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oritteropo (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

I'll have to give it a watch. Of course i did go straight to Papaoutai to get my groove on w/ my morning cup of coffee. Great way to start the day

oritteropo said:

Took me a few nights to get through, but I have been watching this Stromae concert from Montreal, from 2015. Looks like it would've been a pretty good show to go to actually (particularly for French speakers):

Starting up the engine on a 90ft fishing boat

Star Wars: Episode IX – Teaser

Sagemind says...

I was so busy re-watching it, that it never occurred to me to post it.

I watched it on the livecast this morning with the panel discussion and announcement.

What made this more amazing - is when the lights came up after they showed it for the first time on the big screen right after the laugh - Standing at center-stage was the Emperor himself Ian McDiarmid!!! Covered in Red SITH lighting..
As he said in the Emperor's voice... "Roll it Again" and they replayed it again as an encore while they showed people's faces as they reacted to it.

I was like OMG!!!!!

Racist Australian Senator egged by hero kid

bremnet says...

On an otherwise droll Monday morning, you guys up there ↑ sure as hell make me laugh sometimes. Even BSR. No, really. Take the day off, buy yourself something nice.

Paris’ Traveling Knife Grinder

SFOGuy says...

Wonderful slice of life video.
But I just spent $275 and a morning managing a metal working friend through an opthalmology appointment to extract metal shavings from their he gets back to using safety glasses.

America's Dopamine-Fueled Shopping Addiction

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch | Official Trailer | Netflix

RFlagg says...

I'd say it isn't overly depressing. It's not San Junipero level happy, not even Hang the DJ. Perhaps somewhere around USS Callister and Nosedive. It's not overly depressing.

There are certainly sadder endings than others. I've watched/played it twice and basically hit 4 or all 5 endings. though I'd say there are only 3 or so "real" endings. As one can perhaps tell by the trailer, he's making a game called Bandersnatch, and there are 3 reviews of the game, which is what I'd call the real endings. The other hard endings, generally let you reset, and go back to one, or even two, key moments to reset the story lines. In those two viewings I don't recall the Jerome F Davies laughing scene that is seen in the trailer.

There are a few cool points. Like you pick which cereal you want in the morning, it'll be noted later in the show. Your music choice will effect a line later. There are some Black Mirror Easter Eggs as one would expect.

It's not the best Black Mirror episode, San Junipero is impossible to beat I'd think. but it is far from the worst. It's in the upper half, perhaps upper 3rd or even quarter.

eric3579 said:

What i need to know is does this leave you feeling miserable or is there a reasonable happyish ending (something not leaving me depressed)?

Upvote comment if it does NOT leave you feeling shitty/depressed/miserable/hopeless.

Downvote comment if it does leave you feeling all or any of those things.

Disney•Pixar Short Film "Bao"

newtboy says...

To be fair, the article didn't indicate white people were really freaking out over it, many were just not relating to it deeply in the way many second generation Americans do and some didn't understand it at all.

I actually expected the husband to wolf it down in the morning without ever noticing.

00Scud00 said:

I can't believe so many people freaked out about this short, and by people I mean white people.

Woman attempts to put gas in a Tesla

Cohen Sentenced; Trump's Shutdown Threat: A Closer Look

JiggaJonson says...


I'd also point to the Hot Coffee case as THE clearest example of tort reform propaganda that I'm aware of.

McDonald's had hundreds of burn complaints and it was their policy to keep the coffee at scalding temps to stop old people from drinking it too fast (they have to wait for it to cool) when they meet for their morning Blue Haired Neighborhood Committee meetings.

THEN this woman got burned. She only sued for the cost of her medical expenses, the jury awarded the extras for pain and suffering (she couldn't walk without a limp after when she was a spry tennis-playing old lady prior).



White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

I was referring to the headline itself.
It seemed to be inferring that if only they had a wee bit more time... seeing as you were all about how things were being phrased.
That is how I took it at first but then was actually somewhat miffed they didn't fulfill my bias against them in the actual article.
I read into it what I was used to seeing on there.
I could have deleted it but I let it stand as an exercise in how the mind sees what it wants or is expecting to.
As for the decision on Acosta.
I saw that early this morning.
It was of course covered by Fox as well.

newtboy said:

WTF are you talking about?
The CNN article was totally unbiased, simply explaining why some counties missed their deadlines for recounts by 2 minutes (inexperience and ignorance of the process) and so didn't have their recounts count, and why another (properly) invalidated it's own recount because their machines kept breaking and they couldn't verify their own results.
I also don't get what you're saying about their title. Not a bit. Where's the bias there? What?! No recount counts, they're doing them all hand.

Where's the excusing law bending, like the Republican who unapologetically broke state law to allow email and fax voting, but Fox reported that type of voting isn't"normally allowed" not "is specifically forbidden by state law"? Notice any patterns yet?

I just don't see what you're talking about at all.

I've been clear, Fox doesn't have a monopoly on bias, but they are the clear master of the field and are also the most willing to make up their own facts, as they've been caught doing thousands of times.
If CNN has a bias rating of 4/10, Fox is closer to 9/10. If Fox has an honesty rating of 4/10, CNN is closer to 8-9/10. That's what I've been saying all along. They aren't equivalent.

Side note-A federal judge reinstated Acosta's press pass today.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

Fox has filed an amicus brief with the court, in support of CNN’s lawsuit against Donald Trump. By default, this means that Fox is now participating in legal action against Trump. Fox also released a lengthy statement, saying in part that “passes for working White House journalists should never be weaponized.”
It seems your preferred source agrees with me, strongly enough to join the legal action against Trump....surprising.
Not surprisingly, Fox viewers are throwing a fit, certain the liberal media cabal has taken over, and they're threatening to quit Fox in droves this morning.

Does this mean you finally backed off your claim that an accurate English description of the scene in France by CNN and BBC were just vehicles for biased loaded language supporting an agenda?

Briguy1960 said:

Try to subdue your passion for Lefty news sites only and try to pay attention.
Also I will give CNN credit for their telling of the tale which is is pretty accurate as to what happened.
Note this is Bob Woodward.
Not some far right nutbar.

Who needs a bridge?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Was that my ear?

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