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Badminton: Play of the Day alright... holy cow

eric3579 says...

Although i know some places in the world (probably everywhere)they play it competitively(pro/amateur) ive never had any exposure to it on television in my entire life. It would not be odd at all for people to think of it as just a back yard game as i did most my life. Until the internet i would have ONLY thought it was played that way. I would have equated it to playing croquet. It was made an Olympic sport in 1992 although i can't recall ever seeing it.

Also like sagemind said ive never seen a badminton set that was any more then a cheapish toy set you would buy at Toys R Us. Also as a kid i did love to hit rocks with the rackets

Awesome catch by the bear

nanrod says...

Olympic Game Farm Sequim WA. Hopefully all of these bears are rescue bears that could not be released into the wilderness.

Tommy Chong's "Lincoln Advertisement"

StukaFox says...

Greetings from Seattle, where 4/20 isn't just a holiday, it's a goddamn Olympic sport!

(also: try the salmon but stay for the $40 legal eights of Snoop's Dream!)

newtboy said:

@StukaFox, yeah, in Cali we got all kinds of diesel...sour, blueberry, bubblegum, diesel/wreck, etc. Now we just need to make it legal.

Scythe vs. Weed Whacker

Runner Prematurely Celebrates

ChaosEngine says...

Worst one of these was Lindsay Jabobellis in the 06 winter olympics

She was way out in front, due to being the only rider who wasn't involved in a crash right at the start of the race.
TBH, I feel bad for her. She was only 21 at the time.

How they censor Womens Sport Events on Iranian TV

00Scud00 says...

I'm an American and I'm pretty sure that I can watch the Olympics and not have it look like someone's keyboard exploded onto the screen. But otherwise, yeah, Americans are pretty messed up, just not that much.

Drachen_Jager said:

I can't believe Americans are upset over this. (whether this is fake or not)

The irony. Of all western democracies, the U.S. is the MOST like the countries they fear and despise. Censorship, extreme religious views. The idea that law should be based on a holy book. It's a long list, but you get the idea.

RMS Titanic: Fascinating Engineering Facts

A Response to Lars Andersen: a New Level of Archery

RFlagg says...

I took her video to be more skeptical of his historical claims, his assertions that he rediscovered them, and that modern techniques isn't valid, than if the trick shots work or not. She goes to show many of his techniques are still in use in some cultures.

Like others said, even from a fairly small knowledge window, it looked like trick shots. Back in the day you would have had to film on expensive film making hundreds of shots to get one that worked, it would have been more complicated to do this. Now with video, it is easier than ever to record it as many times as you need to get the shot that worked.

Would his technique work while hunting or on the battlefield is the main question. Take an arrow through the armor joints in the knee or whatever from his technique won't kill, but probably will hurt enough to take you out of the battle, which would be the point. Would it put a deer down though? Doesn't seem there's enough draw strength to really kill the deer or large game, rather it would torture the animal for an overly long period of time before it might finally die. My understanding of modern archery is to put the game down as quick as possible to minimize suffering.

We need to see him doing his things live. Don't let the myth busters do it, have him do it, in situations that would represent a battlefield. Have armored mannequins moving, some still, have him use his techniques, see how many of his shots would have taken that soldier out of the battle. Unfortunately, you can't safely test having him under fire at the same time since that puts a level of stress on top of everything. Have a deer mannequin and see if his technique would be effective at the sort of range you need to be at to avoid startling the deer, again at a stand still and in motion (generally you are going to wait for it to be still enough to fire anyhow in that case since it is rarely a matter of life and death to kill the deer or other game).

That all said she keeps saying archery is about what works, and it does seem to work for the situation he's in. The question is as I noted above would it work in hunting or the battlefield and even if not, would it work on regular archery targets live without many repeated filming attempts. Would it work at an Olympic style event better than modern techniques? If it could do better, or even near as good, as modern ones at competitions, then, even if it fails at hunting and battlefield situations, it could still be valid.

As an aside, the videos I saw of him weren't trying to sell anything specific beyond him perhaps. I haven't bothered to Google him up to see if he's selling stuff, or just demonstrating things for now. If he's not selling people on teaching in person or via video or whatever, then all the more reason to suspect he's just showing off trick shots the same way basketball trick shot videos do. In which case the historical research could have been lazy just because it was more in jest than anything meant to be taken serious. He could have been pulling a poe in that regards.

Dad riding motorcycle suspended from a rope

Can You Split A Card? - Annie Oakley - Trick Shot

blackoreb says...

I'm not an expert, but I have watched the Olympics.
Her shooting position appears to be typical for a competitive shooter firing from the standing position.
Check out the "Shooting Position" section of this page:

ChaosEngine said:

impressive shooting!

question for someone who knows about such things: is her posture normal for shooting a rifle? at 1:15 and 2:09 she seems to be arching her back backward with her hip forward. It looks really unnatural.

Incredibly Fantastic Motorcycle Accident

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

newtboy says...

Another example of 'I'm a cop, so let me tell you how the world works (from my misguided, self serving, myopic viewpoint) because only cops know...'
From your statement, one could reasonably ask 'why do cops have tasers at all then? You seem to say there's no time it would be reasonable to use one instead of a gun, because you don't know if your suspect is armed, an Olympic sprinter, an MMA fighter, on PCP, or any other made up excuse you might think of for shooting him out of your fear (of what exactly? It's unclear) instead of for a legitimate reason.
Your fear is NOT a reason to shoot citizens. It's amazing that someone needs to tell that to a 30 year officer, just amazingly sad. If you are so fearful of anyone not ensconced in blue, you certainly should not have been an officer. We need better psych screening, and braver officers.

lantern53 said:

Another example of 'I'm not a cop but I know what/how/why cops do things totally bass-ackwards from my utopian view'.

How do you know a person is unarmed? Until you know for a fact, why would choose a taser over a gun? Do you know how fast someone can charge 20 feet? Do you know the effect clothing has on a taser, or drugs in the body? Are you willing to risk your life on your lack of knowledge?

U.N: One child killed every hour in Gaza

newtboy says...

First you have to let me come and take your neighbors house, and 2/3 of your property, and the front 1/4 of your house, and I get to shoot your dog and your father in law because he complained I shot the dog. I'm building a 20 foot wall so I can throw bombs at you from the 3rd floor balcony of my pilfered home, while your fireworks can almost never get over the wall. If I see you with anything or anyone in your leftover yard I don't approve of, I'll take care of it with a grenade, then me and my large well armed friends will be over to check your home for more. If you don't run away before we get there, we'll have to shoot you for our protection, and the rest of your family so they don't retaliate later. We'll also be walling you into what's left of your property so you don't go out and get help or arms to help yourself (or food, or medicine, or any other basics of life) and we'll be tapping the water source you use as well, all my well armed friends get thirsty, and I had to put in an Olympic size pool to cool them off, so no more watering your lawn or farden (a small garden farm) because I'm using that water.
But it would be unconscionable of you to shoot fireworks at me in retaliation for these obviously good and proper actions I have taken, and we won't stand for a whit of resistance. It will be met with 1000 times the force, and any defense of you or yours is 100% disallowed except shelters, which we refuse to not bomb, that might make it too hard to kill enough of you at once.
It's a good thing I'm obviously the good guy, or else I would look like an asshole for doing that, eh?
That's some convoluted logic for you...and it's absolutely pathetic indeed.

lantern53 said:

Let me aim a couple of ballistic rockets at your house and let me hear you defend me because my rockets suck.

lol what a convoluted sense of logic you have, absolutely pathetic

ministry of silly howizter setups

Ickster says...

I know what you mean. Still, cultural differences are weird. They probably think your soldiers look uninspired and dim-witted or something.

Thinking about it reminds me of an old Andy Rooney column where he proposed having Olympics-style competitions for the military instead of actual wars. It'd be awful interesting to see a bunch of countries putting their crack squads through things like the 105mm howitzer unlimbering, or the 1000m steeplechase for tanks.

Sycraft said:

I've never understood why some militaries think the "ultra-high step" crap looks professional. Always looked very silly to me.

Living in the woods -- in a Boeing 727

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