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jesus was a buddhist monk-BBC documentary

xxovercastxx says...

The differences amount to...
1) The original has little transitions where they read passages from the Bible, the Torah, etc. They are missing in this edit.
2) When the man from Kashmir is explaining Issa, he's dubbed in this version. In the original, he's got subtitles.

Neither of these constitute added value. If anything, this is inferior to the original since it's missing 10 minutes of footage.

>> ^chicchorea:

With all due respect, while there is indeed overlap, they are not the same.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
Also, sorry enoch but this is a dupe. The original is right there at the bottom of the page in the related videos.

jesus was a buddhist monk-BBC documentary

chicchorea says...

With all due respect, while there is indeed overlap, they are not the same.
>> ^xxovercastxx:

Also, sorry enoch but this is a dupe. The original is right there at the bottom of the page in the related videos.

jesus was a buddhist monk-BBC documentary

chicchorea says... are just confusing the issue with all those facts!


>> ^enoch:

>> ^shinyblurry:
There is no evidence for this. This whole thing started because someone claimed to find documentation at an isolated monestary (i think in tibet) of Jesus' missing years. It was never confirmed, nor did anyone ever see the documents.
This is just yet another lie trying to cast doubt on the resurrection, so people won't believe that Christ was who He said He was. A lot of people can't make up their mind about they say He was a good man who was very wise. Well, if you read the scriptures you can't believe that. Jesus said outright He was God, and that He is the judge of the living and the either he is a liar or insane, or He was telling the truth and is our Lord and Savior. There isn't any middle ground there.

no shinyblurry.
there is no middle ground for you ,which has nothing to do with faith or belief in jesus but is entirely about YOUR belief in doctrine and dogma.
267 books of the bible..all by biblical authors yet only 66 IN the bible (KJV) or 73 (if you are catholic).
164 revisions.
over 22,000 mistranslations: CONFIRMED.
josephius flavius:debunked.
i can do this all day scooter.
as for jesus's life after resurrection i tend to agree that it is speculation based on rumor and tidbits of conjecture but the gospels themselves are based in many instances in the exact same way.
the bible is an incomplete text.
we now have:
the gospel of judas.
the gospel of mary.
the gospel of james.
the gospel of thomas.
and so much more but the church will never recognize anything apart from what has been canonized since 325 A.D.jesus didnt build the church..constantine,hippo and carthage did..nicean council 325 A.D.before that christianity would be unrecognizable to you or any other christian on the planet.
your comments have an evangelical flavor to them so i know my comment will be ignored because you are self-righteous in your own certitude based on a seriously flawed scriptural text.
any perceived deviation from canonized scripture is to be viewed as coming from satan and therefore a lie.
how very....dark ages of you.
only a fundamentalist or evangelical would view digging for the truth as a way to confuse and cast doubt.
is your faith based in jesus?
or a book?
because from what i have seen of your comments it is the latter. go have fun with that.

jesus was a buddhist monk-BBC documentary

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^marinara:

i have to say, without the crucifiction, christianity falls apart. You wouldn't worship someone who had a bad weekend with roman soldiers and then slept it off.

Am I alone in thinking that's a huge misstep on the part of Christianity? All of Jesus' teachings and messages are suddenly meaningless because he didn't come back from the dead?

I feel like that's missing the forest for the trees.

Real Exorcism caught on tape

shinyblurry says...

A Christian is someone who follows Christ and the true church is the body of Christ. This means that all the different denominations are false divisions in the body. This doesn't mean they don't have any Christians, it just means that the church is not a human institution..the catholics for example, most of what they do is not biblical, and is in fact blasphemy. There is no such thing as a pope, or nuns, or monks or priests in the bible. Neither are there sacraments. The conception of the virgin mary and the immaculate conception are both unbiblical and blasphemous. The same with bowing to statues, the worship of Mary, and confession. The catholic church is rife with apostacy. Does this mean no catholic is saved? I wouldn't say that..I don't limit God. I would say though that if I were catholic I wouldn't be confident of my salvation.

I wasn't "indoctrinated". I grew up agnostic, without any religion. I was a strict materialist who would have fit right in with many of the sifters here. I can understand the perspective of someone who can't see a spiritual reality because that used to be my perspective. I probably would have scoffed at this video too, but it would have been from the depths of ignorance. I have direct knowledge that there is a demonic host controlled by Satan who runs this world and is bent on seperating every soul on Earth from Jesus Christ. I have dealt directly with evil spirits, spoken to them directly, and have been directly deceived by them. This girl, whatever her history is, is/was possessed..of that there is no doubt.

Science is great, but this is spiritual warfare. You may not understand it, but you live in harmony with this world system and thus passively support the objectives of the enemy. Everytime you're arguing against Christ, you are doing Satans work for him. The world itself isn't frightening..

matthew 10:28

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If you're a jew, you should know that much.
>> ^G-bar:
First, It is stated in the video that she had had this "possession" for a long time, and her medieval parents were taking her to those voodoo sessions for quite some time. This hints that the girl could be suffering from a minor mental illness and/or autism, which the parents are either too dumb or too religious to realize. Making her do things against her will over and over again might make her go completely crazy.
Second, If catholics are not the real Christians, who is? what are you shiny? how can you justify your own belief as the correct one?
And to sum it up, you throw every possible scientific measures against evolution, and now this? come on shiny, let go of your childhood indoctrination. Use your own eyes to see the world and you will see it is not as frightening as they told u it would be.

Toddler destroys mandala created by refugee Monks

Biggest domino pyramid EVER... almost.

jesus was a buddhist monk-BBC documentary

shinyblurry says...

>> ^enoch:
>> ^shinyblurry:
dag said: enoch..great historical summary there.
No, it actually was quite terrible.

you just make my point with your comments.
i did not use the phrase "self-righteous" as a slight but rather as a statement.
one in which you have confirmed over and over and over.
your presumption and hubris are appalling.
you are a troll of the worst kind because you are already convinced of your righteousness and everybody you interact with are clueless to the truth you hold.
maybe they would listen more if you were not so condescending.
personal revelation?
great but how does that dismiss my evangelical statement?
gnostic gospels?
sure..but how does that take away from my premise that the more information we have the clearer the picture becomes?
jesus may possibly have studied with buddhist monks.
how does that take away from his teachings?
or his sacrifice?
it takes away NOTHING.
and instead of discussing something that is obviously important to you..
what do you decide to do instead?
make veiled insults towards me and ignore my argument entirely.
you are a child who is convinced of his own certitude and throws hissy fits when called on his own bullshit.
i do not know you.
i do not know if you have studied for years or got your information on the back of a cracker jack box.
i only know what you reveal here by your comments and you come across as a condescending know-it-all who takes any disagreement personally and attacks whomever has the audacity to direct any disagreement your way.
will you take this comment as it is intended and maybe perform some introspective thinking?
or will you behave.... as i have a spoiled child?
time will tell i guess but i feel i should be clear here...
i dont really care what you do.

Wow, emote much? See what actually happened here is that you posted a bunch of information that wasn't true (while being rude and childish to boot), and I corrected you. Now, you send me a comment filled with personal attacks and call me immature. I'm guessing you're probably..15? Give me a break. Go do your homework and clean your room while you're at it.

jesus was a buddhist monk-BBC documentary

enoch says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

dag said: enoch..great historical summary there.
No, it actually was quite terrible.

you just make my point with your comments.
i did not use the phrase "self-righteous" as a slight but rather as a statement.
one in which you have confirmed over and over and over.
your presumption and hubris are appalling.
you are a troll of the worst kind because you are already convinced of your righteousness and everybody you interact with are clueless to the truth you hold.
maybe they would listen more if you were not so condescending.

personal revelation?
great but how does that dismiss my evangelical statement?
gnostic gospels?
sure..but how does that take away from my premise that the more information we have the clearer the picture becomes?
jesus may possibly have studied with buddhist monks.
how does that take away from his teachings?
or his sacrifice?
it takes away NOTHING.

and instead of discussing something that is obviously important to you..
what do you decide to do instead?
make veiled insults towards me and ignore my argument entirely.

you are a child who is convinced of his own certitude and throws hissy fits when called on his own bullshit.
i do not know you.
i do not know if you have studied for years or got your information on the back of a cracker jack box.
i only know what you reveal here by your comments and you come across as a condescending know-it-all who takes any disagreement personally and attacks whomever has the audacity to direct any disagreement your way.

will you take this comment as it is intended and maybe perform some introspective thinking?
or will you behave.... as i have a spoiled child?
time will tell i guess but i feel i should be clear here...
i dont really care what you do.

jesus was a buddhist monk-BBC documentary

jesus was a buddhist monk-BBC documentary

enoch says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

There is no evidence for this. This whole thing started because someone claimed to find documentation at an isolated monestary (i think in tibet) of Jesus' missing years. It was never confirmed, nor did anyone ever see the documents.
This is just yet another lie trying to cast doubt on the resurrection, so people won't believe that Christ was who He said He was. A lot of people can't make up their mind about they say He was a good man who was very wise. Well, if you read the scriptures you can't believe that. Jesus said outright He was God, and that He is the judge of the living and the either he is a liar or insane, or He was telling the truth and is our Lord and Savior. There isn't any middle ground there.

no shinyblurry.
there is no middle ground for you ,which has nothing to do with faith or belief in jesus but is entirely about YOUR belief in doctrine and dogma.
267 books of the bible..all by biblical authors yet only 66 IN the bible (KJV) or 73 (if you are catholic).
164 revisions.
over 22,000 mistranslations: CONFIRMED.
josephius flavius:debunked.
i can do this all day scooter.

as for jesus's life after resurrection i tend to agree that it is speculation based on rumor and tidbits of conjecture but the gospels themselves are based in many instances in the exact same way.
the bible is an incomplete text.
we now have:
the gospel of judas.
the gospel of mary.
the gospel of james.
the gospel of thomas.
and so much more but the church will never recognize anything apart from what has been canonized since 325 A.D.jesus didnt build the church..constantine,hippo and carthage did..nicean council 325 A.D.before that christianity would be unrecognizable to you or any other christian on the planet.

your comments have an evangelical flavor to them so i know my comment will be ignored because you are self-righteous in your own certitude based on a seriously flawed scriptural text.
any perceived deviation from canonized scripture is to be viewed as coming from satan and therefore a lie.
how very....dark ages of you.

only a fundamentalist or evangelical would view digging for the truth as a way to confuse and cast doubt.
is your faith based in jesus?
or a book?
because from what i have seen of your comments it is the latter. go have fun with that.

marinara (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by marinara:
as a christian from a fundamentalist background

resurrection is a difficult subject.
personally i believe that the gospels are distorted.
gospel of luke isn't exactly a unequivocal advocate of the ressurection.
really the resurrection is about the savior. The savior has to come back. do you understand?

totally agree my man. principle anyways.
i find it interesting that many evangelicals get the crazies when i talk about this and my only response is:
how does jesus being a buddhist,or a gnostic take away ANYTHING from what he represents?

because it does not take away one thing.
not even from the bible due to the fact that for 18 yrs there is no record in a biblical sense.

the only thing i can think of is that they just dont like the idea of jesus not being a christian.which flies in the face of logic really...
jesus was a jew.

Just You, Just Me - From The 1929 Musical "Marianne"

Impressive Football Snapper Trick Shots

Retroboy says...

*the word a buddhist monk slowly enunciates when meditating?
*occupational therapist?
*the only one of the first six letters that doesn't designate a primary school grade from previous decades?

Chinese Law to Ban Reincarnation (This is not a joke)

Morganth says...

They don't care about beliefs, it's just a political move to retain long-term control over Tibet. No new Dali Lama can be named without the risk of life in a Chinese prison, so now the Chinese will name someone (the only one they permitted to reincarnate, or however they make it up) who will be pro-China to reign in Tibetan monks who want independence.

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