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moonsammy (Member Profile)

Native American Protesters Attacked with Dogs & Pepper Spray

Native American Protesters Attacked with Dogs & Pepper Spray

newtboy says...

No. They voted for a 'militant' party that was deemed to be terroristic by it's enemies after a protracted attempted genocide by expansionist invaders.
I would blame the invaders, not the natives that tried to defend both cases.

transmorpher said:

Didn't Palestine vote in a terrorist organisation to govern them? How is that anyone's fault but their own?

Native American Protesters Attacked with Dogs & Pepper Spray

TheFreak says...

Ha!!! Because, CLEARLY, if Native Americans respect property rights...nothing bad will happen to them.

You know who else would like some respect for land rights? The 15 farmers whose land was stolen by Dakota Access, via eminent domain, to build that pipeline.

What if the farmers gave the Native Americans permission to protest on their land? Do you feel that would give them the same right to be there as the private security guards hired by the multi-billion dollar corporation?

Corporate theft of millions of dollars worth of private property for dubious use or trespassing? Which is worse in your world bobknight?

bobknight33 said:

Well they should not have trespassed passed the fence.

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Rewrite: The Protests At Standing Rock | The Last Word | MSN

Native American Protesters Attacked with Dogs & Pepper Spray

newtboy says...

Natives on reservations can kill you and only deal with tribal prosecution. In some instances it's the right thing to do.
Shoot those motherfuckers then scalp them all.

Native American Protesters Attacked with Dogs & Pepper Spray

newtboy says...

They're natives...At no time are their children not in harm's way, due to no fault at all with the parents.
We continue a slow, half assed genocide against them, then try to blame them if someone gets hurt. It's pretty chicken shit imo. Even worse than trying to blame Palestinians for their plight, but often done by the same people.

Fausticle said:

It looks like their heart is in the right place but putting your kid in harms way is bad parenting.

Spacex - Falcon 9 - Unplanned Rapid Disassembly

Spacex - Falcon 9 - Unplanned Rapid Disassembly

Young Turks - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Protest

dannym3141 says...

I guess we'll see by how the court case goes if modern America feels any kind of responsibility towards Native Americans, or learned any lessons. I presume they'll get trampled on by the forked tongued white man for the second time in successive centuries (and millennia). It'll be less violent, but it won't be any less ugly.

Vox: Sexist coverage steals the show at 2016 Olympics

vil says...


I just wanted to know. What I would next propose is that groups of "women in general" amongst themselves consider themselves to be girls. Like "native americans" consider themselves indians and "african americans" consider themselves black or niggers.

So its not about the word count, but who and how uses the words. So if an old white man uses the word "girl" condescendingly, it is different to athletes calling themselves girls within their group. So counting words is generally a bad idea and misuse of statistics.

Similarly reporting on this and trying to do the same in reverse by using a poisonous tone and attitude doesnt really work, it is counterproductive to the effective presentation of the content.

Now the sports commentators in the video are extreme, but generally sports commentating is difficult because the level of familiarity within a sporting community tends to be much greater than in the general public or given by TV standards. Resulting in awkwardness and miscommunication and hilarity.

And Eugenie is a joke.

bareboards2 said:

Sigh. Way to cherry pick data.

How to respond to bigotry with tolerance and integrity.

newtboy says...

Are you sure about that?
I thought I saw a program about studying the migration of humans through DNA studies that said aboriginal people in Australia both came from a separate group of humans that left Africa earlier than the main migration, and also had evolved into a separate sub species after arriving, meaning that, as they exist today, they are native and also distinct genetically from any other group of humans....lucky them.

Payback said:

If you wanna get technical, not a single human is native to Australia. We all get traced back to sub-Saharan Africa. All the whites could be classified as invasive species, too.

How to respond to bigotry with tolerance and integrity.

Payback says...

If you wanna get technical, not a single human is native to Australia. We all get traced back to sub-Saharan Africa. All the whites could be classified as invasive species, too.

newtboy said:

Hey dumb're an immigrant too, unless you're aborigine, which I seriously doubt. Go back to your country and stop taking money out of Australia, you ignorant taker.
I didn't know they had Faux news in Australia.

I guess I failed the tolerance test.

BMXer Vs. THE MAN ;)

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