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Thank You Japan

burdturgler says...

Contestant #1:
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? YEEAAHHHHH!

Contestant #2:
Sweet Sally sells sea shells by the she <bzzt> shorrrOH DEAR GOD MY FUCKING BALLS!

Reminds me of this:

Ole No Friends

blankfist (Member Profile)

enoch (Member Profile)

Led Zeppelin - Kashmir (Live)

Sheffield Quigley: Professional Myspace Photographer

deathcow (Member Profile)

Kids In The Hall - Daves I Know

Sheffield Quigley: Professional Myspace Photographer

Sheffield Quigley: Professional Myspace Photographer

The worst observation in the history of the internet

xxovercastxx says...

Of course, he was totally right at the time. Even as late as 2000, maybe even 2003 or so, the net was way more pleasant than it is now. Widespread broadband availability has made it easy and the launch of Youtube and Myspace have given dickholes places to congregate en masse.

Happy 5th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

Goldfrapp - Happiness

Real Life Kick Ass

kasinator says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Wait, he divulged his proprietary equipment & armor.. AND allowed them to show his secret hide out?!
He should be glad super villains aren't real. His hero career would be over in one night.

Couldn't agree with this more. all these vigilantes that keep popping up are all giving away far too much of their own secret identity. half of them have given their identities away. some don't even wear a mask, and almost all of them are using myspace and facebook each of which can easily track them down with little effort. If they are going to do serious crime fighting, they will need to up their game big time.

How to report when there's no news

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