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dj honda feat. Jeru The Damaja - El Presidente

MrFisk says...

Black Castro up on me, Fidel Negro

King terrific can't be hit

You're wastin' time, spendin' ammo

Scientists balance pol-ar

Digital mic throw chips in your moolah

Hardcore nucle-ar

Ain't the devil happy? Har-har

Rich rap star keep the sol-ar manifestation

And the stars succeed to the sun in this mathematical equation

Police still on my dick like an invasion

Lock me up, snatch up the transportation

Went to in New York, South Pacific migration

Wack emcee's watch this nigga's frustration

Believe me when I tell you that I dictate the mic like Fidel does his nation

Keep it flowin' like libation

Big heads the perfect for decapitation

Cook rhymes 'till they el dente

Lock down the mic like El Presidente

Conquer more dips than the late Hannibal

Terrain gets too rough, I ride the beats like wooly mammals

Smokin' shit like Joe Camel

Fatally inhale

Double-0-seven but you still got tail

Q's scrambling device must have failed

Spies, thick thighs, and mics get mil, lies

Deception, military prowess

Fat bitches, tours, and microphone powers

Chemical warfare and mortar showers

Once again blowin' up shit like the Twin Towers

Poison miles for enemies or whoever devours

Holdin' shit down until the last hours

El Presidente

Fidel Negro

DJ Honda

Black Castro

Musashi be doin' it like that

Lyrical sword style, you know what I'm sayin'?

Puttin' all emcees out on they back

Can't handle it

You don't know it hits you 'till it hits you

That's it

We done, finished


How does it feel to get bombarded by artillery fire?

demon_ix says...

I would think the lesson from this would be "Don't fire mortars against someone with way bigger artillery guns than you", however the most likely lesson learned is "How to create your very own David vs. Goliath video, with 3 mortar shells and a video camera."

At least they're not firing those mortars from inside a school...

Whitest Kids U Know - Sniper Business

Gaza Villages Wiped Off the Map

Pprt says...

>> ^honkeytonk73:
Pop guns and coffee can rockets are a threat to Israel... Right. Sure. Don't believe the propaganda.

Yeah, getting rockets launched into your territory is no big deal! Just chill Israel! It's ONLY 3,000 rockets and mortar shells per year for the past 8 years... they're not high-tech or anything and they only kill a few people, so let's let it slide.

Tell me, what nation in the world would let their neighbours throw rockets into their backyards and do nothing?

Here are some facts.

More than 20% of the population of Israel is Arab... There are OVER 2,000,000 MUSLIMS living in Israel. They are PEACEFUL, HARD-WORKING, GET SOME OF THE BEST FREE HEALTH CARE IN THE WORLD AND THOROUGHLY ENJOY THEIR LIVES AMONG "JEWISH PEOPLE".

There are 1.6 million Arabs (the vast majority Muslim) in the Gaza strip. It is NOT "THE WORLD'S MOST DENSELY POPULATED GHETTO". Hong Kong, London, Monaco and THOUSANDS of other cities have a denser population. Mumbai has OVER 4 TIMES the population density with less than a third the land area.

How people can sympathize with ROGUE individuals launching rockets into another country is completely beyond me... what kind of logic or pathology is it play here?

(sorry for the caps, it is not a habit but some parts REALLY need emphasis.)

Will Smith solves Rubik's Cube in under a minute

Psychologic says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
>> ^Psychologic:
Who would you want teaching your kids physics, someone with a masters in Computer Science, or someone with a bachelors in education?

This argument is silly. You are much more likely to find teachers sporting specific high level degrees in your brick and mortar schools than in the home-school variety. Masters degrees are the norm in public education and there are plenty Phd's as well. I'd be willing to wager that this isn't generally the case in home-schooling. Nothing against your Master of Computer Science, but does he also have a degree in English Lit, History and Life Science? It's a double edged sword.

In high school my physics teacher was the physical education instructor. That was a waste my time. Hell, he'd get confused just reading from the text book. There were very few teachers I met during public schooling that I respect... I'm surprised most of them graduated college. I did not meet a competent math teacher until I got to college.

If the children are being taught everything by one person then that is not the way to do home-schooling. Proper homeschooling communities have people who teach their specialties, and when done right it is far better than public schooling. Maybe that's because my state was ranked 48th in public school funding, but home-schooling can be done very well (very often it isn't though).

Will Smith solves Rubik's Cube in under a minute

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^Psychologic:
Who would you want teaching your kids physics, someone with a masters in Computer Science, or someone with a bachelors in education?

This argument is silly. You are much more likely to find teachers sporting specific high level degrees in your brick and mortar schools than in the home-school variety. Masters degrees are the norm in public education and there are plenty Phd's as well. I'd be willing to wager that this isn't generally the case in home-schooling. Nothing against your Master of Computer Science, but does he also have a degree in English Lit, History and Life Science? It's a double edged sword.

BBC - UN school bombing: You knew what you were doing

Pprt says...

The reporter never would have badgered a Hamas spokesperson like this.

The basic idea here is: how ethical is it to fight under the banner of the UN/Red Cross and does using innocent human shields provide impunity to retaliation.

Imagine if the sides were reversed... no-one would talk about the Hamas rockets but rather the immoral cowardice of the Israelis.

I mean come on... why use a SCHOOL? Aren't there any fields you can use to fire mortar? If you want to fight, don't hide behind children then blame the other side for casualties.

If you're in a boxing match and the other guy pulls out a blade... only a fool would stick to his fist.

BBC - UN school bombing: You knew what you were doing

Constitutional_Patriot says...

Regev states that Hamas conspired to cover up that they were allegedly firing mortars from the school (3:30). However Israel were the ones that blocked many journalists from entering Gaza. It seems as if Israel are the ones trying to cover up their actions in this offensive maneuver.

Media bias about the Israeli - Palestine conflict EXPOSED!

joedirt says...

>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
You don't need to dehumanize Muslim suicide bombers, only animals do that kinda stuff and you don't need to justify killing them, they kinda kill themselves and others, with again, the whole suicide bomb thing. Someone may now feverishly claim I think all Muslims are terrorists....c'mon younglings...

Wait.. I thought Hamas was using rockets and mortars and occasionally putting children into UN schools to be bomb targets human shields.

I didn't realize this whole thing was about animals and subhuman scum, which clearly all the people in Gaza must be. Oh, wait, you didn't say all of them, just the ones who die, who deserved to die anyways.

Homemade Gaza rockets, launched into Israel

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^Rambaldi:
Actually, the piece says "fewer than 10 deaths have been reported", leading me to believe this is actually a pro-palestinian piece. It seems as though the piece is trying to present the terrorists as an unorganized, unequipped, bunch of hooligans, who fire animal manure rockets that don't even get off the ground.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are such groups. However, there are also well-equipped, well-organized terrorists, as evidenced by rockets still being fired so late into the current conflict. The other thing that piece doesn't refer to is that the goal and effect of terrorism is much more than deaths. In that, at least, the Palestinian terrorists are extremely successful.
Since I consider myself somewhat biased, I looked up some statistics:
According to Israeli security services, 790 rockets and mortar shells were fired into Israel since the current conflict began. Each of those rockets and shells sends population of entire cities into shelters.
MDA (the Israeli Red Cross) has treated 800 psychological trauma and injury victims since the beginning of the conflict.

To bad there is no music when that 105 millimeter round misfires. Acting like one side doesn't aim to kill the other sides civilians is something I find very amusing. Please continue. Each side is out to destroy the other, that is the crux of the situation. A petty situation at that.

Homemade Gaza rockets, launched into Israel

Rambaldi says...

Actually, the piece says "fewer than 10 deaths have been reported", leading me to believe this is actually a pro-palestinian piece. It seems as though the piece is trying to present the terrorists as an unorganized, unequipped, bunch of hooligans, who fire animal manure rockets that don't even get off the ground.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are such groups. However, there are also well-equipped, well-organized terrorists, as evidenced by rockets still being fired so late into the current conflict. The other thing that piece doesn't refer to is that the goal and effect of terrorism is much more than deaths. In that, at least, the Palestinian terrorists are extremely successful.

Since I consider myself somewhat biased, I looked up some statistics:

According to Israeli security services, 790 rockets and mortar shells were fired into Israel since the current conflict began. Each of those rockets and shells sends population of entire cities into shelters.

MDA (the Israeli Red Cross) has treated 800 psychological trauma and injury victims since the beginning of the conflict.

marinara (Member Profile)

10768 says...

In reply to this comment by marinara:
Don't take a video from 2007 and sift it up in way that it masks the source of the video. I actually thought this was a recent video that was relevant to the school bombings this week. But it isn't. I'm not surprised that people feel the need to lie their way out of school bombings. I mean what is worse, launching a rocket from a school, or bombing a school full of refugees. I understand if you don't answer right away.

Here's a link to the same bastards (Hamas) using the same tactic on Jan 8th 2009. (Two days after the school bombing) The first one being from 2007 does not lessen it's relevance. It shows graphically one of the tricks in their repertoire.

It's worse to deliberately violate the presumed neutrality of a school, knowing that you win if you kill some Jews with your rockets, and you win bigger if they shoot back and slaughter some human shields. The blood is on Hamas.

Hamas firing mortars froma school (drone video)

10768 says...

>> ^dgandhi:
Why are these guys running for cover? Are the mortars so poorly made that standing by the launch site is reasonably likely to be a dying proposition? If folks are rolling their own mortar shells, that shit is pretty hard core.

Maybe they are afraid of a hellfire missile landing in their launch site.

WalMart - spreading like a virus

quantumushroom says...

Walmart has destroyed countless small businesses and replaced them with low paying warehouses selling cheap ass plastic crap.

Leftists always use this line about how the "poor small businesses" are ruined by Walmart, yet they're the same ones that want to tax the f**k out of small businesses so they can barely function. And how many employees can small businesses hire, even if they wanted to?

And of course, much of it was made possible by Clinton making China trading partner #1...enabling the Chinese to sell pure crap here at low prices, putting US industry/suppliers out of business and hurting the average worker

I ask all of you: of all the stuff you own, what percentage is stuff you keep for five years or more? I bet it's sentimental stuff, handmade stuff, stuff you made yourself or got as gifts, or larger investments like your car, big appliances, furniture. A lot of what you call "crap" are necessary items that are cheaper to replace. Walmart is obviously fulfilling a need, that ISN'T being fulfilled by crocodile tears from "poverty activists".

And for those so arrogant as to assume they know what even one other person "needs"---provided they're willing to humor you--you've got a long night of latte-sipping and convincing ahead of you, at the end of which you will only discover how much you have to learn.

QM, you are a serious idiot, but at least your pathetic drivel is funny.

Wish I could say the same about your green party soundbites, but they've been cut-n-pasted from Daily Kos too many times to count.

What I wish I could do with all of you who "hate" Walmart is make you run your own brick-and-mortar business for a year. See how 'easy' it is to make a profit.

Hamas firing mortars froma school (drone video)

dgandhi says...

Why are these guys running for cover? Are the mortars so poorly made that standing by the launch site is reasonably likely to be a dying proposition? If folks are rolling their own mortar shells, that shit is pretty hard core.

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