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Beth Hart - LA Song (live at Paradiso)

Fletch says...

There are, admittedly, no kittens in this video. I'm going try one more time in spite of that. Again, there are no kittens in this video! I think it's only fair to be up-front about it.


ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by ChaosEngine:
>> ^lantern53:

How is R-money unelectable?
We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?

You know, it's times like this when mere words won't do. What's needed here.... is a southern gospel choir.

Wait a minute! What's this? Can I get an "oh yeah"!?


Thank you. Let us begin.

<southern gospel voice>
Ladies and gentlemen! We have before us such a man, nay, a child calling himself a man, that gives the word "retard" new meaning.

congregation: Tell it, preacher!

This so-called man has the audacity, the temerity, the something-else-ending-in-ity to speak such utter bullshit, that Glen Beck himself looks upon him and weeps for his idiocy.

congregation: Hallelujah!

Brothers and sisters! There is but one response that his inanity is worthy of.
There is but one riposte that is befitting such a childish, uneducated, dumb-ass train of what simple folk might mistake for thought.

I leave it now for the choir to preach the good words.

Let me hear it now...

Go fuck yourself! (yeah!)
Go fuck yourself! (Sing it loud!)
Go fuck yourself! (you moron!)
Yeaahhhh ,go fuck yourself!!! (one more time)


i love you

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 18th 2012)

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^lantern53:

How is R-money unelectable?
We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?

You know, it's times like this when mere words won't do. What's needed here.... is a southern gospel choir.

Wait a minute! What's this? Can I get an "oh yeah"!?


Thank you. Let us begin.

<southern gospel voice>
Ladies and gentlemen! We have before us such a man, nay, a child calling himself a man, that gives the word "retard" new meaning.

congregation: Tell it, preacher!

This so-called man has the audacity, the temerity, the something-else-ending-in-ity to speak such utter bullshit, that Glen Beck himself looks upon him and weeps for his idiocy.

congregation: Hallelujah!

Brothers and sisters! There is but one response that his inanity is worthy of.
There is but one riposte that is befitting such a childish, uneducated, dumb-ass train of what simple folk might mistake for thought.

I leave it now for the choir to preach the good words.

Let me hear it now...

Go fuck yourself! (yeah!)
Go fuck yourself! (Sing it loud!)
Go fuck yourself! (you moron!)
Yeaahhhh ,go fuck yourself!!! (one more time)


Oh Susannah-Neil Young

Biochemist creates CO2-eating light

Samwise R.I.P. April 9, 2012 (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

Ryjkyj says...

When my cat Griffey got attacked by a dog, I was at work. I didn't realize how bad it was because I passed up the chance to leave during lunch and go visit her. Instead, I worked through lunch and got off early, but when I got to the vet's office, they were already closed and I couldn't see her. She didn't make it until I could finally get in. I really, really wish I could've seen her one more time just to let her know I cared about her.

I always feel stupid telling the story about my cat dying. We all know they're "little tragedies" waiting to happen, but that's the point. If you give them a good life, what more could they possibly ask for?

New Black Panthers offer reward for capture of Zimmerman

Porksandwich says...

Zimmerman should hope they release a lot of information done by both white and black investigators from all over. If he doesn't get some very public information showing that they can't find evidence to arrest him or put him before a jury and convince them. The only thing that is going to allow him to live any sort of life after this is that kind of public release with many of the investigators involved saying the same exact discrepancies and no one better be left saying the police didn't interview them. No one should say the security cameras were not checked. No one should say phone records were not collected. The botched investigation has at much to do with the outrage as Zimmerman chasing down Trayvon and killing him. If the investigation were done properly there would not be all of this doubt and intrigue around the case, buy they know they screwed up, otherwise they would have come forward with the information instead of getting outside investigations into it. Or someone knows they screwed up, and ordered it that way to cover their ass.

The racism part of it will never be satisfied to any sort of middle ground for most people...just is not going to happen at this point.

If they fail to do all of this one more time, Zimmerman will be screwed. I don't even think witness protection would keep people from recognizing him for quite awhile after this, if he could get it.

And shang, I don't believe you. I've seen other people say a lot of these things and anything they point to gets debunked a day later.

If they had eye witness reports of Trayvon attacking Zimmerman, they would not have news reports saying there is about a minute of unknown sequence of events between the 911 call ending and a witness seeing Zimmerman on his back with Trayvon on top.

Trayvon has no arrest record that has ever come out. There ARE people making claims that he has a "criminal activity record", making it sounds like a police record. But when questioned the best they can come up with is that the school suspended him for....... and even a lot of that is made up and debunked after the news "breaks" it and they have to retract their claims. Zimmerman has 4 case records, 2 are related to him having an encounter with an officer where he got PTD. 2 are related to domestic violence case in civil court. So he has been arrested and taken what amounts to a "get your shit straight or be found guilty" program in lieu of trial for it being his first offense.

According to a witness, Zimmerman was not found on the ground when police arrived. He was standing over Trayvon just moments after he shot him. Police found him this way. Otherwise, Trayvon would have been laying on top of him if he was still found on the ground..since Trayvon was on top of him during the fight and supposedly when he shot and killed him.

SYG has stipulations for home defense in line with Castle Doctrine, but it does not apply here unless they have unreleased information saying that he was trying to defend his vehicle. I am of the opinion that Trayvon Martin should be covered under SYG, but I won't post all that's in another sift on here regarding TYT covering the case.

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Barseps (Member Profile)

Greatest Wedding Dance Song In History!

Greatest Wedding Dance Song In History!

TYT: Have Republicans stopped pretending they're not racist?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Ron Paul doesn’t just oppose affirmative action, he opposes all civil rights measures, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - you know, the one that allows black people the LIBERTY to drink out of drinking fountains not marked colored? He voted against MLK day. ( He even voted against recognizing the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling on its 50th anniversary, which is beyond petty. He wants to dissolve all civil rights protections and allow government sanctioned discrimination at the state level, giving a new meaning to the term "state"-ism.

Why do you think he flip flopped on Gay rights in 2010? If this guy has been so ‘consistent’, fair and unprejudiced, why did it take him until 2010 to get on board with tolerance towards gay people? Is it possible that this deity among men could just be doing some old fashioned political pandering? Of course not! We must not challenge the Ron Paul hive mind!

Let’s take down your last two points (Ron Paul on the UN, Ron Paul is rational) with one stroke.

Ron Paul opposes the UN because he thinks it is a New World Order plot to steal our guns and take over America.

Let me say that again. Ron Paul opposes the UN because he thinks it is a New World Order plot to steal our guns and take over America.

One more time. Let the inanity of this sentence wash over you like a tropical shower. Ron Paul opposes the UN because he thinks it is a New World Order plot to steal our guns and take over America.

Does any of this seem rational to you?

Louis C.K. on Evolution

longde says...

I got tired of marc maron years ago, listening to his air america morning show.

>> ^spoco2:

Oh man, I've been listening to WTF a fair bit lately, but yeah, Marc definitely has that 'think how everything relates back to me and how the world observes me.
If I hear him say how he was the doorman at the damn comedy club one more time to a guest. WE GET IT, you've been around for a long time. You're not super famous, get the FUCK over it.
It's the perfect recipe for self loathing and misery... always thinking about yourself rather than others. It's very much what Stephen Fry says in regards to the 'I Mode'... listen to others, be interested in others. Get out of YOUR HEAD and focus on doing things and making yourself and others happy by not whinging about what is wrong, but celebrating what is right.
>> ^rottenseed:
BTW, I started getting annoyed with Marc Maron. He comes off as a self-important sycophant to me. I think it's because he hates himself so much...>> ^kymbos:
I'm a bit sad to say I'm slowly falling out of love with Louis and Marc Maron. I'm not sure what to do about it.
Dave Chappelle, please start a twice weekly podcast, I'm begging you!

Louis C.K. on Evolution

spoco2 says...

Oh man, I've been listening to WTF a fair bit lately, but yeah, Marc definitely has that 'think how everything relates back to me and how the world observes me.

If I hear him say how he was the doorman at the damn comedy club one more time to a guest. WE GET IT, you've been around for a long time. You're not super famous, get the FUCK over it.

It's the perfect recipe for self loathing and misery... always thinking about yourself rather than others. It's very much what Stephen Fry says in regards to the 'I Mode'... listen to others, be interested in others. Get out of YOUR HEAD and focus on doing things and making yourself and others happy by not whinging about what is wrong, but celebrating what is right.

>> ^rottenseed:
BTW, I started getting annoyed with Marc Maron. He comes off as a self-important sycophant to me. I think it's because he hates himself so much...>> ^kymbos:
I'm a bit sad to say I'm slowly falling out of love with Louis and Marc Maron. I'm not sure what to do about it.
Dave Chappelle, please start a twice weekly podcast, I'm begging you!

Arnold Schwarzenegger's commentary of Total Recall is ace!

cosmovitelli says...

>> ^PHJF:
Paul Verhoeven on the other hand is a great commentator. The man really loves movies.
Also in the spirit of this, I popped Big Trouble In Little China in expecting the greatest commentary on the greatest movie of all time and was completely, utterly disappointed. Kurt Russel at one point is telling John Carpenter about how his son plays hockey.

I thought that was great! So random. 'I pulled the jackpot chain one more time!'

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