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Voting by Mail: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

bobknight33 says...

People are out and about, going back to work and rioting. In another month this may be a distant fear that never occurred.

The POTUS election is the Superbowl of voting. Every rule and nuance will be debated and fought to the Nth degree. There are know stories of Dems cheating and also Reps cheating.

If Reps introduced Vote by mail then Dems would cry fowl.

My biggest fear is another hanging chad type issue. This time would be is the circle filled in all the way. Or used a pencil instead of required ink or you sign you name but is different on you voting card ie you signed voting card with full middle name but mail in ballot only singed with middle initial.

IF vote by mail is used then no gray area of debate should be allowed. Its filled completely correct or voided. No side will allow this. Hence this is be another hanging chad election which Trump will still win and another reason for Dems to claim fraud.

Truth of the matter Trump is the best Democrat and best Republican. No one really likes him but shit gets done.

IF Hillary was in office and wanted to push a 3 Trillion Covid aid bill Reps would bitch and moan. Trump pushed the aid and Reps fell in line and Dems added non related goodies. Every one won and lost at the same time.

When the 101st Airborne Saved Friend and Foe

StukaFox says...

I've been to this church in the Normandy countryside. It's remote, removed from the beaches, and from all outward appearances unremarkable. It's not until you walk in and realize how small it is inside, unlike the grandiosity of Notre Dame in Paris or Cathédrale Notre Dame in Reims: it's narrow and confined. How so many wounded soldiers fit in the little space is beyond me. I can't imagine the stone floor slicked with blood, the moans of pain, the smells of wounds. Even the pews seem too narrow to accommodate a human body laid lengthwise.

Even with all that said, if you stand inside that little church it's impossible not to feel the touch of history. Of everything I saw in Normandy, nothing made a bigger impression on my than the little church in Angoville-au-Plain.

Nothing about this seems like a good idea

BSR says...

When the one guy finally moaned it instantly reminded me of when I was kid and got the wind knocked out of me. I couldn't suck in any air. I had to let someone know I couldn't breathe and that moan was exactly what came out of me. Then I was able gasp in some air and start to breathe again. Really scared me at the time.

Nothing about this seems like a good idea

Mueller Report

bobknight33 says...

Mueller’s job was to muddy the waters, not clear it up..

If Mueller found criminal dirt on Trump He would have included it. 30 $million nothing burger. Free at last. Free at last. But Democrats can't let a free man free. He must be punished. We will find a way if only to drag his name through the dirt for another 6 years.

ZERO collusion. No illegal obstruction. Trump - Bitch and moan-- yes. Yell and scream - yes. But when Muller asked for documents or testimony 100% un-obstruction cooperation. Except for a personal meeting-- Which any good attorney would tell you not to.

Democrats/ Main stream media can't admit they lost, again.

CNN ratings, credibility falling

BSR says...

Ladle Rat Rotten Hut

Wants pawn term, dare worsted ladle gull hoe lift wetter murder inner ladle cordage, honor itch offer lodge dock florist. Disk ladle gull orphan worry ladle cluck wetter putty ladle rat hut, an fur disk raisin pimple colder Ladle Rat Rotten Hut.

Wan moaning, Rat Rotten Hut's murder colder inset, "Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, heresy ladle basking winsome burden barter an shirker cockles. Tick disk ladle basking tutor cordage offer groin-murder hoe lifts honor udder site offer florist. Shaker lake! Dun stopper laundry wrote! An yonder nor sorghum-stenches, dun stopper torque wet strainers!"

"Hoe-cake, murder," resplendent Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, an tickle ladle basking an stuttered oft. Honor wrote tutor cordage offer groin-murder, Ladle Rat Rotten Hut mitten anomalous woof. "Wail, wail, wail!" set disk wicket woof, "Evanescent Ladle Rat Rotten Hut! Wares are putty ladle gull goring wizard ladle basking?"

"Armor goring tumor groin-murder's," reprisal ladle gull. "Grammar's seeking bet. Armor ticking arson burden barter an shirker cockles."

"O hoe! Heifer blessing woke," setter wicket woof, butter taught tomb shelf, "Oil tickle shirt court tutor cordage offer groin-murder. Oil ketchup wetter letter, an den - O bore!"

Soda wicket woof tucker shirt court, an whinney retched a cordage offer groin-murder, picked inner widow, an sore debtor pore oil worming worse lion inner bet. Inner flesh, disk abdominal woof lipped honor bet an at a rope. Den knee poled honor groin-murder's nut cup an gnat-gun, any curdled dope inner bet.

Inner ladle wile, Ladle Rat Rotten Hut a raft attar cordage, an ranker dough belle. "Comb ink, sweat hard," setter wicket woof, disgracing is verse. Ladle Rat Rotten Hut entity bet rum an stud buyer groin-murder's bet.

"O Grammar!" crater ladle gull, "Wood bag icer gut! A nervous sausage bag ice!"

"Battered lucky chew whiff, doling," whiskered disk ratchet woof, wetter wicket small.

"O Grammar, water bag noise! A nervous sore suture anomolous prognosis!"

"Battered small your whiff," insert a woof, ants mouse worse waddling.

"O Grammar, water bag mousy gut! A nervous sore suture bag mouse!"

Daze worry on-forger-nut gulls lest warts. Oil offer sodden, thoroughing offer carvers an sprinkling otter bet, disk curl and bloat-thursday woof ceased pore Ladle Rat Rotten Hut an garbled erupt.

Mural: Yonder nor sorghum stenches shut ladle gulls stopper torque wet strainers.


What's Going On?

This story, believe it or not, is the very familiar fable of Little Red Riding Hood. This curious version was written in 1940 by a professor of French named H. L. Chace, who wanted to show his students that intonation - that is, the melody of a language - is an integral part of its meaning. The words here are all common English words, but not the ones you'd expect to tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood.

Bill Maher - Sen. Bernie Sanders

RFlagg says...

How do they take our money? Half the people who work for Walmart qualify for food stamps, even though they make so much money they could easily pay living wages, give benefits and still make a profit. This happens at big companies all across the country. That's how they take our money. But you, as a Christian, don't give a crap about those employees, they just better get another job and work 80 hours a week, so they don't have to get food stamps, just so the rich people running these companies and the shareholders can continue to reap in the huge amounts of money. Who cares Jesus commanded you to help the poor, and that the rich were going to hell, in modern Christian culture it is the rich who are blessed, and the poor who need to be vilified.

I'd wager most of us are working, probably 40 hours or more. Used to be that one person in the family working 40 hours a week was enough. Now that isn't enough in most cases. That money moved to the top. We have one of the largest and fastest growing wealth and income gaps in the world, and in history. Real world income isn't staying with inflation, but that 1% that modern Christians love so much, is staying so far ahead of the curve.

And as to, "they like making $8 an hour" bull fucking shit. While I'm making well more than that, I know that isn't true. They got the best job they can get. It's not that people aren't applying for the jobs that are out there, the employers aren't hiring the people applying. Perhaps that person making $8 an hour doesn't have a college degree, and can't afford to go to college. I have a worthless bachelor's degree in "programming and applications" which basically means I know how to use Word, which I knew before I had it (I could have taught even the programming classes for all the further we got into the programming). That degree cost me near $25k, and who knows how much it'll cost by the time I'm done paying it off with all the interest on it. Back on point, those people can apply to a ton of jobs, but unless they are qualified they won't get it, and even among those they do qualify for, there are a ton of applicants for each job out there. Nobody is working Walmart, McDonald's, Lowes or whatever because it's their dream job. It's the job they can get.

Why should you make a living off 40 hours a week, but they should have to work 80? Why the double standard? Why say let the rich owners and shareholders take that income that used to go to the workers and just say f the employees, so long as I make a living at 40, those people better just work longer. This is why I HATE Christianity because every person who thinks that is a Christian. Every person who thinks that LGBTQIA+ people shouldn't have equal rights under the law is a Christian. Every person who was shouting "let him die" at the Republican debate in '08 in regards to a guy without insurance, was a pro-life Christian. Every person who cheered at the idea of carpet bombing at the 16' debates were pro-life Christians. It's why, in the unlikely event it is real, I'd rather burn in hell than be around those people for all eternity. I've never met a good right-wing Christian. Never. They are all evil vile people who are full of greed and have zero of the love of Christ. Their witness is a shining example of how evil and vile Christianity is.

I'm surprised that fat tub of lard Trump, who dictated his son's letter, who dictated his Doctor's letter, can swing a golf club as often as he does... a guy who bitched and moaned about how often Obama golfed, and who's own golfing and vacation time has far outdone Obama's golfing and vacation time.

We got a President, flagrantly breaking the emoluments clause, and nobody seems to give a rats ass (save a few on the further end of the left, certainly the mainstream media, which Fox and the right accuse of being far left, doesn't care, nor do even moderate Democrats).

I know you don't believe he, or Fox and the like are the ones doing the lies and deceit... and nobody will ever convince you otherwise. I know, because I too once was a far-right Christian, who only trusted Fox, and thought the science of climate change was a joke, as was evolution and the big bang (though I was an old earth creationist, I could never get into the 6,000-10,000-year-old argument)... then I learned to actually vet my news and information. I have no doubt that most of my anger at the right is the fact I was so easily deceived for over 30, nearly 40 years of my life. Hopefully, in the highly unlikely event that others on the right learn that they are the ones who've been lied to, that they are the ones more guilty of spreading falsehoods, deceit, greed, and setting a horribly bad witness for their faith that does far more harm than good, they don't get as angry as I did and leave the faith all together and then hate all of what they once were a part of.

bobknight33 said:

Our Money? How does the 1% take our money?

Bill Gates getting 1$ per copy of windows.
Jeff Bezo getting 3 cents from every product.

This is the 1% and and you consider that this is ripping off the 99%?

No one is stealing YOUR money ( except Government). GET off you ASS and make more. No one is stopping you.

Those making 8$/hr like making 8$/hr otherwise they will find a better paying job. AT 3.9% unemployment rate this should not be hard to do. You can thank MR. Trump for that.

John Cleese On Trump's Base

bobknight33 says...

Politicians are allowed to lie -YEP I stated that FACT. Dems do it Rup do it. - The do it all the time . Its not right but they do it.

Republicans did a great thing despite bitch and moan Democrats and squeezed through his TRIUMPHANT Trump tax plan.

You must watch too much CNN ,, you that shit hole media outlet.

newtboy said:

Oh, I almost did you....

Your clearly stated position is that politicians are allowed to lie, and should if it helps their plans, so YOU don't get to call out any politicians for lying, no matter how clear it is that they are lying.
You've abdicated (given up) that right by applauding Trump and republicans for outright lying to squeeze through his horrific Trump tax plan, you said they would have bowed to public pressure and killed it if they had actually been honest about it, so lying to their constituents and the nation was the right thing for representatives to do, something they're allowed to do. I have the posts, before you deny it, I told you then I would remind you what you we are.

Irish People Taste Test American Rum

eric3579 says...

It's entertaining and fun to see the reactions. My issue is they say "American" rum as if it's somethings different than other rum. They just can't say Irish people drink rum, because nothing about that is interesting. I recall the Thanksgiving video when the food they chose was so not typical American thanksgiving food. To the point id never heard of some of it. I just think they are willing (imo) to fudge a bit just to make a video. Anyway im just bitchin and moaning for no particularly good reason

oritteropo said:

??? That wasn't my take on it!

They've tried all kinds of American foods and beverages, some they've liked and some they haven't. It's normally more entertaining when they don't.

Usually at least one of their reactions are about what I'd expect my own to be.

How to drive a HMMWV in Iraq.

Even Comey's Firing Was All About Trump

bobknight33 says...

His liberal audience cheers fervently at the Comey firing. -- Guess they did not get the new memo that if trump did the firing then Comey firing is a bad thing.

Funny to see liberal spin of this-- Leftest wanted Comey fired for his meddling in the election 1 week before the vote, costing Hillary the election. But today, politically this is a shit storm from the left.. because Trump fired him. Bitch an moan leftest. how funny.

Zero Russia involvement presented and Trump is not under investigation.

Leftest witch hunt.

24 Things Nobody Does Better Than Donald Trump

kceaton1 says...

It's amazing to see just how smooth and clean Putin's or "Russia's": "Coup O' America" is running, using empty-headed our power-hungry Republicans as the tools to make it work. (Yeah sure it's I don't believe this; but does it really matter when it is still turning OUT the same way?!)

Essentially just putting a person in each office that wants to tear it apart, so that they destroy America from the inside. Then put an administration on top that would run like a classic Dictatorship-lite. Right now our military branch and side branches--like the courts, taxes/money, infrastructure, etc... Are the only things that can actually respond and do jack-shit. Our country is running around like a chicken with its head chopped off.

Trump has NO idea what in the hell he is doing at all at the wheel. We ALL know this by now; if you don't agree on this you are absolutely lying to yourself. He has yet to make ONE announcement as President, that is actually--you know--presidential... Like after North Korea and it's missile test, then it's warning about Nuke use. Iran's proclamation. Russia's little boat fiasco (HHRrrmmm...Me Trump...Not Good!...)...

You could tell that Trump has absolutely no handle on anything at the last press briefing where all he did was bitch and moan, and didn't do anything useful at all. All he did was sit there and act like a spiteful little crybaby--Obama should've tried that out at the start when everybody called him a Muslim, non-citizen, the anti-christ, and whatever shit popped in their mouth.

Then we have the folks that say, "See, look the same thing happened to Obama too! So we are j-u-s-t-f-i-e-d!". Now that is the worst way to make a case for equivalency, ever...

More Evidence Trump Can't, Or At Least Won't Read

Anom212325 says...

You as in America, lol why would your though process even go there to think I meant you as a person, that makes no sense.

You’re not eroding support your making people numb with the constant assault. Like ads on tv or the internet, it’s such a constant barrage of them that you come to a point where you don't even notice them at all.

Take South Africa as a perfect example of why what your doing is the wrong approach. We have a president that can’t count, has been proven to steal money on many occasions, thinks taking a shower after sex cures aids. The list goes on and on. If our media didn't moan about every single footstep he took in the beginning those things would mean something to the public but they are so numb that they don't even register it anymore.

newtboy said:

I gave him? Are you under the impression I represent all media?

Being able to read well is not at all trivial, it's essential for ANY other improvement. If he can't read, he's forever under the thumb of non elected advisors that can legally lie to him about what he's signing into law.

He's already under at least 3 nonpartisan investigations that may do just that, with more coming. The only hope there is to erode enough support for him that the Republicans can't halt or ignore them without committing political suicide. His actions are doing a good job of that, but not good or fast enough....yet.
Maybe if they realize that stances like pro coal means pro coal companies, not pro coal miner, they'll come to their senses....fingers crossed. I just wish his supporters would read his (ghost written) book and realize what he's done to them.

The Top 5 Issues Facing Black Americans

newtboy says...

Downvote on point one, that feeling victimised is worse than being victimized. Just duh.
Acting the victim when you are not one, like Republicans and Christians do, is detrimental, acting the victim when you've been victimized is being rational. It's hilariously hypocritical to hear a conservative complain about victim mentality after the last 8 years of their whining and moaning about Obama victimizing them.

Out of wedlock birth doesn't mean dad's out of the picture, only that parents aren't married.

As stated above, cherry picked facts and ignoring history makes this ridiculous victim blaming. For instance, blaming Detroit's condition on liberal governance and ignoring the loss of the auto industry and other factors in it's decline is totally dishonest or just ignorant in the extreme, your choice.

Never Lose Your Car In a parking Lot Again!

newtboy says...

If he just cut a mouth hole for his gimp, he could use it's moaning and screaming to find his car instead of wasting precious helium.

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