a little bit too intelligent and independent to get on with the whole "being a pet" thing.

Why Do Dogs Pant?

Why Do Dogs Pant?

b4rringt0n (Member Profile)

Cockatoo vs bird deterrent spikes

Cockatoo vs bird deterrent spikes

Guardian cats say "You Shall Not Pass, Dog!"

The 7 Biggest Failures of Trumponomics

newtboy says...

Interesting suggestion.

I believe that with 1/10 the population, near today's per capita resource usage would be sustainable....although there would be a necessary time period with net zero or better emissions required to return the atmosphere to "normal" before runaway greenhouse effects and feedbacks turn earth into Venus 2.0. After that, there is an amount of emission the planet can absorb, so resource usage need not be curtailed excessively, but it wouldn't hurt.

I'm all for the lottery system if everyone draws straws, no exceptions except those willing to just move to the reservation voluntarily.
Even a lottery system simply for procreation would do wonders, but remembering the outrage at China for just allowing one child per couple, I doubt that would fly either. Also, it does leave the possibility that the lucky procreators might all be imbecilic morons incapable of following/continuing the plan...we don't want to become a species that is dumber than our pets....or do we?

I think the priorities should be reversed too, what's best for life on earth first, humanity second.

moonsammy said:

It's an extreme solution certainly, but not without merit. I doubt there'd ever be a willing acceptance of such a plan though, so a slightly more realistic solution would need to be moderated some. How's this for dystopian-but-not-quite-genocidal:
Worldwide lottery, a small percentage (total of 500M - 1B maybe) wins the right to live in what will be the new model of the world: something like what we have now, but with drastically reduced usage of non-renewable resources (until they can be replaced completely) and a target of zero negative impact on the environment as a whole. Still some version of democratic (generally at least), freedom of whatnot and such, open travel to the degree that sustainable transportation options allow, all the (again, sustainable) mod cons. I suppose different countries / regions could still run things according to their preferences, as long as the net-zero goal remains.
The other lottery entrants, the non-winners, don't need to die, hooray! They will however live on something akin to reservations, as serfs, without the right to further reproduce. These poor bastards, in exchange for not being outright murdered to save civilization, are to be consolidated into agricultural communes to do whatever they can to regrow the world's flora and fauna until they all eventually die. Their goal is not net-zero, but as far into the positive as possible. It would all be overseen according to some grand scheme(s) to be as beneficial for the overall future of humanity and life on Earth in general as possible.

Probably also unworkable, but preferable to megamurder?

Time to Kill | Comedy Short Film

Time to Kill | Comedy Short Film

The BEST Explanation Of The Russia HOAX

Sagemind says...

I tried to look up some information on this Charlie Kirk....

This guy holds no credibility, and is basically a laughing stock all over the internet.
He is essentially a "Culture Warrior" bought and paid for by the Koch Brothers. His job is to create fictitious propaganda which benefits the Koch agenda and seed it in as many places as possible.

Even Conservative groups are speaking out against him. (Young America’s Foundation) “The long-term damage TPUSA could inflict on conservative students and the Conservative Movement can no longer be ignored..."

Turning Point USA, Charlie's pet project, is an astroturf nonprofit funded by the Koch brothers in order to make old conservatism look cool and appealing to millennials by sharing/posting/reposting cringeworthy memes and image macros.

Charlie Kirk was born into a wealthy Illinois family.
-His father, Robert W. Kirk, was the project architect manager for Trump Tower in New York.
-Charlie became politically active c. 2010, when he joined the Tea Party.
-He is an evangelical Christian, who believes that atheism leads to socialism.
-Kirk blames much moral failure in communist countries on atheism.
-Charlie claims that undocumented immigrants don't have rights because they aren't citizens. About a month earlier, while delivering a speech, he said that rights don't come from governments

Once I beat mintbbb's #1 Top 15 Sifters of All Time spot... (Wtf Talk Post)

newtboy says...

Something to check, flea controls often cause seizures...they did in my Golden retriever, and are listed as a side effect for many.
Not sure if that's a possibility in your dog, but it should be something every dog owner considers before applying pesticides to their pets.

mintbbb said:

Yeah, not coming back. Just found out one of my dogs has epilepsy.. seizures... As much as I'd love you kick your butt ant, you are welcome to be the new #1 =) Tho I am rooting for eric!

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