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MythBusters - Bug Bomb Bomb

Blurred Lines (uncensored)

The Most Awkward Music Video Ever Made

Octopus Project - I Saw the Bright Shinies

oritteropo says...

Vimeo description:

Animated by Austin illustrator Divya Srinivasan, this animated video depicts three sleepy ghost kids following a heterochromic fox through a snowy twilight. When the group discovers an impromptu critter disco in a forest clearing, the spirits and strays dance in harmony until a cranky babushka bemoans the noise and breaks up the party. Thus, the spectral youths return to the astral plane... but not without a final farewell to their new found animal friends.

Divya Srinivasan has previously created animated videos for Spoon ("Everything Hits at Once"), They Might Be Giants, The Sundance Channel and Wonder Showzen, and worked on Richard Linklater's "Waking Life" feature film. Divya's illustration portfolio includes numerous pieces for the New Yorker magazine, as well as the album artwork for Sufjan Stevens' Illinois and This American Life's "Stories of Hope and Fear" collection.

"I Saw The Bright Shinies" is from The Octopus Project's album "Hello, Avalanche," released in 2007 on Peek-A-Boo Records. The "Bright Shinies" video appears on the "Golden Beds" enhanced CD EP released in 2009 on Peek-A-Boo Records.


Jungle All The Way with Arnie

Justin Timberlake Revives Myspace

spawnflagger says...

>> ^messenger:

Looks like it's still almost entirely geared towards musicians and fans. Wasn't that why it failed in the first place?

myspace failed for me cause I'd get 10+ softcore-porn messages per day of girls advertising their "too hot for myspace" alternate sites. They really had no mechanism to get rid of spammers, so I quit.

Justin Timberlake Revives Myspace

Reefie says...

It looks very slick, though I hasten to add that I'm not really big on social networking so I don't know how it compares to Google+ or Facebook. Maybe I'm seeing similarities with Windows 8 because that's being featured everywhere lately, good idea to have a UI for MySpace that will be familiar for people who buy Windows 8 desktops and tablets.

Are you, or will you be, a parent? (User Poll by xxovercastxx)

55. Delete Facebook

spoco2 says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^spoco2:

Yeah, and the whole 'promote' a status thing, with the option of paying to promote being trialled also spells the end it would seem.
People are entrenched, to be sure, but if a cleaner, competitor comes along and provides a simple migration process ('enter your login details and we'll transfer all your photos/videos over to our FlubBrook service now'), people will jump ship if Facebook keeps becoming more and more and more of an advertising platform rather than a social network.

I think any competitor would genuinely struggle simply to overcome the inertia, i.e. everyone is on facebook because everyone is on facebook. Look at Google+. Their interface was cleaner, they had some neat ideas (I still think the "circles" concept is something facebook needs to steal), but no-one posted there because they weren't going to post the same thing twice. As a sidenote, I personally didn't like using google as a social network. Google already knows waaaay too much about me.

Don't underestimate the power of 'new and improved'... No-one thought people would move away from AOL at the time. People thought Myspace was the bee's knees. It seems like the way to build up a new social network is start specialised then grow out.

Myspace did with music, then grew out.
Facebook did so with one school, then many then anyone.
Google+ didn't do that, and it doesn't seem to be catching on yet.

If there's a competitor where they do something the others don't do really well, perhaps for a particular sub section of the market. Then that group of people will favour it... then slowly others who have to interact with the sub section will keep finding themselves being pointed there... then eventually THEY want to get in on this new action... then they use the new site's ability to auto post to Facebook so their old friends don't miss anything... then the old friends start wanting to use these new fangled things the new site has... until everyone has shifted over and Facebook becomes a wasteland that only receives auto posts from other sites.

Or, you could be right and it'll be here until we blast off from the rotting ball of Earth for our new home on another planet.

George Zimmerman Reenacts Trayvon Martin Shooting for Police

Porksandwich says...

6:20-6:30 he says Trayvon circled his car. Sounds very intimidating if true, but he never made mention of it that I remember in the 911 call and I think it's something you would note that this guy is outside your car circling it and reaching into his waist band.

Immediately following that he sounds like he's spit balling to me. He couldn't remember which of the TWO streets he was on in his neighbor hood.....

And in the 911 call you can hear him say "he's running" and then exit the vehicle and what sounds like fast-walking/running for a bit due to the wind and his breathing. He makes no mention of getting out to get an address that I can recall in the 911 tape.

8:40 ish, his recounting is much much slower than the time it took place on the 911 call. And I don't recall them asking him if he still wants a police officer.

8:50ish he brings up the "Are you following him?" question from dispatch and then telling him they don't need him to do that.

From the 911 he says he doesn't know the address of where he is. Matches up with his not seeing a street address. But there's two streets in his neighborhood it looks like on google ...seems hinky to me. It's not an overly complex place to just give them landmarks to get to him if he had to.

Then he gives them his address and asks for the officer to call him so he can tell him where he's at.

11 and on sounds made up to me. At 14, someone coming out and him having a coherent conversation goes against witness testimony talking about him being in a daze and seeming out of it when they were talking to him.

So yeah, I think he's mixing enough truth with lies to make it really hard for someone to say otherwise. The tone of this video makes him sound somewhat reasonable, but on the 911 call he was muttering stuff under his breath and talking about assholes getting away and never getting caught...and lots of things not coming up in the 911 call that are in this video...again paint him as the victim when I think anyone else in the situation would have stated they were being circled and driven further away or not exitted the vehicle.

And on top of him perjuring himself along with his wife about how much money he had being off by 150k+ intentionally.......and the website he setup himself with graffiti on OSU black student center....and then all of his myspace accounts that he couldn't delete the content of making him sound like a thug himself and beating charges......

Can't help but feel his true nature came out the night he shot Trayvon and the rest of this is just his act to remain free. Good guy, whose not at all on a power trip or at all over-reacting like his past shows he does when he was brought up on assault charges against a cop, who just wanted to the right thing and protect his neighborhood.

As for trayvon looking around......everything in that video looks the same. He was probably f-in lost if it was getting dark....all of the houses/apartments/condos are the same color and mostly the same shape for most of the video.

lurgee (Member Profile)

FACE/OFF: Naked Man shot while eating another man's face

chingalera says...

>> ^shang:

yea I just recently went over all the evidence about it myself on another forum looks like folks at anonymous are putting the "threads" together huge online investigation that linked the recent video to his past 2010 animal abuse videos and last night people are wondering if this crazy naked man eating the homeless guy could possibly be the perpetrator since his myspace had listed his last where-a-bouts in Miami.
If you go to even though it's crazy and usually full of trolls if you do a search for Luka Magnotta a lot of the "investigation" stuff has been posted there, even including a 2009 magazine article he wrote on how to disappear from society.
an ex porn star that went insane and unless this video is him getting shot, then he's still on the loose.

"Rudy Eugene, 31, pictured in an old police mugshot was shot dead in Miami, Florida yesterday following the horrific attack."

They suspect it was the widely available and soon-to-be un-available (thank god), bath salts. Some idiots suggest the effects resemble that of LSD. These same idiots are obviously people who have never used Lysergic acid diethylamide rather, the only drugs they are on are those dispensed by the propagandists and mind-control agents of the war on (drugs, terror, etc).

FACE/OFF: Naked Man shot while eating another man's face

shang says...

yea I just recently went over all the evidence about it myself on another forum looks like folks at anonymous are putting the "threads" together huge online investigation that linked the recent video to his past 2010 animal abuse videos and last night people are wondering if this crazy naked man eating the homeless guy could possibly be the perpetrator since his myspace had listed his last where-a-bouts in Miami.

If you go to even though it's crazy and usually full of trolls if you do a search for Luka Magnotta a lot of the "investigation" stuff has been posted there, even including a 2009 magazine article he wrote on how to disappear from society.

an ex porn star that went insane and unless this video is him getting shot, then he's still on the loose.

FACE/OFF: Naked Man shot while eating another man's face

shang says...

Some are thinking the naked crazy man was Luka Magnotta

in 2010 he made 5 videos of him torturing and killing cats that showed up on liveleak, ogrishforum, bestgore, theync

then just recently this week a "snuff" film came out of a man in hoodie killing a tied up man, then dismembering the body, having sex with it and then eating it.

that video became known recently as "1 lunatic 1 icepick" his previous vids were "1 boy 2 kittens"

Anyhow I don't mean to gross out, but his myspace had listed him being in Miami

and after all these video leaks, and the constant hunt for Luka Magnotta since 2010 about the animal vids and now him moving up to humans, some speculate that it was him that went nuts on that homeless man.

how they linked luka to the 1 lunatic 1 icepick vid is the same poster on the wall from the 2010 vids with the animals and same poster on the recent vid, also his old modeling video had the same music in it as the murder video also.

anyhow hopefully that was Luka and the cops just don't realize how deep the story goes yet, if it's not Luka then I hope they catch the cannibal asap!

Regulators considering review of Facebook's IPO

ant says...

>> ^PlayhousePals:

>> ^Sagemind:
If they go bankrupt, we won't have to use it anymore.

I'm proud to say I've NEVER had a FacePlant account. I had a foreboding feeling about it from the git go and refused to participate no matter how much pressure i got from family and friends [real ones]. I must admit I am amused by the recent developments. TeeHee =o)

I had one, but with fake data. I got kicked off after a few weeks. Heh. MySpace, Friendster, etc. didn't ban me.

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