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Yahweh's Perfect Justice (Numbers 15:32-36)

shinyblurry says...

>> ^shuac:

>> ^shinyblurry:
I think taint said it pretty well, the hypocrisy which is veritably oozing from your post, so I won't pile on to that.
What I will say is that all authority belongs to Jesus Christ, and since you do not belong to Him, you have no authority what so ever. You told me that you "counsel" Christians who are in a "crisis of faith". Considering your very public anti-christian stance, and the things you have told me, it's not hard to imagine the kind of "advice" you have to offer someone who is vulnerable in their faith. What kind of ideas you insinuate into their lives.
Your error is that you believe you can do it your way, and you have bought into that selfish trap hook, line and sinker. You rail against the bible, why? Because it says you're wrong. Scripture says that you have bought the lie and fallen into delusion. Why? Because you think you can be like God, just like Eve did. It is the oldest lie that there is. What you call theosophy is described in Revelation 2:24. You cannot know God except through Jesus Christ, period, end of story. You beg borrow and steal from His wisdom to try to make an end run around Him, but you will never know God until you submit yourself entirely to His will. He is the Creator, and He has commanded you to repent and believe the gospel.
>> ^enoch

Your taint speaks to you know? What does it say?
"What's that awful smell?"
Seriously, enoch pretty much smacked you down hard with all those citations. Thass gotta sting!

Yahweh's Perfect Justice (Numbers 15:32-36)

shuac says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

I think taint said it pretty well, the hypocrisy which is veritably oozing from your post, so I won't pile on to that.
What I will say is that all authority belongs to Jesus Christ, and since you do not belong to Him, you have no authority what so ever. You told me that you "counsel" Christians who are in a "crisis of faith". Considering your very public anti-christian stance, and the things you have told me, it's not hard to imagine the kind of "advice" you have to offer someone who is vulnerable in their faith. What kind of ideas you insinuate into their lives.
Your error is that you believe you can do it your way, and you have bought into that selfish trap hook, line and sinker. You rail against the bible, why? Because it says you're wrong. Scripture says that you have bought the lie and fallen into delusion. Why? Because you think you can be like God, just like Eve did. It is the oldest lie that there is. What you call theosophy is described in Revelation 2:24. You cannot know God except through Jesus Christ, period, end of story. You beg borrow and steal from His wisdom to try to make an end run around Him, but you will never know God until you submit yourself entirely to His will. He is the Creator, and He has commanded you to repent and believe the gospel.
>> ^enoch

Your taint speaks to you now? What does it say?

"What's that awful smell?"

Seriously, enoch pretty much smacked you down hard with all those citations. Thass gotta sting!

Joe the Plumber is running for Congress.... here's his ad

budzos says...

This guy again. He became famous by lying about himself on TV (to president Obama, about how much money he earns, and about being a business owner). Of course he feels he belongs in congress. He just oozes brainpower, doesn't he? Fuck this guy!

US military unveils non-lethal heat ray

enoch says...

not even close.
i did a story years ago about the massacre of beit hanoun where the ADS (active denial system) had been used but not as intended.
pictures of childrens brains oozing out and eyeballs many pictures where evidence of the fluids in the body exploding due to boiling pressures.

now i cant seem to find the original story about the incident and all i am able find are isreals admission to the shellings but not one mention of the use of ADS nor one single picture.

maybe it was just my over active imagination right?

Sexy Hoop Dancer

gwiz665 says...

Are you saying that Ron Paul somehow doesn't ooze sexuality? This is so strange a notion to me..
>> ^hpqp:

I don't think this video should be tagged "sexuality"; it is not the subject of the video, and if we start using that tag for anything possibly on-turning it could be slapped on practically anything (from Ron Paul talking to cats on a rumba).
nochannel music happy dance skillful

Anonymous - Don't Mess With Us (Megaupload Takedown Reponse)

Yogi says...

>> ^Payback:

Ooooo, we took down websites! We are more powerfull than... umm... those guys in Beat Street that tagged NY subway trains...

Until websites become the black, oozing, horrific monsters in Neuromancer, it's just graffiti.

How about if they crash all online trading?...or bank transfers? They should start out slow so there's things to do to progress. They could seriously harm our economic system if they wanted to but they recognize of course that this would also be harming a LOT of innocents trying to do business.

Lets see where they's a progression.

Anonymous - Don't Mess With Us (Megaupload Takedown Reponse)

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Payback:

Ooooo, we took down websites! We are more powerfull than... umm... those guys in Beat Street that tagged NY subway trains...

Until websites become the black, oozing, horrific monsters in Neuromancer, it's just graffiti.

I was just thinking that to myself earlier, but when they mentioned artists, musicians and writers it struck a kind of chord. It's interesting that they appeal to those targets. Because i guess if you were gonna try and force a real revolution of modern youth, then you'd really need bands growing up making songs about your cause, blogs, tweets, facebook, flickr.. All of those things, most of modern youth culture is intertwined with the internet and communications, so i have to say... maybe they're not so stupid afterall, maybe the internet is a pretty good place to start a "revolution".

Anonymous - Don't Mess With Us (Megaupload Takedown Reponse)

agopo says...

>> ^Payback:

Until websites become the black, oozing, horrific monsters in Neuromancer, it's just graffiti.

I read that book (Gibson, William: Neuromancer) and its vision impressed me very much. It's an "old" yet fantastic imagination of cyberspace. Recommended!

Anonymous - Don't Mess With Us (Megaupload Takedown Reponse)

Iowa Caucus Chat/Santorum racist remarks

Gorgeous Skyrim timelapse by a professional photographer

Xaielao says...

>> ^sillma:

Too bad setting the game to 'ultra high' doesn't bring it even close to the real max settings

yea the graphics are largely 'meh' without a few nice mods like the FXAA Injector, 4k HD Textures, Better Water, Better Night Sky. With those however.. the graphics are astounding and of course the art direction is already so good that you are totally immersed into the game's setting of an old nordic land that is passed it's prime and slowly crumbling while the men and women of power desperately hold on to it as it begins to slip away as the next age of the country begins. The real question is who shall lead it? The game really oozes atmosphere.

Edit: Oh for those on the PC who would like to see these amazing graphics, all the really good graphics mods are listed here (I use all accept the top one myself).

Imagine If All Atheists Left America

GeeSussFreeK says...

^gwiz665 Troublesome topic to get into on a forum. But I will make a meager attempt to express myself on this matter.

Firstly, I greatly respect you as a person, and value your opinion. Please excuse any phrasing that seems belittling or disrespectful of your own personal experiences with Christianity; my purpose isn't to discredit your personal experience, but relay mine.

In the interests of full disclosure, I am not a practicing Christian, I am an agnostic atheist. My pursuit of truth and knowledge lead me away from my faith some time ago. However, it is the very pursuits Christianity grew up in me that lead to this second awakening in myself. Christianity saved me, twice. Let me explain.

Low self esteem has been the story of my whole life. I was bullied a lot as a child, and my week personality was unable to cope. I always was pretty good in school in terms of grades. But the scars of my low self esteem means I never tried to live up to my full potential. I sold myself short in everything, I gave up, gave in, quit trying. Always managing slightly above average marks, several shallow friendships, and anything else that wasn't to risky.

That all changed in high school. I met one of the most influential friends I had in my life. He radiated self confidence. He also happened to be a Christian. I formerly mocked Christians via the evangelists I saw on TV, it was my only real experience with Christians till that point. I eventually "converted" to Christianity and my life was forever changed. I felt good about myself. Felt I could actually be something, do something, affect something. I was encouraged not only in personality, but in mind. I read countless books on theology, philosophy, and science. I grew in ways that I couldn't fully appreciate until my second great awakening. I was forever a different person. Gone where the rational bounds I placed on myself. I was no longer constrained by the ordinary. It was light in my darkness. A cure to the miasma of my existence. It instilled in my the responcibility to myself for goodness, purity, kindness, and truth.

The pursuit of truth eventually lead me to realize that if there is a God, it can't be the God of the bible (I won't go into that here), and so ended that phase of my life. But I am forever indebted to Christianity. And while someone might rightly point out it was me saving me, it still wouldn't of happened (I believe) without those people in the place they were doing the things they were with the believe that they were, I wouldn't be where I am now (most likely would of killed myself). All things have their share of evils and goods. For my part, even though I am no longer a Christian, I can't ever call for its eradication, or even that it is a moral bad.

To me, the great evil that works in us is a 2 billion year old tail; that this world is a world of violence. 2 billion years of animals eating other animals can't be laid at the feet of Christianity, or Islam, or any other scapegoat. We are humans, a tragic creature able to understand its own tragic nature. We seek to pass the blame to something we created, but it is what 2 billion years of life has created working in us, through us. We are the result of that, not the result of ourselves...yet. Perhaps in time we will come to terms with ourselves, and deal with ourselves. To this day, we only at best manage ourselves. I can't stop feeling anger at someone for cutting me off in traffic, I can only manage it the best I can. And I guess that is my closing thought. Right now, the best person is just a manager of their human condition, our fate was determined long ago through the course of billions of years of ooze... perhaps; or maybe God did it all, I don't know.

(edit: grammar and spelling, ugh)

Fat out-of-shape cop can't catch fleeing suspect on foot.

Lawdeedaw says...

longde; I showed you when I was being patronizing, in the comments about Couey. No other comments are patronizing. I cannot help if some points are stated bluntly.

As far as the "pro-cop bias"--stop assuming just because I question you beliefs. Here is an example of how I think in ALL matters--not just about cops.

I personally am atheist and think belief in a higher power is kind of sad (Like a fat woman eating a whole tub of ice cream.) Most religious people act horribly towards atheists like myself. However, I give religious people the benefit of doubt. I am not pro-religious... Just like I am not pro-cop. Pro-cops make excuses for violence, pro-religious makes excuses for belligerent a-holes, I DO NOT, EVER! However, I tell you what I try to be--non-judgmental.

The answer to my statistics isn't worth the time. Let's just say that you were the one who said he knew about cop beatings in his community, and I have yet to get your number.

Lastly, "setting the bar low." Oh grow the fuck up (I have to patronize to the hyperbole you use here.) Cops are humans, and they sometimes are horrible sacks of shit. See, I agree one case of abuse is too much, and your statement implies that I do not. Also too much; is one car wreck, one cancer case, one still-born and one mental retardation, one electrocution, one accidental drowning or shooting, the list goes on and on to infinity. Yes--all of those are bad, and all of those are going to happen. But to classify, for example, heart-attacks, something that happens quite often (about 1 million a year,) as close to cop beatings, that's insane hyperbole. All I ask is that you use the proper adjectives, instead of lumping the same words together
for the shake of shock-and-awe, or whatever reason you are doing it.

I do appreciate the fact that you have not said, "Well, I have a life and gotta go!" So many pricks do... So thank you for still pointing out your beliefs and not resorting to being a child.

>> ^longde:

Yes, you are patronizing; it oozes out of your posts. No, you don't know what you're talking about.
The correct answer is that there is not enough data to prove one way or another. Even the organization in the link you provided admit the severe limitations of their technique, which primarily relies on media reports. Your obvious pro-cop bias (nothing wrong with that, but at least admit it) leads you to think that the very scant data supports your point.
Even your back-of-the-envelope calculation show your bias. And do you really think that 54 cases of brutality in a year is so insignificant? Probably because you think you or your loved ones will never be on the wrong end of a stick. 54 is quite alot for one city. Hell, one is too many, to be frank. Setting a low bar for our officers is not helping them.
>> <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="

Fat out-of-shape cop can't catch fleeing suspect on foot.

longde says...

Yes, you are patronizing; it oozes out of your posts. No, you don't know what you're talking about.

The correct answer is that there is not enough data to prove one way or another. Even the organization in the link you provided admit the severe limitations of their technique, which primarily relies on media reports. Your obvious pro-cop bias (nothing wrong with that, but at least admit it) leads you to think that the very scant data supports your point.

Even your back-of-the-envelope calculation show your bias. And do you really think that 54 cases of brutality in a year is so insignificant? Probably because you think you or your loved ones will never be on the wrong end of a stick. 54 is quite alot for one city. Hell, one is too many, to be frank. Setting a low bar for our officers is not helping them.

>> ^Lawdeedaw:
I never patronized you, longde. I don't know why you're so defensive Second, I thought that when you said, "and they happen quite often in my community, not rarely," that you knew what you were talking about. Obviously, since you would "have to do homework" on the issue--instead of being able to state the cases you know--you don't know what you talking about.
Here, let me show you I know what I am talking about. Let's say that "quite often" in a large community (A large city) is once per day or a little less. Now, the site I use is definitely biased against cops with the language they use... However, that goes in my favor--since even biased sites seemingly cannot show systemic police brutality.
The calculations here are only 3 months of reported cases, so we should multiply it by at least 4 to make it as close to year's worth as possible.
Note, for simplicity, I use the information under the header "Law Enforcement Agencies Employing 1000+ Officers".
Note, let's also say that the reported cases are not inclusive of all cases--so let's add 50% more (In your favor.)
Last note, only about 30% of these cases are "force related," I.e taser, brutality, animal cruelty, etc.
So, the highest noted city, Atlanta Georgia, has 38 cases for three months. Multiply by 4, 152... let's add that .5 for non-reported, and that's 228... But wait, let's subtract a few that are perhaps bullshit. (I remember around my area a guy was abused in a wheelchair. The offending officer got a felony, lost his pension, and other charges that he deserved. Right after that though, a guy literally threw himself from a wheelchair without being touched, and another reached up and tried to pull another officer on top of him, all so they could get that big payout of a lawsuit...ass-hats should look for cameras.) So let's take out 20%, even though it's probably higher because you can sue the state easier than Wal-Mart... So about 182 at most...
Since only about 30% of those cases are abuse-related, that means police beat citizens in Atlanta Ga about 54 times in a year!!!! OMG!!! That's so rampant!
Now, my math sucks, so I could be off a lot, or a little, who knows. But the point is, people tend to exaggerate shit when they have emotions predisposed against a group. I know bad police exist, and that they should be punished, I know this because I am not blinded by either admiration or hate.
>> ^longde:
To the contrary, instead of patronizing me with a homework assignment, how about providing proof of your original assertion about the rarity of such violence. In fact, your original response to me has many unproven statements.
>> ^Lawdeedaw:

Foo Fighters - White Limo

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