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Monty Python : Chicken Miners

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Relax by petting your dog

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Westminster Dog Show Obstacle Course Winning Run

Westminster Dog Show Obstacle Course Winning Run

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Scottish reporter falls for Australian drop bear prank

newtboy says...

All that gear doesn't protect her a bit from the real danger Drop Bears present....Chlamydia. In some areas, 100% of wild koalas have it, and they can transmit it to humans.
Just try telling your wife she has the clap because you pet a koala, not because you pet the babysitter.

Happy holidays! You ate magic mushrooms

God damnit Chug.

HerbWatson says...

The reason for my comment was to point out that people clearly adore this animal (if the up votes are anything to go by), and the disparity of how this animal will be treated.

Indeed if we did even the most humane slaughter to our pets, we would call it hell, and be arrested for our barbarism. But for a cow? It's legal, but even still we better hide it away.

I wonder how many people would have upvoted this video if we saw the rest of the farming process, as "humane" as it is.

visionep said:

I didn't straw man anything. His argument was that the animal is about to "go through hell" in "a few days".

My counter is that the animal is not going to go through hell (not abused) and will be living for more than a few days. I backed that assertion up with facts that I am familiar with for the subject matter. I didn't even mention other inaccuracies about the butchering process that really have nothing to do with the animal going "through hell" since it has been rendered unconscious before anything happens.

Does every fact in his description have to be 100% false for his overall analysis to be repudiated? Seems like a high bar for challenging an opinion.

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Dog Loves Jumping In Leaves

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