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The Microscopic Circle of Life

Giuliani/Trump Donors/Associates Arrested Fleeing The U.S.

newtboy says...

Oops....Trump's trade advisor went on Fox and stupidly admitted that as part of his trade talks with China he asked the Chinese to investigate Biden....well before Trump said the same thing on international television. This tanks the moronic Republican lie that Trump was only trolling the press when he publicly said China needs to investigate his political rivals, it was also an official request tied to his trade wars.

Numerous other Republicans are getting caught in this Giuliani slime web, having accepted massive foreign donations from Giuliani's friends with strings attached to each one.

Now, after pulling our forces from Syria where they were stopping Turkey from invading by their presence....for their safety and to get the U.S. out of the middle east he said, but really it's to protect his interests in the Trump towers in Turkey from state seizure....Today he announced he's sending thousands of troops to Saudi Arabia for their protection. (I guess so they don't have to use those weapons he's so proud they bought?)
These moves not only make it likely ISIS will survive and embed themselves worldwide, but also makes enemies of the Kurds, our staunch allies. It is foreseeable that a new, anti American Kurdish terrorist group will be the result. Who could possibly blame them?

Also this morning Trump lost another appeal trying to hide his taxes.

Will the madness ever end?

Giuliani/Trump Donors/Associates Arrested Fleeing The U.S.

newtboy says...

The house has already subpoenaed their records along with Rick Perry's this morning.
Perry is accused of being complicit in the "arms for accusations" scheme by Trump and Guliani, actually Trump is trying to pin the scandal on Perry recently, but is also accused using his influence to appoint some Texas friends to head a Ukrainian state owned natural gas company. He has agreed to cooperate.


newtboy says...

So, we're up to at a minimum of 4 impeachment investigations now.
1) publicly asking and privately extorting multiple foreign powers to investigate American citizens to help his campaign, with mountains of evidence, including direct quid quo pro that isn't a necessary component of the crimes but compounds them.
2) a second whistleblower report from the IRS accusing multiple appointees of interference in the audit of his taxes.
3) hostile foreign powers bribing him directly through his properties by booking and paying for hundreds of rooms at multiple properties without even staying in them, or violating the emoluments clause if they're found to not be bribes..
4) multiple unequivocal obstruction charges, born out by both his statements and the administration's flat refusal to comply with subpoenas.

These almost certainly aren't the only investigations into his increasing criminality, but any one is more than enough for removal and prison.

There's a new move to push for anonymous ballots if it gets to the Senate. Without fear of reprisals from Trump and his cultists, up to 35 Republican senators have already privately indicated they would impeach today, but they're terrified he would ruin their careers, which they put ahead of their nation, or that his zealous followers might try to murder them or their families.

But that doesn't matter because some of the 4%(+-2% margin of error) of support he has in the black community made a rap.

Edit: Oops! Another report this morning indicates Perry, along with Giuliani and multiple Trump officials and Trump himself were pushing Ukraine to install Trump's friends on the board of a huge Ukrainian natural gas company in an unsurprisingly strikingly similar fashion to what they falsely accuse the Bidens of doing (it is his MO to accuse his enemies of the crimes he's involved in). That makes impeachment path #5 to be exposed, and explains the missing 18 minutes of the transcript of Trump's extortion call with the president of Ukraine. This is why we need the full, word for word, unredacted transcript of the call that Trump, in his idiocy, has already admitted exists.
Sorry @bobknight33, it's looking bad for daddy Donny. He also lost his case trying to block New York from his taxes this morning by claiming absolute immunity from prosecution, and claiming even a private examination of his tax returns would do him irreparable harm. Wonder why that would be.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Batshit crazy Trump, after a few totally unhinged and embarrassing press conferences, this morning went on TV asking China, who he says is our enemy, to investigate Biden, his finances, and business dealings.
He claims Biden's son took $1.5 billion from China as a board member of an investment fund, but the facts are he wasn't even paid to be on the board, didn't own any of the fund until 2017, when he bought 10% for around $400000, making the total value of the fund $4 million, not $1.5 billion.....but Trump is incapable of not exaggerating monetary figures.
This makes 6 known instances of him asking foreign powers to interfere in the election by smearing his political opponents for his personal gain. You know....attempting illegal and illicit collusion.

I know, because Trump did it you're going to insist it's perfectly fine, legal, moral, ethical, and patriotic to do that.....


What do you think about the Democratic candidates asking Merkel for Germany's help pressuring Deutsche bank to publicly release all Trump financial records, including taxes and records of exactly who has made major deposits to his accounts (hint, you don't want that info investigated) investigate the entire Trump family for unconstitutional corruption? You know, like sweetheart deals in China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia for Trump's children, who have actually made millions off the quid pro quo gifts they got from hostile foreign powers in exchange for arms deals, removing sanctions, recognizing Crimea as Russia, etc. from Trump. That would be fine too, right?

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sweet Zombie Jebus....make that 6.
This morning, while under impeachment investigation for the same thing and to try to normalize his criminal collusion attempts, he publicly asked China to investigate Biden for being on the board of a company that may have had a few Chinese investors....a repeat of "Russia, if you're listening, help me in our election."
Imo, that itself should trigger the 25th amendment and impeachment.

JiggaJonson said:

He asked a third country via Borris Johnson to interfere in our elections also.

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

newtboy says...

I don't have time today, but if memory serves, ar4 temperature/ sea level prediction was 30-60% higher than ar3, ar5 less of a change, but still higher than ar4, and yesterday it went up another 10% with the intermediate report, expected to rise again in the 2021 report. I found it by accident and can't find it this morning, and I'm out of free time already today.

It's the factual, scientifically likely outcome. There is no "right" approach, indeed there's no working solution at all.

Yes, different again on two NOAA sites. They don't make it easy to find and compare accurately reported data.

I meant it was odd because they listed the 2018 data as if it was the highest readings, I understand it's not a constant rise.

bcglorf said:


"Stupid to use all these differing sets, that only adds confusion to an already technical and confusing topic."

I'm just glad they stick to metric, with sea level rise you don't even get that .

"No matter what, it's incontrovertible that every iteration of the IPCC reports has drastically raised their damage estimates (temp, sea level) and sped up the timetable from the previous report."

At least temperature wise the AR1 report had higher temperatures, and definitely higher worst case projection scenarios for temp than the latest. I can't say I checked their sea level projections, though typically they're other projections have followed on using their temps as the baseline for the other stuff and thus they track together. That is to say, if you can point me a source that reliably claims otherwise I might go check, but currently what I have checked tells me otherwise.

"I'll take the less conservative NOAA estimates and go farther to assume they over estimate humanity and underestimate feedback loops and unknowns and believe we are bound to make it worse than they imagine."

Which is fine, I only object if that gets characterized as the factually scientific 'right' approach.

"The NOAA .83C number was compared to average annual global temperatures 1901-2000...and oddly enough is lower than 2017's measurements."

Which is yet another source and calibration period from what I found. The 1901-2000 very, very roughly speaking can be thought of as centered on 1950, so in that fuzzy feeling sense not surprising it's 0C is colder than the IPCC centered on the nineties.

The source on current instrumental I went against is below:

As for 2018 being cooler than 2017, that's pretty normal. 1996/1997 were the hottest years on record for a pretty long time before things swung back up. It's entirely possible we stay below the recent high years for another bunch of years before continuing to creep up. Same as a particularly cold day isn't 'evidence', the decadal and even century averages are where the signal comes out of the noise.

Formula Offroad Norway, Skien 2019! Day 2

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No Easter bunny either, since when I was 16 I made hasenfeffer for my young cousins. I told them I caught it that morning stealing eggs in the back yard and decided to cook it, but threw out his basket of pilfered eggs, they were turning colors so must be spoiled.
You've still got Sasquatch to believe in.....called the skunk ape in your parts, but same guy.

BSR said:

Whether waiting 6 hours or not is true, you can't deny for at least the duration of the video that you could relate to it in some way with your own past experiences.

For instance, my father used tell people that he was the only person in the world that can reach into a box of flat toothpicks and pull out a round one.

And now you come along and tell me there is no Santa Clause!

I am truly alone.


Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

newtboy says...

Dishonest stating it in a way that strongly implies he was kicked out for his opinion, and hides from the fact it was for speaking out repeatedly, disruptively.
That's a lie by obfuscation.

Did you even watch it?
The teacher was clear, he was kicked out for continuing to argue after being allowed to state his opinion...a right he did not have but a privilege he was granted. That is disruptive, as is requiring individual attention a second time to discuss the same thing.

He was kicked out for repeating his opinion, disrupting class and the teacher.

The issue is being disruptive in class, thinking his uninformed opinion should shout down an informed one from the teacher, an opinion held by the school board and codified in the rules of conduct.

Regardless of what the douchebag kid thinks on this matter, he has no right to disrupt the class by debating policy.
The kid is free to think, but not to disrupt class. He may express his home or in open public forums, not class.

If you defy school policy, expect to reap the rewards of being removed from school and all that comes with that. Duh. Challenge, sure, appropriately, in appropriate venues and times, like a school board or PTA meeting, not during class. If you wish to challenge it inappropriately and disruptively, don't think standing on the right to speak gives you immunity from other rules or repercussions. That's not how it works. It's not an absolute right....I'll prove it, go argue gender in a federal court that's in session, see how long you remain standing and unincarcerated. Better yet, go argue something not insanely pro Trump at a Trump rally, see how many teeth you have in the morning...If you see morning.

bobknight33 said:

Dishonest about what????????? I just presented an video of disagreement of thought. - I did not take any sides yet you say I'm dishonest.

The kid spoke up in opposition to what the teacher said that is not necessary disruptive. Kid got kicked out for having a different opinion and would not accept that of the teacher.

All in all that is not the issue. It is that is there only 2 sexes or more?

Regardless of what the teacher actually thinks on this matter the teacher is boxed in to accept the policy of his employer/ system. He can't speak against this policy for fear of loosing his job or getting in trouble.

The kid is free to think and express his thoughts.

Defying school policy, -- So its not right to defy school policy, or policy for that matter. Don't challenge? You don't want a world that does not challenge thought, do you?

The 7 Biggest Failures of Trumponomics

newtboy says...

You're being particularly dense this morning.

I offer you recent historical proof of murderous violent idiot racist Trumpists, wholeheartedly supported by Trump and his people (non racist idiots don't stand with and support idiot racists), you can't see it.
I give you explanatory lyrics that explain the mindset (because you seem to believe lyrics get the point across better than your own thoughts), you attribute them to me.

Then you offer back the lyrics. Should I dismissively attribute suspicion morphing to fearful hatred to you because you wrote it?

My hate isn't born of suspicion or fear, it's disgust.

Take a nap and try again.

BSR said:

Ah, so this is why you spew hate.

Sadly, they are scumbag racist morons, but most are too dumb to realize it.

"Human beings suspicious, soon fear grows to hate"

memes that i can't explain to my parents | Dank Duck Memes

Emails Expose Efforts To Put USS John McCain 'Out Of Sight'

newtboy says...

This infantile lie over a narcissistic vendetta against a dead American War Hero by a draft dodging business failure and liar and his sycophants comes the day after they were caught lying under oath about adding citizenship questions to the census. Fortunately, the estranged daughter of Thomas Hofeller, who's involvement the administration had hidden and denied under oath, found and turned over hidden hard drives in his effects outlining his significant involvement to the ACLU, actually proving he orchestrated the addition and personally drafted the letter from the DOJ to the Commerce Department that instigated the addition to create a "structural electoral advantage for Republicans and non-Hispanic whites" and a "disadvantage to Democrats". His records also outlined a study he did in 2015 that showed exactly that same outcome from the addition of the question, despite the administration claiming under oath that the idea was first suggested by administration officials in 2017 without outside involvement or studies.
The administration has been given until 10am Friday to address this evidence of perjury by multiple officials.

Edit: and this morning he tweeted he had no part in Russia helping him get elected....which he later realized was an admission that he's an illegitimate president elected because of help from our enemy. The dumb just never stops from the Biggest Loser in Cheat.

Dynomutt Dog Wonder TV Intro. (1976)

BSR says...

Yes and now it reminds me of going to the Youth Center on Saturday mornings too. Sometimes I still get that child like Saturday morning feeling.

Thanks for the memory.

What's all this about your, member?

newtboy said:

Ooh....member Dynomutt? Member Captain Caveman on Saturday mornings right afterwards? I member.

Dynomutt Dog Wonder TV Intro. (1976)

newtboy says...

Ooh....member Dynomutt? Member Captain Caveman on Saturday mornings right afterwards? I member.

Member Hong Kong Phooey?

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