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Geek and Gamer Girls Video

The isolated Genius Elephant

noims says...

I do remember a faked elephant painting thing going around years ago where the drawing were extremely basic, and it was just the trainer pulling on the elephant's ears to tell it what lines to draw.

This is presumably trying to build on that myth. The writing goes a bit far for me, but some of it's pretty well done.

Police Hold Woman In Fire Ant Bed On Purpose

newtboy says...

Never a good apple to be found, not ever. They’re a myth, there are no good cops left.
I have allergies. I would absolutely have died in burning agony.

Amish response to covid

newtboy says...

You might notice they compare apples to oranges…
Different time periods, different shot levels, grouping mixtures, no clue which vaccine or which strain of covid they looked at, they all vary widely…I would prefer more standardized methods if I’m to make sense out of their data.

I’ve read studies that had similar results, and those with completely contradictory results. Some say natural immunity is better, longer lasting, some say the exact opposite. You can prove anything with statistics….forfty percent of all people know that.

It’s better off the bat because you don’t have to get the disease for the immunity…better again because with boosters it’s better than without them, double boostered likely being better than natural immunity in the same timeframes, or if not, close….also better because you KNOW you got the shots and have a widely accepted record of them, unless you get repeatedly tested you don’t KNOW you had covid…false positives happen…and you don’t get a record to show (for travel, etc).

The science isn’t clear, but it is clear that no immunity is permanent and none is total protection. Because all immunity fades rapidly, herd immunity is a myth.

Buttle said:

That does not seem to be entirely true. It is true that immunity declines, whether from vaccination or infection. It's not true that vaccination gives better or longer lasting protection than vaccination.


Amish response to covid

newtboy says...

Herd immunity is a myth with Covid because Covid immunity is not permanent, it’s very short lived, as little as 2 months. You can get Covid over and over and over until it kills you.
The same is true with vaccination, it’s not 100% effective nor does it last, but it seems to be better than natural immunity with the added benefit of not requiring you to get full blown covid to be protected.

Also, temporary immunity against one strain does not necessarily make you immune to other strains at all.

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

cloudballoon says...

It's not far-fetched to believe that the Oscars PR guys/scriptwriters hold dear to the "any press is good press" myth. "Ratings desperation" makes any idea seems like a good idea to those bozos.

newtboy said:

You aren’t alone…it seemed…off. That said, it’s hard to believe both of them and the Oscars would all think this was a good idea and script it.

Tucker Carlson mad about being less sexually attracted MnMs

luxintenebris jokingly says...


how is 'woke' any different than advertisements reflexing their times? ever seen the ads from the 19th century? or even through the 1900s? like 1950(?) ads promoting cigarettes as safer because x number of doctors smoke 'luckys' (think of the poor unlucky bastards who fell for that).

mercy. they've found ads scrawled on old roman city walls...even recessed footprints on pathways that lead to working girls' abodes. targeted ads for services and goods.

companies knowing their buyers.

come to think of it...what generation made the greens sexy? didn't they go away once? why was that? then they made fun of the myth and brought them back. right? so now, that's viewed as ancient thinking. so maybe mars isn't just for men anymore?

get w/the times old man.

bobknight33 said:

When candy goes woke, Woke has gone too far.

Disagreement About Masks at Christmas 2021 in Math Class

newtboy says...

Reading bible passages in class as “something we can all agree on” is the definition of proselytizing to a captive audience….and outside of private religious schools is totally inappropriate.

It’s not “fun” to be ostracized in public because you believe different mythology or are smart enough to ignore all stone aged mythology…..really only disbelieving one more myth than the believers.

Getting the season completely wrong because you don’t know it was chosen to make it easier to use religion as a political tool is a bit different from “the exact date being inaccurate”. It’s an outright, bold faced, well documented lie, created as a political ploy from the 4th century used to degrade and absorb Zoasterism/Mithraism in order to control the masses politically. That is absolutely a “credibility” issue, and if you don’t get it, that’s an education and/or ethics issue. Christianity has many major credibility issues, being “created” (codified) as a political tool is just one of them. Stealing almost every bit of the mythology from previous religions and denying it is another.

Yes, the misuse of Fauci clips out of context is another issue of truthfulness here, but those who are intentionally ignorant of the reality they just lived through are lost and not worth wasting my breath on. As anyone with two brain cells knows, the first, “you don’t need to wear a mask in public” was recommended at that time because a massive mask shortage meant health care workers had to reuse paper masks sometimes for months during a major pandemic, (and clearly they needed priority on the limited supply) not because we had information saying they weren’t useful….but that’s a minor detail of history I feel only brain dead ignoramuses consider in question, relevant, or factual, and they have discarded fact, truth, reason, and logic in favor of their cult of personality….so there’s no real point arguing with them. Just let them get Covid and hope for EIA.

Preaching one religion in a public class room and claiming “we all agree” is a continuation of a much more pernicious, long term, continuing battle for the religious freedom our country was founded on, and I find it outrageous and anti American that you dismiss it as nothing. I can only hope your children’s teachers aren’t a vastly different, contradictory religion than you and they don’t teach your children that everyone agrees with their religion, not yours, and don’t use proveable fallacies to make their point….but if they do I’ll be here to dismiss your concerns.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, duh Bob.
Trump polling at 36% was worse, so you just claimed fake polls. He inherited a strong robust economy, a system to protect from epidemics, far less debt and deficit, and no pandemic…no crisis. I don’t argue Biden’s popular, like you do Trump despite reality, I only argue he’s a vast improvement, the best that could be hoped for under the disastrous circumstances one Trump term put the nation in.

The people coming, largely Haitians, almost all say they’re coming because they saw American politicians say the American borders are open and accepting everyone. Those are Republicans saying that, lying to get their base riled up, but the Haitians living in South America don’t know that, they think they are being invited by the Republicans. Look into it, you’ll see that’s true if you do. Biden sent many back to Haiti, Trump liked to dump them back in Guatemala to try again.
This energy independence myth, just quit. We were not. There was a world wide oil glut in 2020 because the pandemic lowered demand so much suppliers actually gave it away at one point….that was not some genius Trump energy plan bearing fruit, it was the economy and industry collapsing thanks to an avoidable pandemic. As the economy recovers, so does demand but not production. You seem to want to blame Biden for basic economics.
My gas is the same as 2019+-$.25….you want to compare to 2020 because gas was cheap thanks to Covid. Yours might be more for some political reasons, like your unprotected pipeline got hacked by Russians, but you need to prove it, then prove Biden’s failure caused it, not just say it, and not by cutting and pasting some talking head’s opinion. My assessment is he’s improved security on infrastructure but I’m open to evidence to the contrary.

Lowering corporate tax rates didn’t lower unemployment significantly, it raised upper management compensation and corporate profits. Investing in infrastructure will.

That’s good you don’t want to debate more Covid deaths, because there’s more than enough blame for both sides even if you don’t look at 2020 that was all Republican stoked (anti mask, anti social distance, anti contact tracing). Keep in mind, since Jan, >90% of all cases are in the intentionally unvaccinated population, almost 100% of deaths, and remember who they are and who they follow…not Biden. Covid deaths this year are nearly 100% caused by political division and misinformation created and spread by one political side. Guess which. That’s not to say Biden’s perfect, he should have implemented vaccine mandates Jan 21, no exemptions without permanent quarantine, what was needed to stop more deaths by stupidity, but he doesn’t have the balls for dictating. You should be so grateful for that.

Blaming the Chinese without proof, or even evidence they are to blame, just supposition, is outrageously dangerous and provocative. Accusing them of creating and releasing it on purpose….against themselves….is simply asinine and proof you aren’t thinking for yourself or at all.

Mid terms always go to those not in power, so yes, 2022 will likely return congress to partial Republican control, which you will call a massive mandate against Biden unlike when it happened in 2018 and you just whined that it’s unfair.

>26% of Americans are Republicans. The rest are what you call socialist communists because you don’t know what those words mean. Your party does not represent your (alleged) country….and is shrinking. Democrats aren’t even my party, they are just the only achievable adversaries to the madness of the right at this point in time. Given a better option, I would jump….you can’t say the same. You’re deep in the death cult of personality the Right has become…a true believer.

Biden got money no president in my lifetime has to invest in America. Bridges, Roads, Airports, New water systems, Digital communication improvements, Overall improvements and long deferred maintenance of rail, New funding to fight increasing wildfires (Brandon)…all the things absolutely necessary for the nation to function as a first world nation. He’s already a big winner, and if we aren’t speaking Mandarin in 3 years he still will be. The fruits of his legacy will be enjoyed for decades to come, Trump’s legacy is economic failure, failure to protect from a preventable epidemic, massive unemployment, an administration so corrupt that the convictions of people in his administration or campaign almost certainly outnumber the prosecutions of members of all previous administrations combined while the severity of their crimes outweighs the combined national injury caused by all previous political crimes, and a division so strong one party actually tried to destroy democracy and install a dictator.

History is the judge of any administration, not the midterm, and history will look kindly on Biden, no so for Trump, mired in constant criminal scandal and failures to this day. The only president in our history to not peacefully transfer power, to be impeached twice, who clearly put his own interests above those of the nation at every opportunity. Death and division are his legacy.

Merry Mithra’s season.

bobknight33 said:

Biden’s poll numbers are better than Trump’s despite the disaster he inherited from Trump. Duh.???????????

Polling at 39% is terrible. Yep 60% of Americans think Biden is not good.
disaster inherited ?> Things are worse today then the day Biden took office.

Border crossing was under better control.
American finally had energy independence.
Gas was at least a buck less.
Really spending extra 20$ a tank is "better"
Inflation running between 4 and 6 %.

These are all bad for Americans. Biden policies created these failures.

4.2% unemployment is awesome. This will still great until Democrats mess with cooperate tax rates then the ship will slow back down.

I'm not even going to blame Biden Admin for more covid deaths under his watch ( even with vaccine) than Trumps. Its a loose cannon with ebbs and flows.

Not blaming the Chineese for this death cannon is his and the UN fault. Just goes to show how paid off people are on a global scale.

2022 will be the judgement of this administration.

Is Your Privacy An Illusion? (Taking on Big Tech)

newtboy says...

There is no such thing as internet privacy. It’s a total myth. You are tracked anywhere you surf, and there’s no publicly available encryption the government can’t crack, usually they have back doors so they don’t even have to.

Of course, all social media sites are funded by selling your information. What, you thought they’re free?!

Do people not remember Carnivore? It collected and read EVERY email and text sent in the US in secret in the 90’s. Are people so dumb they think this stopped post 9/11?

I have no cell phone, no social media, and I always click “do not share my personal information “, required on any commercial site operating in California….and I still have no illusions that my data is private. Want to stay private, don’t give out your information to anyone.

PFAS: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Nonsense. Pre industrial agriculture wasn’t very damaging in most cases…and when it was it was on a minuscule scale compared to industrial agriculture.
Pre industrial building wasn’t excessively environmentally damaging in most cases, certainly not to the point where it endangered the planet or it’s atmosphere.

It's utterly ridiculous hyperbole to say we have to be cavemen to not destroy our environment. We don't even have to revert to pre industrial methods, we just have to be responsible with our actions and lower the population massively. With minor exceptions, pre industrial farming caused little to no permanent damage, and it was almost all easily repairable damage. (With a few exceptions like Rapa Nui that may not have been over farming but cultural damage, we aren't exactly certain what happened there).

I eat berries now, don't you? I grow raspberries, blackberries, black raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and Tay berries myself. People would be healthier if they ate berries, and they're tasty too. What?!

Yes, around 7 billion need to die (without procreating first). Better than all 9 billion.

There’s a huge difference between being occasionally deadly and so insanely toxic we destroy our own planet in under 200 years to the point where our own existence is seriously threatened.
Edit: toxicity levels matter as much as exposure levels. Cavemen impacted their environment at levels well below sustainability (mostly….the idea they killed the mammoths or mastodons off by hunting is, I believe, a myth….natural environmental changes seem much more likely to be the major influence in their extinction.). Per capita, modern humans have a much larger, more detrimental footprint than premodern humans, exponentially larger….and there’s like a hundred thousand times as many of us (or more) too. We need to reverse both those trends drastically if we are to survive long term.

Yes, progress includes risk, but risk can be managed, minimized, and not taken when it’s a risk of total destruction. We totally ignore risk if there’s profit involved.

This is a night time comedy show, not a science class. I think you expect WAY too much. It points out that there is a problem, it doesn’t have the time, or the audience to delve into the intricate chemical processes involved in the manufacture, use, and disposal of them. It touched on them, and more importantly pointed out how they’ve been flushed into the environment Willy nilly by almost everyone who manufacturers with them.

vil said:

By that logic, Newt, its back to caves and eating berries for everyone. And 7 billion people need to die to make planet Earth sustainable.

Everything civilization does is toxic in some way. Even living in caves was deadly, ask the Mammoths.

I like how youre taking everything responsibly but in this case you might be lumping too many things into one problem. If we strive for any progress at all we have to take risks.

Maybe the consensus will be that we cant handle the production problems and need to ban the poly stuff, but this video was not the compelling analysis that would even push me in that direction.

McCoys - Hang on sloopy Vid with amazing girl.

Ginger says...

Since links are not allowed, Go to YouTube and search Deconstructing A Myth: Sloopy Girl
If you still want to believe it is Liz, well, that certainly is your right but already thousands have seen it in a week and agreed. It is Lisa.

2020 Politics

luxintenebris jokingly says...

- healthcare for all citizens
- inflated drug costs
- American infrastructure
- living wage
- etc, etc, etc....nuthin' is RED TERRITORY!!!

Shirley you can give one example of a Democratic idea to counter any of these problems, but ONE from the GOP side? if'n y'all can find ONE reasonable action, to excuse their non-action, then the next easiest search would be for Bigfoot. (leave the insect repellant, West Nile and Lyme are myths)

c'mon lady! 4/6 of yer complaints have 0 to do w/Democrats. 3/6 are easily researchable and easy to understand. sister, you need to get rid of the yoga pants, put on some blue jeans and get to work!

as far as slanted media - please! it's up to an individual to screen cull, analyze any data they regard. it's like a body walking across a pasture w/o paying heed to bossy's expended feed - don't get to complain about yer boots when it was your decision.

'tho points for watching CNN MSNBC and other outlets (obviously you viewed these to inform the damning opinion? yes?) as it is good to have inputs from many sources. can't say personally spend much time on those sites, or any of the hard-wired right-wing cracker factories (churning out brittle and salty fodder that the infantile find tasty).

ain't no mushroom, princess.

bobknight33 said:

-Border crisis
-High unemployment
-Gas prices up
-Churches and schools still closed
-Tax increases coming

And what are Democrats doing about it? Nothing.

They’re busy obsessing over President Trump.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Trick with those, just never investigate. If you reach a conclusion, there's no more room to lie.

Wait, forget i said that.


"been fed wild falsehoods. Because he was angry he lost an election

"There is no question, none, that president Trump is responsible for provoking and the events of the day. No question about it

"The people that stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president

"Having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president continued shouting into the largest megaphone on Earth.

"[He] manufactured an entire atmosphere of looming catastrophe. Increasingly wild myths about a reverse landslide election

"And I am voting to acquit
-Mitch McConnell

newtboy said:

How are those “investigations” into Hunter and the attempts to paint Joe as his partner going. Yet another failed attempt in a long list of failures by Republicans to run Biden under the nutty conspiracy bus.

Conversely, recent reports claim Jared and Ivanka milked daddy’s position for well over $650 million, mostly from foreign powers, over 4 years. Of course, you would insist on a deep investigation and include daddy Trump and all his business dealings, right? Starting with the >$30 million gift she received from China at the start of trade negotiations with China of course.

Ask Adam Savage: Grossest MythBusters Myth

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